I did Elizabeth.

As soon as the virus I wrote to all the authorities including the Prime Minister, the Health Minister, the CMO, AMA, RACGP, Unions, newspapers etc and advised them that a CD zinc campaign would end the pandemic in 8weeks.

I also sent out a press release from The Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine to that effect. I employed the services of a PR company to promote vitamin D in the media. It ran for 6 months. I kept saying there was no need for anything else except for quarantine and extra care for the elderly and comorbidities.

It seems very few have confidence in natural immunity and it’s support by nutraceuticals, the safest and most powerful molecules we have.

That’s a great example of how we have been indoctrinated from birth.

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And Ian,

If I ever attempted to lock up and condemn their children to a life of fear, and force medical interventions upon them that may have generational repercussions, I would rightly be tried, convicted and incarcerated.

Yet, the outcome for those responsible for these heinous crimes include Victorian of the year and executive positions at Moderna.

Hang the fucking lot of them.

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I'm beginning to realise that the covid hoax & vax bioweapon is just part of it. We've been lied to, about EVERYTHING for EVER!

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Here is a reading from Bertrand Russel's book of 1952 on Science dictatorship. The truth of intention was kept out of the "textbooks" that we were all subject to to take our place like blind mice in the medical military industrial hampster wheel of deceipt, destruction and illusion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCSdvOTzKBs

If you watch doctormentaries, check out "Cult of the medics" on rumble.

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I think we've passed the point of no return, that turning point being the covid/vax hoax (a test - to be consolidated by the man-made climate change culling).

The deception & propaganda starts with parents indoctrinating their children - as they were so indoctrinated - then the education system takes over, and on it goes.

But who are the real powers behind this evil, the instigators? In this reading Russel touches on them, referring to 'money lenders & land owners'. He also stated they are careful to remain anonymous, working from behind the scenes.

The only hope for mankind to escape from tyranny already fast bearing down, is to WAKE UP, IDENTIFY THEM & DEAL WITH IT!

Sadly - and I'm not sure if it was the readers' comments or he was quoting Russel - we've as much chance of that happening as a bunch of sheep getting together to riot against the eating of mutton.. We've placed the handcuffs on ourselves, willingly if without full understanding of our fate. I truly believe only Divine Intervention can save us now. Otherwise, it may be our World Karma to experience near extinction, but don't worry, it'll hardly a blip in the vast history of human existence..

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IGW, I’ve just listened to the reading provided by Carol.

How grim it is… Although, as I’ve responded to Carol, I hope the good in humanity will come through. It is certainly a test…

As you say “The only hope for mankind to escape from tyranny already fast bearing down, is to WAKE UP, IDENTIFY THEM & DEAL WITH IT!”

In regard to the ‘Covid’ scam is this now happening? Perhaps not in an overt way, but surely there is now general resistance to more jabs and masks?

If people truly wake up to how they’ve been conned and betrayed, who knows what next?

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what's next? climate change and vaccination in one solution? who's supporting this? https://twitter.com/JackStr42679640/status/1732351517364273501?t=1aYc-gCbHMQh-OhO6S-YwA&s=09

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Hi Carol, thanks for the link to the reading from Bertrand Russell’s book The Impact of Science on Society. Here’s a link to a PDF of the book: http://groupelavigne.free.fr/russell1953.pdf

Bloody hell… How horrifying that such nihilistic people have been running the show. So much to look back on, to reflect on the negative forces that have shaped our world. And yet I have hope that the good in humanity will find a way through. Things certainly seem to be coming to a head.

I’ll also look for “Cult of the medics”, thanks for the tips.

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This is an authentic and necessary way for Australians to stand up for Australians so that our issues are raised and resolved. https://julesonthebeach.substack.com/p/a-covid-19-royal-commission-the-terms

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I remember your interview with Monica Smit, Ian.

I'm still flabbergasted. I tried to tell my young adult children to pay attention to you, but such was the strength of govern'mental' propaganda that my children chose Sutton's and Andrews' version of the truth over their own father's.

If I ever pass them in the street.....

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That was very early in the piece Darren. Many people took notice but not nearly enough. I would lock 3 of them up and throw the key away.

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It was Ian, 2021. I was just waking up to what was going on in plain sight. Your actions at least saved this life.💜

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Thankyou for your wonderful work Ian

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I got covid in May 22 (well, I took a test and it was positive) I was ill for about 6 days. This holiday season Dec 23’ I had flu like symptoms and felt pretty lousy for 10 days. Both times I was ill were when I had taken my eye off the ball vitamin/supplement wise and was not taking vitamin D. The latest illness didn’t affect my husband so much. I put this down to him taking his vitamins daily. Anecdotal, I know, but interesting nonetheless.

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Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski, German, living in NY, was on video by the beginning of April.


He was on YouTube and reached a million views before it was banned.

He subsequently "disappeared." My view is that he is on the Autism spectrum. Hence speaking truth was natural, but the ability to cope with lies and conspiracy wasn't his thing.

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So, does Knut Wittkowski win the Crown here?

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Hi Keith, thanks for the link.

Looking at the transcript, Wittkowski is looking favourite…

[17:41.23] JOHN: Let me ask you, you don’t feel this requires a vaccine?

[17:49.20] WITTKOWSKI: We don’t have a vaccine against the common cold. We don’t have—we have some vaccines against flu, but they are not that effective. Would it be nice to have a vaccine against SARS? Yeah. It would be nice. But it would help to create herd immunity a bit faster, because those who have the vaccine are already immune, and those who don’t, they just need to be exposed to become immune.

[18:31.06] JOHN: You could get this immunity naturally?

[18:34.04] WITTKOWSKI: For some reason that we haven’t fully understood yet, humankind has survived all sorts of respiratory diseases. Nature has a way of making sure that we survive.

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But…four years later…there are a lot of assumptions that bear investigation…e.g. ‘herd immunity’…

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There were several. Mike Yeadon was speaking out early-to-mid 2020 as soon as jabs were touted (see early interviews with him and others hosted on the Planet Lockdown website throughout 2020 ahead of the film’s release in 2022). This led to Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodarg filing a petition with the European Medicines Agency in December 2020. Sucharit Bhakdi, Geert van Bosche, Zev Zelenko, Luc Montagnier also come to mind - it was the strength of these and many other countervailing voices at the time (not to mention data already being analysed from VAERS, EUdravigilance, MHRA Yellow Card, Vigíaccess, TGA etc) that helped me make my own mind up about whether to take the demonstrably unsafe and ineffective experimental injection for this “highly pathogenic” disease with a 99.98% survival rate that my wife had already “tested” positive for with zero symptoms or transmission to me or our family. Three years, several books, hundreds of reports and hours of testimony, and a lot of joining dots later, I will never take another vaccine ever again, and will do everything in my power to stay as far away from the medical iatrogenic complex as I can.

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Brian, I’m looking for specific challenges to the ‘vaccine solution’ in early 2020, i.e. individuals in the scientific and medical establishment clearly questioning why a vaccine solution was being pursued against a disease that wasn’t a serious threat to most people. Any links to specific letters/documents providing evidence of such early questioning would be appreciated.

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By the way, I founded the college in 1982 and it has been training doctors to Fellowship standard for nearly 40 years. Told we would never be recognised as a specialty.

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Bless your heart. My MD father was a vaccine skeptic and as I grew up, I got one vaccine "by accident" but he wrote me medical exemptions for the rest. There were only 3 or 4. Even then, in the late 50's, I ended up asking him one day, why it was that the kids who took all the shots were sick all the time.

So I was on to the issue early on, but Covid motivated me to put it all together, and get to the bottom of it. And I think by now, I've put it all together once and for all. Thanks for all you do! Happy New Year.

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Hi Rogier, interesting to hear your MD father was a vaccine skeptic…a rare breed.

Re medical exemptions - I argue medical exemptions for vaccination should not exist as people should be giving their voluntary informed consent for this medical intervention, or declining it if they so wish. So people should not be in a position to seek an exemption to NOT have a vaccination. But this wrong-headed situation has been in place for years without effective challenge.

See my email thread to the Australian Health Minister Mark Butler: Doctor Mark Hobart suspended for issuing Covid-19 vaccination exemptions...but vaccination exemptions should not exist! https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/doctor-mark-hobart-suspended-for-issuing-covid-19-vaccination-exemptions.pdf

I’m still pursuing accountability for this matter.

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I agree, and bless your heart for the work you do. That was me growing up in Holland in the 50ś... and childhood vaccinations were just starting in earnest. I accidentally gave in to the first one, but after that, I always got the medical exemption. But I agree wholeheartedly in a world of proper informed consent that should never be necessary.

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American Medical Doctors

Are So Intellectually Limited

That It Almost Seems Cruel

To Mercilessly Mock Them.



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Speaking of American doctors…

Here’s the link to my email to Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, President of the American Medical Association, noting that vaccination mandates violate a medical practitioner’s legal and ethical obligation to obtain informed consent for the medical intervention of vaccination, and questioning if the American Medical Association has taken any action to challenge Covid-19 vaccination mandates:


No response received from Jesse Ehrenfeld…

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I contacted their offices. No further comment. I knew in the first week or second week after scamdemic was declared, that is was pure propaganda generating false fear to create a false demand for vaccines. I learned about the other agendas later.... Agenda 2030, global ID, global digital currency, compulsory vaccination, vaccination passports, smart cities, 24hr global surveillance with 5G.......these people are psychopaths as is our government.

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Very few doctors would ever challenge the medical holy grail they call "vaccinations". All they had to do was label the experimental substance as a "vaccine" and the medical community would be convinced that this was a gift to humanity. That is how gullible they all are and none of them would challenge it and unfortunately the populations trusted their doctors, now we have the perfect storm and very few dissenting voices.

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Amat, as you say: "Very few doctors would ever challenge the medical holy grail they call "vaccinations"."

So now we have to demand the lid be blown off this thing, because it's not just about Covid vaccination. The entire vaccination schedule must be examined, including the morass of conflicts of interest.

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Vaccines need to be banned. They were bullshit from the start. Have you read Gandhi's piece on vaccines?

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No I haven't read Gandhi on vaccines, have you got a link?

I've been investigating vaccination policy and practice for the past 15 years, starting with pet vaccination, and it does seem to me that poison is being injected.

But vaccination is such a religion, and massive forces have been mobilised to crush any dissent.

And now here we are, with children being loaded with vaccine products and revaccinations, and hardly a medical practitioner to be seen questioning the practice, or the burgeoning 'womb to tomb' vaccination schedule.

They're completely in thrall to the pharmaceutical industry...literally.

For example, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is in bed with the vaccine industry-funded Immunisation Coalition, which provides CPD education for practitioners...you could not make it up.

See: https://www.immunisationcoalition.org.au/

"The Immunisation Coalition is now officially approved by the RACGP to offer accredited CPD education to General Practitioners (GPs).

We will continue to offer the latest scientific information, ensuring best practice in immunisation, and optimal clinical outcomes for patients in their care and where possible, award CPD hours to future GP activities."

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Thankyou for your wonderful work Elizabeth.

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Here is a link to some of my earlier material.


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The misinformation dozen, Dr. Bahkti, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Zelenko, there were a few

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Chris, as I mentioned to Brian above, I’m looking for specific challenges to the ‘vaccine solution’ in early 2020, i.e. individuals in the scientific and medical establishment clearly questioning why a vaccine solution was being pursued against a disease that wasn’t a serious threat to most people. Any links to specific letters/documents providing evidence of such early questioning would be appreciated.

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Morning Elizabeth I do believe Dr. Peter McCullough published a paper in The Hill in August of 2020 called The great gamble of the development of the vaccine program, I also recall Dr. Bhakti being vehemently against it and I know he wrote a book in 2020 as I bought it & read it. I'm away from home until Friday and then I'll see what else I can find for you. I know some Dr.s and scientists were speaking out publicly not sure if they had their thoughts published or not.

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Elizabeth there were lots of doctors and scientiests early on in the scamdemic publicky delcaring the insanity of the whole narrative.

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Can you name the doctors and scientists who were calling this out in March 2020, who were questioning the vaccination response?

I'd appreciate links to evidence.

I really want to know and acknowledge any doctors and scientists who challenged the vaccine response...at the beginning.

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Professor Ian Brighthope

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I did write a letter to the UK cabinet, copied to my MP in 2020. I said in effect don't waste taxpayers money on vaccines. They did not listen to me of course.

It is just as well otherwise the world would not have woken up to the scam of vaccines and big pharma generally, let alone a whole raft of other lies and evil. Things had to get really bad to shake the world awake even if many still sleep.

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I don’t think have any documentation to support it but I spoke to many people including colleagues that there” would never be a safe vaccine for a coronavirus. There never had been.”

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Ian, both you and I know the situation…

It would be career suicide for someone in the medical and scientific establishment to question vaccination.

Things are changing a little bit now as more wake up to the Covid scam, but back in March 2020, who would dare speak out, apart from the tiny group of already out there ‘anti vax’ doctors?

This is the massive problem Ian - any questioning of vaccination policy and practice has been stifled for years. Andrew Wakefield is the poster boy for what happens to those who rock the boat…

And the medical and scientific establishment has largely complied with the suppression of dissent.

And now here we are, with the diabolical Covid shambles, and the ever-increasing ‘womb to tomb’ vaccination schedule, which is steeped in conflicts of interest.

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I agree Elizabeth. There is also my friend Dr. John Piesse who was struck off many years ago for attending the movie “Vaxxed” and writing exemptions for childhood vaccinations. I would say he is Australia’s low profile “poster boy”.

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Absolutely Ian, John Piesse is Australia’s Andrew Wakefield. Along with more recently Mark Hobart, William Bay and some others.

Way past time to look back on all this, and work out how we are in the current dire situation of coercive/mandated vaccination, with the apparent wholehearted support of almost the entire medical ‘profession’.

For example, examine what has been going on with the medical colleges - the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Royal Australasian College of Physicians - and the Australian Medical Association.

These organisations appear to have been captured by the pharmaceutical industry. And now the population is being exploited by the gross over-use of medical products.

Medical ethics is right down the drain…

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Elizabeth and Ian,

Here's one (faux) Doctor who was speaking out on behalf of his handlers. Everybody's favourite treasonous betrayer, Give it up for Faux Dr Karl.....

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As someone says in the comments, that hasn’t aged well…

And ‘Dr’ Karl? Hmmmm…the Faux Dr Karl… Is he qualified to be giving vaccination advice?

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I got a warning from you tube saying that after i left some truthful comments, I risked being banned for cyberbullying, Elizabeth!

Yet, you tube are happy to support maiming and murder, then, when someone swears and calls out the crime, I'm the villain!!!???

Who funded it?

How much did Faux Dr K receive from Pfizer?

Did Australian tax payers fund it?

If so, I want my money back you Bitch (aunty)

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Yes there quite a lot of them. Even Alan Jones on SkyNews interviewed some of them. I have to find the information for you or at least name some of them. OK?

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Yes Tania, please do.

Specifically those who were questioning the vaccination plans in early 2020. I'd really appreciate this info, because the vaccination response should never have gotten off the ground...as I will expand upon further in future articles.

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Dr Malcolm Kendrick wrote an interesting article about the forthcoming vaccines in October 2020 - pointing out that "safety and efficacy" could not be established in such a short time, and that the vaccine trials were due to finish much later than the planned rollout:


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