Valid Informed Consent - Is this the key to taking down the House of Cards?
Elizabeth Hart's presentation to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International, 5 January 2025
Stephen Frost of Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International kindly invited me to present to his group, moderated by Charles Kovess.
My presentation, which runs for about 45 minutes, and the ensuing discussion, is accessible via this Rumble link:
My presentation is titled: Informed Consent: Is this the key to taking down the House of Cards?
The PowerPoint slides for this presentation are publicly accessible via this link. Please feel free to use this information.
I cover a broad range of issues relevant to the massive crime that is the global ‘COVID-19’ scam, including:
Why was there a ‘vaccine solution’ against a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people?
The influence of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, Wellcome Trust, CEPI, Vaccine Confidence Project, etc.
CEPI Chair Jane Halton’s call for a vaccine mandate in May 2020.
Then Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s call for mandatory vaccination in August 2020, as subsequently implemented by National Cabinet and the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and the AHPPC.
‘Freedom incentives’ to coerce people to be vaccinated, with ‘the unvaccinated’ being discriminated against and excluded from society.
‘No Jab, No Play’ … ‘No Jab, No Pay’ … ‘No Jab, No Job’ … ‘No Jab, No Life’.
“The wobbly health professional front-line that is starting to question vaccines and the safety of vaccines”, and the AHPRA Position Statement’s role in coercing practitioners to collaborate with the Morrison Government’s COVID-19 vaccination roll-out.
Practitioners were misled by the Morrison Government… Practitioners DO NOT have specific liability protection for administering the COVID-19 injections
“If a patient has not provided informed consent, you should not vaccinate them, even if they are mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccination to perform particular roles or enter certain settings.” (Australian Government Operation COVID Shield.)
The cost of ‘COVID’ to the global economy - $12.5 trillion - THE BIGGEST CRIME OF ALL TIME!
Just ‘following orders’? How many practitioners did it take to administer the millions/billions of COVID-19 injections…with NO VALID CONSENT?
The Global Public Private Partnership. Will the deliberate destruction of informed consent take down this House of Cards?
Based on this fantastic presentation alone, I accuse South Australian Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (#HCSCC) Associate Professor Grant Davies of corruption in public office! Davies abdicated all responsibility for protecting South Australians from medical tyranny. Davies had no authority to ignore, undermine, rescind or override the rights, protections and obligations of health service providers under the HCSCC Code of Conduct and he had no lawful authority to issue Prohibition Orders on anyone surrounding COVID mandates or questioning government policy pertaining to vaccinations or health treatment protocols!
Davies’ failure to protect South Australians from the risk of harms caused by coercive and forced vaccination programs, treatment protocols and/or testing policies is criminal, indefensible and unforgivable and it is my hope those injured by his abuse of public office might start suing the Commissioner’s office itself. Davies acted far outside the laws governing his role and functions and he needs to be prosecuted personally, if there is to be any public accountability for the horrific “public health” outcomes unleashed on South Australians.
Everyone, please do not forget the other grave medical misdemeanor that was necessary to support the Vaxx agenda - the myth of no effective treatment, which required the fraudulent demonisation of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Peter McCullough early on castigated the medical profession for what he correctly termed "therapeutic nihilism" with regard to Covid patients. Heroic individual doctors like Dr Zelenko in New York State, Dr. Chetty in South Africa, and Drs. Fareed and Tyson in California, saved many lives with protocols they devised using these and similar common drugs. But thousands of doctors stood by while patients suffered and died. The Vaxx agenda would have been impossible if governments and medical associations had promoted these simple, safe and effective treatments. Remember the fate of Clive Palmer's gift of hydroxychloroquine? The government destroyed it. In the USA the government locked up the huge American stockpile of hydroxychloroquine to prevent doctors getting access to it. In September 2021 the TGA actually banned the use of Ivermectin for Covid because of fears it would lead to so-called 'vaccine hesitancy'. This was an official agenda, to deny people access to these treatments in order to force them to get the vaxx. It is difficult to imagine anything more unethical. But the government and the medical profession collectively appear to have no understanding of the basic principles of medical ethics. They are power-mad. They disgraced themselves during Covid and there is no sign that they have any understanding to this day of the full horror of what they did.