No Jab, No Pay: "That's not informed consent!"
Doc Malik in conversation with Elizabeth Hart
In August 2023, Ahmad Malik, aka Doc Malik Honest Health, invited me onto his podcast for our first discussion on vaccination, accessible via this link:
My discussion with Ahmad in August 2023 was a great experience.
It was an opportunity to chat candidly about a wide range of vaccination issues with a doctor, on a podcast that was going to be in the public domain.
This was remarkable, after years of suppression and outright censorship in Australia, where there is very little evidence of any doctors speaking out publicly on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy and practice.
It seems most vaccinating practitioners follow the ever-increasing National Immunisation Program Schedule without question…because for practitioners to question vaccination is to risk retaliatory action by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
In Australia, coercive vaccination policy has been in place for years, for example coercive vaccination laws for children - the Australian Government’s No Jab, No Pay law to access financial benefits, and State governments’ No Jab, No Play laws to access childcare.
I raised the coercive No Jab, No Pay/No Play vaccination laws for children during my discussion with Ahmad.
Ahmad was astonished and said:
Straight away, this surgeon in the UK could see that coercing/incentivising parents to have their children vaccinated is “not informed consent!”
So how has this happened in Australia?
How could vaccinating practitioners in Australia collaborate with coercive/incentivising vaccination laws for children, violating their moral, ethical and legal obligation to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
The imposition of the Australian Government’s No Jab, No Pay law in 2016, followed by various State government No Jab, No Play laws, has had a devastating impact in Australia, leading to widespread coercion and vaccination mandates in ‘Covid’ times - ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’.
In May 2020, the now notorious Jane Halton called for ‘No Jab, No Play’ for adults - this was effectively a demand for a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for adults. Jane Halton is Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-founded CEPI - the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations - aka the face of the lucrative pandemic industry.
Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was a prime mover in establishing the children’s No Jab, No Pay/No Play laws from 2016, when he was Social Services Minister.
Then Prime Minister Scott Morrison also responded to CEPI Chair Jane Halton’s demand for ‘No Jab, No Play’ for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for adults, announcing in August 2020 that he expected COVID-19 vaccination would be “as mandatory as you can possibly make it”.
And so it came to pass… ‘No Jab, No Job’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’ edicts spread across Australia.
See more background in my paper:
Please see this short clip of Ahmad Malik and I discussing the coercive children’s No Jab, No Pay/No Play vaccination laws in Australia, (starts at 34:04 in the full discussion), transcript below:
Elizabeth Hart: …there were things being put in place to shut down people who were questioning vaccination, that they really wanted it locked in, that people would be compliant to vaccination.
So in Australia there used to be, this is before 2016, that parents would get allowances for their children, and it was sort of tied to vaccination.
But you could be a conscientious objector.
So what they were trying to get rid of was this conscientious objector...
Ahmad Malik: Yes.
Elizabeth Hart: And parents would get these tax benefits, but you'd have to get the vaccinations for your children.
And then it progressed to get childcare, that then State governments started bringing in No Jab, No Play laws.
But the whole aim of this...
Ahmad Malik: Hold on one sec… That's incentivising, and disincentivising, punitive punishment.
That's not informed consent!
Elizabeth Hart: I know. This is where the rot set in!
Ahmad Malik: What the frack?!
Elizabeth Hart: The doctors shouldn't have gone along with this...
Ahmad Malik: Hundred percent!
Elizabeth Hart: And it's not just doctors…they should have said at that time, they should have said "we can't go along with's not informed consent..."
Ahmad Malik: It's bullshit.
Elizabeth Hart: But the organisations here, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Australian Medical Association, these organisations are just terrible.
Ahmad Malik: Well they're the same over here.
Elizabeth Hart: The leadership of these organisations is dire.
Well at least the ones in England, I don't think they went along with mandatory vaccination.
But here...they're appalling.
Ahmad Malik: Well they weren't speaking really that out against it, honestly.
Honestly, don't hold these guys up here too highly…
Elizabeth Hart: I wouldn't do that!
Ahmad Malik: No-one was out on the street marching...
They're all scum...
Honestly, I know it sounds a bit harsh, but most of these high people, I mean where were they?
They weren't on TV crying out this goes against medical ethics...
Ahmad Malik is right, “incentivising, and disincentivising, punitive punishment” is “not informed consent!”
Coercive vaccination “goes against medical ethics…”
So again, how has this happened?
How could vaccinating practitioners collaborate with coercion and mandates, and renege on their moral, ethical and legal obligation to obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination?
The rot really set in with the No Jab, No Pay law initiated by then Social Services Minister Scott Morrison in 2015 and enacted in 2016…
Read more in my paper:
The Australian Vaccination-risks Network has compiled information on Vaccination Laws in Australia, see this link:
Governments are completely stepping out of their jurisdiction when they threaten punitive measures on anyone who refuses to have a substance put into their body. It is the same in some parts of America where they make it mandatory to have a substance injected unless the person can prove there is religious or medical reasons not to, calling it a vaccine does not give them an excuse to use coercion. A person has the right to refuse anything they do not want put into their body, it doe not matter how effective or safe the substance is if you do not want it then we all have a right to say no and get on with our lives free of recriminations. This has been a mission creep of governments becoming increasingly more authoritarian where they advance into controlling our personal freedom and are now breaching our right for self determination. It has to be stopped before it becomes physical force or they starve us into submission. The fake pandemic of 2020 was a clear warning of how coercion and force can be easily used by them to subdue and make compliant a population.
Elizabeth, I read a report a long time ago (I think it was Pfizer) regarding a vaccine group and placebo control. What caught my eye was how many injuries there was in the placebo group. (which incidentally made the numbers look good in the vaccine group). Correct me if I am wrong and if you are familiar with it, but it stated that the placebo group was given aluminium salts because it caused immune responses and those in this group were tricked into believing they got the real "vaccine". At least that was the justification, but to me it sounds like fraud.