Halton is a former senior Australian public servant, baord member of ANZ bank and Crown Casino. and is now chair of CEPI. That tells you where she is coming from, and where she and the rest of the Canberra elite are going. They have realised that governments can control people using health measures, and health regulations, that bypass normal limits on government interference with human rights. By making an alliance between the Administrative State, Big Business and Pharma they have achieved unprecedented power. They despise the public and hold democracy in contempt. Reader beware: these people do not know or care what is good for your health and well-being. They just want to control you - and unless you stand up to them, they will succeed.

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So what do we do Stephen?

We stand up to them, bring them to account for what they have done.

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“Leave your personal baggage [moral scruples] at the door,” as Halton said when she was boss of the People Smuggling Task Force in 2001.

I also believe she knows more than she has let out about how the sinking of SIEV X came about, an Indonesian fishing boat carrying over 400 asylum seekers en route to Australia, which capsized in international waters with great loss of life on 19 October 2001. She thoroughly stonewalled a Senate inquiry into the affair.

The real story is probably that the people smuggling organizers were controlled by Australian spook agencies, and directed to force people into unseaworthy ships, knowing they would never make Australia. Maybe 400 people drowned in that incident alone.

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Interesting... Turn the spotlight onto this episode too...

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I've known some of these people. They don't really have moral scruples. What she means by "personal baggage" is emotional commitments that interfere with your ability to identify completely with the evolving corporate agenda. Not meaning to be unreasonably sexist, but my observation is that women and feminised men are ideal candidates, because of their desire to belong to the group. They more easily bury their intial personal feelings and then adjust emotionally to the prescribed agenda. That process is what Halton means. You need to be fully owned emotionally by the organisation to succeed at a high level.

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Jane Halton is a graduate in psychology.

Interesting to think about in regard to PSYOPS.

Consider for example that she lectured on: "Prevention, Preparedness, politics and Pandemics. Where does Psychology fit?": https://medicine-psychology.anu.edu.au/news-events/events/rsp-annual-lecture-jane-halton

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I tried reading the lecture, but couldn’t open the article.

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Halton was also in charge of Australia's submarine contracts - she was on the board of France’s Naval Group. https://web.archive.org/web/20210707011429/https://spaceanddefense.io/naval-group-australia-appoints-jane-halton-and-lilian-brayle/

I believe she is ASIO.

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Dear Stephen,

Please do not call these Parasites "the Canberra elite".

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So many have so much to answer for - and let’s start with Morrison. He sold our country out.

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Start with Morrison...

See for example:

- Does the Liberal Party bear responsibility for the Covid debacle? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/does-the-liberal-party-bear-responsibility

- The destruction of voluntary informed consent via mandatory COVID-19 vaccination: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed

- Misfeasance in Public Office? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/misfeasance-in-public-office

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I am confident that when the next pandemic, (and its' vaccination program), is announced, there will be no need to bother with informed consent as nobody will comply to the mandates and nobody will risk taking vaccinations.

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Let's hope more people have woken up before they try the next scam...

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I spoke privately to a long time politician, and he said no way will there be another scamdemic again. I suspect there will be, but not in our lifetime.

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Don’t bet on that, our local pharmacy and various state governments are still pushing it.

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Well, there's vaccine product to push Julie...

As promoted courtesy of The Conversation, in November 2024: The latest COVID booster will soon be available. Should I get one? Am I eligible? https://theconversation.com/the-latest-covid-booster-will-soon-be-available-should-i-get-one-am-i-eligible-239594

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Thank you Julie - you are right - I am not betting on it. But more people are awake and will not comply. But the pandemics - one of the many propaganda tools.

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I hope you are right, but I think it will be used again soon.

They'll get a few more people into the cult, but in general, they've been "hoist by their own petard" and another scamdemic will only confirm in most people's minds the absolute corruption of our government and select "public health agencies".

So bring it on. I think their efforts will backfire on them overall

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There are reports that they are setting up the bird flu propaganda. I agree, most people will ignore it in Australia. A great concern is using bird flu against livestock, again using the false PCR test and killing animals unnecessarily and destroying farming businesses and livelihoods. I continue to tell people that the covid injections could be directly responsible for their serious illnesses or deaths in their family. I continue to tell people that vaccines in general are responsible for austism etc. More and more people are willing to listen and ponder. It is really up to us, to alert people I think, and not let the issue alone.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but there are those out there who are still brainwashed however I have hope because there are many of us who know. It's tough because once you know you can't unknow it.

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Stick with the hope Lynda, work at the grassroots and spread the info.

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yep still seeing very unwell people wearing masks. I say unwell an I mean not only physically. You can actually see that the cogs have stopped working.

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I am in the UK and I have seen a few still but seems very rare now. I haven't been to hospital recently though and stupidty may be breaking out there once more.


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I agree. There are still plenty of people who think their Dr is a god and will do what he tells them when bird flu is drummed up to a large enough scare campaign, which does appear to be building.

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The doctors really do need to think about their legal, ethical, and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

And they really do need to think about the role they've been coerced into by AHPRA, as the frontline sales/police force for vaccine products.

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I think a lot of doctors think they are god! I just think by and large they are god awful!


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I agree, no one wears the mandatory no flu jab face mask anymore.

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Oh yes they do in Australian airports and markets - mostly people of Asian appearance but I guess that is more of a cultural thing.

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No one. No one will ever take responsibility because they don't have to. Anthony Albanese is aware of the DNA contamination in covid vaccines in Australia. He is also aware of the contaminated blood of Australians with the covid vaccine's DNA and he is completely indifferent. He is immune to any and all harms caused by this unprecedented mass poisoning.

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What are you doing to seek accountability? Anything?

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Nope. I have no skills in that arena.

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I disagree Dollyboy.

You’ve written some useful sentences there - you can challenge Anthony Albanese directly about this.

Short pithy comments are most useful.

You can do it, won’t take you much longer than it did to comment on my post.

Check this link: https://www.pm.gov.au/contact

Imagine if more and more people took this opportunity and told Albanese what they really think, called him to account.

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I was encouraged to write immediately to the PM and filled out the form provided in the link. The internet is pathetically slow on the Mornington Peninsula during the holiday season, so it may not have completed the send function, so I’ll try again later. Sending a link is so helpful, so thank you! I believe we can all have an impact. We just need to believe in the value of doing something, taking action and letting others know of our action. I’m 73 and more determined to contribute to our freedoms than ever before.

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Well done Freedom2Choose!

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May I ask what these replies are for? To swing readers into positive action? Via coercive control? It's great to share your take publicly, but please refrain from telling people or correcting or even challenging in this way.

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Are you suggesting I'm not free to respond to comments made on my own substack?

I spend considerable time seeking accountability, the past 16 years in fact, and it's a task not helped by others who docilely accept the situation.

Suggest you follow your own advice and "please refrain from telling people or correcting or even challenging in this way".

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Seems to me Dollyboy was simply making a reasonable comment. Does everyone doing so have to then explain just what they, personally, are doing to counter the evil with which we have been/are confronted?

Not everyone is as strong, focused, determined & terrier-like in their opposition as you, with the personal ability & intelligence to effectively take the fight to the enemy (and they are the enemy).

Don't be too hard on us lesser mortals :)

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My problem IGW is that so many people make defeatist comments, I see it regularly.

It isn't helpful, and does nothing to bring people to account.

If people just accept things as they are, that's what they will get - you suggest this yourself in your other comment.

If they're not prepared to do anything themselves, they should at least not get in the way and hinder others.

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Making an observation is not defeatist.

You speak the truth in your posts and tell people how it is. I do not accept things as they are and seek change.

But how, practically, do you propose we 'bring people to account'? Give us a road map that we can follow.

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Elizabeth 🙏 Blessings

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We have infiltrated our people through all the cabinets. Says Klaus Schwab. Jane Halton is their people. When I researched her I saw photos of Obama on her desk lol. Thankyou for looking further and giving a clear view that we are not a democracy or even Australian governed. We are owned xxx

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But we can resist!

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Yes we can. We are never owned ultimately. It's just a turn of phrase. But all governing bodies are owned. I think they have a bit more to conquer in Russia and China... xx I do whatever is required

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There appears little doubt that the terms 'Ground Central', 'Biggest Fraud In History' and

'Halton' have both causative and corelative attributes.

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Thanks for writing. I’ll share.

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Exercise. See how common the Ties are between the AU$ 22 BILLION MRFF (Medical 'Research' Future Fund)/BAMGF/Co-Op Private I'Research' Institutions & 'Advisory' Rolls of the SAME private Institutes TO NotMyGov Govt Agencies & 'Health' Protocols! Start with Doherty & Burnet Institutes. = Very 'Chummy'!

Wellness - John D.

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What amazes me is that obviously they're planning on doing the whole thing again and then getting away with with it because we haven't been able to hold them accountable the first time round.

That has to change.

Corporations - are using Government as a tool to push a corporate product that's proven to have seriously nasty side effects including death and population reduction.

Perhaps It's worth mentioning [again] that the merger between big business and government isn't new but definitely more intense no thans to the last big trade agreements the TPP - big pharma took part in the secret negotiations - apologist for empire tend to refer to this phenomenon as public private partnerships - not all that long ago it was commonly known as fascism.

One way or another we need to turn this around and steer the nation away from the rocks, specially those black ones lurking under the surface.

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I suggest Finn the major thing to focus on is that vaccine mandates never be imposed again, and any still in existence be cancelled immediately.

The medical profession, AHPRA, the medical colleges and associations, must be called to account on this disaster...the imposition of coercive and mandatory vaccination in a supposed 'free country'.

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We’re being ruled from afar by a tyrannical system that's designed so that it or it's muppets can never be held properly accountable.

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Well, let's have a crack at it Finn...

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I’m at the stage where I’ve concluded that the system is utterly corrupt which explains all that has come to pass.

In the end this is not my expertise my friend but I’ll look into it - straight up I think it’s going to need a fundraiser and a public awareness campaign.

Might be worth mentioning that the present government is the one that needs to abort the pending rerun of the next stage.

The more I read about Scomo has me wondering why he hasn’t been held accountable yet !


‘‘Why can politicians so easily dodge accountability for their mistakes? The troubling answer: because they can’’ - https://theconversation.com/why-can-politicians-so-easily-dodge-accountability-for-their-mistakes-the-troubling-answer-because-they-can-150839

‘‘we want politicians who see engagement in public life as a vocation and not just a game. We want politicians who will speak the truth - even when it harms them to do so. We want politicians who respect us as citizens and not just as voters. - Simon Longstaff https://ethics.org.au/

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Its hard to imagine the penny dropping at this point.. i guess many dont even have a penny to drop. And the train just keep going..

These globalists work basically unchallenged just making everything worse and worse! Everything that was fought for, worked for is destroyed.

I know it changed me, i hate government now, have a massive distrust in society, doctors, scientists, education, media -- everything!! I will not take any vaccine ever again and i dont want my kids to have any either!

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Re "These globalists work basically unchallenged..."

So find a way to challenge them, challenge the criminal enterprise that has been allowed to dominate our lives.

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I have been trying to tell people about these globalists since 9/11 and specially the attacks from Ukrainian nazis on the Russians speaking population in east Ukraine, to the climate change lies and deceits.

Covid was maybe the worst, it was so obviously criminal and anti science, but people was like braindead retard nazis, only very few saw it for what it was, most was all obeying and would have put us in the ovens if the government had forced it. Even telling them science, showing them ethical laws and human rights laws only went into attacks.. I have gone into outright mocking and dont have many fucks to give or energy left to keep fighting for people who clearly have the critical thinking ability of a chicken!

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Yes, and as I asked above, how do we do this - how do we challenge the criminal enterprise?

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Work at the grassroots. Try to spread information where you can.

Write to your state and federal MPs, the Prime Minister, Health Minister, Attorney General etc.

You don't have to go off and do masses of research, I'm providing you with information here - this article about Jane Halton is dynamite! Talk about a conflict of interest! The Chair of a vaccine pushing organisation...which is funded by our governments!...called for vaccine mandates, to coerce people to submit to vaccination and facilitate a lucrative vaccine industry. Crikey! And Scott Morrison pushed mandatory vaccination...and so it came to pass.

Are you not outraged about this IGW?

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"Work at the grassroots. Try to spread information where you can."

Done. Largely a waste of time.

"Write to your state and federal MPs, the Prime Minister, Health Minister, Attorney General etc."

Written tongue in cheek, Elizabeth? Many years ago I was quite involved in politics, wrote many letters (long before emails) and either was ignored or received the standard garbage response. Nothing has changed.

"Are you not outraged about this IGW?"

Yes. As you are (and you do all of the work to uncover these outrages) We're on the same side. My question is simply this: WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

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It’s a long game IGW, it takes persistence. I’ve been doing it for 16 years.

Recently I gave a presentation to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, see: Informed Consent - Is this the key to taking down the House of Cards?


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sounds like your talking about me. It certainly has split society and relationships and family right down the middle. You;re right about them not having a penny to drop - you can see it.

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Do you think things are the same now as they were five years ago?

I think more people are awake...but many are still being kept in the dark by the treacherous 'authorities'.

We need to find a way to break this story in the court of public opinion.

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If it isn't already in the court of public opinion, it never will be. What more evidence do people want?

I'm not sure if it was this site (memory fades) that I suggested a demonstration against those that wish to subject us to their odorous designs.

Zero response. The sheep go 'baaaaaa' . We get what we deserve

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No, it's not properly out in the court of public opinion.

Discussion on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy has been suppressed for years. I know, I've been working on this for 16 years and it has been a very hard road to hoe. Brick walls everywhere. It's only now with 'Covid', where they have gone completely over the top with this vaccine scam, that more people are willing to question things. The media propaganda machine spews out mis/disinformation. So much more has to be done to get the public informed.

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You're doing a magnificent job. But the evidence of the covid/vax scam is only a click away for anyone.

That many choose not to make that click proves my contention that many/most are sheep. And sheep get slaughtered.

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Just this new years Eve i tried to not write to people as i used to. To see who wrote, only a German on social media, a member of our gliding club wrote on the day.

The family cohesion is gone, relationship is dead, the sterile will explode, the excpense of living will keep exploding, etc etc. It would not matter, if it felt like we were a group of people who actually wanted to fight for our lives, which we are as we are being exterminated under the crazy depopulate ideology of UN agenda 2030...

Now we have made the Billionaires into Billionaires, they suddenly dont need us anymore.. Yes i have tried for years to teach or tell people to get them to fight for freedom, you know like we have thrown thousands of lives into and trillions of $$! For what ??? Having to now endure Christmas market killings, poverty and exploding energy prices and basically so little freedom that life is becoming not worth living?? Nearly everything i do is somehow illigal or not to code or something - if it would be no one would afford it!! I have given up telling people and if i feel they are "sheep" i just stop having any discussion with them at all. Its not worth wasting life over and i will rather use it on keep my family off vax and chemical food and be as self sufficient as possible! Generally do the opposite of what government demand or what i want or find most usefull to me. They basically just made it illigal for me to change my own roof!! My roof!! Oh yes because they are asbestos plates!!! But the same government apperently dont see any problem in the vax that killed many and even resulted in people dropping on tv!! I dont know one single person who died from covid, when we "had" it, which i think was just the flu, just had similar for a month ago. If i had been hungover i would not have noticed, no long covid, no issues, no bad shit -- other than me becoming fat over Christmas!!

But my son took the hpv vax, then suddenly developed epilectic seizure, which big pharma had a drug against which apperently helps.. what a coincidence!! One in our soaring club had a brain bloodclots, one old guy i work with suddenly had his eyes go toward each other so he needed glasses to see one picture, my angry boss has become more "docile", people vaxxed suddenly was all sick for longer than i was having the flu. Etc etc.

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It's pretty grim isn't it...

2020 was such a shocking wake-up call for me...I had no idea our so-called 'free countries' are so corrupted.


And trying to get accountability in these rotten systems.

But try and cheer up and make the best of what you can, there's still good stuff out there, and have some fun trying to stir the pot...

I'm sorry about your son and HPV vax. That's one I was really looking into before 'Covid' struck. HPV vax should NEVER have been implemented, another 'virus' that wasn't actually a serious problem for most people. If you're interested see my webpage on this: https://over-vaccination.net/questionable-vaccines/hpv-vax/

It's a few years old now, but this is all still relevant information to think about historically.

Also, the HPV vaccine is aluminium-adjuvanted...another disaster area...

See: Cochrane - Aluminium and vaccine safety: https://over-vaccination.net/aluminium-and-vaccine-safety/

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I believe HALTON is also married to the person at the ABS who is/was responsible for collating or creating the death and disease statistics. How convenient.

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There is more to it - when her husband was deputy of the ABS - remember, there was some sort of cyber catastrophe - where Accenture was awarded the new contracts with the ABS, Health Dept and other govt deptsto manage our data. Accenture is part and parcel of the WEF club. I suspect, and this is a suspicion only, WAS IT SABOTAGE AND ORCHESTRATED ???

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The ABS changed the way the calculated excess deaths in 2023. How convenient.

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Its fascism!!

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It's evil

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yes she is or was - who knows now. So many marriages gone to ground through this.

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Brett Sutton does not have a brother named Trevor: https://archive.li/bkBV0

Jane Halton is married to a man named Trevor Sutton who works at the ABS: https://web.archive.org/web/20140630223028/http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberras-power-couples--the-cream-of-the-crop-20140621-zs3ts.html

According to Brett, Trevor and Brett are NOT related.

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Thanks for the link. I've seen this relationship referred to so many times, but without evidence to support it.

So it's useful to have it straight from Brett Sutton: “No, my brother is not named Trevor or married to a woman working for WHO and [Bill Gates].”

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Thanks for clearing that up. I also thought Trevor had a role in aphra but probably wrong there too. Ill change my comment. Thx.

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This medical tyranny is a product of corporate fascism. This is similar to the days of Mussolini where unrepresentative and unaccountable governments are in bed with the corporations.

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I wrote about this nearly two years ago. Under Halton, CEPI also bankrolled Novavax and Halton was in charge of that contract: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-vaccine-contracts-updated

The Senate voted not to publish the Novavax contracts, so I did: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-novavax-contract

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Re Jane Halton, I also refer to her in my email to Scott Morrison, in February 2021, see: No Jab, No Pay/No Play - coercive coronavirus vaccination in Australia - PM Scott Morrison and the Murdoch Media: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/no-jab-no-pay-no-play-coercive-vaccination-in-australia.pdf

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Morrison is currently ringing in the new year at Mar-a-Lago. Payment for services rendered during Operation Warp Speed. He is currently working with Pompeo. Wouldn't be surprised if Morrison is the next US ambassador if Dutton is elected.


I am so sick of these people.

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And people are so excited about Trump...who is still so proud of his beautiful Operation Warp Speed...

Meanwhile, the entire world has been lied to about 'Covid', a deliberately manufactured crisis which has been used to exploit and enslave the people.

Billions of people have been mis/disinformed about the purported threat of 'Covid', and reportedly billions of people have been coerced and even mandated to submit to vaccinations...against a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people.

It's the biggest crime in history.

Personally, I'm focussing on the group which injected/penetrated people with no clue about what they were doing, and with no valid consent to undertake this action, because it's impossible to obtain valid consent from people who are under duress to comply.

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Thanks for the links @ExcessDeathsAU

Different people are coming at this from different angles.

From my perspective of investigating vaccination for the past 16 years, starting with pet vaccination, I've watched purported threats beaten up over the years - e.g. Swine flu in 2009, Ebola in 2014, Zika in 2016, Measles in Samoa in 2019... It seems they were trial runs, and then they went for it with 'Covid' in 2019/2020.

I didn't believe it from the beginning, and questioned from the outset a 'vaccine solution' against a disease it was admitted by the WHO wasn't a serious threat to most people, see for example my BMJ rapid response published in March 2020: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

There's a lot of water under the bridge since then, and I've changed my opinions on a few things. But still fundamentally seeing 'Covid' as a deliberately manufactured crisis, see for example my email to Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty in the UK, sent in April 2021: The reaction to the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the most reckless and grossly irresponsible 'public health' response in history: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/sars-cov-2-virus-the-most-reckless-and-grossly-irresponsible-response.pdf

Now, looking back, I wonder how long has this been in the planning? With the Australian Biosecurity Act 2015, and No Jab, No Pay for children being imposed in 2015/2016, setting the scene for coercive vaccination.

You've provided a link to a video with John Frewen, and it seems to me the Australian Army, the medical/scientific establishment, the legal system, academia, the mainstream media, even the churches, were all conscripted to impose the Covid scam on the public.

Whatever has gone on in the past, all the planning, for me it is very simple.

If the medical profession had done their legal, ethical and moral duty and refused to collaborate with coercive and mandated vaccination, we wouldn't be in this mess.

I know you don't agree with the angle I'm taking re informed consent, and neither do Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, and probably others.

But for me it is plain as day. Those practitioner vaccinators should never have penetrated people they knew were under duress to submit to vaccination, under threat of losing their livelihood and participation in society. There is no valid consent.

This happened in Australia, mandatory medical interventions...what a very great shame.

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Why do those with morality voids rise to the top as govt advisers

Seems Jane Halton plays both sides of political divide in later reporting to Mark Butler re vaccines and treatments

Who can we trust ….

With undisclosed conflicts of interest in TGA STAFF etc how do we ensure big pharma isn’t orchestrating its major players towards profits for shareholders

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There's conflicts of interest all over the place CMaryG, see: ATAGI - Disclosures / Conflicts of Interest and historical information - this matter is STILL outstanding, 19 June 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/atagi-disclosures-_-conflicts-of-interest-and-historical-information-this-matter-is-still-outstanding.pdf

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Do ministers ever reply ?

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If you read the email thread I provided, you'll see I received a response from Nicholas Johnson, Acting Assistant Secretary Immunisation Branch, in April 2023.

But this matter remains ongoing.

Persistence is a necessary attribute.

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Getting a signature from a minister seems impossible

Of about 20 letters I’ve had one public service response

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Yes, it’s hard to pin them down.

I do have some useful responses though, e.g. this one from Scott Morrison in October 2020, saying: “Vaccination is not compulsory in Australia and it will not be compulsory to have a COVID 19 vaccine.”


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Great substack Elizabeth. Jane sat ever so comfortably at the table at Event 101.

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Thanks Anne, yes she certainly did, very comfortably indeed.

I didn't include Event 201 in this post as the focus is on the No Jab, No Play angle, this really is a dynamite story. The Chair of a vaccine pushing organisation, CEPI, which is funded by our own government, was calling the shots on mandates, literally, in May 2020. And there was Morrison paving the way with his call for mandatory vaccination in August 2020.

Treachery against the people.

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A fb post from 2013- The NSW govt is tried to assert that anyone who criticises mainstream medical practices is being irresponsible and that it should be a punishable offence. You can thank the Greens and the skeptics, both of whom actively hate and oppose all alternative health for aiding and abetting this restriction of freedom of expression. Don't let these people set a precedent on behalf of the drug companies - who are actively funding this covert campaign targeting non-mainstream medicine. And don't think that because this is in Australia, that they won't try it in the UK, NZ, Canada or the USA. In the UK they are having a go at banning websites that contain 'esoteric' material. All this is part of the push to turn science into a religion, where to challenge it is considered an irresponsible heresy. All Aussies who support freedom of speech should make the effort to nip this insanity in the bud.

Change.org petition: chn.ge/19jkZST

Avaaz petition: bit.ly/170bGH1

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Links don't work...

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Maybe due to the links being from 2013? Idk :/ I had this post saved in my archives and it’s still the exact same as it was back then.

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Oh yes, I see now. Yes, links break.

Good fb post from 2013 - this has all been in the planning for a long time...

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2013 Avaaz Petition working link

Found them!!


And for those who want to sign the UK Petition regarding banning websites with 'esoteric' content: http://tinyurl.com/m2pp9ej

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Also the original 2013 change. Org petition was submitted and shared by Duncan Roads, the owner & editor of Nexus Magazine.

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