They do not care.... They are being told what to do by others, external to Australia.

Thanks to conscious people such as yourself, 'their' narrative is slowly being broken down. Some suggest that the narrative is close to collapse, but, the 'Scum' will fight to the last.

Please keep exposing 'their' weaknesses.

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These people must be brought to account Anthony...

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"These people must be brought to account Anthony..."

Yes indeed.

You & others, Elizabeth, have forensically revealed the duplicity & lies. So where to from here; will 'they' just throw up their hands? As Anthony said, 'the scum will fight to the last'. Oh! Yes they will! Be sure of that...


Would a class action be feasible? Let's say, for starters, by those who refused the vaxx and suffered harmful consequences?

Then those who, believing the lies of 'safe & effective' took the vaxx - and suffered harmful consequences?


There are legal firms who take on class actions at the drop of a hat. Does anyone know of a law firm that might take this on?

I'm looking forward to replies to Q2 so we can move forward

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At this stage IGW I'm just sharing information, putting it out there.

As I've probably said before, this is a long game.

Perhaps people like you can think of ways to carry this forward...

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And you do a fantastic job, Elizabeth. But I thought, obviously mistakenly, that I HAD thought of a way, a suggestion at least, of carrying it forward.

A class action.

But not a peep from anyone - not even to tell me just why this idea wouldn't work - I would've welcomed that advise.

Maybe people think the guilty parties will see the error of their ways and heads bowed, will hand themselves in. LOL!

Anyway, I'm out of here as I find it too depressing and realise that we're in the Kali Yuga, the Age of Unreason, and nothing can be done...karma has to play out, as it will, being a Universal Law.

Sadly, we 'aint seen nothing yet and the covid scam and the on-going man-made climate change hoax are just the beginning. My crystal ball tells me financial collapse & hunger are next.

Good luck!

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A class action...?

Maybe, but I personally think much more has to come out in the court of public opinion first.

Don't forget how all the institutions seem to be captured and compromised, including the legal system.

It really is quite startling how bad our situation is, in our supposed 'free country'!

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Thank you for reporting this. Gobsmacking. Just gobsmacking.

May those who committed fraud and malfeasance, and who violated the rights of citizens be held accountable before the law.

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The only immunity that these ''inoculations'' provided was reserved for the manufacturers of these by Canberra.

No doubt an insurance against litigation which is suspicious already - however if they suspected that they needed immunity from litigation from the get go more than the people needed immunity from a non existing illness with a fraudulent diagnosis than that's suggesting foul play at the highest levels of public office to me.

Who is holding who to ransom? - It appears that Australia's public servants have chosen to be accountable to the financial agenda of the corporate elite.

Stands to reason that all that has occurred amounts to treason.

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Good point Finn: "The only immunity that these ''inoculations'' provided was reserved for the manufacturers of these by Canberra."

But the practitioners DO NOT have specific liability protection for administering the COVID-19 injections, although they might think they do...

See info in my paper - Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, Section VI: Liability Protection for Manufacturers but not for Practitioners, from page 18: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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There never was a pandemic, only lies, the problem is that the lies continue - those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat the past.

After all this time and all the evidence that's readily available they're still unable and unwilling to admit that they were wrong which makes it even worse for them considering that admitting that their decisions were harmful to the public would require them to have responded in the appropriate manner.

This clearly hasn't happened and it never will - they claimed that they knew what they were doing and therefor they are guilty as hell.

Remember 100% safe and effective?

Admitting they were wrong also makes them liable perhaps that's why - in any case the circumstances demand an outcome while closure appears to be awfully long time away.

As for practitioners being liable, I tried to explain that to my doctor at the time who immediately threatened me with legal action and refused to see me from then on.

Thanks for keeping the flames going - it's always nice to read your latest contributions to this terrible predicament.

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Re: "Admitting they were wrong also makes them liable..."

Yes, this is interesting to think about...

But the fact is so many of these people took it upon themselves to definitively say "100% safe and effective".

What on earth were they thinking?!

Time for chickens to come home to roost...

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It's time alright - How to introduce accountability to a system that's designed not to be held accountable - It's an uphill battle.

Perhaps they were thinking ahead, that they can do whatever they like as there will be no accountability, more recently international laws and the Geneva conventions are considered meaningless.

For example - International law should put Netanyahu in jail. Problem is no one believes in it -https://geopoliticaldiscussions.substack.com/p/international-law-should-put-netanyahu

Tony Blair will serve an excellent example of a public servant who thinks ahead as in ''what's in it for me'' while they continue lying to the public - he became a highly paid advisor [50M in his first year] to the company that picked up 50 Billion in new defense contracts, then he was made a Sir or something.

In the end he admitted that he lied however he's remains untouchable even though he definitely appears to have committed treason.

It makes no sense to hire someone with a history for giving very bad advice unless they also got something out of it which they did.

It's a racket to divert taxpayers funds, just like wars.

Public servants tend to follow in his footsteps and use the steps of parliament as steppingstones up the corporate ladder and back again through the revolving door.

Tomorrow a number of useless eaters will attend dinner at Davos, is anyone we know ''invited''?

edit 100% Safe and effective? - https://www.bitchute.com/video/upHQuXZodQIT/

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What a fantastic & very telling letter, indeed I’ve wondered since the start of this catastrophe how any ethical health professional could recommend these experimental gene therapies to anyone never mind pregnant women & children! IMHO They are either entirely incompetent, illiterate or complicit in the shocking crime that has occurred. I’m at a loss as to how we ever hold them to account but it’s essential to Australias future that we dismantle entire regulatory organizations & start again if any trust is to be restored🤔

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I've just looked up correspondence. I contacted jennifer juno and adam wheatley who had just published transmission studies based on the PHE household study on 2nd June 2021 spelling out in detail the flaws in that study as analysed by a retired UK statistician and nhs consultant. I got no response. And they continued to push the flawed conclusions

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Doherty produced a report based on a PHE household study stating that vaccines reduced transmission. The study they used was severly flawed as it used different time frames for vaccinated and unvaxed due to not considering someone vaxed until 14 days after their second shot at a time when infection rates were falling dramatically. Once this was accounted for the study actually showed no difference or if anything sightly higher rates of transmission in the vaxed although not statistically significant.

I messaged the study authors at the time pointing out this flaw in their work but never got a response and they continued to use that flawed data to push lockdowns and mandates on the population. Organisations like the RSL clubs quoted the doherty data as a reason for their policies

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I really think a lot of these 'experts' at Doherty and elsewhere are actually second-rate. Their areas of 'expertise' are narrow. Their experience of life is limited. They are backroom people who get a real buzz out of suddenly becoming important, in the news, consulted by the Prime Minister and having the power to influence national policy. When governments decide to consult 'experts' they very often have no idea who the real experts are. They are guided by local advice and almost invariably are led up the garden path. In addition there are very often hidden agendas being run by 'experts' deferred to by government - even if it's nothing more sinister than self-aggrandisement and CV improvement.

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They might be second-rate Stephen, but they're exerting an incredible degree of power and influence!

It's mind-boggling to think about what these so-called 'experts' have done to Australia, to the Australian people - they must be brought to account.

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I am in the US. I say the same about those in my country. They must be brought to account.

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The Doh-hurty insta-tute went from clearly stating in one report that vaccinating children would have no meaningful impact on magically unexplainable herd/heard 'immunity' from one month to the next claiming no child should be left with their parents informed consent for their children's well being intact because, SIMULATIONS!!!

You can see the swerve out of nowhere in their own documents.


There comes a point where trusting those who can only be trusted to be untrustworthy becomes self inflicted harm.

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How does anyone still act as if ‘Covid’ and SARS COV-II are anything but fiction at this stage?

I offer £3000 every day for any evidence for the existence of any infectious pathogenic microbe.

3 years and no claimants. Of course! No such evidence exists.

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Personally, I don't get into the 'virus/not a virus' argument.

As I may have mentioned previously in response to you, people are obviously getting sick with something - but what is it?

What really strikes me is that these diseases that are blamed on 'viruses' are generally not too serious and are self-limiting for most people, and so do not merit a mass population 'vaccine solution' against what exactly?

So this is my stance, questioning mass population 'vaccine solutions', and demanding an investigation into the burgeoning and lucrative vaccination schedules, which are mired in conflicts of interest.

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Ok. But I don’t understand your position at all. I think you jeopardise the children by continuing to nod to pseudoscience.

There’s no argument at all Elizabeth. It’s purely about awareness. This is about Green Stuff not Pink Stuff.

There could hardly be a more Important and central fact than the total lack of evidence for Germ ’Theory’

It’s a silly superstition to suggest ‘disease’ can spread or be transmitted via ‘pathogenic microbe’

I don’t really understand why anyone gives it credence any more at this stage. It’s a total lie and ‘contagion’ is a central plank of the control grid.

If the myth of contagion had been more widely understood before 2020 they would not have been able to run the Covid operation.

Another one incoming - anyone dragging their heels on this is aiding the perps.

There is no evidence at all for the fairy tale concept of a pathogenic virus that causes ‘disease’ hence my offer of £3000

How people get ill is fully explained in Mike’s essay “But I was ill so what wA it…’ and the work of Dawn Lester, Denis Rancourt …

Germ ‘Theory’ - an unheard of concept for 6000 years is absolute codswallop.

Every vaccine would be gone tomorrow - for good. If we get awareness in this subject

That so many freedom and truth fighters are propping up rather than attacking this pseudoscience at this stage is very sad.

Partly this is the highly concerted efforts of the Tier 2 influencers.

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Tim West, re your accusation "I think you jeopardise the children by continuing to nod to pseudoscience."

On what evidence do you make that deplorable accusation?

I have spent years challenging coercive and mandatory vaccination, who do you think you are to accuse me of such a thing?

I am arguing from a political basis, challenging coercive and mandatory medical interventions, it is not up to me to argue the 'science' about 'viruses', I have to work with the information that is evolving.

If only we were able to have free and open debate - but it seems to me the 'no virus' group are just as zealous as the pro-vaxxers, and allow no room for people who are struggling against a paradigm that has been in place for years, i.e. the Church of Vaccination.

In regard to 'Covid', see below emails I have forwarded in regard to children being vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine products - what have you personally done in this regard Tim West, who in a position of accountability have you directly challenged on this matter?

- Email to Peter Openshaw and Arne Akbar - Is it ethical to vaccinate the young to purportedly protect the old? 6 September 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/peter-openshaw-and-arne-akbar-is-it-ethical-to-vaccinate-the-young-to-purportedly-protect-the-old.pdf

- Email to Andrew Pollard - Why were children included in the covid-19 Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine trials? 16 June 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/why-were-children-included-in-the-covid-19-oxford_astrazeneca-vaccine-trials.pdf

- Email to Peter Doherty - The plan… Covid jabs won’t work in the old…so jab the young…who don’t need them, 14 September 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/the-plan...-covid-jabs-wont-work-in-the-old...so-jab-the-young...who-dont-need-them.pdf

- Email to Peter Doherty - Why did you call for children to be jabbed with defective COVID-19 ‘leaky vaccines’? 29 August 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/peter-doherty-why-did-you-call-for-children-to-be-jabbed-with-defective-covid-19-leaky-vaccines-1.pdf

- Email to Nigel Crawford - Why does ATAGI recommend COVID-19 mRNA injections for all children aged 5 to11 years? 22 April 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/why-does-atagi-recommend-covid-19-mrna-injections-for-all-children-aged-5-to-11-years.pdf

- Email to Karen Price - Why does ATAGI recommend COVID-19 mRNA injections for all children aged 5 to 11 years? 9 May 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/why-does-atagi-recommend-covid-19-mrna-injections-for-all-children-aged-5-to-11-years_-email-to-karen-price-president-of-the-racgp.pdf

- BMJ Rapid Response: Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly? 5 August 2020: https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.l108/rr-4

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No, you obviously don't understand my position at all.

I'm challenging mandated medical interventions, such as vaccination, and have a record of articles on this substack, and detailed correspondence on my websites, see https://vaccinationispolitical.net/ and https://over-vaccination.net/

Who are you exactly? You come along here casting aspersions and making accusations, blathering on about 'freedom and truth fighters' and Tier 1 and Tier 2. You have not engaged in the actual article at all, what exactly are you here for?

Quote exactly my words - of what are you accusing me?

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💯 percent correct Tim. Some of the self proclaimed "freedom fighters" are still banging on about recovering from Convid or what one needs to do about looooong Convid. Keeps them relevant comes to mind.

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Because there's no accountability for their lie based narrative - In the end nothing makes someone understand something like when they know that a wrong answer to a certain question will have a negative effect on their next paycheck or their long term career prospects for that matter.

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How can she sleep soundly at night. What a disgraceful time this was. Trust is completely gone in government,health and these pathetic institutions.

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hi folks be sure to check out a petition at citizengo.org...deal a fatal blow to the pandemic treaty..tell trump exit the WHO now..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including australia

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Crikey Elizabeth, it's a wonder you've got any hair left. Imo, as long as people from within the "freedom movement" keep referring to Convid & loooong Convid as a real thing, or that they are recovering from Convid with absolutely no proof that it's real,this farce will keep going. You are giving those creatures oxygen FFS . By legitimising Convid as a 'thing" plays right into the hands of the perpetrators & contradicts ALL that is said about it actually being a plandemic. Please refer to Event 201 , is it a pandemic or a bloody plandemic, you can't have it both ways?

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This is quite a diatribe Roc...

Can you please quote directly what you're accusing me of?

Also, please do keep in mind correspondence prepared in say 2021 must be read in that context, ideas have been evolving.

What exactly were you doing and saying in 2021 and before that time? Any links to your work you can provide? Any links to anything you're actually doing, rather than just criticising others?

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What are you on about Elizabeth? This is NOT a criticism of you or is that too hard for you to figure out. You are one to say about criticism, everyone is in your sights or have you forgotten our recent conversation.Not for the first time you have completely misunderstood & misinterpreted my comments. You're in a vacuum & eventually you'll be talking to yourself with that narrow mindset. Now go about your business & pull your head in.

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You are accusing me of what exactly when you say "You are giving those creatures oxygen FFS ."

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It's THE people, repeat, so you finally get it, THE people we were discussing the other day that keep giving oxygen to the bullshit Convid narrative are THE people I was referring to but you are so thin skinned Elizabeth & if someone, anyone doesn't concur with your narrative you immediately attack. You could have sent me a personal message to clarify what I said but instead, as is your want, you attack me publicly. The old saying, with friends like you who needs enemies.

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That is so true...with friends like you who needs enemies...

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THE DoHurtE Institute DO NOT 'Present' Scientific Fiction! - THEY ARE 'Scientific Fiction'! THE DoHurtTie institute 'Research Members', recieve 'Sponsorship/Funding' from ALL of the Who's who of the pHARMa Corporate INVESTORS! They, CONvenientLie (Conveniently) deliver PROactive Test 'Results' in Support of those Research INVESTORS. OH! AND, Provide ATAGI ( ACTUALLY, See ALL of the 'Voting members' & 'Ex Officio' Members are ON the ATAGI Listings!!) with advice on Upticking those INVESTORS 'products'= Vaccines! = Nothing to see here! Along with other MediKill - (HUP! Apologies for rudeness! That IS research institutes, With some attachment TO the Medical 'INDUSTRY'). Continuing,- Other Institutes Singularly- Burnet Institute, AND in League WITH a plethora of others (Including Mandatory [It appears]Global Forever harm BAMGF In ANY/ALL arenas of Quasi 'Science/research'{Both - LOOSE terms}) on Joint & Collaberative Projects - See Joint AU$ 650 Million AIID project (AU$ 400 Million contributed by VICtopia Public Purse - NotMyGov of Victoria). The rest of the Intertwining of institute co-operations, once in plain sight, is now being erased by NotMyGov/Corporate A.I. folks can see the Parasite MediKill research groups, drip feeding off the Public purse via Mega Leech feeds into the AU$22,000,000,000 MRFF - Australian (LOL) Medicall Research (LOL-AGAIN!) Future Fund.

Burnet Institute; 'Making sure - NO ONE, IS EVER 'Out of Reach'! (How Kind! Sounds like the U.N. Military wing - W.H.O., motto!).

Last; SOOOO, with the Large investment & ACTUAL scientific inputs for previous 'Pandemics'(not), culminating in Australia's OWN Preparedness response to Masse illness = Post H1N1 'Pandemic', Australia produced it's OWN Pandemic Preparedness and Response Booklets 2009>11! 'Thrown Out' when 'Foreign interventions' rolled out the Plandemic U.N.WHO/BAMGF/U.S. DoD>DARPA>BARDA>SINO>G Systems 'Corporate Products' & Newby IMF>World Bank Project; P173789. Projected project close date; 31/March/2025 - I hope COVID Mythical Beastie - GOT, THE MEMO!

Johns Hopkins University, has a long Interaction with PRE planned Bio Warfare 'Table top Exercises', in league with ALL the major Players; 2001 - Operation Darrk Winter. 2005- Atlantic Storm. 2018 - Clade X. 2019 - EVENT 201. Plus - Global Health Security Index. 2024 - APL & BIO-ISAC (obviously means H5N1 IS 'primed UP the Pike'!) Table Top exercise.

Wellness - John D.

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Hangings are entirely appropriate:


The jab mandates were the worst crime in human history, and without severe punishment, the crime will be repeated over and over.

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We have to pursue those responsible for the jab mandates...

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Absolutely, we must NEVER let them get away with it.

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Informed choice!!!!!! With the optional outcome of rejection!

Terminology needs to be adapted urgently.

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Are you actually reading the info I publish?

'Informed consent' is the terminology used in the letters received from the Australian Government and AHPRA, and this is something that must be addressed in the context of 'valid consent'.

What work are you doing in this area? Can you provide me with links?

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My criticism was not directed at you personally, Elizabeth, but at the official wording. If this impression has been created, I apologise.

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Don't apologise, Elizabeth has a very thin skin & misinterprets alot. Doesn't understand nuance & discernment.

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I will enquire where one can request a change to the wording. Actually, I think it's partly semantic, but in my view it's a subliminal influence to go for a valid consent when a valid rejection can also be the result. Without the guarantee that a rejection will not have negative consequences, it is all semantics anyway and is of no use. Unfortunately, we have already experienced this.

I'll get back to you when I've found something solid.

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We have to look at this broadly...

In a general sense, someone goes to a doctor for specific medical assistance, is informed of options, and chooses/consents to an option.

With mass population vaccination, this is a whole different kettle of fish. With 'COVID-19', we've seen mass populations of people ORDERED to be vaccinated by the Government, under threat of penalty such as losing livelihood and participation in society for refusing to comply...IT'S MIND-BOGGLING!

And the medical 'profession' collaborated with this, this is the shocking thing! They should have refused to collaborate with injecting people who were under duress to comply.

It's a diabolical mess...

For more on this, see my paper - Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, Section III: Were Health Practitioners in Effect Conscripted to Support the COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout? and Section IV: Mass Population Vaccination and Rogers v Whitaker: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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My criticism was not directed at you, Elizabeth, but at the official wording. If this impression has been created, I apologise.

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follow the silenced…an opportunity to discuss ‘informed choice’…

"This was simply not a vaccine that was needed by the entire population...It should always have been a fully free and informed choice."


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Jodie’s reply I believe was something along the lines of … “Shut up, did not! So is your face.”

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