That the mandated ''vaccines'' are shit was a given however what does that reveal about the public servants who told one lie after another with scant regard for the consequences to the public?

Clearly this ain't over until they are held accountable for their incompetence and that's still being nice.

I'm all for cancelling the no liability clause for the manufacturers, confiscating the companies assets to ultimately distribute the proceeds among their victims and prohibiting these companies and executives from ever operating in Australia.

When thinking about how the public servants involved have betrayed the trust of the public it's treason that comes to mind.

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Yes, it's treason that comes to mind...

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Yes, I also think treason is relevant. They attempted to overthrow democratic rule by the people and replace it with a totalitarian system of control by government and corporations.

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We're all victims 🙏

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Excellent comment, Finn. Thank you.

Yes, the liability immunity afforded these corporations has got to go. In the U.S., the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) was an abomination and unlawful on its face. Such loozers -- those in the U.S. Congress -- revealing their bought-and-paid-for status -- and shame on President Reagan for signing it in "law."

Aside from its indecency, it is unlawful. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution guarantees equal protection of the laws -- NOT special carve-outs for special interest groups. It surprises me that no corporation that I know of has sued for the NCVIA's direct violation of this basic principle.

100% support for seizing the assets of these criminal organizations, prohibiting them from operating anywhere, and prosecuting the criminals running them.

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Blackrock and Vanguard are the majority shareholders of any corporation worth owning stock in - As major shareholders they're able to control anything that comes up for a vote in the boardroom.

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Exactly my thoughts, too! There was an initial push that I'm sure quite a few probably got caught up in and then manipulated the rest of the way into silence. Not to say any of them are off the hook completely, but just to acknowledge there can be varying degrees of complicity at the outset.

But after the first few serious injuries were reported, I say they are fully complicit of their own free will. You can make a mistake and people can get hurt from mistakes, but if it was truly a mistake, you come running, screaming and yanking jabs out of people's hands and coming absolutely and completely clean and other good people will recognize your own horror at the thought you had injured or worse any fellow humans. I'd venture it would be clearly written all over their face for years to come as would their every single action tell the tale of their profound grief and guilt!

But these smug, squint-eyed wealthy types with the obvious contempt for every other type and kind of life on this planet, those bastards who just kept spewing lie and deceptive and murderous lie with full tilt premeditation aforethought, earning them each an express, one way only ticket straight back to their master in Hell!

I am in full agreement on treason charges, but this was/is a global operation and highly coordinated throughout the western countries in so many different aspects.. The jabs, the illegal immigration, the installation of "ringers" throughout each of our governments, the deliberate wildfires the ongoing dismantling of all our closet held values and morals and their systematic replacements with truly hell-spawned opposites with the same in-human atrocities to our very core beliefs and the insidious turning of our own systems directly against the populations with lock-downs, masking and mandates...

The list is extensive and singular in purpose. The extermination of all western peoples, our cultures and I'm of a mind to believe our very existence from every single thing on this planet as my soul and connection to our divine creator is screaming and flashing gigantic warning lights and the constant whine of distant-sounding air-raid-like sirens again and again and again, slowly rising and dropping, rising and dropping reaffirming relentlessly the absolute existential nature of the threat!

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Yes, but add all the billions made by Gates and others investing in the injections through tax-free foundations

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Because of all the harm that his ''injections'' caused, he was kicked out of India - it defies logic he's been allowed to continue peddling his rubbish.

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Unlawful killing, crimes against humanity and utter contempt for all humans. They should be put behind bars and rot till they drop.

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democide = death by government ...

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A great victory for justice! Very encouraging…

Thank you .@DrBillyBay for your immense strength, courage, and implacable & inspirational faith.

Here is the full text of the ruling:


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I remember when friends of mine (couple with 2 kids), early on when the vaccinations started, made an appointment to discuss with their GP.

When they told the GP why they were there to discuss the vaccination - his response was - “turn your phones off”. He then turned his off and said to them that he was not permitted to discuss the vaccination with anyone.

Frightening stuff when you think about it.

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A light at the end of the tunnel, finally. This has to be shared with all health officers involved in the covid scam.

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Once a doctor / medic / nurse / jabber, always a doctor with full responsibility for all actions towards others, bribes received, advice given - there's going to be a lot of medics needing in depth retraining (ego removal too?).

In addition to all you say, there's immense psychological and societal abuse and harm on us all. How do we recover and reposition from that?

Yes, huge international repercussions from this decision but sadly I'm not expecting anything to change (until Trump / Kennedy in place, and we have to keep them alive for years) in the exact same way we've been decried as loonies at every turn no matter how good our evidence - for hundreds of years now, look at the demonstrations against the early smallpox jabs in Leicester, as told in Dissolving Illusions.

And on we go.

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If you want change you have to push back...

It's incredible what has happened in this country during the Covid debacle, and been set up in the years prior.

Those responsible must be made accountable. Think of actions you yourself can take to make this happen. Do something.

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I have sent many letters from Maogowan`s state "covid review" to my local Federal MP regarding these killer jabs. The one thing They have in common is, they never respond to my letters. So, I can only assume they are all complicit in these genocidal happenings. I will never stop pushing, although it is frustrating to know none of them could care less about causing infertility, injury, death or human rights violations.

Talk about criminal dereliction of duty on high.

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Good work Peter.

You have endeavoured to make your MP do his job.

We're really pushing against something huge here, it's not meant to be easy.

Great to hear you will never stop pushing.

We have to persist...

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Been doing things all my life 💖 this last few years in a different league though. We'll keep going and ultimately we win. Thanks for all you do! Brilliant and well done! 👍🙏

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Right on. It may seem that the court claims that they are only ruling against the actions taken against Dr.Bay, but that is not the case. He is absolutely truthful and right to be able to say that the jabs are bs and based on lies. One hundred percent.

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Praise Jesus!

This brings hope to the whole world.

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Thank you for this! It feels like we are one step closer to getting justice in response to the worst crime against humanity ever.

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As a child that grew up in the 80s in the USA, we were bombarded with propaganda on how drugs, especially needles were dangerous. Today people are told shots are safe. The irony.

I grew up not having good health insurance, so I avoided the doctors unless I was sick.

The irony is that the people I knew who had good health insurance growing up became the addicts to pain killers and the ones who trusted the vaccines.

I barely use any drugs and the ones I do use are safely established ones that have 50+ years of safety.

Did you know that a common safe drug , ketamine can cure depression that ssris couldn't?

Wow, reminds me of how ivermectin can cure immunosuppressive conditions.

We don't need more investment in drugs research.

We need more studies on established safe drugs for their benefits and get rid of bullshit medicine like ssris statins and vaccines.

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It really is shocking how much our society has been hooked on drugs.

The medical industrial complex rules our lives.

How to break the habit?

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Informed consent and education on how to judge the effects from the drugs.

Many take drugs based on bad dosages that induce tolerance and/or side effects.

Example: friends do too much cannabis for their pain

In cancer pain studies, 50mg thc was optimal for pain. More did less!

If they had known that moderation maximizes the pain relieving benefits, they would do less and get a better effect.

If we could have better education on the risks and benefits of even safe things like cannabis, it would help many from overdoing it.

As for the prescription drugs, we need to re evaluate the guidelines. They kept lowering the safe number for blood pressure and cholesterol in order to sell more drugs in order to hit those ridiculously low numbers.

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As with everything in Australia we are over regulated . If I remember correctly Fletcher was original Bally employed by some outfit like Welcome Trust, went to the WHO and then took up the AHPRA job straight out of the WHO - not a CV that recommends him for the job. Both the AMA and RACGP are devoted to woke and the one world health agenda.

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There's still a bio about him on the Ahpra website: https://www.ahpra.gov.au/About-Ahpra/Who-We-Are/AHPRA-Senior-Managers.aspx

No mention of Wellcome there, but it does mention the WHO.

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I know he was invoked in some area of the UK health establishment before WHO I may have the wrong organisation.

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As a formerly registered health professional with 25 years experience, I voluntarily 'surrendered' my registration as I did not seek endorsement from an organisation that failed in it's duty of care to the public. I wrote a significantly well referenced letter voicing the reasons for my concerns. I know many other health professionals that did the same. Our concerns were summarily dismissed. No one in AHPRA or the TGA can say 'we did not know'. They knew. They deceived deliberately. And now they all talk about the recruitment crisis in health and education without acknowledging that many of the wisest and most experienced left the profession permanently due to their policies.

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Jane, re “ As a formerly registered health professional with 25 years experience, I voluntarily 'surrendered' my registration as I did not seek endorsement from an organisation that failed in it's duty of care to the public. I wrote a significantly well referenced letter voicing the reasons for my concerns. I know many other health professionals that did the same.”

Is your letter publicly available? Can you please share a copy with me?

And you say other health professionals did the same?

It would certainly be useful to see these letters now, collect them for public access so we could see that some health professionals did push back.

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Yes Elizabeth - I do have a copy of the original. How do I share it with you??

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That would be great Jane, I’d love to see it.

Can you try messaging me in substack and see if you can attach it?

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The dude is a fearless legend. And do you know what else knows no fear? True love. He has a loving heart. For that he has earned my trust!

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HOPE for Today - blessings & gratitude to you EH for this article. We live in the US, however, our son lives in Brisbane. He's now finally - after 4+ years of me sharing the truth re: the 'scam/plandemic' he's seeing thru the lies. I'm passing this on to him. Thank you GOD & Dr. Bay for continuing to speak TRUTH to medical tyranny, with Jesus on his side ...

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Dis bar and fire all judges governors that supported gag orders to continue injecting people for the sake of the M.Ds continuing to keep their license and the doctors fined 1 million each for violating do no harm oath

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Remember also that there are laws against false advertising of a pharmaceutical. Governments and health authorities (and journalists) claimed the injections prevented transmission, but this would be false advertising if they were not approved for that use.

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For Australia, see https://homocomfortus.substack.com/p/we-are-in-a-battle

The Australian Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 is contravened if a person advertises a 'biological' (such as a genetic covid injection) that is 'included in the Register' (these injections were included), for an indication (such as preventing transmission) that is not accepted ...


Section 32BL 'Civil penalty for advertising biological for an indication'

A person contravenes this section if:

(a) the person, by any means, advertises a biological for an indication; and

(b) the biological is included in the Register; and

(c) the indication is not an indication accepted in relation to that inclusion.

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