Humans are becoming like passive animals waiting in line to be mindlessly jabbed with no discussion and no informed consent. The experts have decided and if the WHO with their One Health comes to fruition then we will be linked to all animals domestic and wild and treated alike. Meaning there will come a time when no body autonomy will be recognised and consent will not exist. The covid farce was a small taster for what could loom ahead for all of us.

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Amat, I have a letter from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, dated 17 November 2022, confirming: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations."


But obviously this hasn't been happening under coercion, intimidation and mandates.

Time for accountability, this must be exposed in the court of public opinion.

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Yes I agree, the one thing I have learned during covid is that the people in charge only have to declare a situation that requires "special measures" and all of our human rights do not exist. We can be imprisoned in our own homes, coerced into testing, be made to follow absurd rules, coerced into being injected and if we refuse then our ability to move freely is taken away from us. All of the major organisations were in lockstep, medical, science, legal, education, big businesses and even the heads of all religions. The populations need to turn against this human rights violation because not one major institution will.

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The populations are very much in the dark about what is going on as we have no effective fourth estate to shine a light in dark corners of government.

It’s also shocking to discover governments are ruling us - who signed up for this?

A never-ending stream of ‘bills’ are flowing through the parliaments, it appears most of which are not in our best interests, but they end up rubber-stamped by ‘our’ elected representatives, entangling us in more and more legislation.

Again, who signed up for this?

We are voting for our own demise, with compulsory voting in elections. When will people wake up to the corrupted system that is capturing them?

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"The populations need to turn against this human rights violation because not one major institution will."

Correct Amat! Too much money to be made.

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Early on I felt like f789ing with chemist so I pretended I was considering the Rat Juice shot .. asked for the insert so I could understand the side effects etc... (knowing it would be blank)...

The chemist said -- in high falsetto -- NO!!! no? Why no? NO YOU CAN"T LOOK IN THE BOX!! yes but it's my box -- and it's free - I just want to have look at the insert - like I can do with any other product in here -- NO!!

I felt like punching her in the face (or taking a baseball bat to her)...but instead I had filled up a basket with various stuff just for fun ...and it was on the counter while we had this discussion ... I turned and walked out

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Bad luck, then, trying to get any sense out of your doctor. If the WHO get their way, Moderna, who is setting up shop in Australia, will be ready to churn out the new mRNA vaccines for anything and everything and we will have no informed consent. They, the government and WHO et, will want this to be mandatory once they call a world wide pandemic, real or otherwise, or climate emergency or any other insane nonsense. I suspect there would be mass deaths from these new vaccines maybe even worse than what we have seen since the covid scam.


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We have to demand voluntary informed consent.

The vaccinators have a legal and ethical obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

Some of us are pursuing this matter, see for example my substack article which includes my email to Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus:

Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination. There has been no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccination: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/coercion-intimidation-and-mandates

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Bad news when Morrison announced on tv, we would be contracting for two Pfizer factories and one Moderna, he also stated that this platform would be used in ALL Australian vaccines from August 2023. Then in March last year when Gates visited Albo, they announced that Australia would become the centre for international pandemic response. Other facts I’ve come across wandering about online, the QLD government under cover of COVID was making alterations and additions to the Australian Health regulations ( it’s not bicameral) and these alterations and additions will be applicable to all states. Maria Zee was discussing it on a podcast, you can find her Aussie stuff on her Telegram page. Then several weeks ago there was a special report on Sky apparently the TACGP, AMA and the TGA Have adopted a document from the world medical association- it runs to 27 pages and new doctors are supposed to replace the Hippocratic oath with this woke drivel. The president of the RACGP is employed by pharma trying to create a vaccine for long COVID. She also recently wrote an article telling GP’s not to test so much for Vit D, as it costs Medicare so much. Morrison also funded five more concentration camps, oops I meant isolation centres- one in NSW three in SA and another north east of Perth. Most on days sued contaminated military land. Aussies are being right royally screwed over.

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Thank you for that information, Julie. I did not know about the Pfizer setting up shop as well. How rotten and corrupt is our government, state and federal. I have been disgusted with the way our state Premiers behaved during the covid scam. I just wonder what is going to happen when the next scamdemic hits our shores. In the latest Saturday paper, on the front page, was our unelected state Premier crowing about what he is going to do in the next scam. Using military force at the borders to lock WA away from the other states and use the same silly things as they did before - masking, lockdowns, vaccines, but on steroids, to double down even more on the population, supposedly to stop viral spread, which we know did not work before, but when you are insane you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Hopefully the people will protest. We shall see especially once the WHO gets its way.


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Humans (most) have always been stupid... so not much new under the sun

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Nice work again Elizabeth, this is a dangerous farce, please refer to following link at the end of my message. Just my thoughts, if ALL "vaccines " must be registered with AIR ( Australian Immunisation Register) including Convid 19 "vaccines," would this be the starting point for ALL of the details as to whom, where, how many times & what poisons were administered to our country men/women/children via this official government site? How do their statistics match up with particular vials of these concoctions i.e are there any "hot spots? Do the pharmaceutical companies have access to this data? Are the self proclaimed freedom Senator's requesting, no, DEMANDING this information which could be cross referenced to the deaths & injuries from this gunk, right down to the time & where it was administered & by whom. The following statement is from their Immunization Coalition website;

"The introduction of mandatory reporting from July 2021 is an important step towards better monitoring. The Australian Government has announced enhancements to AIR, including mandatory reporting of NIP vaccinations for all eligible cohorts from July 2021.This will assist in monitoring of vaccination coverage rates during Australia’s transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic, and is expected to have a lasting legacy across all vaccines. While this represents important step forward, precise implementation and compliance measures are yet to be determined, in consultation with stakeholders".


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This is interesting to think about Roc, including privacy issues.

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The same Immunisation Coalition held my scalp up to all NDIS providers to shame and humiliate "anti-vaxxers" when I sought to give my clients the option and right of making "Informed Consent".

Well, we know now the IC is just an arm of Big Pharma.


Of course, the sensational and defamatory hit piece doesn't bear any resemblance to the truth but who cares about the truth, right?

The real story is here: https://matildabawden.com/national-disability-insurance-scheme-ndia-ndis-quality-safeguards-commission-nqsc/

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Ah yes Matilda...

Adelaide GP Rod Pearce is currently the Chair of the vaccine industry-sponsored Immunisation Coalition. Click on his bio on the Immunisation Coalition website and discover he's been in a position to exercise much influence over the years: https://www.immunisationcoalition.org.au/about-us/

It's a cosy arrangement between the GPs and the vaccine industry isn't it...

I see the ABC didn't disclose that the Immunisation Coalition is sponsored and supported by Covid vaccine manufacturers such as Pfizer and moderna, quite an oversight.

But then the taxpayer-funded ABC has been long in the business of promoting the vaccine industry, it often gets top billing on the news!

Meanwhile taxpayers are kept in the dark, we don't even have the opportunity of an open forum on the ABC to discuss the matter.

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This defamatory hit piece was the trigger for the ILLEGAL HCSCC gag orders orchestrated against me some months later - all working to ensure South Australians will never have the option to exercise Informed Consent!

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They can do this because everyone has been propagandised for years not to think of vaccines as a product or even a medicine, but as a human right and essential for health! We need to reframe it like you are as often as possible

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I am not surprised that medical "education" that is not received in medical school, is outsourced to a "not-for-profit charitable" marketing arm of the pharma industry!

I don't watch TV so I wasn't aware of the Shingles ads. In case you are not aware the other marketing arm of Big Pharma, the TGA, changed a piece of their legislation in March 2018 to allow for public health advertising of vaccines etc, the same month that Provisional Registration was added! How convenient!



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Thanks for the links Jack.

The industry-funded TGA, which provisionally approves vaccine products which end up mandated for use…you could not make it up!

This so-called ‘regulator’ is not operating in our best interests, there’s a mass of conflicts of interest to investigate and expose.

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It gets worse...I have searched and searched the TGA Act and Regulations for a definition of what constitutes a "vaccine" and I CAN NOT find it anywhere, yet the regulations have a clause to establish an Advisory Committee on Vaccines. How can they have an AC for a product type that has not been defined? It appears that if a "sponsor" classifies a product as a "vaccine" it simply gets funnelled into the vaccine pathway. And worse, could eventually make it onto the childhood jab schedule.

It appears to be "assumed" we all know what a vaccine is, 'cos Jenner et al!

With no definition, it appears anything that seems to stimulate the production of an antibody can be classified as a vaccine - it doesn't have to stop infection or transmission of a pathogen, just produce an antibody. The vaccine pathway is less stringent than a drug pathway. It seems if an mRNA product codes for an "antigen protein" that is all that is needed for it to be considered a vaccine. If the codes generates (in the human cell) a therapeutic protein, then it is considered a drug. Its all in the code!

Worse still, now mRNA is considered a "vaccine platform", no longer a product. Just plug in a new antigen code and voila a new vaccine that doesn't need a clinical trial....but thats another story...

Why has a vaccine definition been left out of the TGA legislation?

How about definitions for "protection" or "immunity" - they seem to use these word interchangeably yet they have different meanings?

Consider DTP, is it really a vaccine or an anti-toxin? and why should we care?

Consider DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) this is considered a "vaccine" yet it does not contain a pathogen, but a toxin protein, so would it not be better defined as an anti-toxin? As the bacterium are not targeted they can't stop infection or transmission and thus have no community benefit. Only the individual could benefit.

In fact young children (or grandparents) can infect infants and not know it. They can and do become asymptomatic super spreaders. Those inoculated with the pertussis anti-toxin can still become infected with the bacterium, yet not produce coughing symptoms, but can pass the bacterium onto their young infant sibling who is too young to receive the anti-toxin. That infant can then develop Whooping Cough and alas the unvaccinated get the blame! (Yet the unvaccinated would stay away because they have a cough, and can produce life-time immunity!)

We've lost treatment knowledge. What the medical establishment ignores (or doesn't know) is that liposomal vitamin C can be used to detoxify the pertussis toxin, relieving the child from the horrible cough so it's little body can deal with the infection, but still today infants die from this treatable disease, which quite possibly they contracted from an inoculated family member.

In the eyes of the general public the word "vaccine" means the protection against getting infected, they assume a vaccine stops infection and transmission of a "disease", that it won't be passed onto anyone else. This is likely one of the reasons they won't define a vaccine, as there is not guarantee the products can achieve what the public already believes. Their "faith" would be shattered if they knew the truth.

Who else is frustrated!!??!!

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Wow! Lots of interesting info you're providing Jack!

Lots to look into, what a rat's nest...

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Quick interview with Dr Suzanne Humphries from yesterday should open (maybe) a few eyes to the issues with these product type.


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Great, thanks for sharing Jack, really useful summary. And highly recommend Dissolving Illusions: https://dissolvingillusions.com/

Also, I’m starting to dip into your timeline on https://totalityofevidence.com/ What a fantastic resource 😁

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Don't believe that vaccines even work, jabbing into a muscle and expecting your body to fight off a disease it has not met yet, ready and waiting does not make sense, it is all poison: https://tuxdoc.com/download/the-poisoned-needle-by-eleanor-mcbean-1957-vaccinationa-medical-delusion-by-rex-_pdf

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Ì agree, ...the point is the way the TGA legislation is written, without a definition, it seem to also agree. A "vaccine" product doesnt have to do what you assume/expect it to do. There is no legal requirement for what constitutes a "vaccine".

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Then they admit it is useless.

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The other info I came across is that in 2012 Julia Gillard removed the words women from the sex discrimination act and also signed a contract with the US DOD. Under the EUA it would appear that we came under control of US DOD DARPA

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YES medical industry promotion massively disguises itself behind "charity". I am just now also working on a piece on the conflicts of interest, you will like it. I like this one a lot!

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Hi Alison, looking forward to your piece on conflicts of interest!

This is an area that is well overdue for investigation and exposure...

Vaccination policy has dominated by the vaccine industry for years...and now here we are...

What a mess!

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You might also like the writings and podcasts of Dr Sam Bailey , a kiwi who posts on Substack. Episode 3 of her series of podcasts is very interesting. If I wasn’t so IT challenged I could cross post some of this stuff.🥲

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Medical industry is a medical cartel, there are two layers, one you see and one you don't.

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The Weston A Price Foundation (USA) publishes a quarterly journal. Each edition contains an essay on some aspect of vaccination. I find it most interesting. Look it up on line. Very ethical material.

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The word vaccine has become A magic word. A spell binder. Whoever questions vaccines questions everything ‘good’. Our wanting to protect and save others especially children and the elderly, our doctors, nurses, governments, media, universities, TGA and all the high priests of the new religion of ‘science’ that can’t be questioned. That of course is anti science.

It’s a Psyop of massive proportions. Not only are vaccines used as a tool of control but as it’s killing and maiming untold millions it is an ingenious method of democide. But not the only one. All those deaths and injuries and people taking care of the injured, disrupts the whole society. The unbelievers of vaccines are apostates and blasphemers of our new religion.

PS. See the work of Katherine Watt for legal receipts re the Covid demicide traced all the way to a military operation by the DoD and all its affiliates. And Sasha Latypova on the pharmaceutical side of this democide.

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Love following those two, and Karen Kingston

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🙏 another important article

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great work elizabeth

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I had thought about that because they use that as an excuse to worm out of providing any information. Barry Young & Liz Gunn in NZ were aware of that before they revealed their information. This is purely from an statistical viewpoint or only if the "vaccinated" waive their privacy. They redact everything else & it would need to be an creative request that negates any flimsy excuses. It's extremely important, just as you are doing, to keep the squeeze on these people.

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I’m arguing against the Adult Immunisation Register, which looks to be a tool of control, recording people’s vaccination status, eventually from ‘womb to tomb’.

And the practitioners/vaccinators presumably recruited to pester people to comply with the ever-increasing number of vaccine products and revaccinations.

All tied into digital ID eventually?

People need to be aware of and protect their medical privacy.

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Correct Elizabeth & it will be all tied in together. At the beginning of this farce an Senator from the NSW upper house made an recommendation to opt out of the registration but was also, as politicians do, was having a place bet on the vaccines. I'm all for canning all of this data tracking but to do that it MUST be exposed first. Too many ignorant people I'm afraid who won't do the work including most of my family.

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That’s what QR codes were about

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I should also add they started my Health record in 2014 and was an opt out system. They are also bringing in my Medicare. A couple of issues. For a Dr to register they must have RACGP accreditation, can take several years of study. You get it box ticking brainwashing and time consuming, and unlikely that can be obtained unless you work with n a group practice with nurse practitioners, receptionists etc. these practices will then become like the NHS where patients must register with a particular clinic. The intention is to pay these clinics lump sums for complex care patients per annum. ( Another tick and flick exercise for the lazy- affecting mainly older people) . The other downside is that if you are not a registered patient the Dr can’t receive the increased payment for complex care announced by Albo for older people and kids under 16, and next pandemic you will not be funded for long telemed. Attacking our “health” system comes from all directions.

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Everyone needs to read the vaccine book ( several books with similar name) Turtles All the Way Down. Incredibly disturbing. Will change your thinking... And RFKennedys Vax/ Unvax and the Real Anthony Fauci.

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Indeed. Recent research, involving the BMJ's Peter Doshi and myself, indicates the jabs' effectiveness and safety were exaggerated from the beginning: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/science-summary-covid-19-vaccines

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Let me guess... they hold vaccine education seminars at awesome holiday destinations ... free everything ...

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Rod Pearce of the Immunisation Coalition came after me and now the evidence of shedding is undeniable! What happens to these thugs when they get it wrong? Nothing, of course!


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The corruption is everywhere🤦‍♀️

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