It really is a pandemic money making industry and has nothing to do with science. No one is monitoring the effects longterm of any vaccine, they just churn them out and the poor gullible masses believe these charlatans when they say that it is the only thing that will save them. Babies are presented by their mothers to be injected almost to an inch of their life and all the charlatans have to do is call the injection a vaccine and they will get away with almost anything. Until the people demand proper research and control of this industry then the charlatans will continue on their mission to inject every living thing on this planet and unknown lives will continue to suffer with the damage or if they are unlucky die from the damage, it all goes on unseen and unheard. This is not science.

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Elizabeth. I am vaccine injured from the one and only pfizer shot. My life has been ruined. The anxiety has been just awful. Why would Reagan in 1986 exempt vaccine manufactures from lawsuits for childhood vaccines? What kind of corrupt mind would do such a thing? This is psychopathic behaviour. And you’re right it all goes unseen and unheard. I’m sure people think you’re from the lunatic fringe. Pharma to me is like an invasive species and they infiltrate our overseeing health agencies and our governments allow it. It’s all about profits over peoples lives, especially children.

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It’s not the ‘lunatic fringe’ any more Vivien…

I’ve been investigating vaccination for the past 16 years, and it has been a very hard road to hoe, but the Covid debacle is awakening many more people.

I’m very sorry to hear you’ve been adversely affected after the Pfizer shot - have you made an adverse event report?

As for Reagan and 1986, that certainly set us on a disastrous course…

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When I say the lunatic fringe, I’m referring to the looks I get or the rolling of eyes when trying to discuss my awareness about what’s going on. I wrote a letter to the editor in 2014 about big pharma control. This adds to my frustration over my stupidity at believing our government and got the shot. I try and have this discussion with my son and daughter-in-law about their young children and vaccines. I might as well be talking to the wall. My daughter-in-laws mother, my friends just think I need to get a life, a different life.

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Ha ha, tell me about it Vivien…

Suggest you need to pick your battles…

I concentrate on taking it to those who are accountable.

Have a close read of my recent detailed article: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

This is from an Australian perspective, but also relevant to consider in other countries which imposed coercive vaccination and mandates.

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Bingo!! It’s always been about following the money. But the bigger picture is control, all these elites are working hand in hand to further their own interests.

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I gather it goes without saying, that Geert never replied to Emma's response?

How effectively is she able to contact him; could she re-send it now, a year and a half later?

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There was some further discussion at the time.

But I particularly wanted to share that thoughtful summary put together by Emma, it's very useful historical information for critical thinking people to consider.

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Yes, for sure. But still I think she should get in in front of him again, somehow, if possible.

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We moved on from GVB a while ago...

My main focus now is voluntary informed consent...more particularly the lack thereof...in the entire world.

In my opinion no-one gave authentic voluntary informed consent, because no-one was properly informed about the disease or the vaccine products, and the people who inserted the needles and contents weren't qualified to do so. And if they knowingly injected someone who was under coercion...they shouldn't have...because that's not voluntary informed consent.

Still not a lot of people get the implications.

I've made complaints which I'm still pursuing.

See for example:

- Re: Are health practitioners in effect being conscripted to participate in the Australian government's Covid-19 vaccination rollout, in contravention of the Australian Constitution? 15 August 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/re_-are-health-practitioners-in-effect-being-conscripted-1.pdf

- Notification to AHPRA re medical practitioner Paul Kelly, Chief Medical Officer of Australia and Chair of the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), 16 June 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/notification-to-ahpra-re-medical-practitioner-paul-kelly.pdf

- Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021, 31 July 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary-informed-consent-the-ahpra-position-statement-9-march-2021.pdf

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Yes, I get it. It's staggering that billions just bared their arms without question, while doctors and nurses who should have known better, did nothing to stop the horror.

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Yes...it is indeed staggering...

But I'm laying the blame at the feet of the medical profession...they shouldn't have collaborated with mandated medical interventions. It they had done their legal and ethical duty, we wouldn't be in this mess.

I pleaded with them to uphold voluntary informed consent...but they just ignored me.

You can see links to lots of my correspondence here: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/vax-australia/

However, I do have two important pieces of correspondence which confirm practitioners' obligation to obtain informed consent:

- From AHPRA, the regulator of the practitioners, in September 2021: "Practitioners have an obligation to obtain informed consent for treatment, including vaccination. Informed consent is a person’s voluntary decision about health care that is made with knowledge and understanding of the benefits and risks involved." https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/response-from-ahpra-re-informed-consent.pdf

- But in March 2021 AHPRA published the Position Statement that demanded practitioners support the rollout...now superseded...

- In November 2022, I received a letter from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care which states: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations." https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/mc22-018819-signed-highlighted-1.pdf

But the Australian Government and AHPRA know very well that practitioners vaccinated people under coercion/mandates... So now what?

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As to your first statement; of course. I had a very heated argument on the phone with the person who was "my doctor" at the time. She was tone deaf to everything I tried to tell her.

It's all just arrogance and disdain on the part of our governments and their bureaucratic "health authorities" ; they've know now that they can get away with murder.

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The censorship, and the smearing of doctor’s reputations who had the balls and ovaries to speak up got crucified with MSM help. This all was a concerted effort to shut done those who went against the narrative. Some doctors lost their licenses. The absolute crushing of alternative voices was a well organized propaganda machine. Hell, even two family court judges here in Ontario who ruled against parents who wanted their kids vaccinated were dragged through the mud in the Toronto Star and the appeals court reamed them a new asshole. Their sin? In their words “there wasn’t enough evidence before them to rule these shots as safe.” It’s abundantly clear there’s big, big money behind all of this.

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“Why, when it was known from the beginning that this disease was not a risk to most people, were people locked up in their homes and subjected to medical tyranny?” QA To flex political muscle and serve conflicts of interest as outlined here: https://avn.org.au/2019/05/challenging-conflicts-of-interest-in-coercive-vaccination-policy/

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Ha ha, good letter... 😉

I didn't receive a response from Scott Morrison...

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Thank you for sharing so thankful that there are so many knowledgeable people pushing back and asking the right questions ( even if they don’t get any answers -yet )

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I can't read that article as it's behind the paywall.

There's reference to the Grattan Institute...

You might be interested to read my email to Edgar Basto of BHP, which includes reference to conflicts of interest and the Grattan Institute: BHP - 'Informed consent', conflicts of interest and mandated COVID-19 injections, 11 October 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/bhp-informed-consent-conflicts-of-interest-and-mandated-covid-19-injections.pdf

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There is no evidence that society has ever vaccinated its way out of a pandemic like Covid-19 or influenzaIt. There were doctors explaining before the covid rollout that once a virus was in the community, injections would not work. The predominant virus was propaganda. There are always some kinds of physical viruses in the community. The threat of such viruses is determined by the death rate. The causes of infections and death can only be determined by diagnostics proven to be accurate. The growth of the pandemic industry has to stop. Look at this presentation of facts: The Full Recording of the Briefing with Massachusetts Legislators and Expert Panel, January 22, 2024 https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/full-recording-of-the-briefing-with

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Remember when we were told that the vaccine mandates were not compulsory - But if we didn'take the jab we couldn't take our child to soccer, keep our job or get a haircut? Senator Roberts explains why the government suggesting a digital ID or biometric data check will be voluntary is a complete lie https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/a-triad-of-tyranny/

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Never Forget the bs health info on the psyop idiot box re: you can go to the pub but you must sit down to drink, you are not allowed to drink standing up. Or how the flu that took so many lives in 2017/2018 just suddenly disappeared during the bogus bug plague period. When will the Aussies wake up.

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Get the John Beaudoin’s book http://“Therealcdc.com” John was on the Freeman Report 25.1.24 on tntradio

Doctors used to be good at looking at the patient. john talked to CEOs of companies, looked at behaviours and has uncovered over a million death certificates, and constructed a valid data set – transactandactme converting health and insurance codes. Concluding frauds of omission and commission, accidental deaths being put down as covid deaths from testing a dead body, listing 100 causes of death in his analysis; 2020 highlighted respiratory, 2021 for strokes, clots and circulatory, Younger people dieing. Jan 16 2021 – turned off codes for vax injuries.

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Agreed. Child goes to hospital with broken arm, staff write the child up as being a covid victim . . The list goes on.

This whole farce of the "cough" was to see how nations would respond to a Taverstock type Program. Unfortunately, Aussies passed with flying colours. Are people stupid enough to particapte in the next guinea pig program/project when Lock Downs be deemed as martial law?

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The radical leftist globalists controlling the UN’s World Health Organization are plotting a so-called 'marathon' - a two-week stretch in Geneva set for this February 19th. sign and share the petition at citizen-go It is about continuing to create lucrative pandemics: https://doortofreedom.org/2023/09/03/the-whos-proposed-treaty-will-increase-man-made-pandemics/

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Really good questions from Emma, & good use of historical context.

“Where do the roots of this ‘pandemic influenza vaccine industry’ lie? When did society start to view disease as an enemy that must be defeated – at any cost?”

The simple short answer to this is germ theory & the gradual acceptance of virology as a legitimate science.

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Dr Meryl Nass explains what it is about and what has happened over the last 99 years; a truly exceptional work from a WONDERFUL DOCTOR


It is so significant in that international treaties were created to try to prevent the development and use of Chemical, Biological, Radiologic, and Nuclear (CBRN) Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in accord with the https://disarmament.unoda.org/wmd/bio/1925-geneva-protocol/

yet it took 50 years for the US to ratify it!!! During those 50 years Meryl Nass uncovers what went on in violation of the 2025 treaty and how we ended up where we are today. Listen to her interview here https://brucedetorres.substack.com/p/playbacks-are-posted-dr-meryl-nass

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From ernest-chorabik

part of "their" "Code" is to let us know 1st what they are about to do... IF... we don't notice... then it means we gave "them" a tacit approval... however, IF... we notice... then we can can called: conspircary theorists.. as that is either a coincidence... or it doesn't apply any more... Examples: re-watch the Opening Ceremonies o fthe London Olympics, and ask yourself, what do loads of beds with sick children wheeledin by nurses have to do with sports?.. or the big monster with a syringe above them?... How about: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1232869/?... not being good for Sars-Cov2? there are so many more... but... first of all:

Lest we Forget... ALL of this began as a result of:

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/714993519153177 - the number of dead from/with Covid: 587, ALL (!!!)... but 2, were residents in Long Term Care Homes across BC,

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/811405466379620 - CTV News, Break down: 10,947 Covid deaths, with 910,781 (OVER 98%!) of those in Long Term Care Facilities in Quebec & Ontario,

https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreLockdowns.org/videos/1311064639252326 - Ontario “Public” health official live micophone recording,

https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=880351869428769 -

ALSO buy the John Beaudon book "therealcdc.com" He was on the freeman report 25.1.24 on tntradio.live

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I didn’t know you have a substack.

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When Each One Dies

So Too Does A Piece Of The Bullshit

They All Believed.


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8 billion divided by 280 million, they wouldn't do it for that price, way too cheap.

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