UPDATE: Also see subsequent post:
With Robert F. Kennedy Jr. now sworn in as US Health and Human Services Secretary, will he launch an investigation into how the vaccine 'recommendations' made by the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), are transformed into vaccine mandates in US states?
How have vaccine mandates ever existed in the US, ‘the land of the free…’?
Vaccinating practitioners have a moral, ethical and legal obligation to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for medical interventions, including vaccination.
Why are they collaborating with US state vaccine mandates?
Note that the CDC acknowledges:
ACIP vaccine recommendations do not establish mandates.[2]
The CDC ACIP will report to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his role as HHS Secretary, “regarding the most appropriate selection of vaccines and related agents for effective control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the civilian population”.[1]
Will RFK Jr challenge the state legislatures for mandating vaccines that have been 'recommended' by the CDC ACIP?
Have a look at the members of the ACIP, chaired by Helen Keipp Talbot MD - most of the voting members are medical doctors.[3]
These doctors know the vaccine products ‘recommended’ by the ACIP are likely to be mandated by state legislatures[4] - why have these doctors not challenged the state mandates?
Vaccine mandates violate vaccinating practitioners' obligation to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for medical interventions…and vaccination is a medical intervention.
Again, the ACIP members being mostly MDs, they should know this…
The members of the CDC ACIP should be challenging the state vaccine mandates…
Legal cases in the US have affirmed personal autonomy in medical decisions. For example, Bazzano et al refer to the 1957 case Salgo v Leland Stanford Jr University Board of Trustees:
“In a California appellate court decision, the court directed that each physician must exercise practical insight in completely divulging potential procedural hazards and that physicians are liable for failing to disclose information that a patient would need to make an informed decision regarding medical procedures. This legal ruling was the first to identify and focus attention on the need to provide the patient with information about the potential benefits and the risks of any medical procedure”.[5] (My emphasis.)
What is the point of being apprised about the "potential benefits and the risks of any medical procedure", if you're not free to make the decision to accept or decline the intervention without penalty?
What is the liability position of vaccinating practitioners if they have not obtained valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
(More US court cases defending personal autonomy in medical decisions are cited in my article: Jacobson v. Massachusetts...and the obligation for valid consent for vaccination...)
This is a very serious situation...
For years, vaccinating practitioners in the US have been administering CDC ACIP 'recommended' vaccine products under state mandates - they have violated their obligation to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for medical interventions, which includes vaccination, and to protect the freedom of people to accept or decline the intervention without penalty.
What must also be considered is that vaccinating practitioners are being coerced to support coercive and mandatory vaccination policy, because a hostile climate has been engineered that obstructs free discussion and debate about vaccination policy and practice in the public sphere.
Vaccinating practitioners face the risk of regulatory action if they dare question the ‘Church of Vaccination’, see for example a recent paper: Vaccine disinformation from medical professionals - a case for action from regulatory bodies?[6]
The question is…who defines what is ‘vaccine disinformation’?
It is devastating that so many vaccinating practitioners have participated in mass population vaccination without obtaining valid consent, and have been deliberately hindered from questioning these medical interventions.
Vaccinating practitioners should have had the courage to sound the alarm themselves, and warn the community that coercive and mandatory vaccination violates valid voluntary informed consent, but given the millions of people vaccinated under coercion and mandates, it appears very few have done this…
Have they really no idea of their own moral, ethical and legal obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
What education are they given on vaccination in medical school? Little or none according to Heidi Larson of the Vaccine Confidence Project, see:
Where is the leadership of the medical profession on this matter?
In September 2023, I wrote to then American Medical Association President, Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, about informed consent in the context of mandated COVID-19 vaccination, see: Informed consent and Covid-19 vaccination mandates. I received no acknowledgement or response from Jesse M. Ehrenfeld.
Similarly medical journals such as JAMA, NEJM, The BMJ, The Lancet etc - why haven’t these journals for the medical profession effectively questioned vaccine mandates?
I’ve challenged The BMJ about coercive vaccination from an Australian perspective, but they refuse to engage - see for example my emails to current BMJ Editor in chief Kamran Abbasi, dated 19 October 2022 and 21 November 2022, and to previous BMJ Editor in chief Fiona Godlee, dated 30 May 2021 and 14 June 2021.
It's now a matter of unravelling who has been behind the aggressive promotion of multiple disease threats and vaccine products, because there is much fear-mongering ‘mis/disinformation’ emanating from 'the authorities'. This means the community is not properly informed, including the vaccinating practitioners.
No-one is giving 'valid voluntary informed consent' in this corrupted system.
It’s impossible for vaccinating practitioners to ‘obtain’ valid consent for vaccination.
They are not ‘experts’ in the diseases or the vaccine products, they are merely acting as ‘agents of the state’, just following CDC ACIP vaccine 'recommendations' / US state vaccine mandates without question...
They are…
Vaccine mandates are widespread across US states based on CDC ACIP ‘recommendations’, violating valid voluntary informed consent.
US HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. must address this matter urgently.
Also see:
CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP): https://www.cdc.gov/faca/committees/acip.html
CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 Years or Older - United States, 2025. Weekly / January 16, 2025 / 74(2);30-33: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/74/wr/mm7402a3.htm
CDC ACIP Committee Members, December 16, 2024: https://www.cdc.gov/acip/membership/index.html#cdc_listing_res-members-and-representatives
Vaccine-Specific Requirements. State Laws and Requirements by Vaccine as of May 2024. Immunize.org: https://www.immunize.org/official-guidance/state-policies/requirements/
Lydia A. Bazzano et al. A Modern History of Informed Consent and the Role of Key Information. Ochsner J. 2021 Spring;21(1):81–85. doi: 10.31486/toj.19.0105
David Robert Grimes, Trisha Greenhalgh. Vaccine disinformation from medical professionals - a case for action from regulatory bodies? Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 21 March 2024. https://doi.org/10.1111/jep.13985
The prominent and influential institutions have been filled with compromised individuals who are bad actors, they do not serve and protect the populations but do protect themselves and the organisations or people who have placed them within the institutions. It has all been completed away from the public gaze and the creep of vaccine tyranny has slowly been progressing with them in place. We were all duped into accepting the unacceptable, "infection control" has become a tool to introduce control and surveillance into our personal lives. The covid farce accelerated all of this and clearly showed that rules and laws set out to protect us can easily be swept away when they announce the words "emergency". Doctors have been completely captured by their compromised institutions and no longer work independently, they are trained to follow the orders and keep to the medical protocols with no one questioning if the orders or the protocols are safe. All I could see in the UK was nearly all doctors following their orders with no questions asked, 100,000 health workers refused the covid vaccine mandate if this had not been reversed then the remaining compliant health care staff would cheerfully have injected the resistant workers because they had been told to. Ethics/morality or informed consent did not exist nor the fact that they knew nothing of what was being injected into people. It is to me terrifying that this could be repeated again because nothing has changed.
The subordination of the medical profession during the pandemic had something to do with the facts (1) many government institutions have regulatory power so extensive, that independent clinics could be harassed into closure; and (2) more and more medical professionals, including MD's, are now salaried jobs. In states like Texas, they can be fired without any reason or warning. An MD still needing to pay off his student loans will not be very strong against the CDC, the hospital administrators, or the insurance companies.