Who committed this crime against humanity?
In a recent substack article, Sage Hana said: “THEY FAKED A PANDEMIC TO INSTALL TOTALITARIANISM.”
This is a succinct summary of the Covid debacle…
So who was behind this? Who are the actors who facilitated ‘Covid’ stealing the peoples’ personal autonomy and bodily integrity via the imposition of restrictions/lockdowns, testing, masking/muzzling, vaccines, and surveillance?
We need to build a list of those who were complicit in the betrayal of the people, complicit in the theft of freedom.
For instance, Greg Hunt, who was Australia’s Health Minister during the bulk of the ‘Covid’ scam.
Prior to entering the Australian Parliament in 2001, Greg Hunt was the Director of Global Strategy of the World Economic Forum 2000-2001 - responsible for the development of global strategy for the WEF, working directly to the CEO, and during 1999-2001 he was Engagement Manager – McKinsey & Co, providing specialist advice in telecommunications, start-ups, government reform and the banking sector.
How many other WEF associates such as Hunt ‘penetrated zee cabinets’ around the world, after which we ended up with a fake pandemic to install totalitarianism?
During ‘Covid’ I sought accountability from Greg Hunt, requesting the definition of the 'emergency' in Australia constraining the entire country, and requesting access to the advice being provided by medical and scientific experts about this 'emergency', and the evidence supporting this advice, and also requesting transparency for the people providing medical and scientific advice to the then Morrison and State governments - see my email to Greg Hunt dated 23 July 2021, also copied below.
No response received from Hunt…no accountability.
See Greg Hunt’s bio for more background.
Email to Greg Hunt:
23 July 2021
For the attention of:
Mr Greg Hunt
Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care
Member for Flinders
Member of the Liberal Party of Australia
Mr Hunt, while Prime Minister Scott Morrison is the public face insisting it's not safe to open Australia's borders for the past 16 months[1], it appears you are the person advising the Governor General to declare a human biosecurity emergency under the Biosecurity Act 2015.[2]
Mr Hunt, please explain, what is the definition of 'the emergency' you are using to justify the Governor General's declaration of a human biosecurity emergency under the Biosecurity Act 2015?
The emergency period has been in place since 18 March 2020, rolling over every three months since then, with the current emergency measures set to continue until 17 September 2021.[3]
Mr Hunt, as the Governor-General may extend the declaration indefinitely at your behest, when are you ever going to call an end to this ‘emergency’?
The current emergency measures published on 10 June 2021 state:
The extension, declared by the Governor General today, was informed by specialist medical and epidemiological advice provided by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer.
The AHPPC has advised that the international COVID-19 situation continues to pose an unacceptable risk to public health.
Mr Hunt, Australians have been held hostage by Morrison and State Government appointed medical and scientific experts for more than 16 months now.
What is the "specialist medical and epidemiological advice provided by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer"? Has this been objectively and independently assessed? Please provide me with the AHPPC and Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer's advice, and the empirical evidence supporting this advice.
Who are the members of the AHPPC? The AHPPC webpage states: "AHPPC is comprised of all state and territory Chief Health Officers and is chaired by the Australian Chief Medical Officer."[4]
This is surprisingly scant information for a group of unelected people who are wielding enormous influence over the free movement and association of Australians during this extensive 'emergency' period, and who are also pressing covid-19 vaccine products upon the Australian population.
Mr Hunt, Scott Morrison has indicated to me the Morrison Government is seeking to "achieve the highest rate of vaccination possible...guided by the advice of medical and scientific experts"[5].
There must be transparency for these medical and scientific experts who are influencing Australia's taxpayer-funded covid-19 vaccination policy.
Are the Chief Medical Officer and State Chief Health Officers the only people influential on prolonging the human biosecurity emergency? Chief Medical Officer and Director of Human Biosecurity Paul Kelly has publicly stated that 'other experts' are involved in AHPPC meetings[6] - who are these 'other experts'?
We must have transparency for all the people influencing Australia's response to covid-19 and the vaccine rollout. Their names, role, qualifications/expertise, professional affiliations, and any conflicts of interest, must be clearly listed on the AHPPC webpage.
I reiterate my questions Mr Hunt:
What is the definition of 'the emergency' you are using to justify the Governor General's declaration of a human biosecurity emergency under the Biosecurity Act 2015?
What is the "specialist medical and epidemiological advice provided by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer"? Has this been objectively and independently assessed? Please provide me with the AHPPC and Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer's advice, and the empirical evidence supporting this advice.
Who are the members of the AHPPC and 'other experts' influencing Australia's taxpayer-funded response to covid-19 and the vaccine rollout? What are their names, role, qualifications/expertise, professional affiliations, and any conflicts of interest, these must be clearly listed on the AHPPC webpage.
I request your urgent response.
Elizabeth Hart
Independent person investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy
1. Australia sticks by plan to re-open border in mid-2022. Reuters, 16 May 2021.
2. COVID-19 Legislative response - Human Biosecurity Emergency Declaration Explainer. Parliament of Australia. Posted 19/03/2020 by Howard Maclean & Karen Elphick.
3. COVID-19 emergency measures extended for a further three months. Minister Department of Health media release, 10 June 2021.
4. Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC). The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee is the key decision making committee for health emergencies. It is comprised of all state and territory Chief Health Officers and is chaired by the Australian Chief Medical Officer.
5. Letter from Prime Minister Scott Morrison to Elizabeth Hart, 16 October 2020.
6. Chief Medical Officer Professor Paul Kelly and Lieutenant General John Frewin’s press conference on 11 July 2012. Australian Department of Health media transcript, 12 July 2012.
Thank you, Elizabeth!
I expect the list of criminals is long indeed.
I just shared this article with readers of my Telegram channel, with this message:
“ We each protest in our own way. In Australia, Elizabeth Hart specialises in writing superbly researched letters that nail individual politicians and bureaucrats for dreadful “pandemic” related crimes.
She’s now getting her teeth in Whodunnit.
If you have specific insights in relation to an individual who enabled the current situation, please do consider a summary in the comments section below her Substack article!
Best wishes,
Elizabeth you wrote some great letters to those in charge of the convid response I am so grateful to have you standing up for all our freedoms and rights, it's a shame that you got zero response and MSM wouldn't even be aware of your existence.