"The medical profession... these people have to be held to account [as well as AHPRA]."

"There’s a whole clique of these [medical] academics that’s been at this for years - influencing tax-payer funded vaccination policy… funded by industry. And the public doesn’t know about this because [mainstream media] makes so much money advertising… promoting the jabs."

Great interview on “the church of vaccination” and “the real bioterrorism”, Elizabeth. And thanks for the shout-out to DemocracyManifest!

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For me, the amount of information on eugenics pushers, depopulation proponents, 'civil' population reductionists, and the military Industrial perception management complexes involvement in pushing these agendas using pharmaceutical companies as the incremental democide we 'urgently' - see Kissingers NSSM report - had to have. Keep in mind it was 50 years ago the think tanks and influencers of sock puppet politicians were pushing for major depopulation policies. The killing fields of 'health' care will testify to where that has gone. The health of 'GAIA' is now a priority- as the propaganda goes anyway.

I wonder what BOB Geldof would be thinking about this pre-culling of the next generation?

I can imagine the perception managers have successfully used the 'for your SAFETY' weaponised moniker way before the NAZIS did, and they are still using it to this day. It's the social engineers method of herding the flock into the killbox for their incremental extermination for one, but as the biodigital convergence and data driven economy are also some of the major goals of this technocratic machine and its profiteers, the maiming and deaths from injections are almost a distraction.

They definitely want the deathometer steadily climbing, but the open air prison and its block-chains of slavery are being built again- FOR YOUR SAFETY... and CONvenience

CONditioning 19 was an operation to RESET the social contract.

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It's great to hear my cousins in Aussie Land and their Fighting Spirit!!! I liked the interview, and I'm wondering... I will just ask you, because I have no idea, having just "found" you here on SS...

My questions to you and your friends Down Under...

1) Are you aware that the PCR "test" isn't a test at all? It does not find disease nor does it diagnose anything, so having a "test" with it is a non-sequitur...

2) Are you aware that in all these years, and after hundreds-- HUNDREDS-- of FOIA Requests to labs all over the world, that NO virus has ever been isolated? (They are not what they were supposed to be!) To be succinct: Viruses are a fraudulent "thing." In fact, CONTAGION has never been proven, even after very diligent attempts.

3) Are you aware that there has never been shown to exist any sort of airborne pathogen whatsoever. "Germs" are not what we've been led to believe... they're a lie, basically. Yes, there are pathogens, but they are not contagious, and they enter our bodies from the outside, such as bad food, bad water, toxins in the air, the soil, nasty things sprayed on our food, across our skies, and etc. Nature is GOOD. Psychopathic Eugenicists are BAD.

I hope I'm not insulting your intelligence. You have some neighbors that are very well-informed on these issues, living in NZ. Mark and Sam Bailey are doctors who have left the Germ Theory Narrative for what makes FAR more sense, as a theory, still, but very much more likely to hold water than the incredibly inane Germ Theory... Terrain Theory is much easier to swallow, so to speak. If only we'd listened to Florence Nightingale back in the day... She had it right, in my considered opinion!

So, I've been trying to get myself educated on these issues for the past four and half years. Please forgive my barging in... But there's one more thing we ALL need to understand: The Illuminati, or the "Black Nobility," or the Evil Psychopathic Filthy Rich Globalist Cabal, or however we wish to think of them... They have been trying to euthanize us down to a manageable number for a LONG time, and this is what is going on... A world-wide CULL, and the introduction of Absolute Tyranny. It's hard to believe, but we MUST, and we must act soon, so to prevent a lot more suffering than has already been inflicted... These people are EVIL. Let's combine ALL our forces all over the world and STOP THEM! WE the PEOPLE deserve a good life, and all the creatures and plants of the Earth as well. There is NO CLIMATE CRISIS, that's another hoax; there is no pandemic, then or now or later; let us move together as ONE PEOPLE and put this holocaust down. xo xo xo Love to all the Aussies!

Forgive my LONG COMMENT!

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the issue is Elizabeth, even people pushing back, Ms Richards included, still believe something went around. They still believe in the mythology of viral pandemics. And it is a mythology. A scientific ruse of synthetic DNA and RNA and sequencing misrepresentation. Any RNA, coronaviruses included, cannot replicate themselves into a pandemic. Its biologically impossible.

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