May 25Liked by Elizabeth Hart

The government doesn’t have the authority to indemnify killing outside of stated purposeful government actions.

Show in the Constitution where the authorization is provided for the legislature, judicial, and/or the executive branch to allow “accidental” deaths to a business. Our government is not God.

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“Willful Misconduct” and No Informal Consent

No legal scholar … very frustrated by the amount of time for justice.

Seems very absolutely clear Willful on All parties to

Use bioweapon on people whom never got an informed consent!

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Yes, they have immunity from liability for failure to obtain voluntary informed consent.

It's not wilful misconduct -- the health care workers, through the EUA+PREP Act system -- are funneled into doing otherwise-criminal acts, because those acts are the only ones protected from liability. HCWs either go along with the killing programs, get out of Covid (or other public health emergency care settings) or get out of the medical profession entirely. If they cooperate with HHS Secretary orders and CDC death protocols, they have recourse to a "just following orders" defense in any case challenging their actions. If they refuse to follow orders, they're legally exposed.

The products are not medicinal products and they are not investigative products.

The people who take them are not patients and they are not clinical trial subjects.

The people who administer them are not health care providers and they are not clinical investigators. There is no procedure to obtain the information about the products, such as risks and benefits as related to each recipient, that would form the basis for informed consent, because use of the products is not and never can be legally construed as clinical investigation.

The products, the recipients and the administrators are part of a military operation using military weapons.

In the EUA+PREP Act context, there is a fake version of "informed consent" called "option to accept or refuse" which includes provision of meaningless information sheets about the products, and the vaccine product insert sheets do not list the ingredients in full, unredacted, accurate form.

Plus, the legally-authorized consequence for refusing can include loss of your job, military career and educational opportunities.



This has been upheld by US federal courts



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Katherine, re “the health care workers, through the EUA+PREP Act system -- are funneled into doing otherwise-criminal acts, because those acts are the only ones protected from liability”.

Is there any evidence the HCWs have challenged the situation? Challenged being “funneled into doing otherwise-criminal acts”?

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The only one I know of is Kirk Moore, and he's being criminally prosecuted by DOJ.


I think there was a midwife in New York State, she was fined $300,000 to resolve her case:


Those two people didn't actually try to openly, publicly challenge the vaccines as lethal injections or challenge the orders to give them, they just (allegedly) tried to quietly help people who needed vaccine cards to travel or go to school, to get cards, without actually getting vaccines.

I've heard of one pharmacist in Florida who didn't want to administer vaccines, and he was put on suspension or fired by his employer. I don't know his name or if he's filed an employment case.

Those are the only ones I know about.

Most HCWs who figure out they're being ordered to injure and kill people (including the hospital death protocols/Remdesivir and vaccines) either do it, because they want to keep their jobs, try to get transferred to non-Covid and non-vaccine jobs, or leave medical practice.

If they speak up, they face employment and disciplinary consequences and possibly also medical malpractice liability for going against the CDC-HHS-PREP protocols and recommendations, because those become the de facto "standard of care."

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In Australia we’ve had confirmation from the Commonwealth government that HCWs (aka practitioners) DO NOT have specific indemnity for administering the COVID-19 injections. The government has also confirmed that: “Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations.”

And yet the government knows very well that millions were mandated to submit to the injections to maintain their livelihoods and participate in society - ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’.

It’s an absolute shambles here, and most people have no clue. Obviously there was a determination to get needles into arms at all costs and get people caught in the repeat vaccine market. But it seems they overlooked the obligation for voluntary informed consent…so how is this going to pan out?

Also bear in mind that the former Morrison Government, in July 2021, lied to the medical profession that they had specific indemnity to administer the injections…when it turned out they actually don’t. The government lied to them to get their cooperation.

See this email thread to the Health Minister for more background: Response re: Are health practitioners covered for indemnity insurance re the Covid jabs? https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/response-re_-are-health-practitioners-covered-for-indemnity-insurance-re-the-covid-jabs2.pdf

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Thanks for the links Katherine. So these are tricky cases because these people have technically ‘broken rules’, falsified records.

What should have happened is HCWs should simply have refused to collaborate with coercion, intimidation and mandates as this violates voluntary informed consent. Problem is that coercion, intimidation and mandates have been going on for years with children’s vaccination, plus in the military, and practitioners themselves.

This is what needs to get out into the public domain, and to shame the medical ‘profession’ for their collaboration with this practice.

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Katherine- your work (and Sasha) is incredible and just wanted to say thanks and much appreciation from someone who wants to know what and how things happened in 2020 and the killbox they have setup for all of humanity here in the US. Your work and effort is under appreciated and just wanted to give you a sincere warm thank you. Blessings from an average Joe.

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May 26Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I wonder, what role does their appalling criminal claims of genicidal jabs being issued under the guise of 'Emergency Use Authorisation' facilitate their self-imposed immunity exemptions from liability of all informed consent?

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When the chaos happened, how many knew the truth? How many asked questions about the peculiar urgency to do things?

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How many asked questions?

Not many in the medical ‘profession’ it seems.

Also see for example:

- "Doctor, I don't want the vaccine." What happens next? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/doctor-i-dont-want-the-vaccine

- Vaccinators DO NOT have specific medical indemnity for administering COVID-19 vaccines in Australia. Have vaccinators obtained valid voluntary informed consent for COVID-19 vaccination? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/vaccinators-do-not-have-specific

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Anyone asking questions most likely resigned or retired or went to Florida to practice.

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May 25Liked by Elizabeth Hart

A lot I know thought ‘it instinctively but didn’t follow their instincts

Following the belief ‘ the government knows best’ not anymore

More people than ever are questioning the government now and waking up!

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A bit difficult to “follow their instincts” when they were under threat of losing their jobs - ‘No Jab, ‘No Job’, and participation in society - ‘No Jab, No Life’.

Absolutely gobsmacking what has occurred in so-called ‘free countries’…medical interventions under coercion, intimidation and mandates.

And the medical ‘profession’ collaborated with this treachery.

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Difficult but necessary.

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So true😔

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May 26Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Becerra is arguably the king of the United States.

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Can you expand on this?

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May 26Liked by Elizabeth Hart

He can controls the declaration of a Pandemic and the state of health emergency.

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May 26Liked by Elizabeth Hart


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The US is running the show…

You might be interested to check out this substack: https://democracymanifest.substack.com/

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No you don't understand as the HHS secretary he can unilaterally declare a public health emergency which is precisely what 21 USC 360 BBB outlines for emergency use authorization. This is precisely what Alex Azar did in 2020 March 2020

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An ‘public health emergency’ based on what?

‘A low risk infection’?


- "A low risk infection... even in the absence of a vaccine". So why was there a 'vaccine solution'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-low-risk-infection-even-in-the

- Pentagon Presser - 5 March 2020: https://democracymanifest.substack.com/p/pentagon-presser-5-march-2020

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Willful misconduct is a very light characterization of the crimes against humanity that have taken place.

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Hello again 💓

Every auction day in Australia is another example of wilful misconduct.

It looks like a scene from Beijing.


Where are the typical young Australian couples?

Broken and disillusioned by the Australian arm of the CCP that is Andrews, Sutton, Albanese, Morrison and The Green Cunts.

Traitors the lot of them.

And now look!

Andrews, after destroying the people he was put in care of, has hitched up with his motherfucking mates at the CCP.


No one steals my children and gets away with it.


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