Coercion aside - how can you have informed consent when the relevant information is hidden? When risk/benefit ratio is unknown? When the product has not been subjected to adequated randomised controlled trials? When the contents of the injection are not fully disclosed? When known falsehoods are propagated by the authorities e.g. the injection stays in the arm, the injection is 'safe' (implies no known adverse effects), the injection is 'effective' (implies prevents infection and transmission), adverse effects are 'mild and 'rare' (when the AE database counts are off the scale)? There is absolutely no way consent can be informed under these circumstances,.

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I am still trying to decide whether Dr Norman Swan (ABC TV) and his ilk deliberately decided not to do their homework and just followed a script prepared for the common narrative in order to save their own skins.

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Re Norman Swan, he’s still registered as a practitioner with AHPRA, but is it legitimate to use the ‘Dr’ title if not actually practicing as a doctor?

Consider this info from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Swan

"Swan was born in Glasgow, Scotland as Norman Swirsky.[1][2][3] He wanted to be an actor, but instead went to medical school at the University of Aberdeen graduating in 1976.[4] He later tried unsuccessfully to attend the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.[1] He then continued his postgraduate studies by specialising in paediatrics.[5][4]

Swan moved to Australia to continue his training but transitioned from medicine when he became a producer and broadcaster with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in 1982.[4]"

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Ha ha so he wanted to be an actor, well he has truly had his acting debut now.

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I really believed for a while there was a pandemic but still found out in time the vaccines were not to be trusted. This was first and foremost on the grounds we were told they were safe. There was no way to know if it was safe in that short time. That’s why it used to take many years before a vaccine was released. On top of that simple equation I found out a lot more. Any doctor who got on TV spruiking that jab was either dangerously incompetent or paid to do what they did. Imagine yourself in that position and not doing your highly paid job to any proper standard. The result being thousands of deaths and injuries. And then never owning up to your part in the genocide.

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Judith, re "Any doctor who got on TV spruiking that jab was either dangerously incompetent or paid to do what they did."

This again violates voluntary informed consent. Doctors and others taking it upon themselves to go on the media and call for mass populations to have medical interventions, promoting medical interventions in which they have no expertise. It's really remarkable what does on with this vaccination caper.

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Exactly right.

And why wasn't AHPRA investigating - with so much incompetence and/or pecuniary interest by doctors on display?

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Because AHPRA was part of the lie. Paid for or compromised? Take your pick. Surely no one with half a brain could say “ the injection stays in the site” ? I mean did any of these people even take a course in basic physiology?

Stay in the site 🤣

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I think you actually know the answer to your question.

Blessings to you and those you love.

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There's a compelling argument to the effect that concealment and/or misrepresentation of relevant information is itself coercion.

The propaganda and deception (about 'virus' and/or 'vaccine') were part of the coercion.

Oxford Reference -

Coercion: "Excessive pressure or influence to force or entice a person to act in a given way (e.g., to enroll in a research study or a public health program). May be exercised by offering excessive incentives, applying social pressure, using authority figures, or otherwise manipulating the vulnerable person or group."


So coercion is not limited to incentives ("we will allow you to participate in the vaccinated economy") and intimidation ("alternatively we will punish you financially and socially").

The lies and misdirection about the deadliness of a disease on the one hand and the necessity, safety and efficacy of a 'vaccine' on the other amount to coercion too.

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"The lies and misdirection about the deadliness of a disease on the one hand and the necessity, safety and efficacy of a 'vaccine' on the other amount to coercion too."

Quite stunning to think about! All against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people... As you pointed out recently DemocracyManifest, as recorded in a US 'Military Medical Leaders' press conference - “A low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”

"So: Why was there a vaccine solution to “protect the citizens of the world” from what was acknowledged to be “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”?"


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Thanks for this particular link 🎯 🎯 🎯 👆 Very revealing.

And thank you yet again for your excellent article and your ongoing courage to confront these architects of this human rights horror.

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Because there was not vaccine it was a bioweapon to make money for those invested in this con job, just like all vaccines are: https://tuxdoc.com/download/the-poisoned-needle-by-eleanor-mcbean-1957-vaccinationa-medical-delusion-by-rex-_pdf

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Sadly, the work of Children's Health Defense & ICAN & others prove this awful truth- vaccination, as practiced today in the USA leads to profound levels of disability, chronic disease & even death.

However the pharmaceutical companies are making hundreds of billions of dollars devising treatments for the conditions their products create!

Now, after the ModRNA, LNP encased, DNA & SV 40 promoter contaminated, C-19 genetic jabs, they will have SO, SO, SO many more people with heart disease, strokes, cancers, immune system problems & cancer to treat, that the psy-op, & Gain-Of-Function virus & Fascistic powers that be, created, well, hell's bells, LOTS MORE MONEY FOR PHARMA NOW!!!

Truly Big Pharma murders/disables/harms more people than World Wars....

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Yep money making machine and at the same time lowering people's abiity to fight back, when you are sick you only care about getting better. Suppress everyone, put fear into them and then it is easier to control people. Side effect is more people dying to suit the eugenics agenda.

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Yes I fully agree with you. My point is that in a court of law what 'relevant information' comprises will be hotly debated. Foe example, one might argue that the information about vaccine adverse effects was inadequately presented in the context of informed consent - but one's opponent will dispute the facts about adverse effects. However the evidence Elizabeth has presented here of intimidation by the authorities is undeniable because it is clearly preserved in video records. I'm not saying the other issues are not relevant - only that they will be more readily contested in court.

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Right. My reply was in response to you first point: "Coercion aside - how can you have informed consent when the relevant information is hidden?" - SD

Consider this: A doctor can face investigation and serious disciplinary action for misleading a patient in order to convince them to undergo what's considered to be an unnecessary and/or risky medical intervention. There's been a very high profile case recently reported by the MSM.

Yet public health doctors and politicians LIED to millions of people about disease versus 'preventative treatment' to coerce them to have the injections - and got away with it.

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According to government statistics 70.3 million Covid vaccine doses have been administered, across a population of 27 million.

That's something to think about...

How many doctors, nurses and pharmacists administered these injections?

What expertise do they have that qualifies them to administer these medical interventions?

And how could they obtain voluntary informed consent in a climate of intimidation fostered by politicians, and promoted by the medical fraternity?

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Yes many of them certainly lied, but some were just plain ignorant. For example I suspect that when the Australian Chief Medical Officer told the public that the vaccine stayed in the arm this was probably just ignorance. Similarly when he told the public that the mRNA would disappear from the body within a short time (e.g. minutes or at worst hours) this was probably ignorance. Mind you, ignorance on that scale from a person occupying such a responsible position is culpable in my view. It was very obvious from early on that the TGA had no idea about the gross inadequacy of the vaccine trials, and was not interested in the adverse effects of the product (even though they were being reported at record rates), and had no real idea of its effectiveness (if any) in preventing disease and stopping transmission - they just repeated what Pfizer had told them. Is this culpable? I think so.

Finally, the TGA and other govt bodies (presumably) colluded to prevent doctors treating Covid with Ivermectin. In their blind arrogance and ignorance, the authorities destroyed the entire stockpile of hydroxychloroquine that Clive Palmer had purchased, imported and donated to the government. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were widely known to be effective against Covid very early on in the pandemic. I assume that pharma told the government not to allow the use of these proven medicines. In any case by banning effective treatments, even before vaccines were available, the authorities, including the TGA, condemned many to suffer and some to die.

The TGA has been worse than useless during Covid. But what disturbs me most is the unbelievable incompetence of people in authority in the Australian health system. The list is almost endless. Think of the ridiculous mask mandates (the actual evidence from trials shows they have no (zero) effect in preventing the spread of respiratory viral infections). Think of the bizarre 'contact tracing' which was a complete waste of time. Then there were the very strange tests which could even convince people who had mild cold or flu symptoms that they 'had Covid' and might kill grandma with it. The forced quarantine of the 'infected'. The banning of hospital visitors. The lockdowns. The curfews. The rubber bullets. The tear gas. Good grief. It would be difficult to get more things wrong, or do more damage in such a short period of time, if you tried.

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Speaking of Australia's Chief Medical Officer...

Consider my email to former Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy, in his position as Secretary of the Australian Department of Health and Chair of the COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia - Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group, sent on 24 February 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/02/covid-19-vaccines-are-not-fully-approved-by-the-tga.pdf

In my email I challenge Brendan Murphy's statement on the ABC's 7.30 program with Leigh Sales, when he assured Australians that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccine products have "gone through the normal, full

range of regulatory approvals for our vaccines...we have been able to do the full, safe, regulatory approval...we have not cut any corners" and "...we decided that to get the confidence of the people in Australia, because we

had no community transmission, we were not going to do anything other than our full normal registration process"

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Well, they certainly failed to "get the confidence of the people of Australia" regarding the mRNA vaccines. A sizeable portion of the public is now only too well aware that these products proved to be woefully ineffective, but also positively dangerous - even fatal - for some who were injected. It is common knowledge that whatever Murphy meant by the "normal, full range of regulatory approvals" they did not include rigorous randomised controlled trials, they did not include proper reporting and investigation of the adverse effects experienced by trial participants, they did not include adequate studies of the purity of the product or the reliability of the manufacturing process at scale. Apart from minor details such as those, they did not include a basic understanding of how the products might interact with the mucosal immune system (which is the body's line of defence against respiratory infections) after they were injected into the arm (hint: they don't). Neither did they include even a basic study that might establish a need for an inadequately tested experimental vaccine technology, which would turn the entire population into unwitting guinea pigs. Why was this drastic, wildly irresponsible vaccination program needed to counter what was essentially an illness no worse than influenza, with similar clinical effects and a similar mortality rate? Frankly, I think Murphy et al had no idea what they were doing. They had, as the Peter Principle dictates, finally been promoted to their level of incompetence.

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As to the "stays in the arm," "rna breaks down quickly," "natural immunity is ineffective," "stops transmission," etc., all those lies were pre-planned.

The talking heads were TOLD to say these things.

Finding out WHO wrote the scripts utilized around the world is really the question, isn't it? A functional One World Government is in power and it's behavior & goals were exposed via Covid, the Coup.

Lockdowns? All the Formerly Free Nations of our world brutalized their People in the same manner- FOR NO BENEFIT. Only harms ensued.

The WITHHOLDING of safe & effective early treatments. Again, virtually worldwide.


School Closures.

Ineffective or lethal hospital protocols.

The genetic jabs. Forced, coerced, threatened and UTTERLY lied about.

This happened in Europe, North America, Australia, NZ, etc.

Even in Africa & the Caribbean.

What the hell? Wake up and smell The New World Order.

And, guess what? It doesn't like Humanity!

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That's an excellent point about the "functional one world government". Fully agree about the consistent use globally of the same lies to deceive and manipulate the people, and the same inhuman policies.

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🎯💯 Brilliantly put

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In Canada, "Informed Consent" (as per published forms) consisted of: You were given an opportunity to ask questions.

However if you didn't know what questions to ask, or if the person administering the shot couldn't (or wouldn't) answer the questions...?

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What is the point of asking questions if you are answered with a lie and no scientific proof.

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Informed Consent=

"Informed" --- I know ALL of the known & suspected potential risks & benefits, possible outcomes, good & bad, that come with this treatment.

"Consent"--- After learning all the above and thinking it over, I have decided I would like to receive said treatment.

NOT --- "You are Informed that you will Consent!"

Regardless of the risks, life threatening or otherwise, lack of information, your personal objections or natural immunity to the disease.

Really, our brains aren't working well when we lie down for such idiocy & abuse!

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It is not very surprising that doctors and others went along with forcing vaccinations on people. Most people do what they are told and will not risk their careers to speak out against something that is wrong. Plus, many of them thought forcing jabs on people was the right things to do for everyone's benefit. I mean all of the important people said the jabs were good and that the people who oppose the jabs are crazed terrorists out to kill people. People of such high caliber would never lie about the jabs. Of course they will help forcibly jab people. When I was much younger, I wondered how all of the regular people in Germany in the 1930s had quietly gone along with the insane plans of a murderous dictator that resulted in 50 million deaths and the destruction of most of Europe. I do not wonder anymore. The true nature of man is to follow the alpha and the pack to secure their status in the pack. Anything that threatens their status and security will be violently opposed. Facts and morality be dammed.

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It's been going on for years, because criticism of vaccination has been verboten.

It's the Church of Vaccination, no heresy allowed.

Quite remarkable how these medical products have been protected from scrutiny, and that the medical 'profession' has been willing to go along with this.

How many of them give a thought to what is going on with the ever-increasing 'womb to tomb' vaccination schedule? https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/national-immunisation-program-schedule

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the word "lemmings" comes to mind.

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It does, indeed.

Co-incidentally, as you likely are aware, the meme that lemmings voluntarily and en masse periodically commit suicide by running over cliffs is based on some psychopathic director having a truckload of terrified lemmings dumped over a cliff presumably to make a 'nature documentary' more 'exciting'.

Lemmings might be dumped or driven over cliffs, when being permitted no other option, that being precisely what we've been watching happening to people all through this obvious scam, so that something horrible - in both instances - was being forced upon those made vulnerable to create a propagandistic story-line/scene - making this, indeed, an extremely apt analogy...

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Dr Suzanne Humphries in November 2015 lays out how informed consent is "manufactured" to appear to be "informed" thanks to the WHO from 1992 then partnering with Billy boy for the Decade of Vaccines from 2010-2020. The busy doctors have been brainwashed. A must watch:


More insightful presentations can be found by Dr Humphries in her timeline - these are hard to find by searching online.


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Billy was also financing work at the Imperial College of London who gave us the plandemic hype projections. He also was represented at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security doing the plandemic along with neocons and more on their Steering Committee..

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yes, he is in everywhere! there was an info graphic early on showing the funding streams coming to all aspects from his foundation. quite revealing ( BBC, Guardian, Imperial and many, many more).

interesting to me as an 'A' level Latin student in another lifetime... CEPI means " i captured" . nothing could be clearer!

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Mark Kulak at Housatonic Live tried to put Gates into a good light. Hard to give Gates any sort of cover at all. Imo Gates is good at covering his tracks as are most psychopathic sociopaths.

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Gates is invested heavily in "health" & agriculture/food, as well as other major sectors including energy, education etc.



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A very dangerous and sick man.

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It’s interesting that when I go to the bank to withdraw cash, the teller is obliged to ask if someone is pressuring me to withdraw that cash. If I said yes, I would get no cash.

Yet, no one asked ppl if they were pressured to take death shot… Enlightening.

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Excellent substack article. I can add "Judgement Day is coming!"

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Just adding this quote I went onto watch JJ Couey's testimony at the National Citizens Enquiry... And he made a great point at about 25.30...

Informed concent is impossible if "No" is not an option



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Yes - that's a good one.

Another variation: "It isn't "consent" if you can't say no."

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Presumably the best for legal action against the authorities regarding informed consent is in fact the argument about coercion, since the evidence is on the public record. Other matters relevant to the issue of informed consent, including the fact that the government misinformed the public about the safety and efficacy of the shots, can readily be disputed by 'experts'. The coercion, however is clear as day and indisputable.

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If the majority of doctors and nurses had done their due diligence on the jabs and stood up to AHPRA and said no, it would have fallen over in a week. What happened to the oath they took as medical practitioners? Bad things happen when good people stay silent. A disturbing number of medical professionals were silent and/or complicit. A brave minority stood up. Everyone who works with patients understands how important informed consent is. Where has ethics gone in medical practice? Medical practitioners enjoy a privileged role in society. Time to examine what exactly sits behind this system we call “medicine”.

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Do doctors and nurses 'take an oath' now? Or has it all been watered down...?

Some interesting info in this article: Doctors demand overhaul of Australia's medical ethics guidelines over new 'woke' set of codes arguing for return to Hippocratic Oath:


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Great work Elizabeth, I can't see why anyone in the legal fraternity couldn't see this obvious breach of informed consent, human rights, the criminality of coercion and blackmail and breach of our constitutional rights as you have elegantly shown.

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Well done Elizabeth!

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Also note that, unlike the politicians (PM and Premiers), Jane Halton attended Event 201 in 2021 at which the vaccine-based pandemic response to the forthcoming deadly virus has planned. However, she has zero expertise in anything connected with health. Like many senior public servants, she is an ignoramus whose main attributes are her experience in running a casino, and her years of practice scripting and supporting the government narrative du jour. She knows nothing about pandemics, viruses, vaccines or any of the other matters about which her opinion carried so much weight with the government. It is rather sad that Australians generally persist in making a virtue out ignorance.

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True. Then again, the "response" was never about a virus.

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Jane Halton also installed her brother in law Brett Sutton in Victoria to become the vaccine executioner & director in cohort with Dan Andrews. How he without relevant experience could be given the CHO position at the time of a “pandemic” is highly questionable & reeks of nefarious strategically placed nepotism to serve somebodies wishes

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Predictably, he was a failure as Victorian CHO because basically he was not up to the task. But in June 2023 he was rewarded for his loyalty to the self-styled elites who lead the public service in this country by being appointed as 'Director Health and Biosecurity' at CSIRO. The man has no significant record of scientific publication, no proven competence to lead any kind of scientific activity at CSIRO. He is perfectly useless - except to do the bidding of those to whom he owes his employment and social status.

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Brett Sutton yep the same one who’s sister in law is Jane Halton who used to work for the WHO until August 2019. Her husband is Trevor Sutton Brett’s brother. Brett worked for the Burnett institute funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation

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This was not entirely Scott Morrison's plan. From 2010 there has been an escalating program of establishing rules, regulations and legislation, both state and federal, in company with similar (?exactly similar) programs enacted particularly in Anglophone countries overseas. This is all in alignment with the WEF sponsored UN/WHO 2030 project so at a predetermined time, (that magically coincided with the release of the synthetic US financed Wuhan virus), everything was in place to enable simultaneous population control in numerous countries. Health professionals and first responders who protested were under threat of de-registration. The media were paid to be compliant in broadcasting fear porn propaganda and mandating became the option of those in positions of power. Any claims to the courts was futile as all judges could do was follow the law. If you don't believe this general summary then you have not been awake. The only option now is for mass community non-cooperation and non-compliance with the "authorities". Remember chaos always precedes change.

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Yes, it's been in the planning for a long time.

For instance, looking back now at the Australian Biosecurity Act being put in place in 2015, and the coercive No Jab, No Pay/No Play vaccination laws for children from 2016.

The World Economic Forum does indeed appear to have 'penetrated zee cabinets'.

Without the consent of the people.

In regard to the pandemic industry, see:

"...is this actually about creating a lucrative pandemic industry, overseen by the empire-building World Health Organization, at the behest of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and other vested interests?" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/is-this-actually-about-creating-a

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My son is supposed to get the HPV shot at school I told my wife no our son can take it if he wants to when he’s older

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--The only option now is for mass community non-cooperation and non-compliance with the "authorities".--

Exactly right!

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Everyone needs to stop paying taxes

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This is a legal and ethical disaster? It is murder. It is totalitarianism. It is a crime. Let us be honest, for a healthier people and animals, let's get rid of the vaccines. We have been lied to for decades if not over 2 centuries.

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We certainly need the spotlight turned onto the lucrative 'womb to tomb' vaccination schedule, that is mired in conflicts of interest.


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By July 2021, I’d gathered enough information to determine the risk having an experimental medical treatment was far more likely to be detrimental to health than contracting and having a bad outcome from something that was no more deadly than a seasonal flu! And of course I was proven 100% correct. How did I work out it was no worse than a season flu? I collected my own data, reported in news reports from the start until April 2020. It was just how old those who died of the “Wuhan virus”. And 80% of the approximately 50 deaths were over 70 years of age. The young started dying after the jabs started!

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It was the 'deadly virus' that didn't kill most people...

Mainly old people with comorbidities were at risk of respiratory ailments, it was ever thus. This is not to write off old people, but if they're vulnerable to respiratory ailments they should have been treated accordingly.

Everybody else's health and freedom was sacrificed to purportedly protect old people with comorbidities, but the real reason was to hook the population onto lucrative vaccination for life, and control them via digital ID/vaccine passports.

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Elizabeth, thank you for your tireless efforts in alerting unsuspecting people! As to why they wanted every arm to be jabbed, of course there was the financial incentives, and the implementation of control mechanisms but I suspect that there was also a darker motivative; population control. Here is a video, it explains the hypothesis https://rumble.com/v3oap32-lets-talk-about-sustainability-and-thinning-the-herd.html

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"they should have refused to collaborate with injecting people they knew were under duress to comply, as this violates voluntary informed consent." - my daughter was in tears when she finally was forced to get vaxxed. The doctor told her she was being stupid and to stop listening to social media. She wasn't. She knew exactly what the issues were. And true to form her menstrual cycles were disrupted by the jab. The perps need to pay. #NoAmnesty

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Bucking the Trend, I've 'liked' your comment in support.

What a horrible story that your daughter was intimidated into submitting to vaccination and that "The doctor told her she was being stupid and to stop listening to social media."

So the doctor injected your daughter without valid VOLUNTARY informed consent?

Has your daughter...and the doctor...seen this fact sheet?

Titled: Handling consent refusal by people presenting for vaccination: https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/covid-19-vaccinations-handling-consent-refusal-by-people-presenting-for-vaccination

Quoting from the fact sheet:


What is informed consent and why is it important?

Informed consent is an individual's voluntary decision to agree to a healthcare treatment, procedure or intervention, such as a COVID-19 vaccination, in its entirety, after the individual has been provided understandable, sufficient, appropriate and reliable information about the intervention, including the potential risks and benefits...

A patient must provide informed consent prior to vaccination.


The Fact Sheet warns vaccination providers: "If a patient has not provided informed consent, you should not vaccinate them, even if they are mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccination to perform particular roles or enter certain settings."

So, what should have happened, is that practitioners should have refused to inject people they knew were under duress. Which was everyone actually, as we were all being coerced and intimidated and even MANDATED to submit to the injections.

The practitioners need to be thrown under the bus...they didn't obtain valid consent.

Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

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"So the doctor injected your daughter without valid VOLUNTARY informed consent?" Yes, I knew all that and both my kids held out until the end. Both threatened with being fired. I told them it was illegal, but at the time the pressure was on. I have all of the correspondence. There will be #NoAmnesty for the perps.

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Has your daughter considered making a complaint to AHPRA, about the injecting practitioner?

Of course it’s tricky in that AHPRA are the bad guys too…they had the position statement 9 March 2021, which constrained the doctors and nurses etc from speaking out.

But this could be a plan, build a movement to encourage people to make complaints to AHPRA about practitioners who capitulated and collaborated with government and other vaccination mandates.

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No doubt they all got a lovely sum of money for their lies. And now most of them have resigned. I remember when Centrelink docked my familly allowance because I refused to vaccinate my son. And when he went to kinder if there was an "outbreak" he had to stay home, only happened once luckily. So coercion has been going on a long time for kids.

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You might be interested to read my email to Scott Morrison, sent in February 2021:

No Jab, No Pay/No Play - coercive coronavirus vaccination in Australia - PM Scott

Morrison and the Murdoch Media: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/02/no-jab-no-pay-no-play-coercive-vaccination-in-australia.pdf

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