The only thing worse that mandating/coercing a shot people didn’t need is (what I believe) is the fact that no sudden spread of a deadly coronavirus occurred. (Which doesn’t mean something wasn’t co-opted, named, and tested for).
FYI, the flu shot is mandated for healthcare workers in a number of U.S. states and has been for some time -- despite the fact that little has been proven how people become sick with (what we call flu) and the shot has no real demonstrated efficacy.
I haven’t heard much outcry in among U.S. “health freedom” advocates against those mandates. Though I understand why the focus has been on the COVID shot:
We have to go back to the beginning of 'Covid', and question how the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted response to what seem now to be the usual respiratory ailments, got off the ground.
It's unbelievable what has happened in the last four years, the biggest beguiling in history!!!
I humbly submit that it wasn’t truly a response to respiratory ailments -- or the sudden detection and naming of a pathogen. What exactly it was a “response” to hasn’t yet been discerning or disclosed.
Yes, Jonathan is the best! Anyone reading these comments who hasn’t listened to that podcast or read his other work needs to do so ASAP!
Agree Jessica, it was something that happened under the guise of being a response to respiratory a 'novel coronavirus'...ha ha.
It's something that has been in the planning for a long time, the development of the pandemic industry. As demonstrated by Event 201 in October 2019, a tabletop simulation of public/private partnerships' response to a coronavirus outbreak....and 'the real thing' follows only a few weeks later... You couldn't make it up!
Just listened to another great Ahmad Malik podcast, which SheThinksLiberty has also mentioned on this thread - Ahmad's chat with Nick Hudson of PANDA, in which they also discuss what was happening at the beginning of 'the pandemic'...aka 'the PHEIC'...aka 'the fake'...
In the US lawyer Aaron Siri has been advocating against mandates & for informed consent. He's given a lot of presentations to various states' hearings. A recent segment on the highwire talks about his firms many FOIA requests:
Highly recommend watching it & seeing just how culpable in hiding data public health departments & regulators are. It is astonishing. I have little doubt we have a similar situation here in Australia.
Thank you for the link. I'm in the U.S. Unfortunately, the conduct of those in the "land of the free and home of the brave" surprised me not at all. Instead of being examples for the world, they caved...disgracing themselves. Prior experience told me they would.
All that whining aside, 😊 there are Americans here like Aaron Siri. I understand that ICAN is going to go after the PREP Act -- yet another abomination brought to us by the unelected and given the go-ahead by the elected losers in the U.S. Congress. Liability immunity for manufacturers and "vaccinators" is a crime in and of itself, which makes all those who voted for PREP guilty, too -- IMO.
⚖️ Thank you, Elizabeth. I’ve shared AMPS’ 470 page study into excess deaths onto the Facebook page of Dr Kerryn Phelps, Dr Ross Walker and the Peter Doherty Institute (on its mRNA malaria vaccine post). Dr Nick Coatsworth is next. Oz Dave (David White)
Thank you, Elizabeth. I’ve commented on the Garvan Institute and the Kirby Institute Facebook pages as well, and have always been ignored. I regularly debate (and tolerate abuse) on the Facebook page, the Vaccination Station.
The Peter Doherty Institute posted on its page yesterday an interview with its Director, Professor Sharon Lewin: Lewin touches on the subject of ‘pandemic preparedness’, and is seemingly unaware of the part it will play in the development of a social credit system of digitised compliance. The lack of critical thinking in much of the scientific community is quite extraordinary. David White (senior citizen)
Ha! Being ignored David...I'm well used to it, along with the lack of critical thinking in much of the scientific...and
I've been investigating vaccination policy for years, starting off in 2008 with pet vaccination would you believe, and it's very relevant to human vaccination.
In our discussion Ahmad and I talk about a variety of vaccine issues, this is a subject that has been suppressed for years.
Also see the broad range of correspondence I've undertaken in Australia on the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid-19 response, hyperlinks on this webpage:
Voluntary informed consent is the major issue, it's been absolutely trashed by the medical industry.
Thank you for the links, Elizabeth. I’ll read through the material. I’ve been taking an interest in your work for quite some time and have visited your website.
In respect to our public health officials bargaining with unelected bureaucrats, this afternoon I posted this 11 minute video by a psychologist (link below) on Professor Ian Brighthope’s latest Substack, to quote: “How do you deal with psychopaths? The answer is, you don’t. You can’t reason with them, you can’t bargain with them, and you can’t appease them. If you try to deal with them in any way, they will keep using you until you are ruined. This is their nature.” Matt, Canadian psychologist, October 2021
Have a look at Ahmad's website and check out the other podcasts - Ahmad is the orthopaedic surgeon in the UK who has been challenging the narrative, and talking with a wide range of people with info to share - including me! My chat with Ahmad is accessible here:
What newborn needs a Hep B injection? They are not shooting up or having sex for goodness sakes.
I have been a nurse for >50 years. I worked at Royal Prince Alfred as an Infection Control Consultant and did lots of nasal swabs on staff and patients. The swab sticks were short & I would just wipe the swabstick gently inside the nostril. During Covid (Not Covid) nurses were told to use very long swabsticks, push up to the back of the nose and when they felt resistance (the brain) they were told to push further!!! OMG. I have heard of 5 cases of brain abscesses (I have no proof though). Could this be from jamming the swabstick way up to (and into) the brain??
Another thing that horrified me was seeing nurses giving the vaxxs with a syringe... not pulling the plunger back to check for blood. That is not what I was taught and not what I did. We always pulled the plunger back and if any blood was aspirated, we would withdraw the needle, discard the syringe and contents and start again.
And don't get me started on PPE--- how stupid is it for nurses to wear a mask, knee length gown and have hair blowing in the breeze. What a waste of money. If any person sneezed or coughed while having a swab taken and the droplets landed in the nurse's hair, and they went home and hugged their children what are they risking------deadly covid.
When people discover what the medical 'profession' has been a part of, there is going to be uproar.
They have completely destroyed voluntary consent! And you know how I tried to raise this matter with the professional organisations and others, including medical insurers, lots of emails on this webpage:
The likes of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Australian Medical Association, they all went along with this, went along with mandated
If we do not have power and agency over our own bodies then we have nothing. We have ceased to be independent thinking beings and we are now owned body and soul by the government and we will be living in a permission only society where our owners will make the decision over our bodies and by extension how we live, it will all be in the name of 'protection'. I have come to hate this word as it can be used to inflict so much harm in our societies under the guise of doing good - no matter how bad it is for us. It makes me want to run, hard and fast!
Amat, you say: "If we do not have power and agency over our own bodies then we have nothing."
And for millions of people in Australia this has already happened... The state demanded that untold numbers of people have the jabs to maintain their livelihoods - No Jab, No Job.
And at the height of the madness people were prevented from participating in ordinary civil society if they refused the jabs - stopped from travelling, enjoying hospitality and entertainment, playing and watching live sport, cultural pursuits - No Jab, No Life. People were punished for not complying with the state-dictated medical interventions. Then all sorts of other groups got on the bandwagon demanding that others have the injections, e.g. sports clubs such as golf clubs forbade people, including children, from entering the premises if they weren't jabbed.
It really struck me when I wrote the article, including these sentences: "It is unbloodybelievable what happened in Australia. By imposing vaccination mandates, the state demanded ownership of the bodies of millions of people, personal autonomy and bodily integrity was trashed for millions of people cornered by mandates. Scott Morrison, the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet, the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, the AHPPC, and the practitioners who collaborated in this crime destroyed voluntary informed consent in Australia."
Still takes my breath away what happened in this country...we can't undo what has happened. There must be accountability.
There has to be accountability for the damage inflicted on people who were punished if they refused a substance being put into their bodies. The dreadful concepts for the 'greater good' and ' no one is safe until we are all safe' fills me with dread as it removes our choice and gives permission to inflict any damage on the individual that is deemed necessary by government and public health. You are one of the few people who have fought against this tyranny from the beginning, thank you, even in the UK I have heard and taken notice of your voice.
Yes, it's absolutely dire what has occurred - the state has stolen personal autonomy and bodily integrity. But it's been doing it for years with children's vaccination, where children have no say on what is being injected into them when they are babies, and even now in the womb! Sure, lots of people support children's vaccination...but lots of people have no idea how many vaccines and revaccinations are being foisted upon children now, they are being exploited big time. This is coming to a head with Covid and flu jabs, where it's openly admitted children are being jabbed with these products to purportedly protect the elderly - how unethical is this!
Elizabeth--excellent article. You have some good people in your comment section. If any of your articles made national wide spread exposure, it wouldn't be so bleak about the vast majority waking up. People wouldn't be so reluctant to talk and start having "the conversation."
When you say "millions"; I gather you're referring just to Australia? Because this was globally executed so that *billions* were coerced via workplace mandates, travel restrictions, family-dividing guilt-inducements, etc etc.
Yes, Joanie, when I specifically mentioned the mandates, I was referring to Australia, because I suspect Australia is one of the most jabbed countries in the world under shocking!
But of course this is applicable all around the world, the world's population was subject to coercion with these jabs. As I say in my post: "No-one has given VALID VOLUNTARY INFORMED CONSENT to these medical interventions." I mean no-one in the world, because no-one was properly informed. Voluntary informed consent was trashed...the medical 'profession' did this. If they had refused to collaborate it wouldn't have happened. But they just went along and 'followed orders'...
Sure wish it was just that (make-believe)! I think that about 80% of Canadians detest our Crime Minister to the point of wanting to spit nails upon seeing his face and hearing his voice.
So Allison Pearson has finally woken up, although the Torygraph for which she writes was just as culpable as all the others in pushing the toxic 'vaccines'. She herself blocked me on Twitter a couple of years ago for stating that forcing someone to take one of these toxic products is a violation of bodily sovereignty.
Warwick, the UK Telegraph receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, think about how this might have compromised reporting over the years…
Global Health and Development Public Awareness and Analysis
Date: March 2022. Committed amount: $2,434,447. Duration 36 months
Date: November 2017. Committed amount: $3,446,801. Duration 51 months
Happened here in US, state by state. 30,000 workers left the work force in NYS alone. I left my 30 year practice to avoid the vax, hoping the mandates wouldn’t last that long. Not happening. It’s too ingrained in the administrative layer that THEY were the moral/ right ones , and they won’t let it go, as the system slowly crumbles about them.
No, they’ve been declared illegal from the start by NYS Supreme Court , confirmed in Sept this year, but there’s been no movement to acknowledge mistakes and rehire people who were unjustly pressured to leave. Until there is a signal from the governor, I think the administrative layer of businesses are hesitant. Probably also fear of legal issues that are percolating everywhere. The decision ordered the rehiring of New York City workers( teachers/firemen,police) and giving them back pay. Nothing in the news about if this is happening.
Remember the the Chairman of the British Psychology Society (or similar) wrote an open letter to Sunak saying not a single jab was given with Informed Consent, because of the lies and fearporn. It was in the Daily Sceptic
I knew this was an operation well before Day One of "15 days to flatten the curve." After the snot pouch "mandates" came out courtesy of the morons in corner offices across the U.S., I knew then with complete certainty that next up was mandated needles -- and I knew I would simply refuse to cooperate. I never followed a single "guideline" or wore a snot pouch even once. What an outrage!!!
So. I did the only thing I could. I left my job and my career. I held a senior leadership position, leading a team that engaged with job candidates. I knew that while I might get my religious exemption, I simply refused to lead those on my team to tell candidates that as a condition of employment, they would have to undergo a medical intervention with an experimental concoction never before used in humans lacking any long-term safety data with complete 𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 for the manufacturers and "vaccinators." How disgusting. How outrageous -- and I refused to be a party to it.
All this because? Respiratory infection (which, of course, is just the cover story for which the whole world, practically, fell).
You mention exemptions. But there should never have been exemptions...because people are supposed to be giving voluntary informed consent to this medical intervention, or refusing it if they so choose.
How can people have an exemption to NOT have a medical intervention?
See my email on this to the Australian Health Minister, Mark Butler. I'm pursuing this issue...
'Exemptions’ for Covid-19 vaccinations directly contradicts voluntary informed
I agree completely, Elizabeth, and understand your point. This should not even enter into the "equation" at all.
It is an outrage that people would have to resort to a recognized employment and civil right in the U.S. -- religious accommodation -- to avoid undergoing a medical intervention! That the right to forego any medical intervention for any reason is not recognized everywhere is an outrage
Also, I stand corrected -- and I should know better: The correct term 𝑖𝑠 "accommodation," 𝒏𝒐𝒕 "exemption." Companies, institutions 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 religious expression; they do not 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒕 it. Accommodation is a given unless the company -- the company -- can prove an undue hardship in doing so. And what would that hardship be, exactly, when working from home and/or mask wearing "worked?"
Elizabeth, the claimed Covid19 bioweapon originated from the US department of Defence as a countermeasure to the WHO declared "global pandemic" and issued under an (EUA) Emergency use Authorisation. The big pharma brand names were just for medico credibility while they acted merely as subcontractors to DoD, to prepare the countermeasure formulations. Sasha Latypova and Kathrine Watts, developed this chronology of history. Within US law, The DoD EUA countermeasure do not require the consent of the bioweapon recipient . Does the Australian EUA legislation for pandemics differ from the US EUA legislation. given the lock step nature of the past 4 years I would be surprised.
John, “The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) to issue a PREP Act declaration. The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct)…”
What constitutes willful misconduct?
Consider for example a practitioner administering a Covid-19 injection - is it willful misconduct if the practitioner injects a person who has not given voluntary informed consent for the intervention?
This can occur in the case of an individual who has been mandated to have the vaccination to maintain their livelihood. If an individual presents before a practitioner under a vaccination mandate, i.e. under duress, shouldn’t the practitioner refuse to inject them if they are not voluntarily wanting the injection?
Isn’t it willful misconduct if a practitioner injects someone they know is under duress to submit to the vaccination, someone who has not given voluntary informed consent?
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act:
John, what's the evidence there's low adverse events with flu shots?
We really don't know what is going on with flu shots being pressed every year, and now children are in the frame to have flu vaccination, against a disease which is of little or no risk to them. What are the long-term consequences of this potentially life-long intervention? We have no idea.
And keep in mind it's been admitted that children have been set up to have flu and Covid vaccination to purportedly protect the elderly! This is unethical! See my BMJ rapid response published in August 2020: Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly?
Well/framed and well-argued per usual.
The only thing worse that mandating/coercing a shot people didn’t need is (what I believe) is the fact that no sudden spread of a deadly coronavirus occurred. (Which doesn’t mean something wasn’t co-opted, named, and tested for).
FYI, the flu shot is mandated for healthcare workers in a number of U.S. states and has been for some time -- despite the fact that little has been proven how people become sick with (what we call flu) and the shot has no real demonstrated efficacy.
I haven’t heard much outcry in among U.S. “health freedom” advocates against those mandates. Though I understand why the focus has been on the COVID shot:
Hi Jessica, I agree, a lot of questions to be asked about the veracity of the 'deadly coronavirus'...
As you know, Jonathan Engler had a good conversation about this on Ahmad Malik's fab podcast series a few months ago, see:
Jonathan posted the podcast on 'Where are the numbers?' too, see 'Dismantling The Covid Pandemic & mRNA "Vaccine" Narratives', where you and I left comments:
We have to go back to the beginning of 'Covid', and question how the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted response to what seem now to be the usual respiratory ailments, got off the ground.
It's unbelievable what has happened in the last four years, the biggest beguiling in history!!!
I humbly submit that it wasn’t truly a response to respiratory ailments -- or the sudden detection and naming of a pathogen. What exactly it was a “response” to hasn’t yet been discerning or disclosed.
Yes, Jonathan is the best! Anyone reading these comments who hasn’t listened to that podcast or read his other work needs to do so ASAP!
Agree Jessica, it was something that happened under the guise of being a response to respiratory a 'novel coronavirus'...ha ha.
It's something that has been in the planning for a long time, the development of the pandemic industry. As demonstrated by Event 201 in October 2019, a tabletop simulation of public/private partnerships' response to a coronavirus outbreak....and 'the real thing' follows only a few weeks later... You couldn't make it up!
Just listened to another great Ahmad Malik podcast, which SheThinksLiberty has also mentioned on this thread - Ahmad's chat with Nick Hudson of PANDA, in which they also discuss what was happening at the beginning of 'the pandemic'...aka 'the PHEIC'...aka 'the fake'...
Links accessible here:
In the US lawyer Aaron Siri has been advocating against mandates & for informed consent. He's given a lot of presentations to various states' hearings. A recent segment on the highwire talks about his firms many FOIA requests:
Highly recommend watching it & seeing just how culpable in hiding data public health departments & regulators are. It is astonishing. I have little doubt we have a similar situation here in Australia.
Thank you for the link. I'm in the U.S. Unfortunately, the conduct of those in the "land of the free and home of the brave" surprised me not at all. Instead of being examples for the world, they caved...disgracing themselves. Prior experience told me they would.
All that whining aside, 😊 there are Americans here like Aaron Siri. I understand that ICAN is going to go after the PREP Act -- yet another abomination brought to us by the unelected and given the go-ahead by the elected losers in the U.S. Congress. Liability immunity for manufacturers and "vaccinators" is a crime in and of itself, which makes all those who voted for PREP guilty, too -- IMO.
⚖️ Thank you, Elizabeth. I’ve shared AMPS’ 470 page study into excess deaths onto the Facebook page of Dr Kerryn Phelps, Dr Ross Walker and the Peter Doherty Institute (on its mRNA malaria vaccine post). Dr Nick Coatsworth is next. Oz Dave (David White)
Good work Oz Dave.
Very interesting to think about the roles played by the Doherty Institute, Nick Coatsworth, Kerryn Phelps and Ross Walker in the Covid debacle...
Our society has really been done over by the medical and scientific establishment, so much to be exposed.
Thank you, Elizabeth. I’ve commented on the Garvan Institute and the Kirby Institute Facebook pages as well, and have always been ignored. I regularly debate (and tolerate abuse) on the Facebook page, the Vaccination Station.
The Peter Doherty Institute posted on its page yesterday an interview with its Director, Professor Sharon Lewin: Lewin touches on the subject of ‘pandemic preparedness’, and is seemingly unaware of the part it will play in the development of a social credit system of digitised compliance. The lack of critical thinking in much of the scientific community is quite extraordinary. David White (senior citizen)
Ha! Being ignored David...I'm well used to it, along with the lack of critical thinking in much of the scientific...and
I've been investigating vaccination policy for years, starting off in 2008 with pet vaccination would you believe, and it's very relevant to human vaccination.
If you're interested to have a listen, here's my discussion with doctor Ahmad Malik about the over-vaccination of kids and pets:
Ahmad Malik is the orthopaedic surgeon in the UK who is bravely challenging the narrative with his broad range of podcasts, and has been suspended from his hospital apparently for challenging the status quo, see:
In our discussion Ahmad and I talk about a variety of vaccine issues, this is a subject that has been suppressed for years.
Also see the broad range of correspondence I've undertaken in Australia on the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid-19 response, hyperlinks on this webpage:
Voluntary informed consent is the major issue, it's been absolutely trashed by the medical industry.
Thank you for the links, Elizabeth. I’ll read through the material. I’ve been taking an interest in your work for quite some time and have visited your website.
In respect to our public health officials bargaining with unelected bureaucrats, this afternoon I posted this 11 minute video by a psychologist (link below) on Professor Ian Brighthope’s latest Substack, to quote: “How do you deal with psychopaths? The answer is, you don’t. You can’t reason with them, you can’t bargain with them, and you can’t appease them. If you try to deal with them in any way, they will keep using you until you are ruined. This is their nature.” Matt, Canadian psychologist, October 2021
Thanks for the link David, just watched it - spot on!
Have you heard of Feargus O'Connor Greenwood? I think you'll enjoy his discussion with Ahmad Malik, see here for links:
Have a look at Ahmad's website and check out the other podcasts - Ahmad is the orthopaedic surgeon in the UK who has been challenging the narrative, and talking with a wide range of people with info to share - including me! My chat with Ahmad is accessible here:
I hadn’t heard of that person, no, Elizabeth, but thank you. I will take a look tomorrow at the information with the links you’ve provided. By the way, I’m a good friend of scientist, Stephen Crothers, who said that he spoke with you at some stage. At the moment, I’m going through this new paper which praises the Covid vaccines. It’s full of holes:
Dr. Malik just had a wonderful conversation with Nick Hudson, Founder of Nick was front and center very early on, too.
I've just watched it, really good.
Brilliant again Elizabeth.
What newborn needs a Hep B injection? They are not shooting up or having sex for goodness sakes.
I have been a nurse for >50 years. I worked at Royal Prince Alfred as an Infection Control Consultant and did lots of nasal swabs on staff and patients. The swab sticks were short & I would just wipe the swabstick gently inside the nostril. During Covid (Not Covid) nurses were told to use very long swabsticks, push up to the back of the nose and when they felt resistance (the brain) they were told to push further!!! OMG. I have heard of 5 cases of brain abscesses (I have no proof though). Could this be from jamming the swabstick way up to (and into) the brain??
Another thing that horrified me was seeing nurses giving the vaxxs with a syringe... not pulling the plunger back to check for blood. That is not what I was taught and not what I did. We always pulled the plunger back and if any blood was aspirated, we would withdraw the needle, discard the syringe and contents and start again.
And don't get me started on PPE--- how stupid is it for nurses to wear a mask, knee length gown and have hair blowing in the breeze. What a waste of money. If any person sneezed or coughed while having a swab taken and the droplets landed in the nurse's hair, and they went home and hugged their children what are they risking------deadly covid.
Catherine A Sharp PhD
It's mind-boggling Catherine...
When people discover what the medical 'profession' has been a part of, there is going to be uproar.
They have completely destroyed voluntary consent! And you know how I tried to raise this matter with the professional organisations and others, including medical insurers, lots of emails on this webpage:
The likes of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, the Australian Medical Association, they all went along with this, went along with mandated
If we do not have power and agency over our own bodies then we have nothing. We have ceased to be independent thinking beings and we are now owned body and soul by the government and we will be living in a permission only society where our owners will make the decision over our bodies and by extension how we live, it will all be in the name of 'protection'. I have come to hate this word as it can be used to inflict so much harm in our societies under the guise of doing good - no matter how bad it is for us. It makes me want to run, hard and fast!
Amat, you say: "If we do not have power and agency over our own bodies then we have nothing."
And for millions of people in Australia this has already happened... The state demanded that untold numbers of people have the jabs to maintain their livelihoods - No Jab, No Job.
And at the height of the madness people were prevented from participating in ordinary civil society if they refused the jabs - stopped from travelling, enjoying hospitality and entertainment, playing and watching live sport, cultural pursuits - No Jab, No Life. People were punished for not complying with the state-dictated medical interventions. Then all sorts of other groups got on the bandwagon demanding that others have the injections, e.g. sports clubs such as golf clubs forbade people, including children, from entering the premises if they weren't jabbed.
It really struck me when I wrote the article, including these sentences: "It is unbloodybelievable what happened in Australia. By imposing vaccination mandates, the state demanded ownership of the bodies of millions of people, personal autonomy and bodily integrity was trashed for millions of people cornered by mandates. Scott Morrison, the Premiers and Chief Ministers in National Cabinet, the Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly, the AHPPC, and the practitioners who collaborated in this crime destroyed voluntary informed consent in Australia."
Still takes my breath away what happened in this country...we can't undo what has happened. There must be accountability.
There has to be accountability for the damage inflicted on people who were punished if they refused a substance being put into their bodies. The dreadful concepts for the 'greater good' and ' no one is safe until we are all safe' fills me with dread as it removes our choice and gives permission to inflict any damage on the individual that is deemed necessary by government and public health. You are one of the few people who have fought against this tyranny from the beginning, thank you, even in the UK I have heard and taken notice of your voice.
Thanks Amat.
Yes, it's absolutely dire what has occurred - the state has stolen personal autonomy and bodily integrity. But it's been doing it for years with children's vaccination, where children have no say on what is being injected into them when they are babies, and even now in the womb! Sure, lots of people support children's vaccination...but lots of people have no idea how many vaccines and revaccinations are being foisted upon children now, they are being exploited big time. This is coming to a head with Covid and flu jabs, where it's openly admitted children are being jabbed with these products to purportedly protect the elderly - how unethical is this!
Elizabeth--excellent article. You have some good people in your comment section. If any of your articles made national wide spread exposure, it wouldn't be so bleak about the vast majority waking up. People wouldn't be so reluctant to talk and start having "the conversation."
Thanks Michael.
We just have to keep working on starting 'the conversation' the court of public opinion.
When you say "millions"; I gather you're referring just to Australia? Because this was globally executed so that *billions* were coerced via workplace mandates, travel restrictions, family-dividing guilt-inducements, etc etc.
Yes, Joanie, when I specifically mentioned the mandates, I was referring to Australia, because I suspect Australia is one of the most jabbed countries in the world under shocking!
But of course this is applicable all around the world, the world's population was subject to coercion with these jabs. As I say in my post: "No-one has given VALID VOLUNTARY INFORMED CONSENT to these medical interventions." I mean no-one in the world, because no-one was properly informed. Voluntary informed consent was trashed...the medical 'profession' did this. If they had refused to collaborate it wouldn't have happened. But they just went along and 'followed orders'...
I know. It's a complete and utter travesty of justice, human rights, and medical ethics.
Canada was every bit as bad as Australia... maybe minus a few public beatings!
Joanie...Canada!!! Justin Trudeau!!! The parliament penetrated by the World Economic Forum...
Same thing in Australia, WEF people in the parliament.
You could not make this up...
Sure wish it was just that (make-believe)! I think that about 80% of Canadians detest our Crime Minister to the point of wanting to spit nails upon seeing his face and hearing his voice.
Chrystia Freeland on the World Economic Forum's Board of Trustees... Along with Larry Fink of BlackRock etc...
Mind-blowing what the WEF has been getting away with for years...colonising 'our governments' without our consent.
"We penetrate zee cabinets..."
Oh, yes. We're well aware of both of their involvement with WEF.
So Allison Pearson has finally woken up, although the Torygraph for which she writes was just as culpable as all the others in pushing the toxic 'vaccines'. She herself blocked me on Twitter a couple of years ago for stating that forcing someone to take one of these toxic products is a violation of bodily sovereignty.
Warwick, the UK Telegraph receives funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, think about how this might have compromised reporting over the years…
Global Health and Development Public Awareness and Analysis
Date: March 2022. Committed amount: $2,434,447. Duration 36 months
Date: November 2017. Committed amount: $3,446,801. Duration 51 months
She's just another compromised 'journalist'. At least others who were in her position have got out of The Combine and gone independent.
Who is your favourite independent journalist?
Happened here in US, state by state. 30,000 workers left the work force in NYS alone. I left my 30 year practice to avoid the vax, hoping the mandates wouldn’t last that long. Not happening. It’s too ingrained in the administrative layer that THEY were the moral/ right ones , and they won’t let it go, as the system slowly crumbles about them.
Gosh Randall, so sorry what has happened to you re the mandates - and you say they are still in place?
No, they’ve been declared illegal from the start by NYS Supreme Court , confirmed in Sept this year, but there’s been no movement to acknowledge mistakes and rehire people who were unjustly pressured to leave. Until there is a signal from the governor, I think the administrative layer of businesses are hesitant. Probably also fear of legal issues that are percolating everywhere. The decision ordered the rehiring of New York City workers( teachers/firemen,police) and giving them back pay. Nothing in the news about if this is happening.
Remember the the Chairman of the British Psychology Society (or similar) wrote an open letter to Sunak saying not a single jab was given with Informed Consent, because of the lies and fearporn. It was in the Daily Sceptic
Thanks very much for the tip Marie, found it:
State Covid Propaganda Destroyed Public's Ability to Consent to Vaccines – Chairman of UK Council for Psychotherapy – The Daily Sceptic
I knew this was an operation well before Day One of "15 days to flatten the curve." After the snot pouch "mandates" came out courtesy of the morons in corner offices across the U.S., I knew then with complete certainty that next up was mandated needles -- and I knew I would simply refuse to cooperate. I never followed a single "guideline" or wore a snot pouch even once. What an outrage!!!
So. I did the only thing I could. I left my job and my career. I held a senior leadership position, leading a team that engaged with job candidates. I knew that while I might get my religious exemption, I simply refused to lead those on my team to tell candidates that as a condition of employment, they would have to undergo a medical intervention with an experimental concoction never before used in humans lacking any long-term safety data with complete 𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒎𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 for the manufacturers and "vaccinators." How disgusting. How outrageous -- and I refused to be a party to it.
All this because? Respiratory infection (which, of course, is just the cover story for which the whole world, practically, fell).
It's shocking SheThinksLiberty.
What a sacrifice you've had to make.
How do we bring the perpetrators to account...
You mention exemptions. But there should never have been exemptions...because people are supposed to be giving voluntary informed consent to this medical intervention, or refusing it if they so choose.
How can people have an exemption to NOT have a medical intervention?
See my email on this to the Australian Health Minister, Mark Butler. I'm pursuing this issue...
'Exemptions’ for Covid-19 vaccinations directly contradicts voluntary informed
I agree completely, Elizabeth, and understand your point. This should not even enter into the "equation" at all.
It is an outrage that people would have to resort to a recognized employment and civil right in the U.S. -- religious accommodation -- to avoid undergoing a medical intervention! That the right to forego any medical intervention for any reason is not recognized everywhere is an outrage
Also, I stand corrected -- and I should know better: The correct term 𝑖𝑠 "accommodation," 𝒏𝒐𝒕 "exemption." Companies, institutions 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 religious expression; they do not 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒕 it. Accommodation is a given unless the company -- the company -- can prove an undue hardship in doing so. And what would that hardship be, exactly, when working from home and/or mask wearing "worked?"
I will read your email...This is a description of what happened and what I did in the face of this outrage:
Elizabeth, the claimed Covid19 bioweapon originated from the US department of Defence as a countermeasure to the WHO declared "global pandemic" and issued under an (EUA) Emergency use Authorisation. The big pharma brand names were just for medico credibility while they acted merely as subcontractors to DoD, to prepare the countermeasure formulations. Sasha Latypova and Kathrine Watts, developed this chronology of history. Within US law, The DoD EUA countermeasure do not require the consent of the bioweapon recipient . Does the Australian EUA legislation for pandemics differ from the US EUA legislation. given the lock step nature of the past 4 years I would be surprised.
John, “The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) to issue a PREP Act declaration. The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct)…”
What constitutes willful misconduct?
Consider for example a practitioner administering a Covid-19 injection - is it willful misconduct if the practitioner injects a person who has not given voluntary informed consent for the intervention?
This can occur in the case of an individual who has been mandated to have the vaccination to maintain their livelihood. If an individual presents before a practitioner under a vaccination mandate, i.e. under duress, shouldn’t the practitioner refuse to inject them if they are not voluntarily wanting the injection?
Isn’t it willful misconduct if a practitioner injects someone they know is under duress to submit to the vaccination, someone who has not given voluntary informed consent?
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act:
John, what's the evidence there's low adverse events with flu shots?
We really don't know what is going on with flu shots being pressed every year, and now children are in the frame to have flu vaccination, against a disease which is of little or no risk to them. What are the long-term consequences of this potentially life-long intervention? We have no idea.
And keep in mind it's been admitted that children have been set up to have flu and Covid vaccination to purportedly protect the elderly! This is unethical! See my BMJ rapid response published in August 2020: Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly?
There must be an investigation into the entire lucrative 'womb to tomb' vaccination schedule, which is steeped in conflicts of interest.
Check this out:
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