Thank you very much.

"They have been planning this for years ....." is illustrated quite well in the discussion.

And I couldn't agree more with: "This is the real emergency - the impact on natural health of the ever-increasing vaccination schedule, which is awash with conflicts of interest."

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Excellent interview, thank you for posting it. The interviewer was correct in that the UK were recruiting volunteers from any background to be vaccinators, hairdressers, teachers, students and the unemployed, anyone that was willing to "jab those arms". I have never seen such slipshod methods of injecting people. The places that they targeted was unbelievable, I watched on tv a poor woman being injected almost at her elbow it was as if the vaccinator was throwing a dart. Cattle being herded into pens and injected came to mind when watching the vaccine centres do their job.

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Greg Hunt & the great lie Elizabeth.


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Thanks Roc.

How many people knew they were being used as Guinea pigs?

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Klaus to the plebs; "Zee Cabinets have been penetrated & zee bureaucrats/ technocrats will be selected by zem". Too many people not paying attention Elizabeth, your work is appreciated & you can't read & listen to everything. That is part of their strategy.👍

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It’s on the record Roc, in my email to Scott Morrison, sent on 2 June 2021:

“Health Minister Greg Hunt has admitted "The world is in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever...", in an interview with David Speers on ABC Insiders, 21 February 2021.

Are Australians who are being pressured to have the fast-tracked experimental covid-19 injections, which are only ‘provisionally approved' by the TGA, giving their 'informed consent' to participate in this global experiment?”

See: Coercive covid-19 injections in Australia - email to PM Scott Morrison: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/coercive-covid-19-injections-in-australia-email-to-pm-scott-morrison.pdf

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I've said it before Elizabeth, your efforts are historically significant. People , if that's what they are, like Cheng, Booy, et al tend to be forgotten by the masses & therein lies the problem. Your emails are sensible & well thought out, keep them in a safe place, future evidence.

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Crikey, a lot to think about Matilda.

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Thank you again Elizabeth. Informed consent? Non-existent for vaccines. There is the other question of course, were vaccines ever about good health? I know the answer, and the answer is no. Truthful science states vaccines should be banned. A Maria Zeee interview with Greek priests.: they knew decades ago, that vaccines are not for good health and that there was a global agenda for world control and global vaccination and the enslavement of people with the mark of the beast. If you have the time, it is worth listening to. The monks also mention the Zionists. https://zeeemedia.com/ Interview on 18 April with Fr Peter Heers. Do you know where 666 comes from? Apparently some time in the past, the Jews taxed people 666 of whatever the currency name was at the time.

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I'd like to see many of your 'informed consent' articles updated to acknowledge the US Federal ruling that the 'covid' GMO and human DNA-genome editing-modifying drug plus billions of LNP encased DNA-RNA pollutants in the covid jabs are not vaccinations per legal definition still applying. https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/court-rules-that-the-experimental

That the CDC modified the definition in 2021.

' “At this stage, we must accept Plaintiffs’ allegations that the vaccine does not prevent the spread of COVID-19 as true. And, because of this, Jacobson does not apply. LA Unified School District (LAUSD) cannot get around this standard by stating that Plaintiffs’ allegations are wrong. Nor can LAUSD do so by providing facts that do not contradict Plaintiffs’ allegations. But even if the materials offered by LAUSD are subject to judicial notice (to be determined to be factual/truthful evidence) they do not support rejecting Plaintiffs’ allegations. LAUSD only provides a CDC publication that says “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.” But “safe and effective” for what? LAUSD implies that it is for preventing transmission of COVID-19 but does not (cite) judicially noticeable facts that prove this.” '

-quoted from 'Changing the Definition of a Vaccine Has Legal Consequences;' Karen Kinston


Your article on Informed consent are very, very good. But to have no informed consent for injected drugs that can change one's DNA permanently to produce one of the most toxic substances known, AND expose one's God-given DNA to billions of LNP coated DNA-RNA fragments and the disruption they can cause if transcribed into one's DNA is unconscionable. Criminal.

If the people were made aware of what the 'covid' jabs could do, might do, and the consequences already known to jab manufacturers through their early jab trials - very few would have consented to taking them.

l love your work and have subscribed

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