Thank you Elizabeth. I wholeheartedly agree that the safety of all vaccines needs to be thoroughly examined. ICAN lawyer Aaron Siri deposed the "godfather of vaccines" Stanley Plotkin and concluded that vaccines are inadequately tested both pre-licensure and post-licensure. (and they lied by claiming they were comprehensively tested for safety). Vaccines are compared against other vaccines or have other poorly designed controls. They also cause autoimmune problems in control groups by administering products such as aluminium salts (not inert placebos as they are supposed to) giving a misleading impression that the vaccine is safe compared to the placebo. This is a disgrace and in the U.S some 60% of children are chronically ill (coinciding with the exponentially increased vaccine schedule). In 1986 a law was passed making pharma companies immune from prosecution for the harm their products cause. Naturally, big pharma can reduce costs and increase profits by producing inferior, potentially dangerous and not fit for purpose products. This is illustrated by the lethal production of "process 2" mRNA injections that Pfizer implemented in their rush to force their mRNA injections into the arms of the unsuspecting masses. Basically, they have been granted a licence to maim and kill.
Victoria officially eliminated Covid-19 28 November 2020 (!). The Australian vaxx rollout began 22 February 2021 (limited) and 22 March 2021 (general population). After that, Covid cases started going up dramatically in Victoria. According to the COVID Live website, Victoria has notched up over 3 million Covid cases to date, and an incredible 18 million doses of the vaxx have been administered. Victoria's population is around 6 million. It's quite obvious these products are perfectly useless. But NOW we also have a Moderna factory - partly funded by the Victorian goverment (amount undisclosed) - which can churn this stuff out by the millions of doses per year. As usual, the only loser from the government folly is the unfortunate taxpayer, who bears the financial burden and also suffers the myriad adverse health effects of these genetic injections.
Thankyou Elizabeth, for this and for everything you do. It would be bad enough if it was just pollies and quacks behaving badly, but it is life and death. More chisels in the cracks are needed. If you are reading this then write that letter or send that email or talk to you neighbour. Whatever you can do is needed now.
Brilliant interview. Be it the childhood inoculation schedule or the Covid-19 inoculation, both were thrust onto an unknowing public. The public took these inoculations in good faith. Believing that they are necessary to keep them safe. The heartbreaking aspect is that the public was duped into injections that would likely harm them. In my opinion, this criminal. The more I hear over the years, I am more convinced that depopulation is the name of the game. Yes, my trust is the medical is broken.
Thank you Elizabeth and Russell. Yes there needs to be a good hard look into the conflicts of interest that are most definitely there amongst the players in this game that the elites and globalists are playing.
Bill Gates is in my opinion the worst of the players and there needs to be a concerted effort to have him prosecuted and punished for his part in the vaccination game. He has profited massively from the vaccines by his own admission as well as making it clear that vaccination is a way of reducing the worlds population, if that’s not an admission that they plan to eradicate a large part of the human race then what is. He has a plan to commit genocide on the people of the world. His contempt for people stands out like a sore thumb and he needs to be brought to justice before he murders any more people although I think we are to late to stop what he has already done, hopefully we can put a stop to what he is doing and not allow him to continue on from this point in time.
Daniel Andrews, in my opinion knew well in advance somehow of what was coming, probably through his connections in China, which gave him time to plan his evil agenda and how he would implement it. He was able to put his evil agenda into play without too much trouble, he had his party on board with it, the MSM, the police, etc, etc, etc. It also probably explains how he became so wealthy as well, what kickbacks was he getting, what prior knowledge did he have of the COVID virus escaping from Wuhan and what its consequences would be??
He had ample time to plan what he was going to do to Victoria and its people??
There are too many things that don’t add up. Andrews visited China 35 times, he was revered over in China, especially in the areas that he went to regularly which explains why he has pushed for Chinese companies to get a large portion of the infrastructure building going on in Victoria and helping those companies to win infrastructure works in other states within Australia. He had a hand in introducing Janet Holmes a Court to his CCP partners so they could purchase John Holland from her and give the CCP a foothold in the Australian infrastructure market.
He is corrupt and he needs to be thoroughly investigated about his China connections and his actions through Covid and why he locked the state down so hard and what was he up to while we were locked in our homes. There is also his cosy relationship with Pfizer and Moderna and allowing a factory to be built in Victoria to produce MRNA products without consulting the people. To top it all off, there is the relationship he developed with Commissioner Patton of Vicpol, who did his bidding by shutting down peaceful protests by those against the vaxxines but allowed BLM and Antifa riots to take place. It was Vicpol who hunted down protesters and jailed them, it was Vicpol who perpetrated the violence against the people at the whim of Andrews, they used military style weapons and equipment on protesters, all ordered by Andrews.
Now there is the bike boy affair which has brought out the worst in him with the lies he has told and the cover up by Vicpol to protect him. End of rant.
Thanks for your reply Elizabeth. Would it be possible to have a chat with you off the internet, unfortunately I was subject to having to get jabbed but with the AZ and I believe i have experienced a number of issues as a result which you may be able to advise me on or direct me to the right people that may be able to assist me.
Not sure how to share my contact details on this platform privately though ? no, there Neil left no one out in your perfectly worded ‘ well put together reply ..
Put it this way, I can tell you live in Victoria , probably Melbourne ..
My son lives in Melbourne , and, we have gran kids , AND ,, visited there during ‘ China man Dan ‘s was NOT GOOD
Play equipment was contaminated ‘ so called ‘ , whole blocks of town houses , multi level ghettos thrived, the CBD has not, and probably never will, my brother was a trader on Bourke St, it’s still in tatters ..
You forgot ‘ Belt and Road ‘.... but I. Go on - I wouldn’t pee on Andrews if he’ was fully on fire ....
Maybe the guy that smacked him one needs a medal ..
Neil - this entire world wide fiasco is coming to an end - VERY SOON
Trump approaches ... and he plays a TRUMP card in RFK ....
Chairman Dan ‘s demise - Sometime in mid 2025 - following Gates & Fauci , in that order
I could write pages on Andrews, especially on when he was thrashed to within an inch of his life, another 26mm would have been enough but wasn’t to be unfortunately!
I was the site manager on a project on King st in 2020- 2021 and the city was deserted, I have photographs of Bourke st where you could have fired a shot up it and you wouldn’t have hit a thing, don’t worry though the grey ghosts were still out in force booking mainly construction workers who overstayed their parking spots by literally minutes and the tow companies still remained busy towing those vehicles away. Even though there was no traffic and barely a soul working in town.
I no longer live close to Melbourne, I moved a couple of years ago to a rural town to get away from this rat race and am seriously thinking about getting further away, possibly Qld or WA. Victoria is becoming a wasteland due to Dan Andrews and the Labor Government and it’s not being helped by the duds in Canberra.
Let’s hope and pray that RFK is the trump card we are looking for and that Trump allows him to have full authority to bring down the Big pharma industrial complex and that Trump keeps to his word when it comes to cleaning up the swamp, hopefully it will encourage politicians here to step up and help to clean up the swamp that exists here as well.
I grew up in Melbourne as a kid and have some fond memories but I think Melbournes best days are behind her, if it wasn’t for Andrews she would have been a great city, Andrews and Labor finally sold out Victoria. His many visits to China were I’m sure the reason why Victoria is where it is today. I’m hopeful the time will come when all is exposed and he is held accountable?
We all need to stand together against these elites and globalists and keep saying NO to everything they do.
Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year and be safe if you are travelling anywhere for the holidays.
Thank you, Elizabeth, for all your hard work in educating and seeking accountability.
Also, glad to hear you’re reading David A. Hughes’ work, he really joins a so many dots together on COVID, the intelligence industrial complex and their nano technologies…eerie!
America is going to get their pound of flesh over the Covid scamdemic the deaths and the election was stolen the vaxxsassination was the tool worldwide scamdemic the united nation and Bill gates and WHO WEF are all laughing at you after they killed your family members are you still laughing now it’s time to get that ASS
Thank you for your straight talk. You, are very appreciated! The Aussie Corporate Political Quasi Politicians Are Left & Right Feet of International Corporation Kicking Boots, ie Payed For/Off by Big Maffia Pharmaceutical Companies.
Yet these Aussie Corporate Political Quasi Politicians Are Left & Right Feet of International Corporation Kicking Boots Bastidios expect Aussies to Be Entrapped by Voting for One of Them.
As I recall, Scott Morrison cleverly left the matter to the state premiers in regards to mandatory experimental jabs. Did the states ultimately have the say over health and education workers too, I assume so.
Further, there is ample undisputed evidence now in the public arena, though ignored by many prominent freedom advocates, that 'no virus ever' has been isolated. That is the big issue that should be investigated. Everything else is just 'moving deck chairs on the Titanic'.
Maybe we all need a standard Lawyer letter to give the Doctors and Nurses to sign that they have 100% confidence that the vaccines they are administering are fully tested and will not cause death or injuries as the trial Data has been independently overseen and approved
Interesting when talking about consent for the down syndrome boy and how have they got a right to do that. You might want to see the following extract from our own powers that be.
I did and for some reason it wont load. Sorry you (and the premier) couldn’t be there for the debate and hope you’re feeling better.
I think it was on the highwire and I snipped it. I have added it to here so see if it sticks. Maybe you can dig deeper into that one. Im sure it has good intentions but hmmm.
Hi JacqNSW. Facebook is very effective in getting the message out. You can comment on a scientific institution’s page, with say evidence of harms of the injections, and thousands of that institution’s followers may see your post. Most people won’t care about distant strangers, but they will when it comes to themselves and their own family. Anyhow, this is the above Pfizer post, here in Substack:
I've now forwarded my substack article about my discussion with Victorian MP Russell Broadbent on informed consent for vaccination, and other vaccination matters such as conflicts of interest, to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and other key members of the Australian Parliament, see:
There's much for those politicians to ponder on...particularly what they've been a part of for the past years of the 'Covid' debacle, and prior.
Time for accountability...
Thank you Elizabeth. I wholeheartedly agree that the safety of all vaccines needs to be thoroughly examined. ICAN lawyer Aaron Siri deposed the "godfather of vaccines" Stanley Plotkin and concluded that vaccines are inadequately tested both pre-licensure and post-licensure. (and they lied by claiming they were comprehensively tested for safety). Vaccines are compared against other vaccines or have other poorly designed controls. They also cause autoimmune problems in control groups by administering products such as aluminium salts (not inert placebos as they are supposed to) giving a misleading impression that the vaccine is safe compared to the placebo. This is a disgrace and in the U.S some 60% of children are chronically ill (coinciding with the exponentially increased vaccine schedule). In 1986 a law was passed making pharma companies immune from prosecution for the harm their products cause. Naturally, big pharma can reduce costs and increase profits by producing inferior, potentially dangerous and not fit for purpose products. This is illustrated by the lethal production of "process 2" mRNA injections that Pfizer implemented in their rush to force their mRNA injections into the arms of the unsuspecting masses. Basically, they have been granted a licence to maim and kill.
I watched the interview a couple of days ago, - brilliant!
Thank you for fighting the good fight.
Regards from Denmark.
Victoria officially eliminated Covid-19 28 November 2020 (!). The Australian vaxx rollout began 22 February 2021 (limited) and 22 March 2021 (general population). After that, Covid cases started going up dramatically in Victoria. According to the COVID Live website, Victoria has notched up over 3 million Covid cases to date, and an incredible 18 million doses of the vaxx have been administered. Victoria's population is around 6 million. It's quite obvious these products are perfectly useless. But NOW we also have a Moderna factory - partly funded by the Victorian goverment (amount undisclosed) - which can churn this stuff out by the millions of doses per year. As usual, the only loser from the government folly is the unfortunate taxpayer, who bears the financial burden and also suffers the myriad adverse health effects of these genetic injections.
Ahhh yes, the Moderna factory...who is going to be lining up for those 100 million doses?
Thankyou Elizabeth, for this and for everything you do. It would be bad enough if it was just pollies and quacks behaving badly, but it is life and death. More chisels in the cracks are needed. If you are reading this then write that letter or send that email or talk to you neighbour. Whatever you can do is needed now.
Brilliant interview. Be it the childhood inoculation schedule or the Covid-19 inoculation, both were thrust onto an unknowing public. The public took these inoculations in good faith. Believing that they are necessary to keep them safe. The heartbreaking aspect is that the public was duped into injections that would likely harm them. In my opinion, this criminal. The more I hear over the years, I am more convinced that depopulation is the name of the game. Yes, my trust is the medical is broken.
Coronavirus Disease 2019
CO VI D 19
Because It Was Manufactured In 2019
( It Didn’t Simply “Emerge” In February 2020 )
Thank you Elizabeth and Russell. Yes there needs to be a good hard look into the conflicts of interest that are most definitely there amongst the players in this game that the elites and globalists are playing.
Bill Gates is in my opinion the worst of the players and there needs to be a concerted effort to have him prosecuted and punished for his part in the vaccination game. He has profited massively from the vaccines by his own admission as well as making it clear that vaccination is a way of reducing the worlds population, if that’s not an admission that they plan to eradicate a large part of the human race then what is. He has a plan to commit genocide on the people of the world. His contempt for people stands out like a sore thumb and he needs to be brought to justice before he murders any more people although I think we are to late to stop what he has already done, hopefully we can put a stop to what he is doing and not allow him to continue on from this point in time.
Daniel Andrews, in my opinion knew well in advance somehow of what was coming, probably through his connections in China, which gave him time to plan his evil agenda and how he would implement it. He was able to put his evil agenda into play without too much trouble, he had his party on board with it, the MSM, the police, etc, etc, etc. It also probably explains how he became so wealthy as well, what kickbacks was he getting, what prior knowledge did he have of the COVID virus escaping from Wuhan and what its consequences would be??
He had ample time to plan what he was going to do to Victoria and its people??
There are too many things that don’t add up. Andrews visited China 35 times, he was revered over in China, especially in the areas that he went to regularly which explains why he has pushed for Chinese companies to get a large portion of the infrastructure building going on in Victoria and helping those companies to win infrastructure works in other states within Australia. He had a hand in introducing Janet Holmes a Court to his CCP partners so they could purchase John Holland from her and give the CCP a foothold in the Australian infrastructure market.
He is corrupt and he needs to be thoroughly investigated about his China connections and his actions through Covid and why he locked the state down so hard and what was he up to while we were locked in our homes. There is also his cosy relationship with Pfizer and Moderna and allowing a factory to be built in Victoria to produce MRNA products without consulting the people. To top it all off, there is the relationship he developed with Commissioner Patton of Vicpol, who did his bidding by shutting down peaceful protests by those against the vaxxines but allowed BLM and Antifa riots to take place. It was Vicpol who hunted down protesters and jailed them, it was Vicpol who perpetrated the violence against the people at the whim of Andrews, they used military style weapons and equipment on protesters, all ordered by Andrews.
Now there is the bike boy affair which has brought out the worst in him with the lies he has told and the cover up by Vicpol to protect him. End of rant.
Thanks for your response Neil.
It really is mind-boggling what has been going on in this country, Commonwealth and State and Territory governments have gone rogue.
The people have been betrayed.
Thanks for your reply Elizabeth. Would it be possible to have a chat with you off the internet, unfortunately I was subject to having to get jabbed but with the AZ and I believe i have experienced a number of issues as a result which you may be able to advise me on or direct me to the right people that may be able to assist me.
Not sure how to share my contact details on this platform privately though ?
Sure, message me on Substack.
Hi Elizabeth
Thank you, my number is 0425 775 270 and my email is If I don’t answer your call leave me a message, thanks
Neil Laver
I’m out tomorrow, but will try you some time in the afternoon, if you’re available, or leave a message. no, there Neil left no one out in your perfectly worded ‘ well put together reply ..
Put it this way, I can tell you live in Victoria , probably Melbourne ..
My son lives in Melbourne , and, we have gran kids , AND ,, visited there during ‘ China man Dan ‘s was NOT GOOD
Play equipment was contaminated ‘ so called ‘ , whole blocks of town houses , multi level ghettos thrived, the CBD has not, and probably never will, my brother was a trader on Bourke St, it’s still in tatters ..
You forgot ‘ Belt and Road ‘.... but I. Go on - I wouldn’t pee on Andrews if he’ was fully on fire ....
Maybe the guy that smacked him one needs a medal ..
Neil - this entire world wide fiasco is coming to an end - VERY SOON
Trump approaches ... and he plays a TRUMP card in RFK ....
Chairman Dan ‘s demise - Sometime in mid 2025 - following Gates & Fauci , in that order
Thanks mate
Les Kraft , is Les Catterwell
Thanks Les,
I could write pages on Andrews, especially on when he was thrashed to within an inch of his life, another 26mm would have been enough but wasn’t to be unfortunately!
I was the site manager on a project on King st in 2020- 2021 and the city was deserted, I have photographs of Bourke st where you could have fired a shot up it and you wouldn’t have hit a thing, don’t worry though the grey ghosts were still out in force booking mainly construction workers who overstayed their parking spots by literally minutes and the tow companies still remained busy towing those vehicles away. Even though there was no traffic and barely a soul working in town.
I no longer live close to Melbourne, I moved a couple of years ago to a rural town to get away from this rat race and am seriously thinking about getting further away, possibly Qld or WA. Victoria is becoming a wasteland due to Dan Andrews and the Labor Government and it’s not being helped by the duds in Canberra.
Let’s hope and pray that RFK is the trump card we are looking for and that Trump allows him to have full authority to bring down the Big pharma industrial complex and that Trump keeps to his word when it comes to cleaning up the swamp, hopefully it will encourage politicians here to step up and help to clean up the swamp that exists here as well.
I grew up in Melbourne as a kid and have some fond memories but I think Melbournes best days are behind her, if it wasn’t for Andrews she would have been a great city, Andrews and Labor finally sold out Victoria. His many visits to China were I’m sure the reason why Victoria is where it is today. I’m hopeful the time will come when all is exposed and he is held accountable?
We all need to stand together against these elites and globalists and keep saying NO to everything they do.
Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year and be safe if you are travelling anywhere for the holidays.
Thank you, Elizabeth, for all your hard work in educating and seeking accountability.
Also, glad to hear you’re reading David A. Hughes’ work, he really joins a so many dots together on COVID, the intelligence industrial complex and their nano technologies…eerie!
Yes Mike, David A. Hughes' work is most illuminating, need more people getting into it.
For any of your readers interested, David A. Hughes has a free (open access) digital book, titled:
‘Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy.’
Oh. There you are ...
Another extremely good segment, isn’t Russel Broadbent a real ‘ Keeper ...
Glad you did have a holiday , in the UK ... oh yeah,,, nothing about CV vaxes & the malfeasance ...
Elizabeth ... not,long now - the Trump juggernaut is just weeks away , with that man , RFK ...
just has to break this deadlock
Catch up soon
Just Brilliant Work. You are a real life superhero. Thankyou.
America is going to get their pound of flesh over the Covid scamdemic the deaths and the election was stolen the vaxxsassination was the tool worldwide scamdemic the united nation and Bill gates and WHO WEF are all laughing at you after they killed your family members are you still laughing now it’s time to get that ASS
Bill Gates laughing...hmmm...
When is this guy going to be brought to account?
See for example:
- "...we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet" Quoting Bill Gates - software billionaire and unelected overseer of global vaccination policy:
- Bill Gates: "...we don't know for sure yet if RNA is a viable platform for vaccines..." Really? So this is a medical experiment on the global population?
The military gave the marching orders
Hello Elizabeth,
Thank you for your straight talk. You, are very appreciated! The Aussie Corporate Political Quasi Politicians Are Left & Right Feet of International Corporation Kicking Boots, ie Payed For/Off by Big Maffia Pharmaceutical Companies.
Yet these Aussie Corporate Political Quasi Politicians Are Left & Right Feet of International Corporation Kicking Boots Bastidios expect Aussies to Be Entrapped by Voting for One of Them.
Do not Vote.
Interesting to think about Jacq...
Compulsory voting - we need to talk about this.
Agreed, a round table meeting with your colleagues on Aussie substacks, including Bruce Paix and Ian Plimer etc.
Entrapment is not lawful, yet it is a legal requirement for compulsory voting in Australia.
Food for thought.
As I recall, Scott Morrison cleverly left the matter to the state premiers in regards to mandatory experimental jabs. Did the states ultimately have the say over health and education workers too, I assume so.
Further, there is ample undisputed evidence now in the public arena, though ignored by many prominent freedom advocates, that 'no virus ever' has been isolated. That is the big issue that should be investigated. Everything else is just 'moving deck chairs on the Titanic'.
Maybe we all need a standard Lawyer letter to give the Doctors and Nurses to sign that they have 100% confidence that the vaccines they are administering are fully tested and will not cause death or injuries as the trial Data has been independently overseen and approved
Interesting when talking about consent for the down syndrome boy and how have they got a right to do that. You might want to see the following extract from our own powers that be.
Did you mean to include an extract?
page 2 under procedural guidelines 3rd paragraph. As I said probably nothing but its a bit loose.
I did and for some reason it wont load. Sorry you (and the premier) couldn’t be there for the debate and hope you’re feeling better.
I think it was on the highwire and I snipped it. I have added it to here so see if it sticks. Maybe you can dig deeper into that one. Im sure it has good intentions but hmmm.
⚖️💉US District Judge, on Pfizer:
Great interview, thank you Elizabeth
Dear David,
I am one of many that does not affiliate nor promote F'dBook. Care to share another way?
Hi JacqNSW. Facebook is very effective in getting the message out. You can comment on a scientific institution’s page, with say evidence of harms of the injections, and thousands of that institution’s followers may see your post. Most people won’t care about distant strangers, but they will when it comes to themselves and their own family. Anyhow, this is the above Pfizer post, here in Substack:
Thank you David. Shall check out the substack link. Regards