Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021
Further to my recent article on William Bay winning his case against Ahpra and the Medical Board of Australia:
William Bay’s case provides a long-awaited opportunity to shine the spotlight on Ahpra and the Medical Board, and their deliberate interference in the patient-practitioner relationship, in particular threatening practitioners from questioning taxpayer-funded vaccine products, which governments and other organisations/parties have imposed on the community via coercion and mandates, e.g. the COVID-19 vaccines.
In my article on William Bay’s case, I refer to one of my emails to Martin Fletcher, former CEO of Ahpra, and Anne Tonkin, former Chair of the Medical Board of Australia, which I also requested be circulated to all Members of the 15 National Boards, in July 2023.
My email challenges the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 (now superseded), which was effectively a mandate for health practitioners to comply with the then Morrison Government’s plan for a compulsory Covid-19 vaccination policy, for Covid vaccination to be “as mandatory as you can possibly make it”, as announced by Scott Morrison in August 2020.
In his interview with Neil Mitchell, Scott Morrison boasted:
“I was the minister that established ‘No jab, no play’, so my view on this is pretty clear”.
Of course mandatory vaccination conflicts with practitioners’ obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination.
By effectively mandating practitioners to comply with the Morrison Government’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout without question, the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 severely compromised practitioners’ ability to fulfil their legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for this medical intervention.
See this copy of the AHPRA Position Statement, which is now ‘superseded’:
Please see below my email challenging the AHPRA Position Statement, addressed to Martin Fletcher, Anne Tonkin, and all Members of the 15 National Boards.
(The original version is publicly accessible via this link). I do not recall receiving acknowledgement or a response to my email from Martin Fletcher or Anne Tonkin.)
This is part of my extensive correspondence with Ahpra, the Medical Board, and other parties.
Email sent on Monday 31 July 2023
Subject: Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021
For the attention of:
- Martin Fletcher, CEO, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
- Anne Tonkin, Chair, Medical Board of Australia
Please forward this email to all Members of the 15 National Boards who approved the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021
(Please see the list of current Members at the bottom of this email.)
Copied to: Matthew Hardy, AHPRA National Director Notifications (Re Notification Ref. No. 00531213 re Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly)
Dear Martin Fletcher, Anne Tonkin and Members of the 15 National Boards
The AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 is effectively a mandate for health practitioners to comply with the then Morrison Government's plan for a compulsory Covid-19 vaccination policy, for Covid vaccination to be "as mandatory as you can possibly make it", as announced by Scott Morrison in August 2020.
On what authority do AHPRA and the Members of the 15 National Boards dictate to health practitioners on Covid-19 vaccination policy, impacting on health decisions for millions of people, including children?
Have Members of the National Boards breached codes of conduct by demanding health practitioners support the Morrison Government’s Covid-19 vaccination policy, a mass population vaccination rollout which has violated the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
It's important to have transparency and accountability for the people responsible for the AHPRA Position Statement, because it appears whoever initiated, authored, and approved this document has little or no knowledge of the obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination, despite the fact AHPRA acknowledges this requirement in personal correspondence to me dated 20 September 2021, i.e.
"Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person's voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved."
In November 2022, the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care also confirmed to me:
"Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations."
The AHPRA Position Statement hyperlinks to the Home page of The Australian Immunisation Handbook - why didn’t it directly link to the section on Valid consent and explicitly quote the requirement for voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
"For consent to be legally valid, the following elements must be present...It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation...It can only be given after the potential risks and benefits of the relevant vaccine, the risks of not having it, and any alternative options have been explained to the person." (My emphasis.)
The AHPRA Position Statement approved by Members of the 15 National Boards 'strongly encourages' health practitioners to be Covid-19 vaccinated themselves, and states: "Many registered health practitioners will have a vital role in COVID-19 vaccination programs and in educating the public about the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccines to ensure high participation rates." (My emphasis.)
Are registered health practitioners, e.g. general practitioners, nurses and pharmacists, qualified to provide specialist information on Covid-19 and Covid-19 vaccination across the population? Are they qualified to ensure people give their voluntary informed consent for this medical intervention, or to refuse it if they so choose?
How have health practitioners handled the situation with people presenting before them under duress, e.g. under vaccination mandates set by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), led by Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, and state and territory government mandates, and mandates set by employers and others?
How can health practitioners obtain valid consent from people being pressured, coerced and manipulated to submit to Covid-19 vaccination under vaccination mandates?
With the widespread acceptance of vaccination mandates across the medical profession, including for themselves, it appears most health practitioners do not understand that vaccination is a medical intervention for which voluntary informed consent must be obtained. This is a shocking revelation with serious ramifications for the community, with personal autonomy and bodily integrity damaged by vaccination mandates.
Have health practitioners been free to question the AHPRA Position Statement? It appears not, as the AHPRA Position Statement approved by Members of the 15 National Boards carries an implied threat against practitioners who might question Covid-19 vaccination policy, saying: "Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action." (My emphasis.)
Who decides what is 'the best scientific evidence', and is this open to question by health practitioners without penalty?
It seems it’s the Members of the 15 National Boards who are in breach of the codes of conduct, by approving the AHPRA Position Statement, which recklessly disregards the obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination, and coerces practitioners into unquestioning support for the then Morrison Government's Covid-19 vaccination policy, pressing these medical products across mass populations, regardless of individual disease risk and health status.
The AHPRA Position Statement is an overtly intimidating 'gag order', which has censored critical thinking about the Covid-19 vaccination rollout across most of the medical profession, along with the scientific establishment and academia, the political and judicial systems, and the mainstream corporate media, including the taxpayer-funded ABC and SBS. Open discussion on this subject has been deliberately impeded.
Martin Fletcher, Anne Tonkin and Members of the 15 National Boards, the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 is a disastrous directive that has helped facilitate the violation of voluntary informed consent for Covid-19 vaccination.
What steps will AHPRA and the Members of the 15 National Boards take to acknowledge and redress the enormous damage done by the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021, which remains ongoing under the Albanese Government?
Please acknowledge receipt of this email, including that it has been forwarded individually to Members of the 15 National Boards.
Elizabeth Hart
Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy
* A highlighted copy of the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021 is attached, along with other documents cited in this email.
Please forward this email to Members of the 15 National Boards listed below:
(Information provided by Amanda Watson, AHPRA National Complaints Manager, 21 July 2023 via hyperlink. See copy of webpage accessed 31 July 2023 attached.)
(Note: See original email via this link for the list of Members of the 15 National Boards.)
It simply didn't matter to Morrison whether the alleged novel virus had been proven to exist or not - In the end all that mattered to the treasonous moronic Morrison was the number of people that had fallen for the propaganda and mandate into taking the jab now proven to be the cause for excess deaths around the world.
Morrison had been provided by me with the opportunity to respond to clearly stated questions relating to the existence of the alleged novel virus he failed to address the point and completely failed to provide the required evidence.
In light of his failure to provide the required evidence I suggest it's time to turn the tables on Morrison, and his ilk.
No jab no pay? - Two can play that game !
No evidence - no generous perks funded by Australian taxpayers.
Incidentally, Elizabeth, a key element of informed consent is that the public must be told what is in the medicines or injections i.e. the entire contents. A hundred years ago, the BMA ran a campaign against what were called 'patent medicines' - concoctions which had secret ingredients protected by commericial-in-confidence conditions. To inform the public, the BMA had many of these products analysed and informed the public of their contents in a publication called 'Secret Remedies'. And now, lo and behold, we have the government itself conspiring to inflict by force on the public products which are in effect patent medicines, containing secret ingredients. Initially we were told by the then CHO that they contained mRNA - which was false. It was denied later that they contained DNA - though this was true. Informed consent is simply not possible under these circumstances,.