Thank you Elizabeth Hart. Your letter 👆 has gone directly to the heart of the forced/mandated ‘vaccine’ medical complicity that enabled this disastrous violation of human rights. The lack of reply to your letter speaks to the reality of the violation.

Thank you again.

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Thanks Leanne.

The utter failure of the medical profession to protect the public from mandatory vaccination is appalling.

They are agents of the state, and have violated the fundamental ethical principle of voluntary informed consent for medical interventions, including vaccination.

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Elizabeth, one of my grandfathers was a GP who was born in the 19th century and was just old enough to serve in the British Army in the First World War. He was trained in a profession that took its ethical responsibilities very seriously. They would never have tolerated being told by a government what drugs they could prescribe, or what vaccines they could or should administer. As medical professionals, they acknowledged no master. They stood by the principles enshrined in the ancient Hippocratic Oath, which they took on graduation, including the famous maxim 'First do no harm'. Because of this ethical responsibility, they also had to insist on their professional autonomy. Had the Australian government told my grandfather he could not prescribe hydroxychloroquine in accordance with his own clinical judgement, he would have been off to Canberra the next morning. He would have been furious - and formidable. Today's doctors do not seem to realise that in submitting to government dictates they are in effect relinquishing the status of a profession - the freedom, hard won over centuries, to practice as they saw fit - and were reducing themselves to the status of mindless automatons. My grandfather would be horrified.

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“Today's doctors do not seem to realise that in submitting to government dictates they are in effect relinquishing the status of a profession - the freedom, hard won over centuries, to practice as they saw fit - and were reducing themselves to the status of mindless automatons.”

Exactly Stephen.

Staggering to realise the medical profession has been conscripted to carry out the dictates of the state, and collaborate with coercive and mandatory vaccination.

Who knew such a thing could happen in a supposed ‘free country’…

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But fortunately, there were a number of doctors who stood up and spoke out. It's difficult to find out about many of them, though, because of the censorship. They will be remembered, and it is my sincere hope that one day they will be generally known and highly honored.

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Yes Transcriber B, there were a number of doctors who stood up and spoke out. And they were quickly hammered by Ahpra and suspended…and some remain so…

I too hope they will be acknowledged and honoured in future, they have made huge sacrifices.

The shocking thing is they are so few…

What has gone wrong in the medical ‘profession’ that the fundamental ethical principle of informed consent could be trashed?

This must be tracked back now, how did this happen?

I recently challenged Ahpra about this dire situation, see my email: Why weren't doctors, nurses and pharmacists warned not to collaborate with coercive and mandatory COVID-19 vaccination? Devastating failure to protect the public by Ahpra and the National Boards, 5 July 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/why-werent-doctors-nurses-and-pharmacists-warned-not-to-collaborate-with-coercive-and-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination.pdf

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Thank you for your efforts. It is heartening to see.

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Also, the Jacobson case which they use to justify mandates only allowed a fine.

But yet the lawyers and judges act like Jacobson allowed for removal from work or school and they won't argue that Jacobson is only a fine.

Such bullshit and I have to question lawyers for possibly ignoring that in order to keep this a hot button issue.

Imagine if they make the point that it's only a fine, most of us would have be fine with that! Ca$e$ gone for lawyers 😂

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Yes Rob, Jacobson vs Massachusetts…

This is the US, which is right at the heart of this problem, with mandatory vaccination for children.

The general population might be pro-vaccine, but I suspect they know little about the onslaught of vaccines and repeated revaccinations children face now, and all of us, with the ever-expanding ‘womb to tomb’ schedule.

In the US and in Australia, there is the concept of ‘exemptions’ for vaccinations, which are almost impossible to obtain.

But ‘exemptions’ for vaccination shouldn’t even exist, as the practitioner is supposed to be obtaining voluntary informed consent for vaccination, so how can there be an ‘exemption’ to NOT have a vaccination?

I’m pursuing this matter with the Australian Government, but they don’t want to acknowledge the anomaly…because it means countless people have been coerced into vaccination and not given valid consent.

See my detailed paper Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, Section V. ‘Exemptions’ for COVID-19 Vaccination - An Oxymoron? https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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It is shocking how compliant the medical and nursing profession were. They did not stand apart from the induced panic and fear of the fake pandemic but were immersed in it. All of the medical institutions told exactly the same messaging to their doctors and this happened regardless of which country it was, the messaging was strong, you follow our orders or you will be punished. Ethics, good practice and the recognition of human rights were all discarded and they followed the rules of the corrupt institutions knowing their job and salary would be safe. Doctors and scientists are no yardstick for measuring what should be good practice, ethics and recognition of human rights for it was thrown away by them when it mattered.

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It IS shocking Amat!

How easily the medical and nursing profession were taken in by this thing, apparently devoid of critical thinking.

It was admitted at the beginning the common respiratory symptoms called ‘Covid’ weren’t a serious problem for most people, but the community was deliberately bamboozled by contradictory propaganda to develop the pandemic industry.

The situation is also compounded by the fact the medical profession has submitted to other vaccine mandates for itself, and this has clouded their understanding of the obligation for voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

People may think the medical profession should be vaccinated, but how much do they know about the burgeoning vaccine schedule and the vaccine products.

The vaccination schedule is awash with conflicts of interest, and this is another subject about which the medical profession is likely clueless. There is little or no transparency for the members of the vaccination committees who are making decisions on vaccine products worth billions of dollars.

‘Covid’ must now provide the opportunity to turn the spotlight on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy, it’s been protected from public scrutiny for years.

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Thanks Elizabeth,,, your excellent work & amazing insights has prompted yet another idea to ‘ bring this matter to the front of thought ‘ for greater numbers.

We need everyone on the planet to know , and want to espouse your valid points - Informed Consent is the key !

Why was it denied , circumvented & not provided - a deliberate oversight I M O ; we all know the answer to that one !

Armed with the truth of the interventions , the uptake of them would be minimal.

Less $$ money $$ for the drug cartels !!

This is a sizeable debacle that requires explanation and detailed response from every organisation ,government , medicine, therapeutic goods , doctor - licensing organisation in the world, who were involved in the dispensing of these ‘ dangerous products.

I’ll instruct Les Catterwell to draft an email to you asap ..... I think this is a very important issue , on the cusp of what could well be Mk2 - with Bird flu measures & the likelihood of these same liars trying this foul act, yet again.

Thanks, Elizabeth , for your dedicated & unwavering efforts.

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Thanks Les, yes, Informed Consent is the key!

It’s been there all along and determinedly ignored by Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly and the AHPPC; Scott Morrison, Daniel Andrews, Mark McGowan and others who were in National Cabinet at the time; Ahpra and the National Boards; the Australian Medical Association; the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; the Royal Australasian College of Physicians; and medical insurers such as Avant, MIPS, NDA and TEGO.

It’s mind-boggling…they completely trashed voluntary informed consent and set up much of the population to comply under threat of losing jobs and participation in society.

The treachery is off the scale…

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Absolutely...perhaps we can inform what has happened - in order to stop the next one ! ( which may come soon enough)...

Chat soon ...

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The ? blind, obsequious or willing complicity of medicine is the cornerstone of the consent violation. It’s so Good that you are also right onto it Les. Thank you also ++

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We are going to need reinforcements to get this out there , and back up Elizabeth for sure Leanne .... all those orgs mentioned above , need to feel very very awkward about their negligence- Kama approaches for them.

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Well done. You are absolutely right!

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Categorically, the AMA should be helped out of their misery. They should be relegated to the back waters where they belong. Lifestyle Medicine, i.e. the pursuit of health as the best way to live, should drive the bus. Allopathic medicine is of limited pratical value. The harmful side effects of allopathic treatments are the cause of uncontrollable medical inflation.

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Hey Elizabeth, I believe this article I put together is related with what you have written and takes it a little further along the chain to its obvious conclusion ... https://oxgmcxo.substack.com/p/a-crime-against-humanity Love your work!!

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Thanks Gaz, I’ve been planning to catch up with your latest article, will have a look.

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The vaccine was systematically injected into people who were not satisfied with their natural immunity.

A potentially lethal transaction?


In the most human of terms, the vaccine is a refund from Mother Nature.

And that bitch has made certain that the exchange would result in the least human of outcomes.

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