The governments were complicit in the exploitation of a primed population, how will we be able to have an objective investigation into the travesty that is passing for science in 2020-2024? People were deliberately worked up into a frenzy of fear so great that many were almost willing to inject themselves with the experimental substance, I know many were forced to take this product and that was also heinous act. I have said before the vaccine and viral world is a house of cards and with enough pressure could collapse, how can true innovation come from this foundation of corruption and greed.

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"The governments were complicit in the exploitation of a primed population..."

Exactly right.

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"Medicine" has been exposed for what it's actually been for a very long time -- a population of the mediocre and the ethically challenged. "AIDS, Inc." exposed Fauci and the fraud that is science and medicine 40 years ago.

"Big Academia" exposed themselves, too, for what they are -- and did so more than 20 years ago. They exposed their lack of ethics and intellectual honesty when they 𝒂𝒍𝒍 remained silent (and complicit) over another absurd story -- the official story of Sep 11. Lies forming the basis for the wrecking of lives and liberty. While all the finest minds in academia remained blind, deaf, and dumb. Sound familiar?

So. Here we are. The "COVID" operation. Aided and abetted by 𝒂𝒍𝒍 major institutions, a global cyclone of fraud, graft, corruption, lies, coercion. It sucked up every facet of Life in its path, and now in its decay stage, as the dust settles, we see the wreckage everywhere.

Thank you for this reminder and the "receipts" (links), Elizabeth.

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OUTstanding article - thank you EH for your work. The Truth may hurt but silence kills. Thank you for continuing to speak Truth to medical tyranny ...

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Yikes, yes... a "whole of government approach" to develop vaccines for "a low risk infection... in the absence of a vaccine"!!

Thanks for the shout-out and for highlighting this piece of the puzzle Elizabeth - and for all your efforts exposing the Covid scam specifically and the 'vaccine' racket in general. Love your letter to Fauci!

'Covid-19' was (among other things) a 'biodefense' 'mission' to mass-deploy "medical countermeasures" (MCMs) as per the U.S. Army's Brig. General Michael Talley on 5 March 2020: A campaign "...to deliver... products that will protect the citizens of the world". From a low risk infection!

This was, in effect, a "Countermeasures Coup":



A few posts on the U.S-led Defense Op for interested readers -

JPEO-CBRN Defense - 3 minute video - 2019 - "Medical Rapid Response" to 'outbreak':


CBRN Defense Cooperative Program for MCMs - USA-UK-Aus-Can - Biodefense racket/ rort:


DARPA P3 Program to "Stop a Pandemic in 60 Days" with gene-based MCMs:


Medical Countermeasures for National Security:


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🙏Brilliant as always

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How to get into physical contact with every individual on the planet in a specific set under "controlled circumstances" and with a predetermined outcome which is the registration of that person plus universal marker like an ID, qr code or something, which is essential for the person and therefore will be carefully stored? It must be a product that everyone "needs to get"? How can a situation be created, where every individual on earth needs to get in contact with this specific product?


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Re "It must be a product that everyone "needs to get"?"

Interesting this push for people of all ages to submit to the Covid-19 injections against a disease which isn't a problem for most people... Seems they need to get everyone on their system for their plans to work.

Time to pushback people, and demand privacy... Time to have a close look at what is going on with the Australian Immunisation Register...without our informed consent.

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A jab in every arm is about there being no control group to test safety and efficacy. They also want to kill us.

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The new normal social credit system won't work with too many exclusions to it. But to admit that would destabilize the entire system plus people would become aware of what the jabs are really for. That they have nothing to do with health, but are a trojan horse for subjugation, control, profit and aquirement of new diseases caused by "side effects". Elimination of the healthy.

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So do we get to see Jane Halton Brett Sutton Trevor Sutton Morrison DEAR DANNY BOY and the rest of the Premiers hang for premeditated murder

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That question would best be directed to the Club of Rome. And while you're there, ask about the SV40 cancer promoting sequence!

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I’m glad you bought that one out yes 1955-63 in America and 57-63 in Australia infected people with the SV40 virus eg cancer sells in the polio vaccines

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Sorry cells

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Hear hear !!!

There never was a pandemic but a plandemic.

Sars-Cov 2 the alleged novel ''virus'' was about many things however none of them had anything to do with improving our health.

To me it's important that people understand that Sars-Cov 2 has never ever been proven to exist but that it served another agenda which required a fraudulent test in order to push these toxic jabs.

lets mention that Frauci also used Kari Mullis invention to diagnose people with aids in order push his medicine from which many people died, and now he's been at it again.

There was the financial bailout which served the likes of Blackrock rather well.

There's so much more to this and unfortunately no accountability for their deliberate wrong doings yet.

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“A whole government approach” + media who primed the population with the governments psychological operations + Hollywood to pre program us. All owned and controlled by the same deep state actors who are now doing their best to get WW 111 going. The pandemic plan + many other plans has been in the making for decades.

Who owns the world. https://youtu.be/7JRKGJS26l8?si=pyijTZs94WK0k8RB

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A coordinated PRESS will always be more influential than any TRUTH. “Ink is mightier than the sword” has held up for centuries and since the Press hated Trump... it was easy to advance the false narrative.

We mustn’t forget that Brix and Redfield came from the military (Redfield changed and was a critic of the path taken by Fauci) which gave impetus to the “noble lie”. Militaries make decisions from “top down”, people like Brix carry out instructions without remorse since they are not the ones making those choices ... right or wrong.

The military is not about law and order, they only care about “order” ... from whoever out ranks them.

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Dear Elizabeth,

So many Nations poisoned from experimental jabs. This one in particular to cause infertility? A study group perhaps on what was to beset on the whole of civilisation?


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The lab leak hoax is another distraction, the only way to create a worldwide pandemic is to clone lots and lots of virus and spread it all over the place.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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Every time the International Bankers predict that their coffers are going to run dry they salon boys get together with their investors and decide on what to create for the government checkbook to open the flood gates. Military contracts, medical emergency contracts, disaster contract, mineral contracts, et. Each time it is the same crew different day., since 1910. You can spend the time following the money but it always leads back to the same crew - in todays world and over the last 45 years legislators that write the laws that allow this incestuous relationship has been paid for by the same crew., they are writing the laws they want that allows the conflict of interest and sets up the scene for the taxpayers to fund "the manufacturing" while they simply move their money investments into these specific contracts. That is the formula, lives lost have nothing to do with their "business decisions". The truly dangerous though have the continuous intention to harm and destroy, they are basically cowards hiding in the background.

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No need for a vaccine. No need for lockdowns.

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I could never figure it out either - I mean I learned all this stuff back in the 1980's as part of my Public Health Management course - its basic grade knowledge that flu is a relatively low risk for healthy people, that flu vaccines are only marginally useful, and that a decent diet and fresh air are the best mean of prevention. Obviously I ducked the Covid-jabs, as they were horribly rushed through - but the media and government hysteria was fanning massive social pressure, so I don't blame lay people for being literally terrified into compliance. There was something very, very odd going on in public policy.

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Start at the top and start hanging till we get to the bottom that includes Gates Fauci all the Rothschilds Rockefeller Soros bildaberg group Klause and his little evil po💩 side kick

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