Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Thank you for asking important questions. Silence is CONSENT, and compliance is COMPLICITY.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Why did the doctors need to be warned ???

Couldn’t they work it out for themselves???

I am a retired nurse/midwife I knew from the start that these so called vaccines we’re dangerous

My brother in law is a retired GP in the UK he earned a sizeable amount of money vaccinating (maiming and killing ) people, I warned him about the vaccines… he didn’t want to know and just wouldn’t listen and gets quite aggressive when the carnage of the vaccines is brought up, despite his niece a nurse was relaying to him the carnage on the wards since the vaccine rollout

Most doctors are believe vaccines are the best all of medicine and refuse to look and do any of their own research

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Quite so. I am not a doctor yet I worked it out in 2020 in 2 months.

I am in the UK. I used to think doctors did a reasonable job in difficult circumstances. Now I despise them in general. I am appalled but not surprised by your BiL.

I have a friend in the UK who is retired midwife/nurse too. I have warned her about the vaccines yet she has not belived me sadly.


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Exactly Penny...

Why couldn't they work it out for themselves?

Probably because they've been subjected to mandates themselves for years, I think there are requirements for various vaccines for medical folk across the states?

One thing's for sure, the medical profession appears to have no understanding of their obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent, given the government reports 71.5 million doses have been administered in a climate of mis/disinformation from 'the authorities', and coercion and mandates.

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Making excuses, I can tell you of the 2 I've seen recently one, I'm fairly certain, is a sociopath, the other simply doesn't care, he's burnt out.

After the last 3 years I have no trust in doctors any longer.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Well AHPRA didn't care about informed consent, they mandated their own staff.

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Did they? Wow...

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I might have a screen shot somewhere, will have a search.

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That would be useful, thanks.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

I will definitely try & find it. All office staff had to be jabbed & even contractors coming into their buildings.

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Thanks Amanda.

Contact me personally in messages.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Found it, will send it through.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

A question that begs answers from the SOUTH AUSTRALIA HEALTH AND COMMUNITY SERVICES COMPLAINTS COMMISSIONER! As a Professor of Nursing he has no excuse for failing to do so!

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

A doctor tried to have me jabbed at the time I declined every time - In the end when asked it was basically confirmed with a ''nod'' that they were under pressure from above to comply - Imo we need whistle blowers to come forward to give this exposure.

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Finn, when you say "A doctor tried to have me jabbed at the time..."

What do you mean exactly?

Were you in the surgery for another reason? Did they doctor raise COVID-19 vaccination with you? What did they say?

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Jul 12Liked by Elizabeth Hart

The doctor in question kept bringing it up with each appointment.

The reason for seeing a doctor was related to me having a heart attack which I thought had been brought on by mandatory mask wearing at the time - I wore one for 2 days a week and ended up feeling quite ill, something was terribly wrong with my lungs and blamed it on the mask wearing.

What started it, initially I went to the local hospital because I did feel really weak, they did some blood test and I went home as the results would not immediately available however once they were the doctor concluded that I was having a heart attack, which was entirely different to what I had expected I thought these would be agonisngly painful and I was still walking around although very slowly.

I ended up in intensive care.

During my short stay in the hospital I learned that they could not provide me with a exemption for the dreaded mask but that I would have to find a doctor and was soon provided with one.

However due to my heart related issues I was seeing the doctor regularly, the doctor was keen to have me jabbed which I declined each and every time.

I was aware of the covid fraud while the doctor didn't appear to be quite up to speed.

One thing led to another and in the end I asked if the doctor if ''they'' were under pressure from above to push the jab which was then confirmed with a silent nod.

There's much more to this and I no longer see any doctors but I'll leave it here for now.

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Interesting big picture discussion here, including reference to the medical situation and Covid:


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So you went to a doctor for what turned out to be heart-related issues, and the doctor tried to ‘upsell’ you with the Covid jabs.

It’s completely rotten isn’t it…

The medical ‘profession’…handmaidens of the medical industrial complex.

I hope you’ve had some useful treatment Finn, and are feeling better.

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Jul 13Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Thank you for your kind response - No I never received treatment and I stopped taking the medications the hospital had provided me with due to the fact that it had a negative effect on my personality.

It appears doctors are receiving instructions on how to proceed while diagnosing patients rather then forming and arriving at their own conclusions - similar to politicians catering to the interests of the financial elite instead of the best interests of the citizens they're meant to be serving.

''Covid'' revealed a lot of things.

Likes not working.

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Finn, you say: “It appears doctors are receiving instructions on how to proceed while diagnosing patients rather then forming and arriving at their own conclusions…”

See below from my email to Ahpra…

“The rot started with the Ahpra Position Statement 9 March 2021, which lays out "the National Boards' expectations of Australian registered health practitioners in regard to: being vaccinated against COVID-19; administering COVID-19 vaccines; and providing advice and information about COVID-19 vaccination", and calls for practitioners to 'educate' the public about the importance and safety of COVID-19 vaccines "to ensure high participation rates". The Ahpra Position Statement notes practitioners with "a conscientious objection to COVID-19 vaccination...must be careful not to discourage their patient or client from seeking vaccination", and warns that any promotion of "anti-vaccination statements...is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action". (See superseded Ahpra Position Statement attached).”

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I thought as much - It's nice to know I was on the right track, thanks for sharing.

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Thank you Elizabeth for your persistence in asking these important questions.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Continued great work Elizabeth but as you are well aware, the people running this nutty programme are ALL off their chops. Very dangerous organisation, please refer to attached document, madness.


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Thanks for the link Roc.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

The western governments bared their teeth during Covid and were willing to take away our rights for freedom of movement and voluntary consent. They are no better than the tyrants of the past and unfortunately many people colluded with them all because they were told it was for their safety. Most doctors, nurses and pharmacists submitted to the injections and took on the role of government helpers to make sure the populations were also injected. They willingly threw ethics out of the window, we cannot rely on anyone for help. All I have seen during Covid is new rules made up to reinforce the governments position while throwing away our inalienable rights as humans and the majority of people colluding with them. Laws, rules and regulations written down or not that protect our rights seem to mean nothing when you have a government hell-bent on forcing you to their will.

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That's right Amat...it's already happened.

We have to bring this out into the light now, that the practitioners did this, they did not obtain valid consent.

There must be accountability.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

"We expect to generate approximately 90 percent of our full-year revenues in the final months of 2024, primarily in the fourth quarter of 2024," said Jens Holstein, Biontech's Chief Financial Officer."




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Thanks for the link Solo.

Here's an article in English: BioNTech plots first wave of cancer launches in 2026 as COVID vaccine sales continue to disappoint: https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/biontech-plots-first-wave-cancer-launches-2026-covid-vaccine-sales-continue-disappoint


Following the sensational success and subsequent decline of its Pfizer-partnered COVID shot, BioNTech has positioned itself as a next-generation immunotherapy company with a heavy emphasis on cancer. In this field, it’s testing therapeutic approaches ranging from off-the-shelf mRNA candidates to bispecifics, antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and small molecules.

Though BioNTech is confident in the market potential of its experimental assets, the company—like every COVID-19 vaccine player—has watched its sales slip dramatically from the highs seen during the peak of the pandemic.

In 2024’s first quarter, BioNTech reported total revenues of 187.6 million euros (about $202 million)—a staggering 85% decrease from the 1.27 billion euros (roughly $1.4 billion) it generated over the same stretch in 2023. The company blamed the downturn on the lackluster sales landscape of the endemic COVID-19 vaccine market, which has become a common refrain with its commercial partner Pfizer, as well as the companies’ mRNA rival Moderna.

Alongside this meager sales haul, BioNTech recorded a net loss of 315.1 million euros over the first three months of 2024. For that same period in 2023, BioNTech posted a net profit of 502.2 million euros.

Still, the slow start to the year was largely to be expected, given the now-seasonal timing of COVID-19 inoculations. BioNTech expects to recognize around 90% of its full-year revenue in the final months of 2024, Holstein noted in the company's earnings release.

Meanwhile, BioNTech is working with its commercial partner Pfizer to launch a variant-adapted shot in the second half of the year, pending regulatory approval, the company’s chief strategy officer, Ryan Richardson, said on an analyst call Monday.

The companies are planning to launch that vaccine in “over 80 geographies worldwide,” with most regions outside the U.S. continuing to be served by government contracts, he said. BioNTech also expects new private markets to open up in places like the United Kingdom this year, Richardson noted.

For the full year, BioNTech is sticking by its revenue forecast of 2.5 billion euros ($2.7 billion) to 3.1 billion euros ($3.3 billion).


Note in particular: "Meanwhile, BioNTech is working with its commercial partner Pfizer to launch a variant-adapted shot in the second half of the year, pending regulatory approval, the company’s chief strategy officer, Ryan Richardson, said on an analyst call Monday. The companies are planning to launch that vaccine in “over 80 geographies worldwide,” with most regions outside the U.S. continuing to be served by government contracts, he said. BioNTech also expects new private markets to open up in places like the United Kingdom this year, Richardson noted."

Those government contracts...

This is likely to mean there is still going to be constant pressure on people to submit to these injections.

We have to stir up the 'informed consent' scandal to alert people and protect them from the ongoing assault from these products.

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Many thanks again , Elizabeth, for your persistent pursuit of this , the most relevant issue that continues to stick in the claw of ‘ medical administrators for all the right reasons.

Keep it up , ...please ...

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

🙏 your work is important

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Jul 8Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Great unanswered questions! These questions weren’t answered for the ones who dared to ask them when the time came to “provide the required and demanded proof of vaccination.”

Your new article opened a not too long wound… I used to be a Regional Center Case Manager, (on my other life), I asked those questions to upper level hopping that our population/consumers (as People with Disabilities are referred), naively thinking that first and foremost, ADA will “Protect our Consumers; secondly, We, (Regional Centers’s employees will be protected from discrimination by the government and federal state since WE were not considered as Medical not Healthcare Workers neither Government workers, therefore, we were not subject to the Mandate! I submitted my Religious / Ethical Exceptional Request reming my employer about the importance of Informed Consent for all (as a Case Manager I supposed to report ADA violations), I asked the question, -Why Regional Center were demanding Case Managers to report Vaccination Status for every consumer without any HIPPA warning or consent, and in violation of their their medical rights? I requested Special Accommodation …. The answer was termination of the employment. In fact, all COVID-Measures were and continue to be Policial never were-medical!

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It's all very shocking Caroli...

A massive injustice had taken place.

We must seek accountability.

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

Thank you Elizabeth for your ongoing commitment to exposing the truth 👌😘

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Jul 9Liked by Elizabeth Hart

When I got my one and only pfizer shot, which injured me, I was not given any informed consent. The PHMPT, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency through a FOIA request got that 38 page document of recorded

side effects (which pfizer wanted hidden for 75 years) dated February 2021. I got my toxic shot April 8/21. I am so angry about this whole charade that was foisted upon us. Coercion can take many forms. The weaponization of the terms anti vaxxer, anti science and conspiracy theorist. Doctors on t.v shilling for the shot repeatedly spewing the narrative safe and effective, follow the science. It’s was all propaganda to dictate the decisions of society. Sadly, I succumbed to the bullshit. I was in total fear of this virus which totally influenced my critical thinking. I believed at the time that the Canadian government had tested it and deemed it safe and effective. I had no idea that pharma funds Health Canada. Months after my injury my doctor called to reason with me about the second shot. “Would you rather be injured or.” She stammered looking for the right words, I came to her rescue and finished her sentence with dead. I asked her if she was being pushed by the Canadian College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) to push the shots. She admitted she was. How do we beat this? Pharma has so much power, wealth, influence.

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Vivien, so sorry about your injury.

Lots of people waking up to this now.

We just have to try and play our part to achieve justice for this crime.

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Australia is an interesting test case with the Covid Zero approach to hard closed borders...No cases of Covid. mRNAJab program forced upon the populace with tens of thousands (Maybe more) vaccine injuries and deaths and No Covid (Whatever that is). I am watching the developments in Australia with keen interest.

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What do you think...is 'Covid' really a thing...

With you medical background, what do you think?

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website says the symptoms of 'coronavirus disease 2019' are: fever, coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath*

How can these common symptoms be a supposedly unique disease called 'Covid'?

* https://www.health.gov.au/topics/covid-19/about

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Brava, Elizabeth! Now comes the time for these people to feebly attempt to rewrite the history of their involvement in this travesty. No matter what they say now, these so-called regulators absolutely enabled and facilitated the destruction of valid informed consent. They were advised by you, me, and hundreds (if not thousands) of others at the time that they must speak out against covid vaccine mandates and their effects on informed consent, and they refused. They cannot be allowed to whitewash their involvement now. Keep up the great work!

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That's right Laine, they can't say they weren't warned about the obligation for voluntary informed consent over and over again!

See hyperlinks to much of my correspondence here: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-australia/

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