!! Those words from US Senator Whitehouse are stark-raving insane. Well, if that's what he believes, he'd be going on cooties injection number 10 around about now. RFK, Jr. gets the Olympic gold medal for cool.
I do not think there has ever been a justification in medical ethics for forced vaccination. The argument that a person must be vaccinated 'to protect others' is ineffective, since the others can protect themselves by getting vaccinated if they wish to do so.
I would have loved Kennedy to say no to that question, he didn't answer it. To be fair the Senator kept speaking but Kennedy did have time to answer another question/ statement from him. I was concerned about the amount of times Kennedy said he is pro vaccination, vaccines play a critical role in public health, he supports the measles and polio vaccine, as well as stating he supports the childhood vaccination schedule... so what's coming, is it "safe" vaccines .. Is it personalised mRNA shots? What do safe vaccines. look like? After all, under Trump "ALL Americans will be made healthy again".. what does that look like in practice?
The answer would be that no shots have been properly safety tested and are not recommended until they go through that.
That's why Aaron Siri has been FOIA ing the claim that vaccines were tested properly and none have with most of them been compared to other shots as "placebo".
BTW recently saw an approved non opioid pain killer that used Vicodin (hydrocodone w toxic acetaminophen) as the placebo. How the heck did they get away with that?
I knew something was up when they stated that it got 20%nausea side effects vs placebo 25%. No way a placebo has more side effects than the drug!
Re Aaron Siri... I have a problem with Aaron Siri in that he plays along with 'exemptions'.
But there shouldn't be 'exemptions' for vaccination, as people should give their informed consent to the intervention, or decline it if they so wish - so how can there be 'exemptions' to NOT have a vaccine product?
Sometimes you just have to let people talk and listen carefully to what they say. Then these people f*ck themselves in a way that nobody else could do it better.
This guy has done more damage to the credibility of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry than any Kennedy response ever could.
Does it not smack of the forced recantation by Galileo when monumentally ignorant people (aka 'scholarly and learned members of academies') insisted that Galileo recant 'the movement of the earth'? As Bechamp reminded us "The theologians of the holy office were not competent to judge the astronomer Galileo". And neither is this arrogant Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (or should that be Whitewash) competent to judge Kennedy Jr. Perhaps Kennedy could invite the Senator to 'have as many injections as he likes' - after he has read and understood Rochet's 1913 Nobel Prize speech on Anaphylaxis.
''RFK Jr to Bernie: "Almost all the members of this panel, including yourself, are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry and then protecting their interests."
And SOOOo, our Famous 'Leaders', including 'senator' (Obviously PRE Purchased by pHARMa via rhetoric & dialogue used) - Disclosures please of ANY AND ALL pharma Funding/Sponsorship WHAT-SO-EVER, including interests & ANY share portfolios of Senators OR FAMILY Members, OR Associates to Same!! Sheldon Whitehouse(or Previously 'Sheltering' the Whitehouse), CAN lead by Example & SHOW 'FULL Vaccinations' of Himself/Partner/ALL offspring & ANY Grand Kids = ALL FULLY VACCINATED - CONVID-19 Doses & Boosters inclusive - NO 'Special Shots' acceptible! NO 'False' Vaccine Passports NOR 'Exemptions'!
About time, these SINthetic politicians, put their collective arms, where their Mouth are!
On the topic of 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒏, that case has been misapplied and misinterpreted for over 100 years. In a recent case of Health Freedom Defense Fund, et al. vs the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), Jacobson as justification gets raised -- and shot down.
That case 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 establish that the State has the power to commit a battery during an "emergency." That case established that the State had the power to impose a fine should someone -- like Mr. Jacobson -- decline the "medical treatment." That is it. Listen to the discussion on this topic starting at about the 4-minute mark: https://youtu.be/Q0zg5JSJ9Ok?si=_in2dmZ8qA1ZHpL2
Then, listen carefully to Health Freedom Defense's attorney clarify Jacobson at about the 9:15 minute. Justice Collins (Justice seated at right; Trump appointee) jumps in to state that while Jacobson did get fined, he had a criminal conviction for refusing to pay it! That's it!!!
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 Jacobson. Mr. Jacobson did not get "vaccinated," did not pay the fine, gained a criminal record, and went about his business.
Lazy, ignorant, pappagalli "lawyers," including the likes of Dershowitz, blatantly lie about Jacobson all the time.
I am so grateful to the 9th Circuit for what they established in their hearing -- and especially to Justice Collins. He obviously did his homework on Jacobson and deftly brought in its facts. The Court ultimately ruled against the LAUSD.
He says: "In short, the failure to comply with the mandate required the payment of a penalty. And being forced to pay a nominal fine does not invade any "fundamental right.""
I disagree with this. There should not have been a fine. People must not be coerced or mandated to submit to medical interventions against their will.
Vaccinating practitioners should not collaborate with coercion, and this must also be considered in regard to Jacobson v. Massachusetts, I don't think this was addressed at the time?
This is what has been overlooked for years in regard to mandatory vaccination...the vaccinating practitioner's role in collaborating with mandates and the violation of valid consent.
Way past time for the spotlight to be shone on this.
Mr. Jacobson was jailed until he paid the fine, which he did. He then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Part of the decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts was the upholding of Jacobson's conviction and fine payment. That's the reason Justice Collins said he had a criminal record.
Mr. Jacobson's appeal to the Supreme Court is unfortunate in one respect. Instead of leaving things at the state level to impose a fine -- as immoral as this is -- it brought to the national court the question of the power of the State to impose certain medical interventions.
The Jacobson ruling upheld the alleged State interest in preventing disease through forced injection. The "Supremes" believed back then as most still do today that "vaccines" prevent disease. This alleged benefit was ruled a legitimate State interest because it was believed that the small pox injection "prevented the spread" of small pox.
What is so powerful about raising Jacobson in the Health Freedom Defense Fund v. LAUSD relates to the COVID garbage. This alleged "vaccine" does not "prevent the spread" of the alleged disease. (What "vaccine does?) Therefore, Jacobson provides no support for the LAUSD's imposition of this "vaccine" requirement.
This is part of the reason, I think, that Justice Nelson (seated in the middle) starts to lose his patience. The LAUSD's position is, in fact, abjectly stupid, embarrassing, illogical, and has no basis in law. This is the case because we know, in fact, that the injection in question does nothing to "prevent the spread."
This is the beginning, IMO, of shining that spotlight. On the criminality of forced injection. Of Jacobson's limited application -- "vaccination" prevents disease. This has been asserted ad nauseam without any valid scientific PROOF that it does anything of the sort.
All of the "mandates" by the criminal political class in the U.S. were unlawful on their face. Forced medical interventions. Coercion. Using Jacobson to justify the use of the COVID garbage when it neither prevented infection nor transmission.
This case is a crack in that entire edifice of falsehood, unsubstantiated "science, and the use of force for the "greater good."
Quickly, the 9th Circuit ruled against the LAUSD and its "vaccine" requirement for new employees. IMO, the most important feature of this ruling is its review of Jacobson.
Jacobson ruled that the State has the power to force "vaccination" to "prevent the spread" of small pox. That very specific reference has been bastardized to apply to all "vaccines."
Yet, what if the "vaccine" does not do what was the basis for the Supreme Court's ruling in Jacobson; that is, "prevent the spread?" Then the "vaccine" is not a "vaccine," but a "medical treatment." Forced medical treatment has been ruled a battery (cited in the Nancy Cruzan v. Missouri case and others).
So. What if none have been PROVEN to "prevent the spread" of anything is true? That means all "vaccines" are just medical treatments. And that would mean that all forced vaccination is a battery...
"'In a separate concurrence, Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]”
Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.'"
Unfortunately, we have descended into rule by precedent vs. the common law or the Natural Law. Hence, the references in this court proceeding to the other cases such as Cruzan v. Missouri and Glucksberg v. Washington.
That said, prior rulings and the evidence brought out in this case do help us. To use Jacobson to enforce a mandatory injection does not survive rational basis. This the defendants' lawyer tried to argue. Justice Nelson wasn't having it.
He becomes incredulous since the needle does not prevent infection or spread AND it is not mandated on the other teachers who got injected two years before...And then Collins -- if the needle does not do what the Court thought the small pox needle did, then it is just a medical treatment. It is well known and part of the case law that all competent persons have a protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatments...
Thank you for all that you've done over these last several years, Elizabeth.
LAWYER: I'm saying first of all Jacobson sustains our position for a balancing test number 1. Number 2, Jacobson, I've heard said in here, was an absolute mandate, that there was no choice. No, there was a choice, he paid five bucks. That was his choice. As one of the other counsels said, 'my clients would be happy to have paid five bucks to not get...'
JUDGE: He also had a criminal conviction. The only penalty was five dollars, which today would be about $40, but he still had a criminal conviction.
LAWYER: Only because he didn't pay the five bucks.
JUDGE: Five dollars WAS the penalty.
LAWYER: That was the penalty for not getting the vaccine, you're right you're Honour.
That's still a bit ambiguous...so he definitely didn't pay the five dollars? Is that verified elsewhere? In the Jacobson judgement it says: "...he was sentenced by the court to pay a fine of five dollars. And the court ordered that he stand committed until the fine was paid".
Yep and it makes me wonder as to how stupid or corrupt is the legal system to twist that into mandates.
Perhaps they're all brainwashed by legalese which is designed to break common sense, not unlike the jargon that virologists use to promote bullshit.
I'm still confused as to why these cases are fighting the immunity argument when it's clear as day that Jacobson was just a fine. Many of us would rather pay a fine than take any of these useless if best, dangerous at worst shots.
Thank you, Rob. I'm trying to find out what happened after the Supreme Court ruling in Jacobson. Did Massachusetts then hunt him down to inject him? So far, I've been unable to find anything on this question.
Jacobson disputed the power of the State to either force injection or fine for refusal. He lost at the national court, but the SC's ruling is very helpful to us today. They ruled the way the did because they believed injections prevented spread of disease. We know now that this is utter hogwash.
I hear you re all the twisted language, convoluted gobbledygook. Even in the video of the 9th Circuit, their language at times makes me want to scream. "Rational basis," "strict scrutiny," etc., etc.
Legalese reminds me of the double speak of the party in Orwell's 1984.
A lot of the upper class and educated fools that came up with this system suffer from left brained bias...
" The mistake that is made by many traditional philosophers, he suggests, is to believe that freeing one’s attention up in this way necessitates turning one’s back on practical life, rather than, in fact, embracing it. ‘One should act like a man of thought’, he wrote, in a memorable formulation, ‘and think like a man of action. "
-Ian McGilchrist from The Matter with Things
From chapter 4 of Ian McGilchrist 's book The Matter with Things:
"One related difference between right and left prefrontal cortex activation is that the left dominates where belief bias points to the correct conclusion, and, by contrast, the right dominates where it does not. Belief bias is in fact generally associated with the left hemisphere, not with the right hemisphere."
Also chapter 4
"To put it crudely, the right hemisphere is our bullshit detector. It is better at avoiding nonsense when asked to believe it, but it is also better at avoiding falling prey to local prejudice and just dismissing rational argument because the argument does not happen to agree with that prejudice"
Both the Legal advocacy industry and the Medical service industry are functioning within a system that they are locked into, each one integral to the other within its part of the bigger system.
A lawyer can no more challenge the system than operate outside of it, same for a medical doctor and other health practitioners. The system they inhabit defines them and how they can function. while at the same time they represent the system to the community.
A lawyer or a medical practitioner who challenges the system that provides their life blood will; be ejected and effectively deleted - identity, functionality, gone!!
Like cancelling taxes - how many accountants would then be needed?
Well, seeing as the IRS - just like the OZtopian ATO, were BOTH created Illegaly! Must be why SOOOO many 'Armed Agents' numbers & Excessive ammunition, was purchased in recent years by the IRS! Those VICIOUS Middle/ working class people! 'ALL MUST PAY!' - Except the 'Top' & the 'Bottom'! - LOL!
Last; IF, enough of the Disenfranchised Lawyers & Doctors in their collective fields( Most Other industries inclusive), got together & created a new improved system of their collective own - The energy of that new system WOULD diminish the effect of the old Bastardised/prostituted/bias systems - AND, like Queen Mab of Merlin legend, would eventually 'Cease to exist'! ( No one is saying it would be easy.) take the 10's of thousands of Technicians 'dumped' by Media groups - Superceded by A.I.(apparently). Couldnt collectively They, have the numbers to 'Fire up' their own, Completely NEW Platforms & Technical Software/hardware to Rival their eX & Meta Employers? Versatility in numbers.
All the world is driven by agendas and the desires of mankind. It's not until the Gospel message and the Truths found in God's Word become forefront in people's hearts and minds will we see the one Kingdom destined to survive.
Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S, 11 (1905) - the interpretation is assumed that vaccination was mandated. Incorrect. Jacobson was ordered to pay a fine and was not required to be vaccinated.
Not at All. I am merely pointing out the misrepresentation of that case has been used in case law to give credibility to the need to mandate injection in the 'interests of public health' --- it has been misrepresented to say 'the state has the right' and then used to shore up the in 'certain dire circumstances' it is acceptable to ignore the informed consent of the recipient and ignore do no harm (certain level of injury and death is acceptable) and the rights to bodily integrity etc... and then the second layer of the problem that it causes is those that refuse to honour the need to protect 'public health' must pay a price.
The big problem that we have is that well intended people still accept certain assumptions and misconceptions that have been part of either the narrative and or the dogma for so long, that nobody stops to ask 'do we know that', 'how do we know that', 'who does it serve that such be the case...' etc
The world has been lied to for far too long. It is Blairingly obvious, these Bastidios have used illusion and trickery to scare the people and intentionally killed off natural food sources for decades. Frightening people dumbs down the natural immune system, another obvious controlling tactic to enslave the people.
Write a list of all the Grubberment virus scare tactics on animals and people you can recall.
These Bastidios create the issue and give a solution that always include a poisonous viper's piecing in the skin/muscle injection. Guess what, Taxdollars pay for the creation of the issue and solution. Wake Up.
!! Those words from US Senator Whitehouse are stark-raving insane. Well, if that's what he believes, he'd be going on cooties injection number 10 around about now. RFK, Jr. gets the Olympic gold medal for cool.
RFK will support the development and distribution of vaccines for the Avian flu !
I do not think there has ever been a justification in medical ethics for forced vaccination. The argument that a person must be vaccinated 'to protect others' is ineffective, since the others can protect themselves by getting vaccinated if they wish to do so.
I would have loved Kennedy to say no to that question, he didn't answer it. To be fair the Senator kept speaking but Kennedy did have time to answer another question/ statement from him. I was concerned about the amount of times Kennedy said he is pro vaccination, vaccines play a critical role in public health, he supports the measles and polio vaccine, as well as stating he supports the childhood vaccination schedule... so what's coming, is it "safe" vaccines .. Is it personalised mRNA shots? What do safe vaccines. look like? After all, under Trump "ALL Americans will be made healthy again".. what does that look like in practice?
There are no safe vaccines!! What the majority fail to recognize is that all vaccines since 1918 are petroleum based all thanks to the Rockefeller’s!!
If Kennedy does get confirmed, there'll be a few people coming after him questioning his 'pro-vaccination' stance.
For example, asking which vaccine products he specifically supports and why.
The answer would be that no shots have been properly safety tested and are not recommended until they go through that.
That's why Aaron Siri has been FOIA ing the claim that vaccines were tested properly and none have with most of them been compared to other shots as "placebo".
BTW recently saw an approved non opioid pain killer that used Vicodin (hydrocodone w toxic acetaminophen) as the placebo. How the heck did they get away with that?
I knew something was up when they stated that it got 20%nausea side effects vs placebo 25%. No way a placebo has more side effects than the drug!
Re Aaron Siri... I have a problem with Aaron Siri in that he plays along with 'exemptions'.
But there shouldn't be 'exemptions' for vaccination, as people should give their informed consent to the intervention, or decline it if they so wish - so how can there be 'exemptions' to NOT have a vaccine product?
See Section V. 'Exemptions' for COVID-19 vaccination - an Oxymoron? In my detailed paper: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf
RFK is being likened to a wolf in sheep clothing.
Sometimes you just have to let people talk and listen carefully to what they say. Then these people f*ck themselves in a way that nobody else could do it better.
This guy has done more damage to the credibility of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry than any Kennedy response ever could.
Does it not smack of the forced recantation by Galileo when monumentally ignorant people (aka 'scholarly and learned members of academies') insisted that Galileo recant 'the movement of the earth'? As Bechamp reminded us "The theologians of the holy office were not competent to judge the astronomer Galileo". And neither is this arrogant Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (or should that be Whitewash) competent to judge Kennedy Jr. Perhaps Kennedy could invite the Senator to 'have as many injections as he likes' - after he has read and understood Rochet's 1913 Nobel Prize speech on Anaphylaxis.
Sheldon Whitehouse. Swap the first letters of each name and that is suitable.
This herd immunity thing is total bullshit.
Diseases decreased way before quackzines.
Jacobson said that he was guilty and had to pay a FINE. He and his child were allowed to participate in society.
Why did the courts later interpret it as mandatory?
It just said a fine. And why are all these lawyers not arguing that? Because they're either morons or cowards.
Or greedy. We need turd immunity from people like Mr Shitehouse.
It's happening...
Trust is being decentralized
''RFK Jr to Bernie: "Almost all the members of this panel, including yourself, are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry and then protecting their interests."
Bernie: "Oh no. No no no no. Nooo."
O yes !
It's extremely unfortunate that RFK has this issue with his vocal chords which provides an unfair advantage to his opponents.
It's taught him to choose his words thoughtfully, I am sure.
And SOOOo, our Famous 'Leaders', including 'senator' (Obviously PRE Purchased by pHARMa via rhetoric & dialogue used) - Disclosures please of ANY AND ALL pharma Funding/Sponsorship WHAT-SO-EVER, including interests & ANY share portfolios of Senators OR FAMILY Members, OR Associates to Same!! Sheldon Whitehouse(or Previously 'Sheltering' the Whitehouse), CAN lead by Example & SHOW 'FULL Vaccinations' of Himself/Partner/ALL offspring & ANY Grand Kids = ALL FULLY VACCINATED - CONVID-19 Doses & Boosters inclusive - NO 'Special Shots' acceptible! NO 'False' Vaccine Passports NOR 'Exemptions'!
About time, these SINthetic politicians, put their collective arms, where their Mouth are!
On the topic of 𝑱𝒂𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒏, that case has been misapplied and misinterpreted for over 100 years. In a recent case of Health Freedom Defense Fund, et al. vs the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), Jacobson as justification gets raised -- and shot down.
That case 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕 establish that the State has the power to commit a battery during an "emergency." That case established that the State had the power to impose a fine should someone -- like Mr. Jacobson -- decline the "medical treatment." That is it. Listen to the discussion on this topic starting at about the 4-minute mark: https://youtu.be/Q0zg5JSJ9Ok?si=_in2dmZ8qA1ZHpL2
Then, listen carefully to Health Freedom Defense's attorney clarify Jacobson at about the 9:15 minute. Justice Collins (Justice seated at right; Trump appointee) jumps in to state that while Jacobson did get fined, he had a criminal conviction for refusing to pay it! That's it!!!
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 Jacobson. Mr. Jacobson did not get "vaccinated," did not pay the fine, gained a criminal record, and went about his business.
Further on Jacobson: https://reason.com/volokh/2020/11/24/jacobson-v-massachusetts-did-not-uphold-the-states-power-to-mandate-vaccinations/
Lazy, ignorant, pappagalli "lawyers," including the likes of Dershowitz, blatantly lie about Jacobson all the time.
I am so grateful to the 9th Circuit for what they established in their hearing -- and especially to Justice Collins. He obviously did his homework on Jacobson and deftly brought in its facts. The Court ultimately ruled against the LAUSD.
From the Health Freedom Defense Fund announcement: "Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient." https://healthfreedomdefense.org/huge-legal-victory-hfdf-wins-appeal-in-ninth-circuit/
Thanks for your response.
There is much to think about.
Re the Josh Blackman link you shared: https://reason.com/volokh/2020/11/24/jacobson-v-massachusetts-did-not-uphold-the-states-power-to-mandate-vaccinations/
He says: "In short, the failure to comply with the mandate required the payment of a penalty. And being forced to pay a nominal fine does not invade any "fundamental right.""
I disagree with this. There should not have been a fine. People must not be coerced or mandated to submit to medical interventions against their will.
Vaccinating practitioners should not collaborate with coercion, and this must also be considered in regard to Jacobson v. Massachusetts, I don't think this was addressed at the time?
This is what has been overlooked for years in regard to mandatory vaccination...the vaccinating practitioner's role in collaborating with mandates and the violation of valid consent.
Way past time for the spotlight to be shone on this.
I agree with you re the forced payment of a fine.
Mr. Jacobson was jailed until he paid the fine, which he did. He then appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Part of the decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts was the upholding of Jacobson's conviction and fine payment. That's the reason Justice Collins said he had a criminal record.
Mr. Jacobson's appeal to the Supreme Court is unfortunate in one respect. Instead of leaving things at the state level to impose a fine -- as immoral as this is -- it brought to the national court the question of the power of the State to impose certain medical interventions.
The Jacobson ruling upheld the alleged State interest in preventing disease through forced injection. The "Supremes" believed back then as most still do today that "vaccines" prevent disease. This alleged benefit was ruled a legitimate State interest because it was believed that the small pox injection "prevented the spread" of small pox.
What is so powerful about raising Jacobson in the Health Freedom Defense Fund v. LAUSD relates to the COVID garbage. This alleged "vaccine" does not "prevent the spread" of the alleged disease. (What "vaccine does?) Therefore, Jacobson provides no support for the LAUSD's imposition of this "vaccine" requirement.
This is part of the reason, I think, that Justice Nelson (seated in the middle) starts to lose his patience. The LAUSD's position is, in fact, abjectly stupid, embarrassing, illogical, and has no basis in law. This is the case because we know, in fact, that the injection in question does nothing to "prevent the spread."
This is the beginning, IMO, of shining that spotlight. On the criminality of forced injection. Of Jacobson's limited application -- "vaccination" prevents disease. This has been asserted ad nauseam without any valid scientific PROOF that it does anything of the sort.
All of the "mandates" by the criminal political class in the U.S. were unlawful on their face. Forced medical interventions. Coercion. Using Jacobson to justify the use of the COVID garbage when it neither prevented infection nor transmission.
This case is a crack in that entire edifice of falsehood, unsubstantiated "science, and the use of force for the "greater good."
I haven't had time to watch the entire video - what happened re the Health Freedom Defense Fund v. LAUSD case?
So sorry to just be getting to your question here, Elizabeth. I was writing this, which touches on the result in Health Freedom v. LAUSD: https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/vaccines-treatments-and-lies-oh-my
Quickly, the 9th Circuit ruled against the LAUSD and its "vaccine" requirement for new employees. IMO, the most important feature of this ruling is its review of Jacobson.
Jacobson ruled that the State has the power to force "vaccination" to "prevent the spread" of small pox. That very specific reference has been bastardized to apply to all "vaccines."
Yet, what if the "vaccine" does not do what was the basis for the Supreme Court's ruling in Jacobson; that is, "prevent the spread?" Then the "vaccine" is not a "vaccine," but a "medical treatment." Forced medical treatment has been ruled a battery (cited in the Nancy Cruzan v. Missouri case and others).
So. What if none have been PROVEN to "prevent the spread" of anything is true? That means all "vaccines" are just medical treatments. And that would mean that all forced vaccination is a battery...
That's the ruling in the 9th Circuit. https://healthfreedomdefense.org/huge-legal-victory-hfdf-wins-appeal-in-ninth-circuit/ The "vaccine" is just a medical treatment. This ruling is huge as it opens the door to question all "vaccines."
"'In a separate concurrence, Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]”
Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.'"
Thanks SheThinksLiberty...lots to look into...
You're welcome, Elizabeth.
Unfortunately, we have descended into rule by precedent vs. the common law or the Natural Law. Hence, the references in this court proceeding to the other cases such as Cruzan v. Missouri and Glucksberg v. Washington.
That said, prior rulings and the evidence brought out in this case do help us. To use Jacobson to enforce a mandatory injection does not survive rational basis. This the defendants' lawyer tried to argue. Justice Nelson wasn't having it.
He becomes incredulous since the needle does not prevent infection or spread AND it is not mandated on the other teachers who got injected two years before...And then Collins -- if the needle does not do what the Court thought the small pox needle did, then it is just a medical treatment. It is well known and part of the case law that all competent persons have a protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatments...
Thank you for all that you've done over these last several years, Elizabeth.
SheThinksLiberty, re the article by Josh Blackman you shared, dated 11.24.2020.
See this paper by Josh Blackman, published 2-25-2022: The Irrepressible Myth of Jacobson v. Massachusetts: https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4934&context=buffalolawreview
Video discussion here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WewQuDNtTv4
Much to think about...
SheThinksLiberty, you say "Mr. Jacobson did not get "vaccinated," did not pay the fine, gained a criminal record, and went about his business."
Well that's interesting!
He didn't pay the fine and gained a criminal record...?
I've just found this section in the video you shared: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0zg5JSJ9Ok
LAWYER: I'm saying first of all Jacobson sustains our position for a balancing test number 1. Number 2, Jacobson, I've heard said in here, was an absolute mandate, that there was no choice. No, there was a choice, he paid five bucks. That was his choice. As one of the other counsels said, 'my clients would be happy to have paid five bucks to not get...'
JUDGE: He also had a criminal conviction. The only penalty was five dollars, which today would be about $40, but he still had a criminal conviction.
LAWYER: Only because he didn't pay the five bucks.
JUDGE: Five dollars WAS the penalty.
LAWYER: That was the penalty for not getting the vaccine, you're right you're Honour.
That's still a bit ambiguous...so he definitely didn't pay the five dollars? Is that verified elsewhere? In the Jacobson judgement it says: "...he was sentenced by the court to pay a fine of five dollars. And the court ordered that he stand committed until the fine was paid".
So how did he walk free without paying the fine?
Ref: Jacobson v Massachusetts: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/197/11/
Yep and it makes me wonder as to how stupid or corrupt is the legal system to twist that into mandates.
Perhaps they're all brainwashed by legalese which is designed to break common sense, not unlike the jargon that virologists use to promote bullshit.
I'm still confused as to why these cases are fighting the immunity argument when it's clear as day that Jacobson was just a fine. Many of us would rather pay a fine than take any of these useless if best, dangerous at worst shots.
Thank you, Rob. I'm trying to find out what happened after the Supreme Court ruling in Jacobson. Did Massachusetts then hunt him down to inject him? So far, I've been unable to find anything on this question.
Jacobson disputed the power of the State to either force injection or fine for refusal. He lost at the national court, but the SC's ruling is very helpful to us today. They ruled the way the did because they believed injections prevented spread of disease. We know now that this is utter hogwash.
I hear you re all the twisted language, convoluted gobbledygook. Even in the video of the 9th Circuit, their language at times makes me want to scream. "Rational basis," "strict scrutiny," etc., etc.
Anyway, thanks again for the comment! :)
Legalese reminds me of the double speak of the party in Orwell's 1984.
A lot of the upper class and educated fools that came up with this system suffer from left brained bias...
" The mistake that is made by many traditional philosophers, he suggests, is to believe that freeing one’s attention up in this way necessitates turning one’s back on practical life, rather than, in fact, embracing it. ‘One should act like a man of thought’, he wrote, in a memorable formulation, ‘and think like a man of action. "
-Ian McGilchrist from The Matter with Things
From chapter 4 of Ian McGilchrist 's book The Matter with Things:
"One related difference between right and left prefrontal cortex activation is that the left dominates where belief bias points to the correct conclusion, and, by contrast, the right dominates where it does not. Belief bias is in fact generally associated with the left hemisphere, not with the right hemisphere."
Also chapter 4
"To put it crudely, the right hemisphere is our bullshit detector. It is better at avoiding nonsense when asked to believe it, but it is also better at avoiding falling prey to local prejudice and just dismissing rational argument because the argument does not happen to agree with that prejudice"
Strongly Agree.
They have the guns.
The next one (Jab) may very well be accompanied with state sanctioned 'coercion'.
West Australian legislation allows this. The other states will have similar fraud against the people.
All part, IMO, of the Jew/Zionist infiltration of all western governments.
When you say "West Australian legislation allows this", who is going to enforce it?
That’s the part of his comment that you chose to address??
''They have the guns but we have the poets, therefore we'll win''.
Couldn't resist.
Both the Legal advocacy industry and the Medical service industry are functioning within a system that they are locked into, each one integral to the other within its part of the bigger system.
A lawyer can no more challenge the system than operate outside of it, same for a medical doctor and other health practitioners. The system they inhabit defines them and how they can function. while at the same time they represent the system to the community.
A lawyer or a medical practitioner who challenges the system that provides their life blood will; be ejected and effectively deleted - identity, functionality, gone!!
Like cancelling taxes - how many accountants would then be needed?
It's up to us to challenge the medical profession and legal system which have betrayed us.
They cannot get away with 'just following orders'... https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders
Well, seeing as the IRS - just like the OZtopian ATO, were BOTH created Illegaly! Must be why SOOOO many 'Armed Agents' numbers & Excessive ammunition, was purchased in recent years by the IRS! Those VICIOUS Middle/ working class people! 'ALL MUST PAY!' - Except the 'Top' & the 'Bottom'! - LOL!
Last; IF, enough of the Disenfranchised Lawyers & Doctors in their collective fields( Most Other industries inclusive), got together & created a new improved system of their collective own - The energy of that new system WOULD diminish the effect of the old Bastardised/prostituted/bias systems - AND, like Queen Mab of Merlin legend, would eventually 'Cease to exist'! ( No one is saying it would be easy.) take the 10's of thousands of Technicians 'dumped' by Media groups - Superceded by A.I.(apparently). Couldnt collectively They, have the numbers to 'Fire up' their own, Completely NEW Platforms & Technical Software/hardware to Rival their eX & Meta Employers? Versatility in numbers.
All the world is driven by agendas and the desires of mankind. It's not until the Gospel message and the Truths found in God's Word become forefront in people's hearts and minds will we see the one Kingdom destined to survive.
Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S, 11 (1905) - the interpretation is assumed that vaccination was mandated. Incorrect. Jacobson was ordered to pay a fine and was not required to be vaccinated.
Can you please clarify your position - do you think it's ok for people to be fined for refusing to be vaccinated?
Not at All. I am merely pointing out the misrepresentation of that case has been used in case law to give credibility to the need to mandate injection in the 'interests of public health' --- it has been misrepresented to say 'the state has the right' and then used to shore up the in 'certain dire circumstances' it is acceptable to ignore the informed consent of the recipient and ignore do no harm (certain level of injury and death is acceptable) and the rights to bodily integrity etc... and then the second layer of the problem that it causes is those that refuse to honour the need to protect 'public health' must pay a price.
The big problem that we have is that well intended people still accept certain assumptions and misconceptions that have been part of either the narrative and or the dogma for so long, that nobody stops to ask 'do we know that', 'how do we know that', 'who does it serve that such be the case...' etc
Thanks Barbara.
There's a lot to think about...
See this paper by Josh Blackman, published 2-25-2022: The Irrepressible Myth of Jacobson v. Massachusetts: https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=4934&context=buffalolawreview
Video discussion here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WewQuDNtTv4
This guy Whitehouse needs a shot. In the head. Just saying.
It will ensure he doesn’t get Covid!
Yeah, it's called prevention/protection.
Thank you and unbelievable. Mandatory vaccinations are satanic, and inherently unsafe, no ifs no buts.
And excuse me but Sheldon Whitehouse is an absolute arrogant arsehole. I can get these anagrams form his name:
- new household shite
- whole dishonest hue
- he show the delusion
He just read from a script and couldn't look up, what a coward. I shall now think of him as Wheldon Shitehouse.
The world has been lied to for far too long. It is Blairingly obvious, these Bastidios have used illusion and trickery to scare the people and intentionally killed off natural food sources for decades. Frightening people dumbs down the natural immune system, another obvious controlling tactic to enslave the people.
Write a list of all the Grubberment virus scare tactics on animals and people you can recall.
These Bastidios create the issue and give a solution that always include a poisonous viper's piecing in the skin/muscle injection. Guess what, Taxdollars pay for the creation of the issue and solution. Wake Up.
This is a great doco to absorb.
I Care for Humanity
Kind Regards