Thanks for this good summary of the unethical abandonment, and the role that the Communitarian ideology has played. I was glad to see the tribute to Dr Jackie Stone too. Margaret Anna Alice dedicated a poem to her in her Substack honouring Jackie, which included a link to this video excerpt, in which Jackie was interviewed along with a group of medical professionals she brought together: https://rumble.com/v5ex24t-this-way-to-the-falls-healing-in-africa-summit.html

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Thanks for the link to the video Rosemary.

What terribly sad news about Dr Jackie Stone.

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Very sad about Dr Stone. I followed the link, thank you and immediately, the energy and frequency is so pure…Africa has a special energy. These good humans have a special energy…it is all their goodness and compassion that shines through. I have been to Africa many times with my work. I loved going, loved the diverse culture. I have always believed that the African nation were targeted by the Gates Foundation et al., because I believe that Africa carries a purity in the land and within its people that threatens the satanic cult. That is why Gates et al wanted them to be vaccinated — to subdue their spiritual power. Africans are a threat to the Cult.

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Glad you enjoyed this video, as I did. I have never been to Africa, but there were a number of inspiring doctors etc at this gathering that I'd never even come across in these four years, which showed me how successfully they have been censored. I hope they continue to network as part of Jackie's legacy.

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Thank you, I am most grateful for the link. I shared it on my Bitchute channel. They all shone, these Doctors. They epitomised ethics and compassion. I was also unaware of this summit or the doctors mentioned. It was uplifting to hear their views. It was equally saddening to hear about Dr Stone.

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Yeah, informed consent is also not followed with many prescription drugs (example: statins).

Doctors either do not know about the side effects or hide them in order to achieve goals like cholesterol reduction etc.

The COVID shot LNPs were known to be an issue years before con-vid or mRNA... Moderna's past failures explain it all.


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Informed consent...it has been trashed by the medical 'profession' which is a handmaiden to the pHarmaceutical industry.

Time to turn the spotlight on this now, way past time.

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It was not so much for the greater good. When you look at the conflicts of interest across the board.

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Oh yes Julie, so many conflicts of interest to expose...

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Even people “modelling” the pandemic were enormously compromised and had long histories of such modelling being made up.

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Exactly Julie.

People such as notorious 'modeller' Neil Ferguson, and his Imperial College Report 9, which in March 2020 recommended suppression of 'the virus' "until a vaccine becomes available".

A massive conflict of interest wasn't disclosed in Ferguson's Report 9, i.e. that he is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, arguably the world's biggest promoter of vaccine products.

See my emails to Neil Ferguson:

- Neil Ferguson and Andrew Pollard sharing a taxi...? 5 August 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/neil-ferguson-and-andrew-pollard-sharing-a-taxi...-1.pdf

- Neil Ferguson: "...not at all certain that suppression will succeed long term..." 23 March 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/neil-ferguson-not-at-all-certain-that-suppression-will-succeed-long-term.pdf

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Dear Elizabeth, I always value your posts and this was no exception. I found that there were three sessions on Odysee to download, so I have shared all three in one video on my Bitchute channel. My perceptions echo those in the comments, and I find it interesting about the informed consent issues not being valid in court hearings because they are described as 'counter measures’. Is there any other tactic that we could use to show that it is unlawful for nurses to inject this poison?

Does anyone know where all the injectors stand lawfully if they were taken to court by those they have injured? I wondered if any lawyers could advise us of the law? If we could find something to show personal liability, perhaps it may dissuade those pushing/injecting the shots?

I am in the UK. The mobile vans are parked up in the local supermarket and our local elderly are queuing up for their shot. It is a small town, full lovely humans, a friendly and tight knit farming community

I am frustrated, infuriated, upset, racking my brains and my heart on what approach I could take that secured the safety of those queuing up, as opposed to causing a rebellion.

I know that free will has to come into this, we have to respect their decisions…but they are based on lack of knowledge. They do not know that people are getting turbo cancers, although some seem to know about the blood clots.

Which leads me back to the subject of informed consent. What other type of messaging might persuade those who inject the vulnerable to see that they can be held to account? We need something that holds ground.

As a concerned gathering of individuals, can anyone come up with ideas on ways to secure the safety of others without causing the opposite reaction? I feel we are missing key information somewhere because there must be some law that sticks for suing private individuals for causing harm with these shots? If not this way, what other way would make the injectors sit up and selfishly want to protect their own interests, if they can’t be persuaded to "first, do no harm"?

The evidence is overwhelming now. I posted the three sessions, in the hope that a nurse or injector may see it, but one of your commenters did highlight the issues within the doctor’s speeches…they still think there has been gross negligence, a "reckless gamble”, yet, this group of doctors still believe there was a pandemic and still believe that viruses can go global at speed and find a victim. They have not got to the stage of realising that this dark group conspired to kill and maim as many as possible. It was deliberate, planned. It was a genocide.

I also agree about the Controlled Ops groups. They are prevalent in all ‘freedom 'groups. Groups draw in predators and fake operators. I work with frequencies and have studied and learned about symbolism and symbols, how they affect and harm others. I can read the darkness around some of these supposed freedom doctors and ‘truthers’.

We are surrounded by the symbols of the Snake (look at the WHO symbol, caduceus medical symbol, rod of asclepius medical symbol), Crown, Octopus, Pyramid, Satanic and Illuminati hand signalling, such as, The Eye of Horus, OK symbol.

It is all over our food packaging. Symbols emit ELF waves which influence thoughts. Combine this with all the other technology which they now admit can read our thoughts ,alter our thoughts….how on earth are this dumbed-down mind controlled group going to deal with the true danger humanity are in?

I watch the groups of doctors. I look at the background during their interviews, I look at the type of rings they wear on their fingers, I watch for their signalling. It is so obvious once you get the hang of it…they often use the sign of the devil or they have a pile of stones, a couple of pillars as their border for interviews. It is often in the background. Hidden but in plain sight.

I get heart guidance, very few listen but I do share it because it has always proved accurate and in advance of the events. I shared one about a year ago. The advice was all about "The Controllers." Either group is ready to go: The dark, satanic, pedophile group who planned the murder, or the ‘concerned’ doctor's group who have the financial capacity to make vaccines.

The cancer scare warnings are deliberate. They are happening but the mainstream media is sowing seeds with the royals and their cancer story etc.

The cancer vaccine, now being tested, is deliberate.

Watch the group of Controlled Ops. They may step forward first. It all depends. Once the slow release news of vaccine harms is more public, once they have allowed it to be more common knowledge, they will acknowledge that mistakes were made, and one of these groups will step forward to offer the ‘miracle, cancer-cure-all-harms-vaccine" that will "wipe away" all the harms done by the previous ‘vaccine’. It is ready to go. That is my biggest concern.

Elizabeth, those of us who tell the truth are in an echo chamber. What we try to share does not get as far as we would like. The Controlled Ops group are the most dangerous. Doctors have died suddenly during conferences...

Nothing surprises me anymore. I have nearly lost my faith in humanity. I listen to my heart. I ask for help for all life and I pay attention to its loving guidance.

We cannot interfere with other's choices. That causes karma. It also delays help reaching others. We have to be clever and try to think of new ways to stop the carnage that is mis-aligned with the Laws of Creation. I know others may not share my views, but that is the route I am choosing to go down, and I find that when I ask for help that best helps all in optimal ways, in alignment with the Laws of Creation, and the Laws of LOVE, I always get answers that best help all in optimal ways.

Presently, while the boosters are being administered, I am being guided not to physically interfere, however, we can still report back to 'base camp' and tell our hearts what we see that concerns us, push for direction on how to help, while respecting free will. However, their free will is lacking informed consent, and the vulnerable and elderly do not know what is in the vials, they trust the nurses, trust their doctors…so the guidance today was to call on the opposing frequencies to the evil being created…to call on Peace, Love and Unity to surround us and protect us from all the harm that ensues, as those who take the shot experience soul fragmentation, soul shock and loss of life force as their tacit agreement allows the demonic realms to step into this reality, and this causes more chaos, more attack on those trying to tell the truth. It doesn’t just harm the injected…their choice lets in dark frequencies onto the planet. Halloween is upon us. This is the witching hour. It is a very dark time on the planet and everyone here would do well to learn how to inwardly protect themselves from the attack that ensues, particularly, those trying to protect humanity.

I realise this may not resonate for everyone, but at this time, it is important to know that heart connection, our humanity, our ability to be concerned creates a healing frequency and our love for others draws this healing frequency onto the planet. Those who are telling the truth like Elizabeth, and those who are 'putting themselves out there' need us all to be concerned for their protection too, and when others work as individuals, but in a way that joins with others through their humanity, or spirituality, or religious inclinations, when those who believe in goodness unite, then it becomes a force to be reckoned with by those who like to maim and kill.

We are dealing with cold blooded murderers, and we are also dealing with a brainwashed public and the public servants and medical staff who are all too far gone to be of any use to protect the vulnerable.

Try hard, these next three months, because if we don’t use our inner power to call for help, then we will see far more deaths as more line up for their death shot.

I apologise for the lengthy comment. If those who resonate with this could ask their own hearts for advice, we will all be powerfully helped. We only have to ask. There is new help available because of the many concerned voices, however, each individual needs to be asking within their own hearts to ascertain what their role is, and to ask for inspiration.

The other powerful frequency and energy which limits the dark's plans and restricts their carnage, is the power of our Creative imagination. Try it before rejecting this. The dark cannot create. They have created this reality by manipulating us into focusing on what they want.

Flip it around. Start focusing on the world you wish to see, not the one we have created for them. Undo the harm. Turn it around. Creativity is key and can be a good way to destress from all this worry about this Clown World Reality.

Elizabeth, Thank you for everything you are doing and for your valuable research and time spent sharing the information.

Kindest Wishes, Claire

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Thanks for your thoughtful response Claire.

There’s a lot at stake here, and a lot that has been done wrong over the years.

This is a long game, I’ve been playing it for 16 years.

I have one job to do and that is fight for informed consent.

No idea how things will turn out, but I’m just going to plough on.

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You are doing an amazing job! It was kind of you to reply. Thank you for all you share with us.

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This is a lovely, heart-felt comment. Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing this immensely powerful presentation and I'll do my best to share it as widely as I can. As she says, this isn't about medical or scientific knowledge, it's just plain common sense which should have been obvious to everybody. Am I right in saying that proposed changes to the public health bill in northern Ireland include vaccines being declassified as medical treatments so won't be subject to informed consent? Unbelievable if it's true.

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You've nailed it Valerie - "As she says, this isn't about medical or scientific knowledge, it's just plain common sense which should have been obvious to everybody."

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The spike protein toxin was never a therapeutic measure. It was and is an intentionally damaging bioweapon.

If doctors both individually and en masse had shown more curiosity, wisdom and discernment, and refused to administer such obviously problematic substances, millions of lives would have been saved and the murderous promoters of this democidal project would have been exposed for the predators they are.

Apart from the quickly-evident, glaring contradictions and inconsistencies of the extended fear-porn “pandemic” promo, it didn’t take much curiosity to discover that the ridiculous “Operation Warp Speed” was a marketing campaign for lethal concoctions with a decades-long history of failure.

Here in Ireland, the shots continue to be marketed via all conventional media as being to the immune system a sort of top-up or booster, comparable to an energising cup of coffee, or to the watering of a potted plant. Complete with happy-clappy visuals and sweet-voiced encouragement. One can only hope that our excess-death rates and the ill-health everywhere evident, will lead people to join a few dots. The subject is taboo in polite company.

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Exactly Nuala - “If doctors both individually and en masse had shown more curiosity, wisdom and discernment, and refused to administer such obviously problematic substances…”

It’s stunning isn’t it?! How could they go along with this, sticking needles into all and sundry, including children, against a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people.


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Hi & many thanks Elizabeth for this significant body or work ....

With your consent & apro , I’d like to deliver the full set of , ( both ) , of your documents to -

Health Minister Butlers office , ...and ....

Woodville - Sturt - West Torrens Council

When I deliver the full set of Port Headland - Julian Gillespie - & Associated documents....

Love your work, Elizabeth ...chat soon , no doubt

Les Catterwell

( is Les Kraft )

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It was never a vaccine. It is a gene theraphy. In fact, it clearly showed that all interventions labeled as vaccines should be under scrutiny including the childhood scheduled ones. When non-governmental organizations, big pharma and military collude on false premises to make and force mass inoculations there is a big problem. Tyranny in medicine is afoot.

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But what is a vaccine? (I use a variety of terms - needle, shot, injection, vaccine.)

I'm very wary of people defining the COVID-19 vaccines as 'gene therapies', and differentiating them from 'vaccines', as though 'vaccines' are a good thing.

I'm questioning all these things called 'vaccines' now, they all bear investigation.

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I am not saying that vaccines are good either. It might have been a misinterpretation on my part. I have huge questions regarding pharmaceuticals and wellness.

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Also bear this in mind Lisa...

We have letters from the Australian Government confirming:


Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations.


That is a dynamite sentence...because there's NO VALID CONSENT for COVID-19 vaccination, or any vaccination in my opinion. It's impossible to obtain valid consent under mis/disinformation and coercion and mandates.

See links to letters:

Letter to Emma McArthur dated 21 December 2021: https://humanityattheprecipice.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/doh-reply-21-12-2021.pdf

Letter to Elizabeth Hart dated 17 November 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

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I am in 🇨🇦 Canada. The truth is elusive. The truth is hidden or squashed.

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They knew the platform was dangerous years before mRna etc....


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Therapy implies healing power - there was none. It was medical experimentation at best.

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It was an orchestrated plan to maim and kill.

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I understand what you mean. Under their definition is a gene therraphy. Yet, I do agree it was intentional harm.

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The FDA stated mRNA was not tested to prevent transmission of a virus in December 2020, long before it went into a single arm in Australia. WE all know they denied us the right to generic cheap, safe, effective and early treatments and treated us like lab rats in "the worlds` biggest medical experiment" (courtesy of weasel Hunt). The Pfizer research reveals an unhealthy focus on the reproductive systems of rats, and nothing about preventing a virus. What little information that was not redacted regarding humans, shows an approximate miscarriage rate of ~80%. Gene therapy, yes, vaccine NO. One must also consider the staggering amount of injuries and deaths. Any other vaccine would have been withdrawn for far less harm than this. I would say "depopulation BIOWEAPON" is the correct terminology.

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Re "Gene therapy, yes, vaccine NO."

See my response to Lisa Novakowski.

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I do agree. The sole express purpose of the inoculations was to harm and kill.

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My issue with these supposed freedom / health groups is whether it is tempered messaging or deliberate narrative structuring and control, this was the most premeditated holocaust in history, and the normalization of ongoing incremental genocide.

This has been a clear sign of controlled/ approved opposition, implying 'bumbling politicians and greedy unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies' did this accidentally. The military Industrial perception management complex is running the show, and these players in the theatre of our spoon fed  reality are just the often willing complicit useful idiots, with the supposed enlightened view that culling the herd is for the greater good, and the narratives of the illusion of democracy and representational govern / ment are propped up accordingly. How many people have been sucked in to believing that the orchestrators that are in the establishment, can provide the heroes with the solutions to these atrocities? Heaps!!!

So many people are swayed by the counter narrative operatives, Judas goats that are scripted just like the official narrative. 

The SPARS SCENARIO / SCRIPT spoke of the big picture, they were always going to come clean, but in a way that absolves all concerned for ve complicit with installing the infrastructure for future planned panics and associated human culls. How many people are in jail for this globalist genocidal agenda?


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Yes, the SPARS scenario, we're in that right now, with the focus on vaccine injuries.

Meanwhile, informed consent continues to be kept in the background - why is that?

I've shared so much material on informed consent, with so little interest from the 'supposed freedom / health groups'...interesting...

See for example my detailed paper: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, 6 June, 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

Doctors, nurses, pharmacists - vaccinators - they have not obtained valid consent for these interventions. This remains the elephant in the room.

Also see: "...the primary duty of care of the doctor is to the individual patient in front of them…" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-primary-duty-of-care-of-the-doctor

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Decent presentation. Unfortunately, words have power which is why particular words were used specifically.

You can't give or receive fully informed consent on a product that is under EUA. Being under EUA, means it didn't finish all its testing, in a nutshell.

You can't give or receive full informed consent on a "countermeasure" either. Because countermeasure is a military term, and under military rules, informed consent is a luxury, not a requirement.

This is why people stopped pursuing "no informed consent" in court.

Yes you didn't get full informed consent by your Dr or whoever gave you the shot. No they couldn't give it to you even if they wanted to. Should they have stopped before giving it to you? Yes! Because the Hippocratic oath is supposed to mean something.

Does informed consent apply to the shots? No, because they are medical countermeasures, not medical treatments, vaccines, or therapies.

Words are power. The words during covid response were very carefully chosen😉.

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Yes, The BarefootHealer, words do have power.

Try these on for size...RIGHT and WRONG.

It is WRONG for medical practitioners to inject people with a product under mis/disinformation and duress, whatever you want to call it.

The medical 'profession' has grossly failed the community, and collaborated with causing untold damage - medically, socially, economically and politically.

Most medical practitioners failed to question why a mass population 'vaccine solution' was being imposed in response to a group of common respiratory symptoms called 'COVID-19', which it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people.

They failed to challenge the coercion and vaccine mandates - they should have called this out from the beginning, refused to collaborate with coercion and mandates which violate their own personal legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for any medical intervention they perform.

As you say The BarefootHealer, "Should they have stopped before giving it to you? Yes! Because the Hippocratic oath is supposed to mean something."

Why has the medical profession forsaken the Hippocratic Oath?

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Respectfully, your preaching to the converted! Theres not an enough emoji created to show how much i agree with you, on this. Or how sickened it makes me for a profession I hold dear, and it is a most excellent question you pose- when did the progression get infiltrated enough to dilute or dissolve their own primary guiding principle?🤷‍♀️

Unfortunately, all I see is a flailing profession literally and within the public trust, dying. While the WHO legitimizes their replacements- Traditional Medicine practitioners. Sadly the WHO has plans to reorganize, and rubber stamp the traditional medicine practitioners, in the same regulatory captured way as conventional was seduced 😐🤐

They'll just be incentivised to hand out pharma supps, instead of pharmaceuticals. Sadly, the supps industry is less regulated than the other, so either way the public lose, and pharma makes bank.

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We don’t really know what is going to happen…

If people could understand the significance of what vaccinators have done in injecting people under coercion and mandates, it would be huge.

We’re not there yet. If the right people can be found, there could be a breakthrough.

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If there were ANY REALLY DEADLY DISEASES around don't you think THEY would let them kill us in order to get their depopulation agenda in place

NO that's why they are using these PLANDEMICS to inject their poisons into the people

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Unfortunately, though her heart is in the correct location, this Dr. is still believing that this was negligence! Has she never heard of Denis Rancourt? Or Mike Yeadon? Or Kathryn Watt? Or Sasha Latypova?

The evidence is so strong that this whole debacle was/is a democide that to talk otherwise is to demonstrate a serious lack of understanding.

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Crikey! Sniping from the sidelines, hiding behind your pseudonym…

Do you really have no clue?

People who were injected under duress could not give valid informed consent - there is no valid consent. Do you not understand the scope of this scandal? Can you not think of ways to seek accountability for this crime?

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My comment still stands, if anything...you just endorsed it, thanks.

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My comment still stands: People who were injected under duress could not give valid informed consent - there is no valid consent.

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People wore masks, people stood 6 feet apart, people opened windows whilst inside. People did...what they were told to do. They DEMANDED to be "vaccinated".The medical community knew that the hospitals were empty and still revelled in the 7pm clapping and free pizzas. The crimes this "professional" and hundreds like her are unforgettable/unforgivable.

Something about bolting the door after the horse has run sums up her faux concerns.

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Dr. and Scientist ______ contends that our virus editing skills are not so advanced. Instead it was all a Si/Op. To interfere in the 2020 election, a stunted or non-existence virus, poisons from the vaccines intended to save us, and last but not least, poisons dropped from planes.


Contrails and whether modifications. Information Information just release saying the Government can control the weather anywhere on the Earth like the gain-of-funtion narative of presission vaccination are a Scy-Op. From sources its more of a shotgun blast with the same harmful effects. With the same effects but on a whole body scale. There is NO supporting Scientific evidence that the mRNA vaccines have ever worked.

The three not listed would be the Military Industrial Complex, the rise of a One World Order, and population reduction. Is population reduction real and associated with vaccines? Let's hear it from the Horse's mouth, Bill Gates, “Now, the world today has 6.8 billion people. Now, if we do a great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive Health Services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” 2019 Pandemic.

Source: (Video [8676426] https://www.instagram.com/reel/C53GXNzI8o1/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==.)

Does link work? They deleted 100% of my public & Private Instagram posts. F&/&&/:;s!

Gates said, "We need more vaccines to reduce the population." Data from my memory.

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Hear Hear!

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I prefer the informed objection.

I briefly considered having this decision tattooed on my upper left arm, because my position is final and unalterable.

I haven't had a tattoo yet. I suspect that tattoo artists have only had experience in depicting vaccination certificates....

So the level is very low in this field so far. Maybe it's time to raise it intellectually. I'm thinking about it.

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Novel idea!

Unfortunately…it involves needles!

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