Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

As a Catholic doctor who refused the vax mandate, I warned people that it was medically unnecessary and told my fellow Catholics it was morally wrong as the vaccines were developed from aborted fetal cells. Very few listened to me and even fewer followed my recommendation not to get it.

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Gia, what were the actual consequences for you for refusing the mandate? Did Ahpra go after you for your stance?

Also, FYI, please see one of my recent emails to Ahpra (I've been writing to them for years...):

Why weren't doctors, nurses and pharmacists warned not to collaborate with coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination? Devastating failure to protect the public by Ahpra and the National Boards, 5 July 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/why-werent-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists-warned-not-to-collaborate-with-coercive-and-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination.pdf

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Hello Elizabeth,

I threatened to resign immediately in Sept. 2021 when the vax mandate was started but a nasal weekly PCR was in place, but I refused that too as I knew it was invasive and generated false positives so I was allowed to do the weekly non invasive saliva which I did for 17 months.

Then in April 2023, the mask mandates were once again put in place and I also immediately told my director I don’t intend to comply with that.

I am grateful that I did not lose my employment as the Lord truly does not abandon those who stand up for Him.

Thank you for writing about the massive failure of the medical establishment! Everyone should know about the complicity of the medical professionals in this.

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Thanks Gia, very interesting to hear about your experience in the US.

So you had to do weekly testing. Isn't it interesting 'they' wanted to do the nasal testing... An intrusive, humiliating, sometimes I understand, a painful test. And yet a non-invasive saliva test was available - how many people got that opportunity?

So they wanted to make people submissive with the testing, and invasive was all the better for them.

Of course the testing is a massive part of this outrageous scam. So much to consider!

I'm also very grateful that you did not lose your employment Gia. The medical system desperately needs people like you, with the resolve to stick with your principles.

As we know, 'they' wanted to cancel out critical-thinking people, 'they' only want compliant people in the system. Now, with many good people expelled from the medical system due to the vaccine mandates, certainly in Australia, we are left with a very dangerous medical system, populated by people who can't be relied upon to call out wrongdoing. It's a bad situation.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I am based in the USA…just read the link about Ahpra…

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Ahhhh, that explains it...

I wondered how you could have possibly escaped the evil clutches of Ahpra... That's the so-called 'regulator' of medical practitioners here, as you probably gathered from my email. They are a disaster area, have been for years. They've worked assiduously to shut down any questioning of vaccination policy and practice.

And now here we are, with the diabolical Covid mess...

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Oct 14Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Yes…feel so bad for both Australia and Canada!

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It's so shocking isn't it?! These are supposed to be 'free countries'.

Part of the Five Eyes...they all turned on the people.

The treachery is off the scale.

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Oct 14Liked by Elizabeth Hart

It’s evil beyond anyone can imagine. And thank you for writing about it.

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and New Zealand

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Well done for your courage going against the the grain and trying to warn others.

I am not Catholic, however my son is, as he chose to take the Sacraments of Initiation.

I did try and raise awareness 3 years ago after seeing a video message from the Pope and others.

I did eventually loose my job in the disability sector for choosing not to receive the vaccine, but I did save our Foster Children from receiving it.

A message for Catholics (3 years ago) https://rumble.com/vlg44e-a-message-for-catholics.html

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Crikey Mark! I've just watched your video with the Catholic Vaccine Promotion team...it is absolutely appalling. All it's missing is some Pfizer and Moderna logos in the corner.

Have you got a link to the original video?

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Mark well done you on saving your foster children from the injections.

If you don't mind me asking, what's the situation with your job now, have you been able to get back to work.

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Well done for your courage too.

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Gia, what do you think about Pope Francis urging people to get vaccinated against 'Covid-19'?

Here's a direct link to the Vatican News video featured in Mark's rumble video: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2021-08/pope-francis-appeal-covid-19-vaccines-act-of-love.html

Also see: On COVID vaccinations, Pope says health care is a 'moral obligation': https://www.npr.org/2022/01/10/1071785531/on-covid-vaccinations-pope-says-health-care-is-a-moral-obligation

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Hello Elizabeth….I totally ignored him…and his non-Catholic views!

I follow the true magisterium of the Catholic faith of which he does not represent by his heretic views.

Most New Order or Novus Ordo Catholics unfortunately can’t and don’t see that.

Hope this helps.

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Gia, another area the Catholic Church has failed is in collaborating with the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccines.

In this regard, see for example my recent email to the author of the paper Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life, 28 August 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/use-of-aborted-fetal-tissue-in-vaccines-and-medical-research-obscures-the-value-of-all-human-life.pdf

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Gia, Pope Francis is an absolute shocker... Did you watch the video - a full on advertisement for the jabs, shocking.

The Archbishop of Canterbury was the same, see: Get vaccinated, say Archbishops Nichols and Welby: https://www.thetablet.co.uk/news/14821/get-vaccinated-say-archbishops-nichols-and-welby

What do these men know about vaccination? Who are they to be interfering in people's personal health decisions? But it's the Church of Vaccination that is praised above all! Surely the time has come to blow the lid off this thing?

Who was pulling the strings on all this? Over the countries, over the churches... This is what must be exposed.

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indeed! How is it part of their job being a mouth piece for G0vt/wef/un?

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Unfortunately, so many Catholics did follow their Bishops advocating for the vaccine…but there are a few traditional priests who have resisted, even Bishop Strickland of Texas but they got cancelled.

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Everything needs to be turned upside down Gia, big time.

The churches played into this whole scenario as well, promoting all the 'social distancing', not singing in choirs, and all the other rubbish.

It's mortifying to think about, how easily these people were drawn into fear.

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Yes…the complicit clergy scrubbed out God…and gave in to fear and created by men.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

And some of those who did stand up in Australia, like MyLe Trinh, are still being persecuted. Jackie Stone was persecuted to the point of ending her life. https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/when-tyranny-is-in-vogue-honoring.

There is a documentary called Caring Corrupted: the killing nurses of the Third Reich, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz8ge4aw8Ws&t=5s) produced before the plandemic, and there were Australian nurses and nurse educators among the people interviewed about the topic. I was SURE that these people would have recognised immediately the parallels between their testimonies and what was going down during Covid. So I actually contacted the ones I could trace. Only one replied to my message, and gobsmackingly was completely On Narrative. I couldn't believe it!

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Author

Rosemary, have you heard about the case in the UK of the disabled man they want to sedate and Covid vax against his will and that of his mother? They’ve already done it to him twice…imagine the nurses who did that. I’m planning to write an article on it soon.

See below from Dr Liz Evans, UK Medical Freedom Alliance:

UKMFA Broadcast #29 - Lawyer Stephen Jackson- Sedate to Vaccinate?

UKMFA were delighted to be joined by Stephen Jackson of Jackson Osborne Solicitors, who is supporting "Catherine" and her adult son Adam, who has Down's Syndrome. They face a legal battle in the Court of Protection to stop an NHS board from spiking Adam’s drinks with sedatives so he can be force-vaccinated with a Covid vaccine against his will and the will of his mother.

Catherine is planning to prosecute her local NHS integrated care board (ICB) for “forced vaccination”, which she claims is “tantamount to assault” and a breach of Adam's human rights. Stephen discusses this disturbing story and its implications for medical ethics with our CEO, Dr Liz Evans.


💰 Please donate to support Catherine in her legal battle https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/stop-sedate-to-vaccinate 💰

We apologise for the poor video quality in parts of the interview (the audio is fine throughout). We urge you to stick with it as it is the only long form video that Stephen has made about this case.

🎧You can also listen to this important interview on our podcast platforms - Apple, Spotify and Buzzprout:🎧

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Oct 14Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Absolutely shocking. At this point this is nothing other than medical murder. The fact that they've already managed to get two jabs into this poor man by subterfuge is horrific. Good on you for planning to write about this. It is a story that needs to be told everywhere to shame these immoral doctors and medical bureaucrats.

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It is shocking Rosemary!

And a slippery slope…

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Thanks for sharing the link to the documentary Caring Corrupted, Rosemary, I’ve just watched it.

Around 42:50: “Just following orders was not going to be an acceptable defence to murder and genocide. And one of the things that came out of Nuremberg is the notion everybody is responsible for their own action.”

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That is so interesting about the killing nurses. I remember there was an Australian nursing academic from Queensland. Don't tell me it was her on narrative. Seems like it was all of them anyway if none of the others responded. It's like a blindness takes over when it's the here and now and the blinkers only come off when it's another time another place.

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Petra, the academic in the documentary is Linda Shields, Charles Sturt University. Not sure if she’s there now, looking for her she seems to have connections all over the place.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. Actually, I think I may have even emailed her myself but I cannot remember - I certainly looked her up with that thought in mind. If I did I definitely didn't get a response.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

The only "excuse" I could imagine was that she thought I was trying to entrap her and so she feigned being "on narrative" to keep her job. But that's a stretch...There's another documentary called "Breathtaking: the world of human research crime" in which academics testify in 2023 but on non-pandemic-related issues. I have been surprised (and disappointed) by the Covid-related behaviours of some, but not all, of these interviewees. Unfortunately the most promising person interviewed (who actually named his business "Never Again Consulting") has recently (April) died of cardiac arrest at the age of 71. He was quoted in 2019 as saying "A physician's oath never says to keep your mouth shut", but I can't find anything he said since then.

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Thanks Rosemary. Will watch it.

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Rosemary . . . "Breathtaking: the world of human research crime" . . Just watched. Thank you for sharing.

Disgusting that many quacks in high positions use and abuse patients. Do these parasitic asswipes think they are untouchable and unaccountable whilst craving medical achievement by mangling people's lives as they claw their way up the fame ladder? Dr Ali Khorami requires a surgical removal of all 10 fingers plus his 11th one.

It is noted that the former tga ferret signed off to a benign letter to cover his ass and others. Sickening to say the least. So much for Australian mds involved in allopathic drug pusher meds & devices. Whatever happened to "First, do no harm."?

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I'm not surprised by medical malfeasance but I am surprised that academics and medical people who testify against this for one documentary can seemingly have been so On Narrative for the Covid BS. I haven't tried to contact these ones, but just from a quick search I found some surprising incongruencies for people who must think of themselves as "ethical".

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I was an aged care RN when the COVID vaccines were mandated. I refused to take this “ vaccine” and consequently lost my job and my home and also the relationship with one of my children !!!

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Author

Louise, this is the story that continues to be suppressed - about the people who were excluded from society, from their livelihood, and participating in everyday life such as sport, hospitality, entertainment, travel, cultural pastimes etc, because they refused to sacrifice their personal autonomy and bodily integrity and submit to the injections.

While there's increasing focus on excess deaths and adverse events after vaccination, the pain of people who lost so much because they refused to comply with vaccine mandates remains suppressed.

This happened in Australia - a sub-class of people was created because they wouldn't toe the line and comply - so they were punished by exclusion.

As reported in the latest Australian Government statistics, 19.9 million Australians aged 18-75+

have received a COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-10/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-october-2024.pdf Over two million children have been injected too, but curiously they're not included in recent statistics...

With a population of 26 million, it seems there's four million who are unjabbed? That's a big number actually. How did all these people fare under the coercion and mandates, under the exclusion from society at the height of 'Covid' madness?

These are the stories that must see light now.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Thankyou Elizabeth. I can hardly believe this is the Australia I was born in 😢

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It's a grim story Louise.

I'm so sorry you lost your job, your home, even a relationship with one of your children.

Crikey how horrible is this?! How many stories are there like this?

And it was all deliberately manufactured...a manufactured crisis so they could implement more controls over us. In our supposed 'free country', ruled by 'our' treacherous political representatives.

Who made all the money? And put Australia into even greater debt...

An article published in The Australian in April 2024 reports 'Covid' cost us $577 billion: Long Covid: bill hits $577bn but vaccines tossed in the bin. (Paywalled.)

How to calculate the cost of what has gone on? And you can't put a price on the damage to human relationships, to the actual psyche of this country. This country will never be the same, certainly not for you or me.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

That's a line I use a lot too Louise. Like many others I looked at where in the world we could run to - but then decided that my children deserve the Australia of their birth - and that we should fight for it.

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Louise, suggest you have a really close read of those articles I just sent you...

Aged care...and subsequently the rest of us...was done over big time, by Scott Morrison, the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet, the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, and the rest of the officers in the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC).

It's time for accountability.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

One day there will be a reckoning, I hope their injustices will be brought into the daylight.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Hi Louise, my husband also lost his job in disability care - after working through the worst of the "pandemic" resulting in PTSD. My children were discriminated against at work, school and sport and I had to bribe my way into a shoe store with a vax placebo group card to buy school shoes at one point, and I left a job where I was the only v-free after being so ostracised I could not continue. But we have our home, and my family & kids are strong and healthy and I would do it all again. Hope you are OK too.

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AnnetteO, gosh what an awful experience you and your husband and children endured.

What a strange feeling it was to be 'v-free and ostracised'... At least we weren't marked out with a label...we were just 'disappeared' out of society. Quite something in our supposed 'free country'.

Please see my responses to Louise for some information that may be of interest to you and your husband, including some of my articles.

And so glad that you still have your home and family and your kids are strong and healthy. You have all weathered this experience together, and perhaps all the closer now because of it.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I am sorry you had to go through that 😢 but well done you showed enormous strength and courage.Was your husband allowed to work unvaxed? It sounds like he was put under enormous pressure at work 😳That’s crazy that you had to bribe your way into a shoe store. You sure have been through a lot and you are stronger now!! I am slowly recovering but it’s been a tough ride. I am now living with my eldest son on a farm. My 3 sons weren’t vaccinated but my daughter and some of her children were consequently I don’t see her anymore which is very sad 😢

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Yes, my mother could not talk to me for 6 months & took my Dad 3+ years to show support. But I have found like minded people & got a better paying work from home job. Glad you too still have some family.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Thankyou . It was an easy decision for me as the whole thing didn’t feel right. Unfortunately though it has taken its toll on my family and my daughter no longer talks to me !! And I didn’t think about housing when I made the decision!!! and so It has taken me 3 years to get where I am today. I am feeling a little more settled now that I have moved to my son’s farm. Prior to this I was doing different house sitting jobs and stayed with a friend for 12 months.

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It's lovely that you have now moved to your son's farm Louise, and that your three sons weren't vaccinated. The situation with your daughter is difficult, but she like many was impressed by the 'voices of authority'.

A dear friend of mine, who is religious, said to me: "I'm going to make it my mission, God willing, to get rid of every ounce of resentment, anger and hatred from my heart. It's the only answer."

But we still fight for justice too.

I hope you relationship with you daughter will heal with time.

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Wow, Louise. What you did was heroic. I so admire your courage.

I'm sorry for what you lost. How are you doing these days?

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Doing ok thanks … it’s been a journey but I finally have a more permanent place to live. I am on a pension so I have some money coming in… 🤗My so sons have supported me as much as they can.

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Thank you for responding, Louise.

I'm glad you have a place to live and some money coming in.

God bless you and your sons.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

...sad, extremely... at such a cost , however, you will be on the ‘ right side of history over this huge malfeasance.

You will be able to say that you would not trade your high standards , to ‘ lie with the perpetrators... sorry for your loss.

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Louise, you were an aged care RN.

It was aged care that was used to start the ball rolling on mandatory vaccination. They tried the same thing in the UK too, but it eventually fell over.

Have you seen my articles about this? See for example:

- The destruction of voluntary informed consent via mandatory COVID-19 vaccination "A political decision, not a health decision": https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed

- Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/misfeasance-in-public-office

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Good article, I find it hard to work out the complicity of the doctors, I don’t believe there was “ COVID” and absolutely no pandemic

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

It is good for individuals to resist tyranny and wrongdoing - and for whistleblowers to come forward. But what Australia most lacks is capable, practical, ethical leadership. The medical profession, in particular, needs competent, experienced leaders able to inspire doctors to return to independent ethical medical practice. There must be prominent doctors 'out there' who can see this need. They should step forward to serve their profession, their patients and their country at this critical time.

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The Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) is one group already having presented to a Senate committee on excess deaths since the Covid inoculation rollout. They completely trounced academia and the bureaucracy in the process.

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Stephen, the 'leadership' of the medical profession is non-existent.

What an absolute shower. The 'leadership' themselves demanded and supported mandates!

These people! They have no idea about informed consent - how can they, when medical folk themselves have been subject to vaccine mandates for years.

There must not be any vaccine mandates, medical mandates. Any medical intervention must be a personal choice.

This conversation has to be opened up.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I believe because this is so much larger than the unbelievable undeniable COVID assault on humanity, it is difficult to see an end to this debacle. Covid ended life as we knew it. But it didn’t begin with covid, it began when America allowed a well spoken beautifully smiling politician to get away with initiating a CHANGE in this country that is still being perpetrated on America. It is a well thought out assault. There have been many mandates placed on Americans since Covid, and because those in charge are so brilliant at deceiving, creating constant chaos, presenting illogical situations constantly, they are expert at convincing many this is normal, convincing people that if they go against the good those in charge are trying to achieve then those that oppose are extremists, even anti American. Time will tell but it isn’t looking too hopeful. Until someone is held accountable for all those that died alone in hospitals, isolated from their God given rights to be treated humanely, then there is no Justice and those who decided to assault not only America but the world, got away with the crime of the century!

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It is mindboggling to think about what is going on.

A lot of us have had the rug pulled out from right underneath us.

Nothing is what I thought it was...including who are the 'good guys' and the 'bad guys'...

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

They havnt quite ‘ got away with that crime of the century ‘ yet ... informed consent is the key , and we may only find out if the current world identifies the justice we once knew & valued ...

Thanks - thought provoking in the extreme

For the record , I believe in the theory that informed consent is an ‘ unalienable right ‘ , and that when proven to exist as a measurement of guilt or innocence 80 years ago, should lead us in the desired result of conducting a full , true & disclosed NURENBERG 2.0 Trial ....

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Author

I agree of course Les...informed consent is the key.

Certainly it's a very big key to consider. Powerful forces have deliberately engineered a fake crisis for their benefit, and have used the medical 'profession' to carry out their plan to exploit and enslave the people. And informed consent was trashed.

So there is no valid consent.


Who is going to be held responsible for this?

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

The trials known as The Nuremburg War Crimes trial or tribunal dealt with the 'Good Soldier' issue and the claim "I was only following orders". Following orders was NOT considered a sufficient argument to be released from responsibility and accountability for the harms done.

The point you make that not only the injectors are accountable is very valid. ALL those who supported and facilitated the injection of these chemical gene based products without full informed consent, actually impossible to achieve, or harmed people for refusing the injections is accountable for the harms done.

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As you say peter, "ALL those who supported and facilitated the injection of these chemical gene based products without full informed consent, actually impossible to achieve, or harmed people for refusing the injections is accountable for the harms done."

The fact is...almost the entire country went along with this travesty...followed orders.

But so many were tricked into this.

Now the whole rotten corrupted system must be exposed and investigated - how did this happen?

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I don't equate the Mei Lai tragedy with the "just following orders" aspect of the Covid drama. The Covid drama is more complex with egregious influences of politics, media propaganda, mis-guided peer pressure, government generated mis-information, repressive regulations and legislation previously designed to seize control. Add to this the corrupt activities of alphabet government agencies captured by the corporate interests of the pharmaceutical industry and the DOD. It is little wonder that the system miserably failed the citizenry.

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Peter, I suggest my comparison with the My Lai massacre and 'just following orders' is important to consider, as I particularly focussed on those soldiers who DIDN'T follow immoral orders, i.e. Robert Maples and Hugh Thompson, and also Ron Ridenhour who provided valuable testimony afterwards.

Our entire system appears now to have been captured. All the people in this system aren't necessarily malevolent, but they're caught with a 'following orders' mentality, because to do otherwise might be to their material detriment.

We've seen during Covid it was the people who refused to comply who lost their jobs. So these critical-thinking, discerning people have been cancelled out of the system, and we're left with compliant folk carrying out orders without question - obviously a very dangerous situation! This has to come to the fore for examination.

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Exactly: by not to complying with the Covid narrative and being cancelled out of the system those in "control" have achieved their objective ie; domination of thought, speech and reaction.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Yes, exactly. This learning curve of Katherine Watt is very informative about the depth of the preparedness prior to the enactment of this coup: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/learning-curve

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Speaking as an American, the people of this country failed their country. They failed the ideals the majority loves to sing about and praise themselves for.

So, what you've outlined, Peter, are the symptoms of a demoralized people -- who committed a crime against themselves. The tragedy? They didn't even know it -- while they were doing it. Point it out? Pointless. Human rights violations? Pfffff. For God's sake...there's a respiratory infection going around!

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Author

Yes SheThinksLiberty, "a demoralized people -- who committed a crime against themselves."

That's our society - demoralised.

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The take-away from the JonesTown massacre is that 98% drink the Koolaid. Most of the other 2% are concerned fully with their own survival, and dare not speak out. The 1,000 people there were people with some ability to think differently - that's why they were there - so for ordinary people the figures are probably worse.

Covid was only renamed flu. That's why the flu disappeared. Anyone promoting Covid as a real illness now is either Controlled Opposition or exceptionally stupid.

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Great article...gets to the heart of the matter. There was one other example I heard of such Heroes...cited during the peoples Covid enquiry in Canada...A German soldier who refused to execute French Partisans/prisoners during the second world war and was shot for his resistance/refusal. It seems like it was the Milgram experiment writ large...

On point...great read...

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Yes Wilhelm, the Milgram experiment...and the Asch experiment.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Great article. Rise up those of you who want to reclaim courage and integrity. You'll be in good company!

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Without the medical coimmunitys help Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Xi or any other despotic twisted leader sould never have mass murdered so many. The medical community writ large must face the facts that they have helped mass murderers through out history. Their do no harm we're here to help all sounds good until you examine the medical communities sordid history on human experimentation - which c-19 jabs were the biggest human experiment in history - and they participated at nearly a 100% rate.

Police were also "following" orders. Arresting people for being on the beach, outside, not wearing masks etcetera. All these people must ask themselves who they work for who they are protecting - the government or the people. They are NOT the same. If you are one of these order followers you are working for government. The Nuremberg Trials determined following orders was not enough to avoid the noose. Orders MUST BE LEGAL ORDERS - ie not violate the US Constitution. Where did we give the governmetn pwoer to close businesses, require masks or any of the other atrocities these people participated in inflicting upon us?

Our owners have studied human responses extensively, they know the tricks to get people to comply. The only weapon we have is the knowledge as to how they do it.


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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

...interesting, your reply reminded me of the conscription of actual shop keepers & store managers, etc ...into de facto C V compliance detection ‘personnel ; of course to enable ‘ tracing ,, laughable nonsense many of us knew was a simple control test , to see how far they could go.

And so outdoor arena’s like Adelaide Oval, where employees, as well as Police, checked you on entry , then ensured you wore a mask at ALL times , in this open aid stadia. More testing of the obedience.

I produced my own pass, on it, the Star of David - it was only met with quizzical indignation.( so I made sure that they got my point ) ...

And of course, at this time we had the other two famous incidents , both involving our State chief health officer-

the ‘ don’t touch that Ball ‘ - an instruction about a possible contaminated football.... and who could forget, the

Woodville Pizza bar , delivery service , called into medical question the transfer of the virus on a cardboard box.

Many swallowed this stuff, hook,line & sinker --- the world looked on , some admiring our adherence to amazing details in the face of the pandemic -! ...hic... but the truth came out - the fear & acceptance level results were clearly recorded for ‘ next time ‘;

B t w ... I refuse to mention toilet paper supplies - but take it from me , yes, it was more of the same fear testing.

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Oct 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

...just to convey the level of ‘ programmed fear-hysteria that the unelected / and elected politicians,govt bureaucrats, police , MEDIA , and other actors put out to measure ‘ fear ... please I hope you can see this short vid , ... here :-

( perhaps in countries other than Australia, if you were not subjected to it , it will give you an idea of the deliberate paranoia so created ) -


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Or try this link if the above fails ....


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I recently overheard a conversation between a few co-workers about what they liked during the covid mandates. I think I honestly work with a group of people that will be easily swayed. I am that several of my colleagues will openly follow mandates with very little resistance or questioning. Much that I have said to counter their thoughts and to think critically has been brushed aside. I work in childcare, which to me is the offsetting part. It is government narrative, over any other considerations. I often feel like I work in a weird reality of required childhood scheduled vaccination and issued government mandates when deemed necessary.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

With Vietnam, young men were drafted, shipped to a land utterly foreign to their experience, given a ton of drugs and put in violent situations. The covid operation was conducted almost entirely under controlled media. The constant message of fear being pumped into the population made it difficult for many to do research and think logically through the situation. The few who resisted were crushed as an example to the many to go along. I don't excuse the medical community, but decades of Rockefeller controlled allopathic medical schools and systems have created compliant, mind controlled doctors, nurses and technicians. It is increasingly difficult to find western medicine practitioners who follows the Hypocratic oath as it was originally written. I think this has been in the works for a very long time and TPTB are doing their best to complete their plan of control. I pray they fail, and the pockets of resistance (like this one) continue to inform people and inspire them to organize against the NWO.

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I remember My Lai...What a disgrace.

Well before the imposed needles, the lockdown was the crime. Here in "the land of the free and home of the brave," the vast majority who love to sing about how wonderful and brave they are...went right along.

Yes, of course, closing down virtually everything makes perfect sense. Even if it does break every basic human right. By golly, there's a "new" thing floatin' around that could kill us, us free and brave folk who lecture the world. Even if the destruction of every feature of life ensues, well, we must because, well, we could die...Screw those freedoms our veterans fought and died for...

I've had my deep concerns about the character and lack of humility in "America" for a very, very long time. Those in the "medical 'profession'" are but a microcosm of those vices. Easily predicted, too, especially when that very same cohort agreed with and demanded the wearing of a snot pouch. This, too, is a medical intervention -- one that like all others must be voluntary. But no.

They revealed what I've known for a very, very long time about these "white coats" and "blue scrubs." For them to go to the next step and demand a needle? While the "free and brave" have already been stampeded? While the "free and brave" already cooperated? While being utterly oblivious to their participation in the greatest crime and putting the lie to their own anthem? Piece o' cake.

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Oct 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

This YouTube by Gonzalo Lira , who BTW died in a Ukrainian prison for speaking out, explains the mindset . It’s not rocket science or deep psychology. To summarise we are just like schooling fish or stampeding wildebeest.


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I've always likened the conduct to stampeding, but the school of fish analogy is also excellent. Thank you for that.

Gonzalo Lira, may you rest in peace.

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