You go girl! These excuses for humans are criminals. They trashed our country and shat on us. They walked all over our existing rights and destroyed so many lives and they still think they governed well during Covid. Feeling cost of living pressures? They caused this inflation with their excess unnecessary covid spending. Feeling sick because you took a jab? They did this with their "safe and effective" lies and mandates. Feeling busted because you lost your job or your business? They did this. Feeling bereaved by a sudden death or sad about a turbo cancer or a turbo dementia? They did this. Feeling pissed because you cannot get your friends and loved ones off the couch because they have lost all aspirations , motivations and trust. These wankers did this. We need a Royal Commission because we need to stop them from doing it again. Time to go full Kev Carmody. Attack attack attack fight back.

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Yes loubee, they are criminals; though first and foremost, they are TREASONIST entities that need to be disposed of.

Sack all involved including the bureaucrats, remove all their assets to pay THEIR way spent in incarseration for the rest of their lives. If they cannot support their internment in gaol, then the alternative choice shall apply.

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We need to pursue the individuals who are accountable.

For example, the people who are responsible for destroying voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

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Yes, yes, yes...all of them!

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This shows the world that the Australian government, as do most others around the world, view their fellow humans as property, or as debt slaves.

The world bank put countries they lend to in a debt trap, according to Catherine Austin Fitts. If the individual country does not comply with the demands of the WHO, for example, then the World Bank will not roll over their debt. Much of that debt was caused by deceptive measures that put their population at financial risk. But, she says, it’s political and not actually financial because they engaged in criminal activities to put countries in debt.

Ultimately, there was no health crisis —there is a debt problem. The financial system is a man made construct, in other words, a legal fiction. The entire legal system is a man-made construct.

Many financial crimes are being committed by these financial institutions and too many institutions today hide behind behind sovereign immunity.

There never was a health crisis—there is a debt crisis—and if the World Bank can get rid of the complainants, it makes it easier to continue to continue their financial crimes and get away with it.

The politicians are covering up for the financial crimes committed by them and the financial institutions. The kickbacks the politicians and their bought off friends assure compliance. Does anyone still wonder why so many politicians are grifters? It’s an excellent way to buy friends and power over others. It’s way it draws in sociopaths and psychopaths like flies to (fill in the blank).

The plan for the banksters is to essentially get rid of those they wronged so they can keep doing business as usual.

But, they also realize that they may need to back off at times because they are at risk at too much pushback. They let up on the vaxx mandates while calculating their next moves.

Ultimately, it’s not a financial problem because the financial institutions have been breaking laws and cheating their way into obscene wealth. It’s a political problem. You cannot legally take everything away from those (the citizens) who own the wealth of the country because the citizens have had financial crimes committed against them. Theft is still illegal.

All of the vaxx mandates relate directly to the political and financial crimes against the citizens. It’s a smoke screen for the real problem—the debt to the criminal class—the banksters.

This is a plan of the WEF, a front for the banksters, to own everything so THEY will be happy. Ultimately, they set up the legal fiction that they are misusing to commit crimes against us. Legally, it can also be used against them to make them pay for their crimes. They aren’t smarter than us, only more ruthless.

The ultimate target is to attack is the debt issue. The vaxx criminality is more evidence to build a case. And there’s no shortage of evidence.

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Nailed it beautifully to the firing-line wall! Thank you SO much, especially for making the point about it being the criminals who are to be held to account, for bankrupting citizens and countries, in order to claim the people of the world owe THEM - the very perps and enablers involved and behind this giant scam - and will therefore owe them everything in the world to be their own.

It has, indeed, never before been considered justice to hold the victims responsible for being victimised by con artists.

Theft IS, indeed, still and always illegal: the fellow-citizens essentially hired by the public to serve the public interest, whose public offices are publicly funded for that purpose of serving the public interest as are their salaries, were never granted 'rights' or 'impunity' to betray/experiment on/kill off their countries and people, or to pretend that they can simply dispose of the inherent and unremovable human and civil rights of their fellow-citizens or to embezzle public funding for personal goals set by hostile foreign self-interest-groups intent on total global destruction.

And since when can transient politicians 'legally' permanently hand over the powers of the public offices they abuse to hostile outside forces or pretend to 'legalise' any and all crimes and abuses for themselves to commit as they please, and those they use to enforce repression/poisonings, etc. - while working toward seemingly making anything not mandatory illegal for fellow-citizens?

In democracy (literally, self-rule, of/by/for the people, importantly, with all equal under law) nobody can have/hand out a 'stay out of jail' card, leaving no recourse or protection for victims, and enabling even the most absurd atrocities.

None of anything done by the perps in this multi-faceted 'COVID'/'Climate Change'/Endless Pandemic Pretense' con game has been legal, under any of a multitude of rights-protective laws, standards and agreements, clear back to Magna Carta, and even prior.

But as long as the perps can twist some people's perceptions to believe that a psychopathic viewpoint of emergencies is through a 'window of opportunity' that enables all manner of abuses and crimes to be visited on those made vulnerable, which makes all this OK for themselves to do as they please, some people will accept - even defend - the predatory parasitism we see displayed by the perps. No matter how insanely damaging/destructive it may be.

The perps seem to think that merely calling a secretive, private criminal conspiracy a 'treaty' or 'amendments' or whatever label purportedly 'magically overides' all Constitutional and other protections in the form of domestic/International rights-protective law intended to stand forever - and that the intended victims (who have not even been made party to this private-party global takeover-for-destruction grab - something that, I understand - would not hold up under Contract Law) are to be 'legally bound' by this.

But the country/democracy/rights-protective law and all the rest are not the perps to dispose of, any more than the people and their properties are, in each case.

The perps are counting on perception-bending, and the fact that most people are basically law-abiding and that many will sacrifice health and all else when told 'it's for the public good' by the perps - in the interest of globally owning all of the surviving people along with all of their goods, as chattels.

Thereby using the good will of humanity for the perps engaging the overly-trusting/brainwashed against themselves and the world of Life and enacting all manner of evil against them - and, in the cases of Bill Gates and Obama, doing that peculiar laughing in their throats while speaking of it.

When the 'Common Good 'requires all of the individuals once-sharing the Commons suffer and surrender all rights to obscenely-wealthy, unduly powerful delusional psychopaths - where's the 'Good'?

(We've been increasingly inundated with more -variable and even-louder-in-the-head EMFs here and they make me increasingly tired and groggy, so my apologies if it takes me some time to get where I'm going, assuming I finally do, lol.)

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Yes! Well stated!!

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Thank you for your tireless work on this issue Elizabeth, you are a true champion in this fight against the tyrants and medical fascists.

The frustration and inconvenience experienced by me for not submitting to the poison, pales in significance to those who were injured or died as a result of being hoodwinked and coerced to take up the countermeasures.

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Thanks to you too Mark, you’ve certainly stepped up to fight this tyranny.

Crikey what a diabolical shambles it all is, the ginormous damage done, and the perpetrators yet to be brought to account…

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There are many cracks appearing in the dam wall where these scum will be called out for their crimes.

But as you know there are dark entities behind the whole scam, and I'm anticipating an orchestrated distraction from the evidence of their crimes fully coming to light.

This must not deter our resolve to take the fight to the enemy with our last breath.💪

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Agree myself and family have experienced a temporary inconvenience for saying NO but I don't fear that one of my children will die suddenly either so clearly we all believe it was the ONLY decision to make. My 24 year old nephew lost a fried two weeks ago, died in his sleep. another 21 year old nephew has neurological issues and is in excruciating pain, no Dr. knows why!

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Many, many in my area

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Thankyou for this well presented timeline of events Elizabeth, I am so grateful to you that you have the ability to research and present the facts of what actually occurred. I personally can never forgive those responsible for these atrocious events & now all we see and hear about is cancers exploding, neurological disorders autoimmune issues and heart attacks & died suddenly and the list goes on. What an extremely dark time in Australia's history and the worlds!

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Medical industrial complex, self feeding machine

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Thanks Elizabeth

I've managed to add another couple of data points on the timeline!


What shocked me during this is that on Jan 23, 2020 “human coronavirus with pandemic potential” was add to the Biosecurity (Listed Human Diseases) Determination 2016, which allowed the govt to justify border closures and then the Biosecurity emergency declaration March 18, 2020.

But the kicker here is that COVID-19 or the virus SARS-CoV-2 was never listed as a notifiable communicable disease. I went back though 2020 archives, it was never listed. How can that be? How can a "pandemic" virus where "vaccines" were mandated to prevent community spread, not be on a communicable disease list???

SARS, MERS, RSV, Monkeypox etc are, but not COVID-19.

Is this because they can't figure out a "case" definition? Shocking


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Thanks very much for the info Jack...this is very interesting food for thought...

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I've since realised COVID-19 is a notifiable disease at state level for South Australia, likely the same for other states, but not federal. No doubt some kind of legal loophole trickery.

It shold be at federal level with a consistent definition across states.

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A lot to look into Jack.

Thank you for all your great work in gathering evidence on https://totalityofevidence.com/

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This was all preplanned. These Treasonist Entities do not have the right to expend carbon dioxide from their lungs to green Our Earth. These Treasonist Entities have no Heart.

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It does seem to have been in the planning for years...

Have you seen:

"...is this actually about creating a lucrative pandemic industry,

overseen by the empire-building World Health Organization, at the behest of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and other vested interests?"


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Yes, the title "Fascism" comes to mind. The psychopathic puppet politicians and bureaucrats are on the path to self destruction; once their usable time is deemed spent by the Parasitic Enitity Puppeteers, these puppets shall be disposed of in a multitude of various ways: history proves this. I have no empathy for Treasonist Psychopaths.

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I wish I could send these or save them, to my devices. Unfortunately, I have not been successful. I dod sign up for their newsletter

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🙏 Brilliant summary of the scam

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outstanding and vital reporting. thank you!

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That’s so interesting and chilling. And yet Morrison kept saying that vaccination was not mandatory in Australia. It really is a mammoth work you are doing, Dr Hart. To see these awful people ride off into the sunset with no consequences for what they visited upon us is most frustrating and heartbreaking.

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Thanks for your support Jillian. (And I'm not a 'Dr', but do have a BA in politics and philosophy which has given me tools to help in my work challenging the narrative.)

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Thanks for clarifying that. You are doing a great job. I

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If the past 4 years should have taught Australians anything, it is that neither Labor nor the Liberal Party can be trusted and that the entire public service is corrupted by corporate influence and political self-interest.

It’s also worth noting here that Greg Hunt had literally served as the WEF Director of Strategy, and Morrison’s Brother was on the Board at APHRA. Two egregious conflicts of interest.

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Hi Damien, re Greg Hunt, also please see:


Who committed this crime against humanity?


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Thanks Elizabeth

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You touched on the fake "National Cabinet" Elizabeth, this was the problem & could be the solution if ALL Australian's are given free, unredacted, access to these documents. ALL of the decisions, including what you have written, were "signed off" by these grubs, like an secret club, one in, all in. Where are they now?

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Yes Roc, this 'National Cabinet' situation - so much power concentrated in so few hands, without accountability.

Have to look into this...

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Elizabeth I was wondering if you have seen Aaron Siri's work from ican informed consent network today about informed consent. Dell Bigtree thehighwire you may find his work helpful and interesting and as a lawyer in the US his trying to get a bill past that places liability for harmful vaccines back onto the pharmaceutical company. Also the underpinning reason for mandates (that they stop transmission when they don't) and not only Covid injections but many others is another reason not to ever have mandates. Also clearly it's a human rights abuse to mandate any medical procedure on anybody EVER regardless of it's supposed efficacy!

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Hi Chris, yes, started watching it this morning, will be getting back to it!

Although, I do have a big issue with 'exemptions'...these shouldn't exist, as people are supposed to be giving their voluntary informed consent to vaccination, or declining the intervention if they so choose...so how can there be exemptions?

For more background, see my article:

Doctor Mark Hobart suspended for issuing Covid-19 vaccination exemptions...

...but vaccination exemptions should not exist!


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Elizabeth I completely agree with you, I feel that mandates are abhorrent in a supposedly free society & therefore there is no need for exemptions if we all had voluntary informed consent, the right to choose or refuse a medical intervention without repercussions. I think I'm still in shock that politicians and many medical practitioners allowed this to happen! I'm also in shock that many, many Australians including my own family members all PhD educated treated my family like we were fools for not wanting to participate in an experimental new drug.

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Thanks be to God!

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Interesting that the United States policy in response to SARS-CoV-2 was set not by the public health agencies designated in pandemic preparedness protocols (Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act, PPD-44, BIA), but rather by the National Security Council, or NSC. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/audio-leaked-from-astrazeneca-covid

How was Australia's Pandemic and Preparedness Act breached?

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Interestingly, the APPHC's 29th June 2021 statement uses "decreasing transmission" logic to support their recommendation. Didn't age well did it. How could they have missed that the ongoing trials had nothing to say about transmission? In the last paragraph they say a risk assessment should be conducted "ahead" of implementing the mandate.


I do wonder what sort of evidence they would provide if one asked them about their claim that: "This means that in an outbreak, vaccinated individuals are less likely to be significant drivers of spread, and transmission will be dominated by unvaccinated people."

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iya said "This means that in an outbreak, vaccinated individuals are less likely to be significant drivers of spread, and transmission will be dominated by unvaccinated people."

Reality is the opposite. I and my partner experienced shedding from the vaxxed. I actually felt like I had been poisoned. I had no cough, just aches n pains, no energy, a horrendous 5 day migraine and my gut brain kept insisting on water.

I note that where I work, the other operators who are jabbed keep getting bad colds and flu like symptons. They think that I am weird because I encourage them to take D3, Vit K2 & Bio Zinc every morning and have 1,000 mgs of Vit C every 4 hrs and gargle n snort with salty water every 4 hrs when they start to feel unwell ie a head cold/sinus coming on.

And if they have congestion on their lungs to take senega and ammonia. Yes senega and ammonia tastes like bitter licorice n crap flavour, it is a great expectorant. But apparently, they monger to each other that I am an idiot.

May these dear ignorant colleagues never end up with SADS.

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“Outstanding and vital reporting.” Happy Days.

I so agree and thank you Elizabeth.

I’m posting Sasha Latypova’s latest Substack wherein is a clip from Astra Zeneca that was released by whistleblowers. Here is what was said among other things:

The CEO of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soirot is on record stating that millions of people in the world cannot be vaccinated by mRNA shots because they have autoimmune conditions and other vulnerabilities. They always knew.


The plot is so huge and barely understandable to myself but that Covid was a US DOD operation is unquestionable and that we in Australia took our orders from them must be the case.

The jab was a wartime countermeasure.

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And they still pushed them. One friend died a slow agonizing death over 1.5 years. She was our longest standing charge nurse, so important to our care facility. Shame on those who forced our nurses into it. Shame on them! Of course, they don't care. As Musk has said, "what if an anthill was in the way of your path, are you going to get put of your truck and move the anthill?".

I'm not sure if he said that's how they think or if it's his MO also.

Taking that tidbit, what's the plan that they have to "runover" all the people of the world? We're all in this together. We must stand up and call them out until they are stripped of all assets and locked in the deepest, darkest dungeons forever.

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The medical folk shouldn't have gone along with the mandates...they trashed voluntary informed consent...for themselves and for everyone else.

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Thank you, Elizabeth

UK physician speaks out. I’ve posted this on the Facebook pages of Dr Nick Coatsworth and Kerryn Phelps: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0nAVF7DW8PsjSdNPJs2DdCNXTMxXMhEwanRwvFad96DhJmjWUuEYMNmYLYtf1p5Wnl&id=100058123865965

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Well if it wasn't for con-vid, they probably would try to push flu shots on us in their crap-tastic aluminum laden glory.

Nobody would fight back because the flu jabs have a delay of onset of injury.

Con-vid was the greatest gift to people to wake the heck up.

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Which flu vaccines have an aluminium adjuvant Rob?

On the subject of flu vaccination, this is an interesting BMJ rapid response from March 2020:

Flu shots and the risk of coronavirus infections: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m810/rr-0

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