Discussion on informed consent, conflicts of interest, doctors' liability, the legal system, etc, with Victorian MP Russell Broadbent
Recently Victorian MP Russell Broadbent invited me to have a discussion about informed consent for vaccination and associated issues.
For years, any questioning of taxpayer-funded vaccination policy has been suppressed, with most politicians refusing to be accountable on this topic.
So it was a unique experience to be able to speak freely with a politician who is willing to listen and act on this controversial subject, thank you Russell Broadbent.
Russell and I had a broad-ranging discussion which he shared via social media, e.g. see on Twitter, where it has had over 32,000 views:
Our discussion is also accessible via this YouTube link, see transcript below, including some pertinent hyperlinks:
Russell Broadbent: I'm here with Elizabeth Hart. Elizabeth, just for all the people that are watching, just give us a bit of background on yourself for a moment.
Elizabeth Hart: I've been investigating vaccination policy for 16 years, starting off with pet vaccination after one of our dogs became very ill after a regular vaccination, and was put down. That set me on the road to investigating over-vaccination of animals and people.
And now here we are with Covid… And if anybody had told me this 16 years ago, I would've been stunned. So that's my background. I'm just a person who's gotten into this and sticking with it because it's so huge.
Russell Broadbent: Talk to me about issues around consent for a while, will you?
Elizabeth Hart: So informed consent is pretty basic. I don't know if you had a chance to see that presentation by Elizabeth Evans in the UK, that UK doctor?
Russell Broadbent: Right, yes.
Elizabeth Hart: She gave a brilliant presentation there, where doctors are supposed to be liaising with their own patient, it’s supposed to be a doctor-patient relationship. And she's explaining in that video that Covid has particularly blown this out of the water, and now it seems that doctors are agents of the state, and have been recruited to just impose these medical interventions on people, and that nobody's allowed to question vaccination any more.
I was just looking up this misinformation/disinformation bill, and saw an ABC article where [Minister for Communications] Michelle Rowland was giving an example of something that would be regarded as misinformation/disinformation, and that would be people urging people not to take ‘government approved’ vaccines. So that was really horrifying to see that, that's where that is going.
That bill, as far as I can see, just has to be dropped.
But what I'm arguing is that basically there is no valid consent for any vaccination, any vaccination at all, because the practitioners who are giving these injections really have no idea what they're doing.
They're not specialists in this area, they're just giving injections. They don't know anything about the vaccine products. They're not qualified to be giving this intervention and it's something that's been... It's not recognized that this is a medical intervention. This has just become such a rote process now. And because there has been such a concentrated effort to shut people down from questioning vaccination.
For example, Sue Ieraci, she is somebody who's been with the Friends of Science in Medicine, she's on Medical Observer today writing an article about anti-vaxxers and RFK Junior and all of this sort of thing.
This is the sort of information that's going out to doctors all the time, this sort of menacing information that's really saying ‘nobody must question vaccination otherwise you're an anti-vaxxer’. And that's what's got to be exposed, that these are medical interventions.
And now because of this, the schedule has just blown out, with so many vaccines being given to children. And it's really come to a head now with Covid. The Covid vaccines, they were pressed on people every few months at one stage, and that there is no valid consent.
I'm saying that this is really like a sleeper issue, that one of these days this is going to explode, that there is no valid consent for what's going on.
Russell Broadbent: Well, valid consent or coercion, I mean, a lot of people were told by their employer, ‘You can't come to work if you're not vaccinated’. Now that's coercion outside of consent I would put to you.
Elizabeth Hart: Well, why was the employer saying that? The employer didn't just dream this up themselves? There was pressure coming from, and I haven't had time to look into this in detail yet, but it’s something I really want to find out about, is if there was something going on with the Federal government and employers, was the Federal government giving any incentives?
There's a lot of things to be looked into here because the Murdoch media, as I've written this up many, many times, the Murdoch media, papers like The Australian and all the tabloids, they've got a major conflict of interest in that Murdoch media is a corporate partner with the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, which is involved in vaccine research, and which was involved in vaccine research with the Doherty Institute during Covid on Covid vaccines.
It was the Doherty Institute that put us into lockdown based on modelling, which was influenced by the modelling of Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London.
And that modelling is just so terrible. So this whole network of things has to be looked into, what has gone on here.
[Then Chief Medical Officer] Paul Kelly, back at the beginning of this thing, putting out all these lurid figures of all the deaths that were expected, and this was all just rubbish, based on Ferguson modelling. So there's a lot to be unpicked.
And then when you've got Murdoch Media, they pushed this Covid narrative so much. My family, we're The Australian subscribers, and so many comments were being deleted. So we had limited... As people in Australia, we have got no public platform to discuss policy issues. The people are closed out of this. We're relying on our representatives. I'm now really looking at ‘our representatives’, such as yourself, for example. It looks like you swear allegiance to the Queen or the King, not to the people. I'm looking into that.
And I'm also looking at all these bills that have been put in place, all this legislation - how are we consenting to this?
We are being strangled by so much legislation all the time. These people sitting in the parliaments are just putting this legislation through all the time. We have to be reactive to it all the time.
Who's actually pulling the strings on this globally? Is there some sort of consulting firm working for the globalists and all of this sort of stuff and the WEF? Because we are just being taxed and fined and made to have medical products.
This has got to all come to a head now, how is this actually happening? Because we're not consenting to any of this. We expect the government to be our servant, but with Covid, it's come to the fore that the government is our ruler, and with this misinformation/disinformation bill, as well as trying to shut us out of the conversation altogether. It's bringing things to a head in this regard.
But if you've ever had a chance, I've written that 11,000 word paper, Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination. I've got a lot of stuff written up in there, and this is going after [then Prime Minister] Scott Morrison.
It was Scott Morrison who got the ball rolling on this when he demanded that the aged care workers be vaccinated. Now the general public thought that would be a good idea, but they’re people too, they're entitled to give informed consent and he just trashed that.
He demanded that AHPPC, Paul Kelly, do this. They had already said, ‘We don't support compulsory vaccination’. And then, on the 28th of June 2021, National Cabinet announced it's going to be compulsory for aged care workers to get vaccinated to keep working. And on the 29th of June, that's when the AHPPC announced they recommended it, so they were just a rubber stamp on a National Cabinet decision.
Now this National Cabinet's got to be looked at. This is the Commonwealth government and the Premiers and the Chief Ministers in the Territories. What’s the legitimacy of this cabinet that was just running away and making all these decisions?
I'm really looking at policy now… I was just putting this on Carl Henegan and Tom Jefferson's, they're in the UK, on one of their Substacks the other day, because they were saying the WHO has denied that they set any mandates. So I'm asking a question, who did make the mandates? We've got to identify these people.
There's all this policy going on, and now we've got to hone in and find out the names of these actual people and hold them to account.
Who signed us up for 280 million doses of these vaccines? That contract[s] was announced in July '21, that they had secured 280 million doses. Now, the public had been told they were going to be fully vaccinated after two doses, and yet here we have a contract all fully signed by July '21 with 280 million doses, which showed that they had already planned to be exploiting the population for evermore with repeat doses.
Who signed that contract[s]?
Why were there all these vaccines for a disease that was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat for most people?
On the Australian government's own website, it's saying the symptoms of ‘Covid’ are sore throat, shortness of breath, coughing, and fever. They're common symptoms for anything. How do those four symptoms get designated as a specific disease ‘COVID-19’?
Why are the vaccines called COVID-19 vaccines? Why aren't they called SARS-CoV-2 vaccines? This is something to be looked into. I had a rapid response on The British Medical Journal published on that in 2020. There's so much to be looked into here that, looking back on it now, the whole country, the whole world, has been exploited with a made-up disease.
They've been planning this for years. They tried it on with Swine Flu in 2009. They tried it then. It was recognized then that was a big scam. It was reported in The BMJ in 2010, it was a big scam. All the vaccines that were made, and Relenza and Tamiflu, that was known! And yet they've gotten away with it again. They tried it on with Ebola. They tried it on with Zika. The measles outbreak in Samoa in 2019 was like a trial run for a dystopian response to make everybody have a vaccine. That's what they did in Samoa.
But we’re in a situation where the bad guys are still in charge. Because it was the Liberal Party and it was the Labor Party. I mean, you're not in the Liberal party now, so you are in a position where you can really speak forthrightly about this, but the Liberal Party is not the ‘Liberal’ Party. And the Labor Party. It's just a uni-party setting in place all these things for whoever they're really working for.
And now we've got to get accountability from the likes of Dan Andrews and Mark McGowan - who are these people to be dictating to people to have these medical interventions, to bar free movement and association, to make people wear cloth across their faces, to stifle humanity? How do we get accountability for this?
Russell Broadbent: There's still people walking around the streets in Warragul, in Victoria, with masks on their face.
Elizabeth Hart: Yes, because they've been terrified deliberately. But I mean, it's just ludicrous. A piece of cloth. It's a ‘killer virus’. ‘Oh, there's a killer virus’. If there was a killer virus and it was stopped by a mask, it would be there, you'd be touching it when you take it off. Why aren't you putting it in some biohazard waste? It's totally ridiculous. And critical thinking just went out the window.
I've just been away on holiday and I've been reading... Have you heard of
? He's an academic in the UK and he's put together a lot of information. I was reading his book while I was on the plane. A lot of the psych stuff, the PSYOPs that was going on… That's why it's so difficult to talk to people who we can call ‘normies’. It's so hard to talk to them, because they have been so brainwashed by politicians and by bureaucrats and by the likes of Paul Kelly. It will just do their head in to find out this has all been made up.Russell Broadbent: Elizabeth, there's doctors with the same view.
Elizabeth Hart: It's amazing. And these doctors have got to be exposed, that these people have no clue what they're doing. They do not have a clue about informed consent.
I was writing to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, all throughout 2021, and the AMA, and Ahpra.
I was pleading with them. I was begging them. This is before the mandates came in for everybody. I was saying, ‘You've got to take notice of informed consent’.
I was writing to Fiona Godlee at The British Medical Journal in the UK. I was writing to loads of people, and in the end, Ahpra had to respond to me. They responded to me in September '21, and confirmed that practitioners have to get voluntary informed consent.
In September '21, that was the very same month that Andrews announces ‘the vaccinated economy’ in Melbourne, in Victoria.
Where was Ahpra jumping up and saying, ‘We can't do this’?
That's what should have happened. Ahpra and the medical colleges, they should have jumped up immediately and said, ‘We will not be able to do this under mandates because if the people are under duress...’
This is why it's complicated, it's tricky to get across to people, because it seems like people were walking in voluntarily to vaccination hubs to clinics. But they weren't. They were under duress.
They were being told, ‘You're going to lose your job, or you're not going to be able to participate in society. You won't be able to go to restaurants or play sport or go to the gym if you don't get this injection.’ That means there's a penalty.
Russell Broadbent: It's exactly the same thinking carried on from No Jab, No Play.
Elizabeth Hart: Exactly. And that's where the rot goes back. Now, I've got this written up in that paper. So there's a lot of information just sitting in that paper waiting for the right... If we could get somebody within the legal system...
See, the whole problem is the legal system's been captured. We're living in a supposed ‘free country’, where the legal system facilitated people losing their autonomy. That means the legal system has been captured. It's rotten.
There was that judge, oh, I can't remember his name off the top of my head [Justice Beech-Jones]. The one in the Kassam case.
They facilitated this.
Fair Work - Fair Work should not be making these sort of decisions that result in people being compelled to have medical interventions. We've got to find a way to blow this up, in that Fair Work has to be trashed. The courts have to be trashed.
This whole system has let the people down.
Russell Broadbent: The court... I forgive a lot of these people for what happened, and I'll tell you why. They consumed the same information that was fed out to all of us, and they said, ‘This is not a human rights issue. It's not a libertarian issue. This is a health issue. Therefore, because it's a health issue, we leave it to the health experts,’ and we don't know who the health experts were that were advising governments like our own and...
Elizabeth Hart: I don't agree with that, Russell. I don't agree with that. These people are judges. They're paid a lot of money. They're in a very responsible position. They are supposed to be... They're on a pedestal - for them to just be believing what the government says, and to be so naive…
Russell Broadbent: No, Elizabeth, they were on a pedestal.
Elizabeth Hart: Yeah, well, they shouldn't be on it now. They were so naive, that they should be realising, that they should be critiquing things. That's what we're relying on them for. If they aren't aware that there can be conflicts of interest, and they apparently aren't.
I mean, we've got this case happening in the UK at the moment, where a guy who's got Downs Syndrome, his doctor and the centre that he lives in, they want to inject him against Covid. Even now. They brought it to court. The court seems to be supporting this. He's already been injected twice, and they sedated him. He did not want it. His mother did not want it. He did not want it, and they actually sedated him without his knowledge to inject him. That is just horrific. And that is where we're going.
Russell Broadbent: Where is this weird thinking coming from, that a court would decide whether a mother wanted her children vaccinated or not, and what reasons for it? And even if the mother or father - mother and father, family - do not give consent for the child to be vaccinated for their own good reasons, where is the authority of a court to come in and decide that they must have it?
Elizabeth Hart: Well, I think it's coming from-
Russell Broadbent: It's just strange.
Elizabeth Hart: It's been in place for so long now, you see. It's because of the likes of Friends of Science in Medicine and SAVN, which was against the Australian Vaccination Network.
They've been working on this for years. It seemed to really blow up in 2009. It's like, again, I'm not a conspiracy theorist or whatever, but it's like this has been in the planning for a long time, and they really wanted to get rid of people who wouldn't take the vaccines.
There was obviously a long-term plan, that they want everybody compliant to vaccines on demand. Their plan isn't going to work unless everybody is on this digital system. That's the only thing that makes sense for having the children vaccinated.
The children were obviously at no risk of these respiratory ailments, and yet, according to government figures, they vaccinated two million children in Australia.
And I still use that term ‘vaccinated’. I mix it up with jabs and injections and all of this sort of stuff, but I don't really go into the whole gene technology bizzo, because to sort of say, ‘Oh, it's not a vaccine’, it's almost inferring that vaccines are a good thing, and I'm questioning the whole lot now.
And so when I started with pet vaccines, I wasn't anti-vax. But having done this for so long, I am now in the position of absolute horror of this muck that they are injecting into people, that it's just amazing to me.
Now, where I am now, this stuff that's being injected, what is in those vials? With Covid, it was multi-dose vials. That is just stunning, of how that stuff was mixed up. If you got the last dose, how much were you getting, a whole lot of stuff that was at the bottom of the bottle? It's mind-boggling.
They were just treating people like a herd. Let's just get these injections into people. Multi-dose vials. The whole thing has got to be exposed, but the problem is the whole system is captured. They've spent years planting their people all over the place, like this ridiculous Covid response inquiry.
Catherine Bennett is one of the people, that woman, that epidemiologist from Deakin or whatever, who is she? She's just some person knocking around in a university. And yet there she was all throughout Covid pontificating on this, that and the other thing.
These people have to be exposed. Same as Sue Ieraci with Friends of Science and Medicine on Medical Observer today - who is she? She's just some medical... An emergency doctor. These people, these jumped up people, have set themselves up. And then people like me, for example, who's doing a lot of research, who's demanding answers, I get shut out of the conversation. And then they want this all shut down on social media and that's their plan, probably covering up for all the things that they've done.
Because the whole system seems to have been captured - and I'm not saying all these people are malevolent or whatever - but people are sitting in comfortable jobs, and they're not going to put their head above the parapet and say, ‘Ooh, this looks a bit dodgy’.
That's what they've done with these mandates. In the medical system now, there's such a dangerous medical system because they have eradicated so many people who question things. The people who wouldn't take the vaccines themselves, who were prepared to just leave or retire early or whatever, they weeded them out of the system and now we've got compliant people left there.
There might be a lot of people who are angry that they have to take the injections, but they did. And I don't blame them because they've got jobs and houses and families and all that sort of stuff, but we've got to find a way to somehow bring the people with us to show them...
Russell Broadbent: Well, the ones I feel most sorry for are the ones who did not want to take the vaccines..
Elizabeth Hart: Yes.
Russell Broadbent: And even a husband and wife saying, ‘Well, we've got to feed the family, so which one of us is going to take the vaccines?’ So the husband takes the vaccine so the wife can continue to work. And in one case he's been sick, really sick ever since, really sick ever since. And that's not the first instance of that. So they were coerced into taking it by them saying, ‘If you don't, we will make it so uncomfortable for you. We will cost you your job. We will cost you your living. It will cost you your career if you don't get vaccinated’. Can you believe that could happen in Australia?
Elizabeth Hart: But who actually gave the injection? Who was the person who gave that injection? Was that somebody in the vaccination hub? Was it the person's own doctor? Was it a nurse somewhere?
That's what I'm saying, that we have to go back to the ‘soldier’, and it's the soldiers all over the place. It's the soldiers in the courts, it's the soldiers in the bureaucracy, it's the soldiers who gave the injections. These are the people who are carrying out the deeds.
So we've got the bad guys at the top. We've got Soros and Gates and all of these people, they're up there, but I'm feeling that there's a house of cards and we can white-ant this by going in from the bottom, and going after the people who are ‘just following orders’.
I don't know if you had a chance to read that article I did on ‘just following orders’, where I was making comparisons with the My Lai massacre where Calley, the officer, was telling people, ‘Shoot these people in the ditch’.
And they did it because they were told. But there were a couple of people, there was one guy who said, ‘I'm not doing it’, and Calley trained his gun on him, ‘I'm going to kill you if you don't do it’. He would not do it. These are the top people. Another guy who planted his helicopter because he could see American soldiers going to kill people…
So there's so few doctors who were like that, because they were all terrified of challenging Ahpra, because they knew... Look at Mark Hobart being suspended now for, I don't know, nearly three years or whatever it is. It's ridiculous.
All they had to do was suspend a few doctors, and the rest fell into line. …we have to blow this up and show there is an absolute rot in the medical profession. And I really blame the Colleges because this is the leadership.
You expect there's a leadership of the profession, that they are the ones, because I'm saying it should never have gotten to people coming into clinics or going to vaccination hubs. The minute there was any talk of mandates, the Colleges and the AMA should have jumped up and said, ‘We won’t be able to, people won't be able to do this, because we can't do it under mandates’.
But the problem is, they've been doing it for years under mandates because of No Jab, No Pay.
So this is what's got to be exposed. And then you'll get... The whole of society is so pro-vaccine in Australia because it has been so drummed into them. It's been buried in popular programs like The Project, and Charles Pickering on the ABC. There'd be little digs at ‘anti-vaxxers’. It's like ‘flat earthers’, ‘anti-vaxxers’. So it's been buried in people, that these people are nutters. And we have to try and flip this by saying, ‘You people don't know’.
And [RB Chief of Staff] Tanya was saying this to me on the phone, that we've got to give a lifeline to the doctors and the nurses - I'm really angry with them, they've done a terrible thing - but we've got to say to them, ‘There's things that you don't know. You don't know that the people who are setting the policy have got conflicts of interest. You probably don't know that the people on ATAGI have got conflicts of interest, and that's being hidden’.
If they knew that... The doctors and the nurses are following guidelines. They're feeling they've got a responsibility to follow the government guidelines, like the courts. But these vaccines are just adding more and more and more to the schedule. And people should be realising, these are lucrative products. And when they get added to countries like Australia's schedule, this is then opening up huge markets around the world, like what happened with HPV vaccines.
Just to give you the story on HPV vaccines, that was put in place in 2006/2007, that's the human papillomavirus vaccine - that was actually rejected by the PBAC. That's, you know, the PBAC. And Tony Abbott was the Health Minister at the time - that was rejected.
And within 24 hours, that decision was overturned by [then Prime Minister] John Howard, it was a political decision in the lead up to the 2007 election because of lobbying. That should not have happened, you see?
But the HPV vaccine got added to our schedule, and then there's a domino effect around the world. You get it on this country's schedule. And America was the same. And because we had Ian Fraser here, ‘God's gift to women’ with the HPV vaccine. This has got to be exposed. Because the HPV vaccine is another exact example of Covid.
The reason why I got onto the HPV vaccine was I was reading an article by Ian Fraser on The Conversation website back in 2012, and this is when they were bringing the vaccine on board for the boys.
The girls had been getting it, now they're giving it to the boys. And in this article he was saying, ‘Oh, most people will get infected by HPV, but most people won't have a problem with it’. And this was me back in 2012. I'm at the beginning of my career of investigating this. My instant reaction is, ‘What are they doing mass vaccinating people against this disease that's not a problem for most people?’
And at that time, cervical cancer was 19th out of 20 serious cancers. It wasn't an issue. But because they had come up with a vaccine, and Merck was looking at it as a money spinner, this became a huge product.
It should never have been put on the schedule.
So I've done a lot of work on HPV vaccines. I've had rapid responses published on The British Medical Journal, about the conflicts of interest about this, the Cochrane review that was done on it. I won't go into the detail of that now.
But I'm just saying I've got information that can be used to share with people, to show that this whole vaccination situation has got to be exposed, that the public just thinks it's, ‘Oh, a little injection with a little bit of virus like measles and what have you’.
They don't realize there's a lot of stuff in these vaccines, like fetal bovine serum - that's protein that could be causing autoimmune issues.
This is the sort of stuff... And the doctors and nurses don't know anything about this. They're just giving these things as a rote... There's no informed consent process going on. So the whole thing has to be blown up.
Russell Broadbent: Elizabeth, if you were speaking to [Australian Prime Minister] Mr Albanese today, what would you say to him, briefly, as we have got to wind this up?
Elizabeth Hart: Okay. Well, I would say that (I've sent him a lot of emails in the past), and I'm just saying we have to have an examination of the entire vaccination schedule.
That Covid is now bringing this well into the light, that we can see clearly now that Covid vaccines were given to everybody, against a disease that wasn't a problem for most people.
And that this is a shocking thing that has happened.
There are so many people now have been injected unnecessarily, and that this has now got to be a catalyst to look at the entire taxpayer-funded schedule, and to examine the conflicts of interest, of which there are many.
And I've been after [Health Minister] Butler... With Tony Abbott, I was successful back in 2015. I was asking for transparency on conflicts of interest, and we got some disclosure for ATAGI, and that was put up on their website. But I was arguing there's no history, because these people are making decisions which are resulting in billions of dollars’ worth of vaccines being pushed on the schedule.
There's no history. There’s only the current members that was up there, and now they've gotten rid of everything. They've gotten rid of the bit of information that we had on disclosure, the last time I looked, as I've been writing to them to get this updated, there wasn't anything up there.
So this is all being hidden.
There's a huge thing to be exposed, but we haven't got any media. We've got no ABC. The ABC has just been captured as well. SBS is totally useless. That's been captured by the pro-vaccine people for years.
So the ABC during Covid was actually an advertising platform…
Russell Broadbent: Absolutely.
Elizabeth Hart: The news services were used to promote these products. We've even got, what's her name, Ita Buttrose, who was Chairperson at the time, she was promoting their Pfizer antiviral on commercial television.
It's shocking what's been going on, there's so much to expose. But it's how do we do this? And we've got to look at it globally.
I'm in touch with people in the UK and in the US and what have you. I mean, I'm not trusting Trump that he's going to come good. He's led us down the road before, about the ‘Vaccine Safety Commission’ back in 2016. Now there's going to be huge forces wanting... This is huge markets.
But I feel, because I've got those letters, my colleague, Emma McArthur and I, because this is important. This was 2021, so I've said how Morrison pushed the AHPPC with this, but in July '21, the Morrison government announced to the practitioners that they were going to have liability protection because they were worried because of the AstraZeneca vaccines and the clots.
That's what they announced. And my colleague Emma and I were wondering about this, and were saying, ‘Have they really got this liability protection?’
She wrote to Greg Hunt in November '21, talking about assault and battery and what have you if you haven't got consent. So then she got a letter back from them confirming, ‘oh, actually they do not have specific liability protection’.
What's been put in place is a vaccine claim scheme that is not the same as liability protection for the doctors and nurses.
Russell Broadbent: Sure.
Elizabeth Hart: And this letter emphatically said, ‘Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID vaccination, just like any other vaccination’.
I wrote to the Albanese government when they came in, got the same letter, same statement.
So that statement is just solid gold. That is solid gold - vaccination, consent should be obtained.
It's not happening. And so we've got to expose now, that's the Federal government saying that.
And then we had this little stitch up with National Cabinet and Morrison and the Premiers, what was going on here?
Was the federal government doing anything with the employers, because News Corp was huge in this?
The Chairperson of News Corp [Michael Miller] was sort of instrumental in demanding that all these companies support the vaccine rollout. Did they know about News Corp's conflict of interest with the Murdoch Children's Research Institute?
So there's a lot to come out. Who was pulling the strings on all this? Who was coordinating this, that these employers... Because they're protecting their own backs, they were made to think, ‘If we don't get these…’
Russell Broadbent: No, they were threatened with fines by the state government here if they didn't conform.
Elizabeth Hart: Yeah, well, so they were under the impression that, ‘Oh, it's our responsibility if people catch...’ How could you prove who's... I don't get into the ‘virus, no virus’ thing, but with the government itself admitting these basic respiratory symptoms is ‘Covid’. It's ludicrous.
And the other big thing is testing. I've seen testing now, this must be costing an absolute fortune. COVID-19, influenza A, influenza B, respiratory syncytial virus, human pneumovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza, routinely doing this testing.
This is another multi-billion dollar market that somebody's making a fortune out of.
They should not be doing this testing. Giving these individual names to common symptoms is just making more and more vaccine products.
It's just so ridiculous that somehow we've got to find a way to expose it. I'm not quite sure how we're going to do that, but I think it's just persistence. It's on the record.
And as I say, you've got that Misfeasance paper. I've got it all documented.
I'm saying that the government has effectively conscripted the doctors, which is going against the Constitution. And by not letting the doctors question the vaccine products in any way, by threatening them - this has all got to come out somehow. How we do that, I'm not sure.
Russell Broadbent: Elizabeth, always passionate. Always very, very, well-informed and well-read. Thank you so much for all that you've done, and by the sounds of things all that you're going to do.
Elizabeth Hart: Thank you very much, Russell. You too.
Russell Broadbent: Thank you very much.
Elizabeth Hart: Thank you.
Note: This is an off-the-cuff discussion including referencing other parties via paraphrased quotes, denoted with ‘scare quotes’.
I've now forwarded my substack article about my discussion with Victorian MP Russell Broadbent on informed consent for vaccination, and other vaccination matters such as conflicts of interest, to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and other key members of the Australian Parliament, see: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/email-to-aust-prime-minister-re-discussion-with-mp-russell-broadbent-on-informed-consent-for-vaccination-conflicts-of-interest-etc.pdf
There's much for those politicians to ponder on...particularly what they've been a part of for the past years of the 'Covid' debacle, and prior.
Time for accountability...
I watched the interview a couple of days ago, - brilliant!
Thank you for fighting the good fight.
Regards from Denmark.