Bill Gates took the credit for what his friends started and stealing xerox gui.
Steve Jobs took the credit for what Wozniak and the team did.
Elon Musk takes the credit for what his space X and Tesla teams do.
It's no different than the days of the industrial revolution where Carnegie and the Rockefellers etc were deemed geniuses at the time despite his companies having horrible working conditions.
They went into philanthropy to continue their nefarious crap on people, just like Billy boy.
I'm glad that these days more people are questioning the wealthy and their bullshit fake charities. Bill Gates is so crazy that he still thinks that he should be the spokesperson of his "charity" and regularly says stupid crazy stuff like to control the population with vaccines, π.
The mask of sanity is down. The psychopaths and sociopaths who are the oligarchs of this society are not looking so good.
That's a good sign and hopefully more and more people see them as bullshitters and scammers.
Wonder how Billy G feels about spending time in fiery heat? He's certainly accomplished enough for a first class ticket to such a place, for permanent residency.
This excellent documentary called "Who is Bill Gates",by James Corbett from The Corbett Report, should open everyone's eyes to how much power, control and of course profit Bill Gates has accumulated, and how, since he left Microsoft.
It came out in 2020, at least Part 1 did.
James Corbett does a masterful job of exposing Bill Gates and his empire!
It's funny-years ago, after a baby family member had a painful, bad vax reaction, I went down many rabbit holes, reading & researching many medical journals. Too much of my probing came back to ol' Billybob. At the time, my summation of this man, backed by facts was considered by my computer friends, tinfoil worthy. They couldn't believe this "genius" could be evil. But now, I am vindicated.
Btw, here's a weird story for you--as mentioned, years ago I was delving into vaccine studies, medical publications, & the venture capitalist "philanthropist," Gates.
I had several windows/sites open on my phone -when out of no where, a message typed across my screen that said, "LET IT GO." I was shocked & quickly went to do a screen shot & poof, it was gone.
I thought this was a practical joke by my computer nerd spouse, but he stated no. Was it Billybob or the nsa or such, I will never know. But it happened & at the time was quite disconcerting.
The failure of our elected representatives to respond to citizens' legitimate concerns and official complaints has been a systemic problem across all levels of government in Australia. Important public interest matters continue to be ignored. Thank you Elizabeth for pursuing this.
BIll Gates (what a friendly sounding name) and people of his ilk and many who inhabit government, public health and institutions are parasites that attach and live off of the populations extracting as much so they can to feather their own nest personally and professionally. We have been under the delusion that we live freely but covid has proven that when they decide and declare there is some "thing"of concern then all our freedoms are stripped from us at the speed of light as if they had never existed. They have experienced how easy it is to frighten people into submission do any of us think they will not try it again?
One more link I just thought of but after looking rather well, couldn't find it. Its a documentary which was done by Children's Health Defense on Bill Gates tetanus vaccine to African women, but it was to make them infertile. You most likely know about about this. . Meanwhile, I found this old article from Vaccine Impact News:
Dr Bill "shoot em up straight into the veins" Gates ( not a real doctor ) says seven billion people need to be vaccinated to prevent global pandemics. ( No doubt by mRNA jabs ). The Pfizer research on animals caused a number of them to die, and testing on human subjects were cut short or removed those that gave undesirable outcomes in the trials. They did an exceptional amount of testing on reproductive organs, and they also knew it attacked every organ in the body. There was never any testing to confirm safety or effectiveness so I have no idea how he could claim it would protect anybody? Well, I would have to say the evidence suggests it has nothing to do with protecting us. I would also say Hells "Gates" and Satan "Schwab" will not be lining up for a jab any time soon. I will never forget Gates saying that his vaccines will reduce the global population by 10-15%. Only infertility or death can do that.
He's a scripted talking head, nothing more. Taking a high profile for the military Industrial perception management complex, is just a role. His families legacy of depopulation services is no secret, except from.the hypnotised.
Nothing he says is not vetted and okayed. There have been the occasional difficult questions like on Epstein, but the heat this gimp gets, is just taking it away from the facilitators in our local and federal corporate operatives.
He's absolutely complicit with genocide, but everything he does is blessed by the militarized predator class that may well be deeper in the shadows, but like they use fakebook to facilitate the total surveillance state and narrative enforcement, the inverted reality of injections for safety as opposed to incremental democide as the reality, is just a front
Money and eugenics and depopulation has dominated the policies of UN signatories for decades. In the Kissinger report, NSSM, the same organizations suggested to assist in the 'urgent depopulation' policies needed, the exact same organisations were specified as assisting GAVI, in the global vaccination/ health program. It's just doublespeak inversion. They think a healthy population is a reduced one. The military callsthem Counter- measures, and if the military leadership wasn't on board, this wouldnt even be happening. Gates senior and the Planned Parenthood crew gave been vigorously assisting the millions of abortions and okay- Gates junior has taken up the reins as an operative in the perception management complex. But this operation was going long before he was on the scene, I am just saying the mountains of cash arent all from Gates, its the peoples money they are using to cull themselves, and he's not the mastermind
ALL IN THIS TOGETHER is the catch cry.
Dr Ayoub references the coincidence of the same organizations steering the operation.
It is no coincidence that when I opened this stubstack of yours, I was working on the astrology of BG. Iam still working on it! Meanwhile, I have been researching past articles about the man, and though you might be interested in receiving some of them.
This 2010 one by F. William Engdahl is quite interesting:
And this one from 2020 from the Columbia Journal Review is an important one, as they are a mainstream journal and no doubt their funding is partially from BG.
It's interesting to consider what the world would be like without the interference of the likes of Gates, the WEF, and the WHO.
Imagine a world without 'womb to tomb' medical interference, but rather promotion of healthy lifestyles based on clean water and food and shelter and benevolent social structures?
It's shocking to consider all the unnecessary misery that has been caused by selfish and malevolent forces.
Oligarchs gonna oligarch.
Bill Gates took the credit for what his friends started and stealing xerox gui.
Steve Jobs took the credit for what Wozniak and the team did.
Elon Musk takes the credit for what his space X and Tesla teams do.
It's no different than the days of the industrial revolution where Carnegie and the Rockefellers etc were deemed geniuses at the time despite his companies having horrible working conditions.
They went into philanthropy to continue their nefarious crap on people, just like Billy boy.
I'm glad that these days more people are questioning the wealthy and their bullshit fake charities. Bill Gates is so crazy that he still thinks that he should be the spokesperson of his "charity" and regularly says stupid crazy stuff like to control the population with vaccines, π.
The mask of sanity is down. The psychopaths and sociopaths who are the oligarchs of this society are not looking so good.
That's a good sign and hopefully more and more people see them as bullshitters and scammers.
Wonder how Billy G feels about spending time in fiery heat? He's certainly accomplished enough for a first class ticket to such a place, for permanent residency.
This excellent documentary called "Who is Bill Gates",by James Corbett from The Corbett Report, should open everyone's eyes to how much power, control and of course profit Bill Gates has accumulated, and how, since he left Microsoft.
It came out in 2020, at least Part 1 did.
James Corbett does a masterful job of exposing Bill Gates and his empire!
Thanks for the link Hillary, great to have all this info on one link.
I remember watching the individual programs, and started watching them again last night.
Fascinating to review this information again now, four years on.
It's absolutely gobsmacking the power that has been wielded by Bill Gates, the destruction that he has wrought upon the world.
He just bought people to do his bidding...and now here we are...
It's funny-years ago, after a baby family member had a painful, bad vax reaction, I went down many rabbit holes, reading & researching many medical journals. Too much of my probing came back to ol' Billybob. At the time, my summation of this man, backed by facts was considered by my computer friends, tinfoil worthy. They couldn't believe this "genius" could be evil. But now, I am vindicated.
Btw, here's a weird story for you--as mentioned, years ago I was delving into vaccine studies, medical publications, & the venture capitalist "philanthropist," Gates.
I had several windows/sites open on my phone -when out of no where, a message typed across my screen that said, "LET IT GO." I was shocked & quickly went to do a screen shot & poof, it was gone.
I thought this was a practical joke by my computer nerd spouse, but he stated no. Was it Billybob or the nsa or such, I will never know. But it happened & at the time was quite disconcerting.
Spooky about the screen message Zara!
But you're still here, questioning things...
Yes, thus far I've lived to tell the story! But first time I've shared it publicly!
Health Canada confirms that SV40 Is in the COVID vaccine...
Basic issue - there's no valid consent.
No-one was properly informed about the vaccines, and everyone was misinformed, coerced and intimidated to submit to the vaccines.
Many were even MANDATED!
There's no valid consent...what is this going to mean when the penny drops?
Hi Elizabeth, people are waking up... but the process is too slow: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab Resolution.
Health Canada π¨π¦ is a corrupted group of people with evil, greedy intentions.
The failure of our elected representatives to respond to citizens' legitimate concerns and official complaints has been a systemic problem across all levels of government in Australia. Important public interest matters continue to be ignored. Thank you Elizabeth for pursuing this.
The four years of the Covid debacle has been a shocking experience Alexandra, the way our freedom was stolen from us.
I understand the Covid scam has cost us half a trillion dollars...
And untold social and political damage.
Biggest crime of all time.
Its great when he says β...almost every personβ who does he plan on leaving out? IMO... himself.
BIll Gates (what a friendly sounding name) and people of his ilk and many who inhabit government, public health and institutions are parasites that attach and live off of the populations extracting as much so they can to feather their own nest personally and professionally. We have been under the delusion that we live freely but covid has proven that when they decide and declare there is some "thing"of concern then all our freedoms are stripped from us at the speed of light as if they had never existed. They have experienced how easy it is to frighten people into submission do any of us think they will not try it again?
Rather than worry if they might try it again Amat, let's seek accountability for what they've already done!
It's mind-boggling what has occurred!
A deliberately manufactured crisis used to terrorise and control the people, and plunder our society!
This has to be unpicked now, how did this happen...
Let's look at the 'pandemic of testing'...
See for example:
- The Dashboard that Ruled the World:
- New York - it was widespread well before anyone noticed:
One more link I just thought of but after looking rather well, couldn't find it. Its a documentary which was done by Children's Health Defense on Bill Gates tetanus vaccine to African women, but it was to make them infertile. You most likely know about about this. . Meanwhile, I found this old article from Vaccine Impact News:
π wish these rich would just move to another planet before they destroy this one
Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) could so easily have been called International Public Health Emergency of Concern.
Instead they chose "PHEIC" (wink, wink).
These people can't help bragging, thinking no one will understand their little insider code words.
I suggest they rename Public/Private Partnerships to BBG - Billionaires Bribing Governments.
Dr Bill "shoot em up straight into the veins" Gates ( not a real doctor ) says seven billion people need to be vaccinated to prevent global pandemics. ( No doubt by mRNA jabs ). The Pfizer research on animals caused a number of them to die, and testing on human subjects were cut short or removed those that gave undesirable outcomes in the trials. They did an exceptional amount of testing on reproductive organs, and they also knew it attacked every organ in the body. There was never any testing to confirm safety or effectiveness so I have no idea how he could claim it would protect anybody? Well, I would have to say the evidence suggests it has nothing to do with protecting us. I would also say Hells "Gates" and Satan "Schwab" will not be lining up for a jab any time soon. I will never forget Gates saying that his vaccines will reduce the global population by 10-15%. Only infertility or death can do that.
He's a scripted talking head, nothing more. Taking a high profile for the military Industrial perception management complex, is just a role. His families legacy of depopulation services is no secret, except from.the hypnotised.
Nothing he says is not vetted and okayed. There have been the occasional difficult questions like on Epstein, but the heat this gimp gets, is just taking it away from the facilitators in our local and federal corporate operatives.
He's absolutely complicit with genocide, but everything he does is blessed by the militarized predator class that may well be deeper in the shadows, but like they use fakebook to facilitate the total surveillance state and narrative enforcement, the inverted reality of injections for safety as opposed to incremental democide as the reality, is just a front
Heβs much more than a βtalking headβ.
Gates has dominated global vaccination policy for over 20 years.
He is right in the frame and must be held accountable, donβt ignore what is right in front of us.
In regard to the bigger picture, Democracy Manifest is sharing information, see for example: "Fake Crisis, Real Tyranny" Who's behind the WHO - and the 'Next Pandemic'?
Money and eugenics and depopulation has dominated the policies of UN signatories for decades. In the Kissinger report, NSSM, the same organizations suggested to assist in the 'urgent depopulation' policies needed, the exact same organisations were specified as assisting GAVI, in the global vaccination/ health program. It's just doublespeak inversion. They think a healthy population is a reduced one. The military callsthem Counter- measures, and if the military leadership wasn't on board, this wouldnt even be happening. Gates senior and the Planned Parenthood crew gave been vigorously assisting the millions of abortions and okay- Gates junior has taken up the reins as an operative in the perception management complex. But this operation was going long before he was on the scene, I am just saying the mountains of cash arent all from Gates, its the peoples money they are using to cull themselves, and he's not the mastermind
ALL IN THIS TOGETHER is the catch cry.
Dr Ayoub references the coincidence of the same organizations steering the operation.
Presented 2005
It is no coincidence that when I opened this stubstack of yours, I was working on the astrology of BG. Iam still working on it! Meanwhile, I have been researching past articles about the man, and though you might be interested in receiving some of them.
This 2010 one by F. William Engdahl is quite interesting:
And this one from 2020 from the Columbia Journal Review is an important one, as they are a mainstream journal and no doubt their funding is partially from BG.
Journalism's Gate Keepers:
i wish gates and his ilk from the wef and w,h,o all die a nice horrible painful death and hopefully very soon the psychopaths
It's interesting to consider what the world would be like without the interference of the likes of Gates, the WEF, and the WHO.
Imagine a world without 'womb to tomb' medical interference, but rather promotion of healthy lifestyles based on clean water and food and shelter and benevolent social structures?
It's shocking to consider all the unnecessary misery that has been caused by selfish and malevolent forces.
I remember he gave an interview right about April 2020 to a British reporter:
I knew instantly that this was going to be an evil thrusted on all 7 billion people.
1. You mean bill youβre going to vaxx 7 Billion people!! Good Lord!!
2. He said ββ yes there will be financial hardships
Then sly giggle β¦ as he would enjoy his wealth
Growing at others catastrophic ruin.
3. He also said β testing is everythingβ
At the time I did not understand that but
Comes the PCR TEST
He waved his hands like a orchestra conductor gave his smirk and beady eyes and relished
In his vision and in 2020 4 years later the aftermath of a madman β¦ he needs to be
Dealt with in a terminal way!!β
βAlmostβ every person.... operative word: ALMOST....
Meaning: We donβt want to kill ourselves, only the ones beneath us, We, the self proclaimed ELITE.