Imagine a dream scenario for the lucrative ‘pandemic industry’ and its backers…
A captured population forced to submit to vaccine products on demand, under threat of being excluded from livelihood and participation in society for non-compliance:
This is what Jane Halton, Chair of CEPI - the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations - effectively called for in May 2020, when she said:
And so it came to pass in Australia, and other countries around the world, during the manufactured ‘Covid crisis’, when a set of common respiratory symptoms called ‘COVID-19’ was used to mis/disinform the public about a disease threat, and to coerce and even mandate people to submit to vaccine products on governments’ demand.
People were betrayed by their own governments, being set up to be fodder for the vaccine industry, and slaves to a social credit system, via a ‘vaccine passport’ to surveil and control behaviour.
How many people knew their own governments were actually investors in the pandemic industry, and had a vested interest in providing the fodder, i.e. the people, to support this industry?
Governments are the major investors in the pandemic industry via CEPI, the organisation chaired by Jane Halton, which is “a global partnership working together to accelerate the development of vaccines and other biologic countermeasures against epidemic and pandemic threats”.
You can see the details about governments’ investment in CEPI’s Investors Overview, including the governments of Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Norway, Japan, Spain, and others:
Pulling in billions of taxpayers’ dollars from governments around the world, CEPI is the front for the burgeoning pandemic industry, this organisation being launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2017 by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust.
Consider the influence of CEPI Chair Jane Halton on taxpayer-funded COVID-19 vaccination policy when she was appointed as a member of then Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s National COVID-19 Coordination Commission, created in March 2020 to mobilise “a whole-of-society and whole-of-economy effort so we come through this unprecedented health crisis. The Commission will assist the Government to ensure all resources are marshalled to this vital task in a coordinated and effective manner”.
Scott Morrison responded to Jane Halton’s demand for ‘no jab, no play’ for adults when he announced the plan in August 2020, when he said he expected the COVID-19 vaccine would be
Scott Morrison expected a backlash if a vaccine was made compulsory, but he was prepared for it, saying:
“I was the minister that established ‘No Jab, No Play’, so my view on this is pretty clear."
Scott Morrison was a main mover in establishing the coercive/incentivising No Jab, No Pay law for children, which was enacted in January 2016 when Malcolm Turnbull was Prime Minister.
In 2015, as Social Services Minister, Morrison raised the No Jab, No Pay bill, apparently in response to the ‘No Jab, No Play’ campaign for coercive vaccination for children, waged by the Murdoch media/News Corp Australia during 2013-2015.
How interesting now to think about the coercive No Jab, No Pay law for children’s vaccination imposed in 2016…
It looks like the Australian population was being groomed to comply with coercive vaccination - was Australia a test bed for coercive/mandatory vaccination?
And here we are… With Jane Halton’s call for ‘no jab, no play’ for adults morphing into ‘No Jab, No Job’ … ‘No Jab No Life’ in Covid times, with the collaboration of the treacherous Scott Morrison, the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet, other politicians across the spectrum, bureaucrats, the medical profession, the university and research sector, ‘regulators’, the legal system, the mainstream media, and even the churches.
So much to look back on now, because coercion and vaccine mandates violate the legal, ethical and moral obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination.
This means there is NO VALID CONSENT for COVID-19 vaccination.
What will this mean when the penny drops?
Halton is a former senior Australian public servant, baord member of ANZ bank and Crown Casino. and is now chair of CEPI. That tells you where she is coming from, and where she and the rest of the Canberra elite are going. They have realised that governments can control people using health measures, and health regulations, that bypass normal limits on government interference with human rights. By making an alliance between the Administrative State, Big Business and Pharma they have achieved unprecedented power. They despise the public and hold democracy in contempt. Reader beware: these people do not know or care what is good for your health and well-being. They just want to control you - and unless you stand up to them, they will succeed.