And who might end up stuck on.the end of their own mis-dis-information sword, the so called laws?? The biggest most prolific spreaders of misinformation and disinformation are ---- politicians and the so called government actors who made the 'law'. Hint. Where is the virus, and where is the safety and effective evidence?

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Absolutely agree with you Peter. The biggest purveyors of misinformation are the government bodies and health authorities posing as experts, and the media are also complicite. Doctors and pharmacists have acted shamelessly by going along with all of this nonsense.

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It is very bad because what will the next step be from the government deeming discussion re refusal of vaccines misinformation and disinformation? There will be a next step because people will resist this draconian law and the government will creep forward with its authoritarian stance. The only step can be there not being a choice, it is leading to destruction of personal autonomy completely and it will not stop at vaccines.

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I cut myself off before finishing the sentence *to destruction of personal autonomy completely and it will not stop at vaccines.

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There is got to be a stop to this theatre by the government. My daughter had to take 3 pfizer to keep her job and a feed her children. Enough is enough I think now. It’s coming to the point where You the Citizen have to do as you told or else. It is a Maaaaad Worl now!

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Just as I warned! I’m the canary in that mineshaft!!! That was the substance of my warnings in my own second submission to the MAD Bill Committee of Inquiry, which appears to have been suppressed. https://substack.com/home/post/p-149662813?r=ty9az&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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...Hi Mat.... it’s going down .... the call by all, partic C K , has the ‘ NO ‘s emails going ‘ over the gunwale’s ‘ all day

M A D ...must go down

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Michelle Rowland better watch this - Whistleblower Uncovers Covid Scam - in German with subtitles

A whistleblower obtained 10GB from Robert-Koch-Institute, the German CDC. This so-called RKI-Leak reveals that Covid was a scam from start to finish. The presentation took place in the second largest room of the German Bundestag, which is actually intended for committees of inquiry. Recorded 2 November 2024 in Berlin, English subtitles provided by the speaker.

Internet sources:

The RKI-Leak

The Federal Ministry of Health has confirmed the authenticity of the leak. You can download the entire material anonoymously and free of charge from https://rki-transparenzbericht.de/ Here is a convenient search tool: https://www.rkileak.com/


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One of the most telling things left unsaid was that the head of Germany’s military was also head of NATO and they were trying to to negotiate not releasing the vaccine till after Biden was elected. There was always the intention to roll out the vaccines in a more orderly fashion with multiple lockdowns. Then intended to spread the vaccines out with multiple rolling lockdowns. Warp speed by trump upset their plans. During what lockdowns that happened, there was enormous transfer and f wealth from middle class small businesses and restaurants etc while corporations like Walmart were flooded with customers. It wasn’t just about democides, it was also multi factorial to create NWO and basic c levels bing income. Masters and slaves.

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The transfer of wealth to the financial elite never made sense.

The not so great reset had nothing to do with an imaginary virus but more with TPP on steroids - the overblown illogical response to the annual flue season provided the opportunity to introduce by stealth the final stage of globalisation - the merger between government and the corporate world.

The bailout was purely designed and thus intended to send governments deeper into debt if not broke since first of all they had to borrow and then due to the economic shutdown didn't have the tax revenue make the repayments to their creditors - these loans were issued with clauses that demanded the privatisation of publically owned assets in case of default [which was bound to happen]

Who in their right mind would take out a massive loan when there's no guarantee of income to make repayments - but that's NeoLiberalism - when they should have said no thanks we cannot afford this kind of predatory lending.

''76 of the 91 loans the IMF has negotiated since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic come attached with demands for deep cuts to public services and policies that benefit corporations over people '' - Alan Macleod

Which further goes to confirm the massive fraud behind it all - there never was a pandemic but how much longer do they expect to get away with this massive violation of everything they supposedly stand for and have sworn an oath to protect and uphold.

Even though the covid fraud has been exposed for all to see I'm not aware that government is intending to make amends for what appears to be it's role in another genocide.

If government ''really'' didn't know that the consequences of their mandated jabs would be revealed by excess deaths then a thorough investigation should have been launched by them already* - however that will never happen since they provided immunity to big pharma so there's another hint that they could have known better yet it appears to make them complicit.

* Instead the investigations have been done privately - the ongoing coverup by government speaks for itself and suggests a guilty conscience.

NZ has a 3000% increase of excess deaths !

Quite a number of Nazi war criminals became NATO generals - The organisation should have been ended the moment the cold war was over.

War is a racket by which they rule over us.

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On their Wishlist is universal basic income. Return of lords of the manor and serfs. Revisit Solyent green and see where this is headed.

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We've been sold out, while government serves powerful interest we're powerless to change course, and they have the uniformed bullies on their side.

I found the video and placed it on my list.

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Meanwhile ABC National Radio (Australia) persists with mis-information by broadcasting crap journalism such as in the link below in which there is no attempt by the journalist to critically evaluate Dr Paul Offit's comments against the plethora of peer reviewed literature that attest to the proven dangers and worthless activity of Covid "vaccines" .


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I am reliably informed that RFK j , is VERY likely to be given the ‘ bloodhound task on ‘ finding Fauci ‘ .... it’s common knowledge

We are down to ANY two of the Four senators that havnt given a yay or nay on the MAD bill ... as of today we’d 13/11..

To sink this CRAP bill outright...

On the phone to senator Paymans off ice today , the ph had rung off the hook, for most of the day , with an avalanche of NO ‘ by phone, and NO ‘ No ‘ No , by emails .... by the printers ‘ ream , in number all day ...

Well done Craig Kelly .... Paymans office permitted me to do a NO by phone also...

Surely , this Bill just can’t get there ... please be to the merciful protectors of ‘ freedoms to speak freely forever ‘

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I’ve had a gutful of these people. So much evidence…https://substack.com/@meshwork3232/note/c-66091491?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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As bad as vaccination is, there is something even more fundamental and important being targeted here with this bill (apart from free speech and critical thinking) and that thing is what the vaccination religion cannot exist without - the belief in contagion and of somewhat lesser importance is the belief in viruses. Neither of these 2 beliefs have scientific merit. As Elizabeth notes in this article quoting an excerpt from the Explanatory Memorandum it is not just the 'preventative' health measures that are not allowed to be questioned but 'how a disease is spread'. Vaccination religion is built upon the contagion hypothesis first and foremost. A hypothesis refuted but held up to be true is just a belief. Believe all you want but don't call it science. Once you have the contagion belief system in place you no longer need to look to the real cause of illness. Add a virus belief to the mix and you now can convince people to be helpless victims of invisible demons that only the priest/ess in the white coat can see and exorcise and protect them from. The new Unicorn variant BS666 is much more virulent so here is some more safe and effective junky juice (safe and effective from a business model perspective, and from a eugenicist sadist perspective).

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pHarma lied to the CDC/FDA. [propaganda]

CDC/FDA lied to the people. [propaganda]

and the TGA never did real live testing on those products. [failed to protect the public]

There was never a test of the jab against a true placebo. [no science]

The Jab contained ingredients with known serious adverse effects. [science]

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In Medical School.

Or Am I Wrong ?

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This is all a form of control by the government of the day. Apparently the health authorities know that drugs from big pharma can have bad side effects and said companies have been caught with fraudulent and corrupt behaviour, and fined as a result and/or those drugs recalled because of ill effects or death, but when it comes to vaccines, they are made by angels and come from heaven and absolutely nothing could ever be wrong with them. When it comes to calling something said mis/dis-information regarding what a person can or cannot say in an open forum, to my mind that is akin to book burning which is what happened in pre-war Nazi Germany. We are heading in that direction if this bill goes through the senate. If we cannot have open discourse about any subject then we are heading towards a tyrannical form of rule. We would eventually also lose any bodily autonomy. We already have thousands injured, maimed for life and dead people from this last escapade with the so called vaccine which is not a real vaccine but a gene altering medical intervention.

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These inoculations are intended to harm. I would say better be safe then sorry. I also think legal action is need for those who intentionally harmed others. I am speaking truth not misinformation. It is sad that totalitarianism is taking over.

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They love to murder people ,as long as its in a safe way

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The 5 eyes are still at it; it will be interesting how Trump interfaces with New Zealand and Australia given that these two countries are still moving forward with their draconian censorship on elements that were core to Trump Supporters.

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Don't forget that fully trained doctors and scientists who dared question the party line were drummed out of the conversation as well.

I have to wonder, is violence, open violence, targeted killings, the only thing these people will understand? They seem hell bent on bending us to this new needle fetish of theirs. Why? It's the Five Eyes. Are the they planning some sort of massive bio-attack on all that aren't them? I have no idea. I cannot know. Speculation runs rampant.

This is wrong. All of this is so wrong at the deepest possible levels. There can be no real science with censorship, for starters, not to mention it violates the Nuremberg Code and Universal Human Rights in so many ways. This is beyond sinister. It's freaking evil.

God I pray Mr. Kennedy can be the fix we need here. US policy can make a big difference in the Five Eyes, it appears (while Europe throws a fit).

I feel, but cannot know, that we remain in grave danger connected to this whole thing.

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Every part of the COVID vaccination program is jewish. Australians better wake up fast.

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