
In response to your question at the end, just before the transcript begins, "How many other doctors and medical professionals were speaking out so fearlessly in December 2021?": more than I would have thought. I am continually finding videos from 2021, even now, in 2024.

Of doctors and medical professionals I have gathered what I have found on a list I call "Experts Speak Out". As time permits I will be making more lists. For now, here's what I have:


Main list of transcriptions 2021-2023:


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Just a few standouts from the last few months of 2021:

# # #

Eleven Certified Australian Medical Workers Testify on Deaths and Injuries Following Jabs Roll Out

"I am a commissioner of declarations and have been so for 14 years. I certified the individuals' identification documents as well as their employment and registration documents. I can confirm that I certified the identification documents for participants prior to their de-identifying themselves for the videos. I can also confirm that I was present for each individual's interview. If the individuals participating today said they were a nurse or a paramedic, I confirmed by checking off their AHPRA registration papers or their hospital identification cards."

— Sonya Young

"As a nurse working on the front line I have seen an increase in young strokes, especially after the introduction in the roll out of the Pfizer vaccine. More recently though I have seen elderly people dying on my ward after having the AstraZeneca shot."

— Person 1, Nurse, QLD Health

"We are seeing what these vaccines are doing and we are not allowed to speak about it. We're under the threat of losing our registration."

— Person 2, Paramedic, QLD Ambulance Service

"The wards are busier to do with nurse patient ratio because we've got an increase of every patient's coming in with upper gastric bleeds and they're having strokes but they're not finding out what's causing these bleeds. We've also seen an increase of pericarditis within elderly patients and young patients. And an increasing shingles in patients since the vaccination."

— Person 4, Nurse, QLD Health

"I'm remaining anonymous because it's been made very clear by our registry board, AHPRA, that any form of speaking out against the narrative could lead to deregistration. And Queensland Ambulance has made that clear as well."

— Person 7, Paramedic

"And we've had patients who had the first injection and died and there's been nothing reported. No autopsy. No reporting."

— Person 9, Administration QLD Health, Medical Records

"I've noticed a big spike in strokes. I've also noticed there's been a lot of neurological conditions going on. There's been a lot of people presenting with migraines 2, 3 days after receiving the vaccines. I've noticed people with shaking, they've had uncontrollable vomiting. And chest pains. There's been a lot of people presenting with chest pain post the vaccination. Sometimes it's after the second one, 2 or 3 days, 5 days. Sometimes it's immediately, the day of."

— Person 10, Registered Nurse

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/138006.html

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... continued....

# # # 

Louisiana State House of Representatives Health and Welfare Committee Hearings, December 6, 2021

* Collette Martin, RN Testifies Before the Louisiana House of Representatives, (12/6,/2021)

"I'm extremely concerned with the idea of mandating this vaccine for our children. The reactions we are seeing in the hospital with adults are terrifying and they're being ignored... And I'm asking you to please ponder this, what side of history will you be on? I know this madness has to stop."


* Pediatric Nurse Anthony Luczak Testifies Before the Louisiana House of Representatives (12/6/21)

"My grandmother survived the Holocaust and I must speak out against this totalitarian process that's now threatening all of us and our children."


# # #

PA Deborah Conrad, Fired for reporting adverse events to VAERS, Talks to Steve Kirsch

"these people haunt me in my sleep. I can't sleep. This is the job I signed up for. And I, I take it very, very seriously."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/150368.html

# # #

Dr. Brian Tyson on His Protocol for Early Treatment

"They need to stop blocking us from saving people's lives."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/157012.html

# # # 

Lt. Col. Theresa Long, MD Blows the Whistle on U.S. Soldiers Injured by the Jabs

"Patients are entitled to a second opinion on their medical care. What happens when bureaucrats mandate that there is no dissenting opinion?"


# # # 

Attorney Aaron Siri on Dr. Patricia Lee, the Avalanche of Vaccine Injuries, and Physician Fear

"It should not be that any physician should have to, quote unquote, risk it all just to advocate for their patients."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/152999.html

# # # 

Live Freedom Rally, Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

* ER Technician Brandon Atkins: "Who could I have saved with my experience and skills?"

"Which of you won't I save after these mandates take effect?"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/109834.html

* Pediatrician Dr. Chaminie Wheeler: "I am willing to die on the hill of liberty"

"We have to fight that our employers do not have access to our body. It is absolutely crazy that we are here. But the good news is, this is not where we're going to stay. We are going to establish and promote medical freedom and that ripple will have a lasting impact. And we will have medical freedom in the commonwealth and in our nation."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/93362.html

# # #

Minnesota Surgeon Dr. Jeff Horak Advises the Fergus Falls School Board on Mask Mandates

"This is about fear. I'm going to say it right out, this is about death."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/82949.html

# # # 

Dr. Michael Palmer Rallies the Medical Freedom Protestors in Waterloo, Canada

"I grew up in Germany, I had the good luck at the time to grow up in West Germany, but I had relatives in East Germany and I saw how they were being treated, and I saw close up how the Berlin Wall came down. And the time that was leading up to that event was really similar to what we're seeing now here... Even if it doesn't look that way right now and it takes longer than we all wish it would, the trend is with us... I believe we are going to win this if we keep the faith."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/105313.html

# # # 

Dr. Chris Rake Removed from UCLA for Refusing Experimental Injection

"This is what happens when you stand up for freedom"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/35592.html

# # # 

Dr. John Littell on the Right to Treat Patients

"Help me to be a doctor for my patients. God bless you all and thank you for listening to me."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/22674.html

# # # 

Dr. Mark Trozzi's World Rally Message: "Do not submit. Unite."

"These injections are killing people."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/273.html

# # # 

Nurse Albert Spence Testifies Before South Carolina State Senate: Covid Policy Was Killing Patients

"Let me just tell you guys, if I get sick, I am not going to the hospital!"


# # #

Eight Irish Doctors Warn Against the Jabs for Children

"social media and mainstream media censor alternative interpretations of the evidence, so that you, the people, cannot participate in the debate, and are thus poorly informed."

- Dr. Michael McConnville

"There is no possibility of informed consent in the absence of information. Nine months later they have some information on the important elements of the vaccine and, as result of this information, in a world where reason, honesty, and medical ethics held sway, the vaccination campaign would be terminated immediately, never mind extended to children."

— Dr. Gerry Waters

"It is clear that in vaccinating your children there is no potential for doing good and huge potential for doing harm. So how can you as a parent say you are doing the right thing for your child?"

— Dr. Martin Feeley

"There are no benefits to young, healthy people from this vaccine. There are only risks. The risk of death from the vaccine is at least 4 times that of covid."

— Dr. Billy Ralph

"If you are considering vaccinating your child against covid, have you really thought it through? Or are you reacting to bullying and peer pressure?"

— Dr. Vincent Caroll

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/140424.html


There are many, many more

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Thank you this is an amazing compilation. It will be interesting to see once the "dust settles" which of the early "truth speakers" were genuine and which ones were part of the Narrative B team leaders for the dissidents. JJ Couey, Gigaohm Biological, has been going back over that 2020-21 period to see how these Narratives were shaped by people who "rose to stardom" in the heterodoxy in order for us to be encouraged to focus on some things and ignore others. Fascinating and somewhat disappointing to realise all is not what it seems, even among the heroes.

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Thanks. This is mere sample from the last part of 2021. I have many more transcripts of videos from 2021-2023. Many were of people, your average nurse or GP, for example, or a parent, who did not have the big picture, they just knew something was very wrong, and they felt compelled to speak out. Because of the heavy censorship, many of them are quite unknown, and I am even now, in late 2024, coming upon what I would consider very important testimonies from 2021, 2022 and 2023.

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You're doing such valuable work! One way to distinguish between genuine folks and controlled opps is probably how well-circulated and famous they are, so these undiscovered people are gold!

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One more to share-- because this is a favorite of mine-- and this pediatrician went on to do amazing work for Pennsylvania state senator Senator Doug Mastriano's hearing-- she's little known but she shouldn't be:

Live Freedom Rally, Front Capitol Steps, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, November 2021

Pediatrician Dr. Chaminie Wheeler: "I am willing to die on the hill of liberty"

"We have to fight that our employers do not have access to our body. It is absolutely crazy that we are here. But the good news is, this is not where we're going to stay. We are going to establish and promote medical freedom and that ripple will have a lasting impact. And we will have medical freedom in the commonwealth and in our nation."


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Wow that is fanastic - have you got UK Cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra on your list - he provided a lot of the scientific date to Andrew Bridgen I believe - I couldn't find Aseem. Also Dr Ahmad Malik who lost his job in private hospitals as an Orthopedic surgeon and Oncologist Dr Angus Dalgleish? Sorry if they are there and I didn't look properly.

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You can find Dr Dalgleish and many others here:



The list is in progress, I have many more to add yet.

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Re Angus Dalgleish, are you keeping a record of this one Transcriber B? What every young person who fears the jab MUST be told: Vaccine expert ANGUS DALGLEISH dismantles beliefs that have seen rates stall among the 18-30s. The Daily Mail, 23 July 2021: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-9815821/What-young-people-told-Vaccine-expert-ANGUS-DALGLEISH-dismantles-beliefs-18-30s.html

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Thanks, yes, I am aware, and it seems he had a dramatic change of mind not long after that.

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Thank you - you are doing a tremendous job recording all this.

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Thanks for your kind comment.

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Thanks for your comment. The transcripts are in-progress. As I note on the master list, the list is not complete. There are a number of well-known names you will not find there-- yet.

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Even now you can get a good argument about why the “ anti-vaxxers” are an evil granny killing bunch of anti science ignoramuses.

Try voicing your opinion in the “ woke” chats. It’s full of deniers and angry people . How is that possible ?

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Because they live the lies given to them, they have blind trust in the lies and no trying to make them see the lies will get through. It is indoctrination at its finest where no critical or rational thinking exists.

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I have to agree. On a recent visit to a nursing home, where they are still requiring people to take tests for C19 virus, I pointed out that the tests are not conclusive, and throw false positives( Dr Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist, AMPs conference Oct 2023), and they were refusing to listen. Seriously. Obviously there needs to be more persecution for some people to start questioning. The important thing is to educate as many as possible before you can’t.

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most have yet to learn virus are dead cell debris, not contagious particles. nothing to catch. flu like symptoms are the body detoxing, ie. hang overs, vomiting from rotten food, fever helps your body fluid liquify to ease the process...this is why hot chicken soup and sleeping under warm blankets makes you feel better. www.VirusTruth.NET great books The Contagion Myth and Good Bye Germ Theory

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Good on him for speaking out at the time, but I'm curious to know whether Bruce still believes that there was a novel RNA virus that spread around the globe and that the "vaccines" were indicated for some (eg elderly) people, or whether he has realised that the death peaks in key hotspots were from a combination of iatrogenic murder-by-protocol and fraudulent counting, and that no healthy human being ever benefits from being transfected.

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That speech from Bruce is from nearly three years ago, in December 2021, when things were INSANE, and vaccine mandates and restrictions on the ‘unvaccinated’ were in full swing.

Compared to most medical folk in Australia, Bruce looked well ahead of the game. He lost his career for refusing to comply to the vaccine mandate, and was challenged by the police for the ‘non-crime of letter-writing’ to his own MP, Josh Teague, see this video: https://rumble.com/vp8bxl-senior-australian-military-doctor-visited-by-police-after-contacting-mp-abo.html

The policeman in the video says “You’ve been sending emails I believe to politicians…a couple of them have come to the attention of the police…”

And he offers “friendly advice more than anything. Maybe, I don’t know, tone down your emails for instance? Be careful what you write in your emails and how you refer to people for instance.”

What do you think about that Rosemary?

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Yes, I've been following Bruce's adventures and really like how he was out in front of the other Australian doctors who were, and still are, quite conservative about what they will say in public. This story of intimidation and the subsequent fiasco in Canberra have demonstrated the extent to which our police and judiciary are compromised.

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Ahoy Rosemary! I have certainly learned a lot in the last few years (I was an anaesthetist and learned nothing useful about infectious disease in my training after all!). I am now aware that the foundations of virology are built on sand and that there are very real questions about the existence of viruses at all. I do however still find the 'infectious particles we call viruses cause disease' theory a useful model and think we deter more people than we recruit by going too hard on the 'viruses dont exist' argument when its not central to the real issue, which is that as sovereign individuals we own the rights to our bodies and what is done with them, rights which cannot be extinguished by government fiat for the 'greater good'.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am an ex-biologist who is fascinated by JJ Couey's take on the "virus/no virus" distraction - (do you know him: Gigaohm Biological?). When I don't know whom to believe any more I come back to the basics in my own life: my own right to bodily autonomy and informed consent. I have observed how our caring for one another (save grandma) and the planet ("sustainability") has been hijacked and used to engineer compliance, with the assistance of the cognitive inoculators, like our very own John Cook. https://researchmgt.monash.edu/ws/portalfiles/portal/344861133/338159045_oa.pdf

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Yes, I avoid the highly polarised 'virus'/'not a virus' argument too...

Although it's interesting to think about, because what is becoming clear is that there is much that is unknown about 'immunity'. This area is dominated by a 'vaccine' mindset, always looking for the next so-called preventive product to press upon the population, to add to the ever-increasing 'womb to tomb' schedule: https://www.health.gov.au/topics/immunisation/when-to-get-vaccinated/national-immunisation-program-schedule

And as you say Bruce,"...as sovereign individuals we own the rights to our bodies and what is done with them, rights which cannot be extinguished by government fiat for the 'greater good'."

So what happened?!?! Why did the medical profession go along with this travesty and collaborate with injecting people they knew were under duress to comply? They must have known these people were not giving authentic voluntary informed consent as they were under threat of losing their jobs and participation in society. Now there is no valid consent...

Why doesn't the medical profession understand their legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination, and to respect those people who choose not to have the interventions?

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Sadly, obviously most of the Drs (and the police, and the judges, and the courts etc etc etc) were just 'Larping' .... playing at being ethical members of their professions... when the rubber hit the road, they weren't really up to it and just went with their 'orders' ... not the foundation principles and ethics of their various professions ;(

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But why is that? Apparently a lack of moral leadership.

E.g. the RACP, RACGP and AMA are dire.

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Psychiatrist here, I’ve gone on a similar journey to you flyingduk, but I think it’s vital to fully call out the hoax that is viroliegy and their attendant vexines(spelling intentional). Since realising that we are not under attack by invisible, never isolated nor viewed viri, i feel as free as a bird. All vexines are toxic, by design and by intention. They have caused SIDS and the neurodevelopmental health crisis of ADHD and ASD. That is all prior to the current frankenvex monstrosities

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" A very rare bird indeed..."

Yes. Rare & brave. But the just released COVID 19 Inquiry seems to me, admittedly at an initially cursory reading, to be "mistakes were made, but..." Lots of 'buts', like the vaxx wasn't rolled out fast enough. Hello?

Any comments on the death & injury, the suffering caused BY the vax and lock-downs? I'll find out when I dig into the body of the report. I'm quite sure it's all there in all its awful detail, chapter & verse. S/.

Whitewash, anyone?

At least they had the 'grace' to say that the public would be unlikely to submit to the draconian (my words) lock-downs etc in the next 'scamdemic'.

Well, going by past events, I'm not so sure about that. But live in hope.

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I haven’t read the report yet, but I suspect whitewash will fit the bill. Same as the Hallett Inquiry in the UK. Bad guys are still in charge, so not surprising. We need to do our own critical analysis of the deliberately manufactured Covid crisis.

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It was always going to be a whitewash - it focussed on 'how could we do the rollout better', not 'was what we did right or wrong, scientifically and ethically'?

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So nice to know South Australian’s were marching against tyranny too. Qlder.

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Here is a musical tribute to Dr Bruce Paix by Michael Gray Griffith of Cafe Locked Out:


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Bravo Indeed!!! Censorship works. They kept most people in the dark. Good for him!!! Sharing!

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Thank you for reviving this and all your other brilliant work, Elizabeth.

Bruce is a true patriot and I'm proud to be in the trenches with him.

He is continuing to push back and put the challenge out to Peter Dutton to organise his arrest for having contempt towards the government - https://x.com/MarkNeugebaue13/status/1824428062391538009

Although the last stitch up from the AFP didn't go to well for them, albeit they put him through quiet and ordeal. - https://rumble.com/v1zjbmo-treated-as-an-outlaw-cancelled-south-australian-doctor-bruce-paix-is-vindic.html

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Quoting Peter Dutton from your first link Mark…

Peter Dutton: “I would say to anyone in our community, whether it’s within your friendship group, your family group, the work group, whatever it might be, where you see somebody’s behaviour changing, regardless of their motivation, or if they’ve changed radically their thoughts about society and government etc, you need to report that information to ASIO or the Australian Federal Police as a matter of urgency.”

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Yes, Peter Dutts is trussed up . . I mean dressed up like mutton from the same frock shop as Albo Sleezy. Someone mentioned that the frock shop is owned by Big Drug Pusher Pharma, Billy Gruff Goat, WHO & UN and that other customers in the frock shop were horrified that Peter Dutts & Albo Sleezy were fighting over the same coloured bright pig . . I meant pink lipstick.

You can't make this stuff up.

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And wasn’t it amazing that Peter Dutton, of all people, reportedly came down with ‘Covid’ at the beginning of this thing…just like Boris Johnson in the UK.

It all added to the theatre didn’t it, ‘Covid’ theatre…


1. Peter Dutton: Australia minister tests positive for virus. BBC, 13 March 2020: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-51866343.amp

2. Boris Johnson and coronavirus: the inside story of his illness. The Guardian, 17 April 2020: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/17/boris-johnson-and-coronavirus-inside-story-illness

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Mark, re the AFP stitch-up, is there a written summary of this event?

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Great speech - sounds like this doctor was speaking out against the entire Covid narrative long before vaccine mandates in late 2021!

Sam White (in the UK) and Francis Christian (in Canada) made news in early 2021. In a recent interview Sam White explained the importance of his decision re permanent withdrawal of services in response to medical profession/ medical regulator complicity in Covid.

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I sure was! I am a longterm student of history and I recognised this for what it was (tyranny) from the outset. Viewed from a military perspective (I was a 20y military officer and served in both front line and staff positions) it was never going to work because you don't win a war by 1) retreating (hiding from covid with lockdowns - apparently forever) 2) prioritising casualty minimisation over strategic success (masking, social distancing, using children as human shields for their grandparents) and 3) cutting your own supply lines (closing your economy). I didnt want tyranny for my children or my country so what else could I do?

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Bruce, it was acknowledged from the beginning that 'COVID-19' wasn't a serious threat to most people.

What is going on in the medical profession that they weren't able to call this out, particularly when a 'vaccine solution' was pressed upon all and sundry, including children?

FYI, see below my own challenge about this matter, a rapid response published on The BMJ in March 2020: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2

Dear Editor

If children, young adults and others can mount their own effective immune response to SARS-CoV2, is it ethical to impede their ability to access natural immunity by interfering with the natural progression of the virus?

According to the WHO, "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults."[1]

Is the focus on future fast-tracked vaccine products blocking full consideration of the opportunity for natural herd immunity? Who is Neil Ferguson to say "The only exit strategy [in the] long term for this is really vaccination or other forms of innovative technology that allows us to control transmission".[2]

In regards to young people's and others' right to natural immunity, it's also vital to consider the startling admission by Heidi Larson, Director of The Vaccine Confidence Project, during the recent WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit, i.e. "...We've shifted the human population...to dependency on vaccine-induced immunity...We're in a very fragile state now. We have developed a world that is dependent on vaccinations".[3]

This is a very alarming statement by Professor Larson, particularly with the prospect of other epidemics emerging in the future. We have to learn to deal with epidemics and illnesses as they emerge, it's not feasible to vaccinate the global population against every threat.

In a recent article raising concern about making decisions about this pandemic without reliable data, John Ioannidis notes that "School closures may also diminish the chances of developing herd immunity in an age group that is spared serious disease".[4] The UK's chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, raised the prospect of developing natural herd immunity[5], but this idea was subsequently howled down by Matt Hancock, the UK secretary of state for health and social care[6], and others such as Willem van Schaik, a professor of microbiology and infection, as reported by the Science Media Centre.[7]

Again, is it ethical to deny children, young people and others their opportunity for natural immunity, and to plan to make them dependent on vaccine-induce immunity, to in effect make them dependent on the vaccine industry?

This is even more serious to consider in light of emerging vaccine product failures, e.g. pertussis and mumps.

The international community must be assured that independent and objective thinkers are carefully considering the way ahead on this matter.

25 March 2020

Elizabeth M Hart

Independent citizen investigating the over-use of vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy

Adelaide, Australia

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But how many other doctors and medical professionals were speaking out against the entire Covid narrative in Australia. I mean publicly, out in the open under their own name, and writing letters to challenge the matter, e.g. as Bruce was doing via his MP Josh Teague, and with the police being sent round to warn him to tone it down...

Particularly when coercion and vaccine mandates were put in place, and vaccination of children, where was the pushback from the profession? Why didn't they refuse to collaborate with coercion and mandates which violate their legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination?

Now, according to Australian government statistics, 72.3 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Australia, under mis/disinformation, coercion and mandates. This means there is no valid consent. This is a most serious matter.

How many medical practitioners does it take to administer 72.3 million vaccine doses? How many people participated in this mass population medical intervention? And were all the vaccinators medically qualified? In her recent presentation at Stormont in Northern Ireland, UK doctor Elizabeth Evans said these products "were often given by volunteer non-medics in car parks!" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/a-doctor-explains-informed-consent

Seriously?! Were non-medical people also administering these vaccine products in Australia? This must be clarified. This entire situation is a mockery of voluntary informed consent.

Also, there's something tricky going on about the vaccination statistics... The data as at June 2024 indicated that 2.3 million individuals aged 5-17 years have received a vaccination, but in subsequent months this figure re 2.3 million individuals aged 5-17 years receiving a vaccination has been erased from the Total COVID-19 vaccine doses data...what's going on here? Are they trying to whitewash that children were COVID-19 vaccinated from the Total COVID-19 vaccine dose data?

Refs re vaccination statistics:

- Data as at June 2024: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-06/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-14-june-2024.pdf Includes data for individuals 5-17 years.

- Data as at October 2024: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-10/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-october-2024.pdf Does not include data for individuals 5-17 years.

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“Why didn't they refuse to collaborate with coercion and mandates which violate their legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination?”

If you really want to hold individual practitioners to account - medical, nursing, pharmacy et al - for injecting people under coercion/ mandates etc (starting with restrictions on overseas travel according to vaccination status in early 2021) there are plenty of names that are out there! Stories/ photos in media and social media of HCWs “doing their part” in the vaccination campaign against COVID-19.


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This is definitely an angle to look into…

Need the big picture discussed in the court of public opinion first I think.

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Plenty of names out there, including vaccinators who changed their minds based on concerns about Covid vaccine injuries (versus the issue of informed consent).

On the other hand, re "But how many other doctors and medical professionals were speaking out against the entire Covid narrative in Australia. I mean publicly, out in the open under their own name, and writing letters to challenge the matter."

Around 500 - months before the vaccines, and a year before mandates - publicly opposed lockdowns - ie. the entire Covid narrative (not just vaccine mandates/ injuries).


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DemocracyManifest, in answer to my question "But how many other doctors and medical professionals were speaking out against the entire Covid narrative in Australia. I mean publicly, out in the open under their own name, and writing letters to challenge the matter" you say, "Around 500 - months before the vaccines, and a year before mandates - publicly opposed lockdowns - ie. the entire Covid narrative (not just vaccine mandates/ injuries)", and you provide an RACP link which states: "Dozens of healthcare professionals have signed an open letter calling for the immediate end to Victoria’s ongoing lockdown measures. The new letter states the response to the virus ‘will cause more deaths and result in far more negative health effects than the virus itself’."

There's a hyperlink to the letter which doesn't work - looks like it was originally at www.covidmedicalnetwork.com?

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SAME! Tradie, working FIFO N.W of OZtopia. raised questions per 'Safety' of Jabs & 'UNfit for use/Activity' PPE Personal Protective Equipment. Resource sector WAS 'Anal' on Safety & Product M-SDS (Material- Safety Data Sheets). Showed ALL & Sundry pHARMas OWN SDS per CONVID Myth-I-Call Something, - Including ManageMeant AND HSEQs (Health & Safety Enviro quality CON-TROLLers) ALL Data pertaining to Same, AND, pointed out the Large amount of MISSING DATA on MULTIPLE Points! If this were ANY OTHER 'Product' on, or admitted to Site - With the Accompanying MSDS, IT WOULD FAIL ACCEPTANCE!!

Result for Bringing up ACTUAL Product 'LIFE & DEATH DEPLOY-MEANT = "Get the Jabs, or Lose Your Job!" - No 'Coercion Then'!!


Wellness to the Unified us! - John Dawe. (The Bought 'ToadDies' KNOW they TRASHED their CredAbiliTie for Coin! & That IS, for the rest of their 'WhatEver' Lives)!

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Thank you. I visited Brisbane once in 2023 and thought Australia was already lost. It seems there is still some Jedi forces deep under.

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I don't know this doctor or his story but good on him for standing up when so very few clinicians did. Most of them are still not saying a peep. AHPRA tries to destroy people like him but he earned the degree and he has the title which they can never take away from him. More importantly, he took his job seriously and spoke out. I do have serious concerns when I see the placards and hear the chant 'where there is risk there must be choice'. This notion is wrong and dangerous because it completely misses the fundamental understanding and appreciation of individual freedom and responsibility. There must always be individual choice completely regardless of risk, and regardless of whatever 'authority' is in charge of deciding if there is risk or not. Who should decide if there is a risk and therefore get to decide if you are allowed to make your own decisions for yourself and those in your care? That's not freedom.

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