"We have a very wobbly health professional front-line, that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines..."
Heidi Larson, Vaccine Confidence Project, 3 December 2019
Consider the front-line of health professionals who administer vaccine products…
Who are these people? Doctors, nurses, pharmacists…and others…
What do they know about diseases and the vaccine products that are medical interventions?
Are they ‘experts’ in this area?
Or are they just following government guidelines, the taxpayer-funded vaccination schedule?
Are they equipped to properly inform people about their options and obtain valid consent for vaccination?
The evidence seems clear that they are NOT qualified to obtain valid informed consent for vaccination…
And yet the pressure is on health professionals/practitioners to administer vaccination, and to pressure the public to submit to this medical intervention…about which they know little or nothing.
Who is driving this?
Well, the Vaccine Confidence Project for instance…
The Vaccine Confidence Project was established by Heidi Larson in 2010 at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to “better understand growing vaccine scepticism around the world”.
In other words, the Vaccine Confidence Project is about vaccine marketing and making populations comply to an ever-increasing burden of vaccine products.
To impose these vaccine products a front-line sales/police force is required - the health professionals who have been effectively conscripted as agents of the state to administer vaccination schedules which are awash with conflicts of interest, i.e. influenced by the vaccine industry.
But at a WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit in December 2019…just as the Covid scam was beginning to emerge…Heidi Larson warned that the ‘front-line’ was in danger of breaking, that:
"We have a very wobbly health professional front-line, that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines."
See this video clip of Heidi Larson’s plenary lecture at the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit:
I discussed Heidi Larson’s candid comments during my recent presentation to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, comparing Larson’s comments with AHPRA’s Position Statement 9 March 2021, which demanded practitioners support the Australian Government’s COVID-19 vaccination rollout without question.
For the record, please see the slide below from my presentation, which includes a transcript of Heidi Larson’s comments, and below the slide is a transcript of this section of my presentation:
Transcribed from Elizabeth Hart’s presentation to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, 5 January 2025:
Now let's look a bit more at the practitioners who were involved in all of this.
So with Covid, we already know that Scott Morrison [then Australian Prime Minister] had put it out there that he was expecting this to be mandatory, he'd announced this in August 2020, before the vaccines were even available.
Then AHPRA, which is the regulator of the practitioners, it put out a Position Statement on 9 March, 2021, which was basically telling the practitioners - ‘get vaccinated, get everybody else vaccinated and don't question anything or you’re toast’.
Let's just look at the beginning of this Position Statement. I'll read this out because this is important. So they're saying:
Vaccination is a crucial part of the public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many registered health practitioners will have a vital role in COVID-19 vaccination programs and in educating the public about the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccines to ensure high participation rates.
So you can see now what was being put on the practitioners.
They were going to be responsible for this rollout.
But, let's hang on a minute. What about these practitioners?
What do they know about vaccines?
How are they equipped to get informed consent for this?
So let's go back to Heidi Larson, back at the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit in December 2019. And I was following this very avidly at the moment in time, and she might be surprised that somebody took the trouble to transcribe her speech. So I've got that in detail.
But here's the key section for the practitioners, and I'm going to read this out as well, because just think about this in regard to the Position Statement. So she is saying to this summit, remember she's about pushing vaccines here. This is her bread and butter. And she's saying:
We have a very wobbly health professional front-line that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines.
That's a huge problem. Because to this day, any study I've seen, and we're constantly looking on any studies in this space, still the most trusted person on any study I've seen globally is the healthcare provider.
And if we lose that, we’re in trouble.
And we haven't lost it yet, but we've talked about it earlier, some of the challenges are when the front-line professionals are starting to question, or they don't feel like they have enough confidence about the safety to stand up to it, to the person asking them the questions.
I mean, most medical school curriculums, even nursing curriculums, I mean in medical school you’re lucky if you have half a day on vaccines, never mind keeping up to date with all this.
Now to unpack what she is saying…
…she's admitting that the nurses and doctors do not have the knowledge to be pushing vaccines but, at the same time, they're the front-line for pushing these products, and she wants to make sure that they still do this.
You can see this now with this Position Statement. And let's also remember that the WHO and AHPRA collaborate.
So you can imagine here that they get the word that the practitioners have to be pulled into line. And that's what this Position Statement did.
It's an anonymous statement, it hasn't actually got a name on it.
And I contacted AHPRA, I wanted to know who actually drafted this statement, because they obviously have no clue about informed consent.
How could these practitioners get informed consent when they are not experts in Covid, not expert in the COVID-19 vaccine products?
They are not equipped to do this, and yet they are being told, they're educating the public about the importance and safety.
They're not qualified to do this, and to get high participation rates.
So this is very, very serious to think about now…
Great 'gotcha Heidi' moment! What a ludicrous job description these people have "combatting vaccine hesitancy"! They like to label it as aberrant behaviour or mental illness when it's actually just scientific skepticism and common sense to want to know what's in something before it gets injected into your body. The insidious ways that they then go about "cognitively inoculating" the public against "misinformation" about their "vaccines" is a weaponisation of psychology, and those who engage in it have incredible hubris to pat themselves on the back that they are doing something "for-the-greater-good" when they are actually just useful idiots for the pandemic industrial complex.
Vaccination began with smallpox in 1800 (Jenner) followed by Rabies 1885 (Pasteur) and Cholera 1896 (Pasteur). Government doctors in NSW started vaccinating children in 1803. In some of the Australian colonies (states) vaccination was made compulsory in the 1850s, and it was strongly promoted by all the Australian colonial governments throughout the 1800s.
My point is that this medical practice has been embedded in the Australian psyche for over 200 years. At the same time, it had very primitive beginnings, and the science behind it, in so far as there was (or is) any, has long since been obscured by layers of myth, propaganda and emotional commitment, which lend an aura of sanctity to the newer vaccines.
There ought to be a thorough, objective, intellectually robust review of the practice of vaccination in the context of individual and public health. This could be done anywhere, by anyone competent to assess the published evidence. Messrs Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson have the necessary skills and objectivity, but possibly lack the time.
It is worth noting that the Covid vaccines are just the most recent in a series of products that have been legitimised by the aura of sanctity attached to vaccines in general. However they have now been thoroughly studied using the original trial data and plenty of real world data and are known to be worse than ineffective, with horrendous rates of serious side effects. The fact that they were promoted on the basis of grossly inadequate evidence is notable. Government officials seem to think that if something is called a "vaccine" it must prevent disease - just as they evidently think that if something is called an "antiviral" it must cure viral illnesses. This is a very elementary error. Can we get some intellect and perhaps even some basic moral responsibility happening in government - or is that too much to ask?