Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Why on earth are we listening to a software billionaire on vaccines, and environmental science issues.

I’m dumbfounded !!!

Can he just go away? Everyone is sick to death of hearing him speak on things of which he has no expertise.

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He's a filthy rich eugenicist, that's why. His expertise is lying and killing.

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Bill Goebbels.

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$$$ talks

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I’d love it if he “went away”, and all the others, too numerous to describe, who have been pushing “vaccines” on us, and giving them, can go with him.

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We just need to ignore the new wave of 💉promotion

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And ensure there is no coercion or mandates...

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Yes, that’s it-ignore, and do not comply!!

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Bill Gates, as his father did, specializes in eugenics.

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Can you elaborate?

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This happened because Bill was filmed on Epstein Island by the CIA hence he is just doing as he is told by the CIA/DoD/DARPA bioweapons industrial complex. They specialise in terrorising the world so they can make huge profits selling the "cures" and also steal billions from the taxpayers in government grants. Highly profitable and they can also test out the latest weapons on the population under the cover of "public health". You could not make this shit up!

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Is there actual evidence of the Epstein Island connection?

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Huge amounts I have seen, lots and lots of photos and trips on the lolita express, Epstein was a CIA asset for many many years hence they control pretty much everything now. Ever wondered why hundreds of revolting men visited the Island yet no one has ever been prosecuted?

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Also despite the fact that JP Morgan Chase has a rap sheet that rivals that of an organized crime family, including five criminal felony counts, the U.S. Department of Justice has yet to bring a criminal case against the bank for aiding and abetting Epstein in his crimes – despite a mountain of detailed evidence developed by the Attorney General of the U.S. Virgin Islands.


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Speaking of JP Morgan Chase…I’ve just started reading G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island…

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I will join you when I get a spare 5 minutes, that sounds good. Loved your interview with Doc Malik, apart from the Docs hayfever! As you say no-one in the entire world had informed consent. They failed to mention it contained SV40 cancer promoter, plasmid DNA and endotoxins. They also didn’t mention the product tested and used to show (the statistical illusion of) efficacy (process 1) was totally different to the contaminated mess they gave us (process 2). Legally speaking however being a military operation even the EUA was not required, it was just for show to fool people that it was tested. https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/on-unavoidable-adverse-side-effects

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Thanks Robert…it will take rather more than five minutes! it’s a thick book of more than 500 pages I’ll dip into occasionally.

Re “no-one in the entire world had informed consent”.

Quite mind-boggling to think about… All those people being tricked into submitting to a medical intervention, being set up as fodder for a repeat vaccination market… Against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people. A gigantic fraud, and so many complicit.

So how to get accountability? Justice?

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Thanks for the link Robert.

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that may be true but i think bill is loving his new job and the money he makes from it as well as his de-pop program a little too much ,he is on a massive power trip

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So true... What psychopaths love... control and torture of others, and self-aggrandizement.

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He's a dyed-in-the-wool eugenicist, just like his grandfather and his mother. He's ALL FOR IT. Have you seen that one video, long ago removed from the Internet, where he talks about "The Final Solution" being vaccines? Mind-blowing.

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Bill Goebbels.

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Indeed! I can't even look at his face without gagging.

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I wonder if anyone has a copy of this video to share, might it be found on the way back internet? I am not savvy enough to try myself.

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I did a very quick check on this… all the stuff I saw was years old.

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I don’t know. I have a hard time just seeing that guy’s face…

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Try warning anyone about Bill Gates though and they will inevitably defend him and not believe you. Same re the jabs, governments etc. People generally have come to believe what they are told via the media than what their good friends and family tell them. Even when it is a life and death matter.

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I think things are changing now Judith.

Definitely more people waking up to questioning Gates.

Also see this book by Daniel Jupp: Gates of Hell. Why Bill Gates is the Most Dangerous Man in the World.

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Thanks Elizabeth. Great title. Following up on that now.

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Yes, I’m sick of hearing “people will wake up when……their children are dying from the jabs”-Nope, that hasn’t come true yet

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People, particularly in Australia, have been brainwashed about vaccination for so many years, with a climate which has effectively forbidden any questioning of the taxpayer-funded ever-increasing vaccination and revaccination 'womb to tomb' schedule.

We must demand accountability now.

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Yes, I was brainwashed, until covid. How ironic!

My son has 2 vaccine injuries, which I’m sure are from childhood vaccines.

I would like accountability at the very least!

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From what I have read and heard, the whole mRNA thing is a false flag. All that is mumbo jumbo crap designed to sideline and confuse, and of course, Divide and Conquer with Fear and setting us at each other.

Here's how I see it: The labs that have actually investigated the contents of those "vaccination" VIALS have found GRAPHENE, ALUMINUM, MERCURY, and a host of other toxins that would take down an elephant. You'll imagine the need to vary the dosages, vary the ingredients, so as to not be OBVIOUS with just slaughtering every single person who gets the Jab...

Who needs mRNA magic with those incredibly toxic ingredients?? And they're spraying us with similar combinations of highly toxic substances, and attempting to block the sun, via "geo-engineering" -- to HELP US, because of the "climate crisis" that doesn't exist and never did. Always remember and never forget... the LIES LIES LIES. Question EVERYTHING. Do not allow fear to take over your mind.

If we continue to get all caught up in HOW they are killing us, and fighting about the MEANS of killing us, and disregarding what is right in our faces, we are playing into their hands. And they LAUGH at us when we do this. Stop doing it! Stop being Fear Bunnies. This is the Time of Growing Our Courage.

The way I see it: We are in the midst of a Global Genocide and Tyranny. The tyranny will be gradually introduced, and will continue until the genocide is complete. RESIST the TYRANNY is my best advice. Keep learning, keep looking outside the medical issues, and watch the political/financial issues. I'd say one thing we need to organize ASAP: Take back our farmlands, globally. Those who can: build greenhouses.

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"From what I have read and heard, the whole mRNA thing is a false flag..."

Hmmm...interesting to think about...

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It appears to be the case, at least I’m leaning heavily this way by what I’ve read from those I trust (if I fully trust ANYBODY anymore), that there’s enough toxic materials in those jabs to kill you without any genetic anything… In fact it sterilizes us, all the toxins— heavy metals and other nastiness like formaldehyde... But we have to remember, too, that making ALL the jabs the same and just killing people quickly won’t work, because we would figure it out too fast.

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Jul 10Liked by Elizabeth Hart


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Yes, one must keep an open mind about these poisons. The presence of the metals you mention certainly should not be in these products (unless the sole purpose is to cause harm). The list goes on, Polyethylene glycol, pseudoeuridine, SV 40 promoter, LNP`s and the changed "type 2" process containing DNA just to name a few . They have created so many ways this bio-weapon can do harm and that manifests itself by the thousands of different side effects that have been observed. Moving beyond that, we as a community must stay informed and seek whatever assists us to overcome this war against humanity. Knowing that the governments of many countries are already captured (as in my country - Australia) The need for political awareness to overcome this is significant. Recent elections in the UK and France don`t give me confidence as I see the outcomes as flipping over to the other side of the same coin.

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I'm interested in aluminium in vaccines.

See: https://over-vaccination.net/aluminium-and-vaccine-safety/

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Which is why I make posts like the one above... If we can't get our heads around the idea of a GLOBAL GENOCIDE, because we are distracted by all this DNA and mRNA and blah blah blah... it's just this simple: The Jabs Are Malevolent, Don't Get One. There is NO reason to get a "vaccine" for ANYTHING, the entire concept is flawed, faulty, and nothing more than a money-making scheme for Big Pharma. Boom.

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Way past time for an investigation of bloated vaccination schedules, which are awash with conflicts of interest...

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Yes heavy metals in the body wreck the immune system, as we are bombared with them from various sources daily. It is a must to consume a heavy metal detox smoothie on a regular basis, look up The Medical Medium Anthony Williams.

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I came across this again, today, and thought I’d just add this: Heavy metals may wreck the immune system, but worse, they attack the brain, the heart, the lungs, form clots in the blood… If all that is worrisome were simply the immune system it would be a RELIEF compared to what it does to the organs and brain! Simple bottom line: Heavy metals do not belong in our bodies, period.

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Vote for Kennedy. I think he is our only hope for agriculture, taking down big Pharma, confronting all these criminal bullies and more.

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I don’t vote anymore. I don’t think it’s legitimate. If I did vote, I’d maybe vote for RFK but he has to get the NOMINATION first.

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

And his low life side kicks. https://www.healthdata.org/about/people/jane-halton

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mRNA is probably the cover story as they have never been able to get it to work....


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Wow, thanks for the link Rob.

I need to spend some time reading that...

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Excellently summarised Elizabeth

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

When he comes out with the next one he will personally need to inject me and then he might meet a tad bit of resistance.

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Jul 10Liked by Elizabeth Hart

In the state I live in, abortion and even assisted dying is legal. But if you want to refuse a vaccine mandate, you risk losing civil liberties, employment, access to services such as education....

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It's bizarre isn't it?!

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

See bailiwicknews.substack.com

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Bill Gates is a highly intelligent PSYCHOPATH - engaged in stealth "DEPOPULATION" at least since 1973 - as he is in panic, because "We The People" are so much, and as "We The People" have begun to find out about PSYCHOPATHY in our leaders and their SECRET ways to try to KILL US ALL.


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Kirsch I believe is CO

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#BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPhilanthropath #BillGatesSociopath #BillGatesMassMurderer

Makes Hitler look like an amateur.

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That's quite a bio!

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Bill Goebbels.

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He is the vilest person on this planet!!!

He really enjoys his demonic democide and so far

Still arrogantly boasting his wickedness. I pray that his termination comes soon along with the other goons who so gleefully have raped pillaged plundered the common people who rolled up their sleeves.

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The American psyche is trained--just as the mRNA vaccines train the body to go against its natural immune reactions--to put billionaires, like Gates, on a high thrown. They over look common sense and accept what crazy, destructive schemes these people come up with because they are successful. Also, as Jeffrey A. Tucker from the Brownstone Institute said a few years ago, Gates treats pathogens the same way he treats computer viruses.

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Hopefully Gates is being subjected to more scrutiny now.

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He deserves nothing less than the gallows.

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I rather see him suffer from getting every vaccine he has had anything to do with.

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why would you take medical advice from a self-confessed eugenicist???

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